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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (December 20th 2019)


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  • 1 month later...
8 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Was it really two months before for TFA and TLJ?

Yep. The final trailer dropping as part of Monday Night Football around the middle part of October coupled with tickets dropping the following day is how it's been handled for the sequel trilogy. Odeon and a few other chains have also sent out emails about tickets dropping Tuesday, and I've also seen some Triple Billings of the sequel trilogy going around too. 

My excitement is definitely starting to pick up. Really hope they knock it out of the park with this final trailer before I go dark - and it'll be much easier with Fallen Order and The Mandalorian to look forward to next month!  

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15 hours ago, Julius said:

Yep. The final trailer dropping as part of Monday Night Football around the middle part of October coupled with tickets dropping the following day is how it's been handled for the sequel trilogy. Odeon and a few other chains have also sent out emails about tickets dropping Tuesday, and I've also seen some Triple Billings of the sequel trilogy going around too. 

My excitement is definitely starting to pick up. Really hope they knock it out of the park with this final trailer before I go dark - and it'll be much easier with Fallen Order and The Mandalorian to look forward to next month!  

Thanks, I guess I'll be booking tickets Tuesday morning then!

I'm not going to watch the trailer, the teaser was enough for me. Want to go in as oblivious as possible so to anyone who watches it please spoiler tag anything major it reveals :)

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27 minutes ago, killthenet said:

What is the consensus on the trailer? I'm not going to watch it but I'm just interested to hear how it's been received.

It's a solid trailer, made much, much better by an excellent rendition of the main theme, which kicks in about halfway through. Has one or two gorgeously composed shots which I want to hang on my wall, too. 

It doesn't have anything on the final trailers for TFA or TLJ, though, in my opinion: not too much new to get excited about, if I'm being honest, and it's still virtually nonexistent on the story front. 

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I wasn't as keen on TFA final trailer, but TLJ's was excellent.

29 minutes ago, Julius said:

and it's still virtually nonexistent on the story front. 

A very good thing imo, and standard stuff for how JJ Abrams operates. I much prefer than so many trailers for other films literally telling you the chronological sequence of events in a film. Do you get the impression they're holding stuff back or the film itself doesn't look that good?

29 minutes ago, Julius said:

Has one or two gorgeously composed shots which I want to hang on my wall, too. 

The sequel trilogy has tons of those I'd say, visually, they're beautiful films.

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2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

A very good thing imo, and standard stuff for how JJ Abrams operates. I much prefer than so many trailers for other films literally telling you the chronological sequence of events in a film. Do you get the impression they're holding stuff back or the film itself doesn't look that good?

Oh, for sure. For most films, I like going in having little idea as to what I'm in for, but that's a little different with Star Wars.

For TFA, I understand being vague (even though imo the trailers spelled out the general plot), and I understand it effectively being the case that the advertising campaign for that film was just "This is Star Wars, so obviously you're in."

For TLJ, it certainly needed a bit of a heavier focus on story, and we got that: Luke calling for the end of the Jedi, Ben extending his hand out to Rey, etc. It was vague, sure, but the core story beats (and therefore the biggest draw) of that film were very effectively spelled out in its trailers. 

For TROS, I genuinely have no idea as to what's going on - and unfortunately not in a good way. There's no sense of resolution, in my opinion, to any of the advertising in the way that there was to ROTS, and while of course I'm not asking them to spell it out for me (I hate when films do that), it feels like they're hiding a bit too much away, which is making me nervous more than it is excited. 

Quick aside, my only real issue with JJ's involvement is that, as Bad Robot help with production, a lot of leaks get out. TFA had a fairly predictable plot in all honesty, but I like revisiting leaks after a film's release to see what had been going on, and practically the entire script - in fact, multiple versions, including several scenes removed from the film and scenes we still haven't seen come to pass - had been leaked over half a year before the film's release. I've been staying away from the leaks for TROS, but I look forward to revisiting them after it's release, because apparently not only have key plot points been doing the rounds, but footage from the film's final act has started doing the rounds. Their security is very poor, clearly.

TLJ leaked like three days before release, for reference, and many leakers deemed trustworthy were well off with the majority of the film until then.


The sequel trilogy has tons of those I'd say, visually, they're beautiful films.

100%. But a couple of the shots in this trailer are shots I wouldn't expect from JJ, and would expect from more of an auteur - no disrespect to JJ, but that's just how beautiful these shots are.

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Interesting, thanks. JJ's talked about resolution a ton, not just of the film or of this trilogy, but of the saga itself, I'm confident he's prioritised story-telling. Having not seen the trailer, I suspect Lucasfilm might just be talking up the pomp and circumstance and epic-ness, knowing that'll be enough to entice people, without needing to give them hints at the storyline. But like you say, maybe a couple of hints like what they did with TLJ would be nice. Tbh, I'm just looking forward to seeing the three main characters go out on an adventure together.

One of my favourite cinema moments in The Force Awakens, was going in pretty spoiler free and being really surprised by the first line of the crawl "Luke Skywalker has vanished.". They kept that so close to the chest, it was a great opener.

49 minutes ago, Julius said:

Quick aside, my only real issue with JJ's involvement is that, as Bad Robot help with production

Leaks I stay well clear of so I couldn't say about that. Personally I have two issues with JJ's involvement, the second only just cropped up a couple of days ago.

1. A relatively small point, I don't think he does space battles particularly well, certainly not Star Wars space battles (at least standard-setters like ROTJ/Rogue One). The attack on Starkiller Base in TFA sort of drove that point home, though to be fair the X-Wings saving the day on Takodana was great. Ditto Falcon v Ties on Jakku, that was cool. I just have this horrible feeling he's going to go the Star Trek Discovery route and flood the screen with millions of ships and just call it a day with fast cuts and lots of pew pew. The shot I managed to spot of the Resistance fleet made me cringe, hopefully that works in the final film.

2. I'm wondering how much Bad Robot were involved in terms of marketing and promotion. I genuinely thought the poster for the Last Jedi was a work of art (at least until they redesigned it with Rey at the top). The poster for TROS is, frankly, shit. Generic and weak. And now you're saying the trailer wasn't up to much. I'm guessing, but as Bad Robot weren't in charge for TLJ, it makes me wonder if they're behind these two bits of underwhelming marketing. 





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  • 3 weeks later...

Lots of impressions on Twitter coming through at the moment. Some saying it’s a triumph, others saying that it brushes aside a lot of TLJ and feels convoluted as a result. 

Booked my tickets to go on Thursday morning, I’ll be just coming off a night shift but I really don’t care :D 

So excited!

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1 hour ago, Dog-amoto said:

Lots of impressions on Twitter coming through at the moment. Some saying it’s a triumph, others saying that it brushes aside a lot of TLJ and feels convoluted as a result. 

Booked my tickets to go on Thursday morning, I’ll be just coming off a night shift but I really don’t care :D 

So excited!

Yep, seems like a real mixed bag coming out of the premiere. Not that they ever seem to be a great indicator of how the film will be received by fans ::shrug: I've got to admit, I'm very nervous about how this is going to turn out. I think the return of The Emperor is what has me nervous most of all – if we don't get an explanation, it's going to feel very phoned in. Also, if Ben/Kylo - aka one of the most complex Star Wars characters and best acting performances in these films to date - gets killed, I'm going to have some serious problems with this trilogy as a whole. Also, Anakin better turn up in some form...

Watching TFA and TLJ tomorrow, haven't watched any of the other films because I'm interested in treating the sequel trilogy as its own entity the first time round. Got tickets to midnight release, seeing it Thursday evening with some guys from work, and then got a family booking for my birthday next Tuesday :peace: not long to go now, just need to avoid spoilers for just under the next 26 hours! 

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I watched The Last Jedi again yesterday, it's such a good film. I really don't understand the hate, it's bizarre. I'll be disappointed if IX undoes things from it.

I've mostly read very positive impressions, but it sounds like it's very very busy and action packed, with tons going on. Having just watched the more laid back, simpler story-telling of the original trilogy, I'm not sure how I feel about this. It feels a bit like Abrams' Star Trek Into Darkness where it was just setpiece after setpiece by the end.

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