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8 hours ago, Ronnie said:


Interesting how they don't call it season 2, maybe I'm reading too much into it. 

Nice new logo, looks like they're doing the sequel trilogy colour coding

Yeah, I'm a big fan of the blue! 

What's curious to me is that they've announced the release date ahead of the trailer, very surprised that they didn't want to attach that to the end of a trailer, seeing as we're bound to get one any day now? Just weird to me they wouldn't just wait a little longer. 

The (rarely) pessimistic side of me wonders if they're trying to deflect from John Boyega's interview with GQ released earlier today, which has split opinion and garnered a lot of outrage...because of course it has. It's a great interview and well worth a read, but to me it just seems to be the case of people once again making a big fuss out of a little nothing all over again. 

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53 minutes ago, Julius said:

Yeah, I'm a big fan of the blue! 

What's curious to me is that they've announced the release date ahead of the trailer, very surprised that they didn't want to attach that to the end of a trailer, seeing as we're bound to get one any day now? Just weird to me they wouldn't just wait a little longer. 

The (rarely) pessimistic side of me wonders if they're trying to deflect from John Boyega's interview with GQ released earlier today, which has split opinion and garnered a lot of outrage...because of course it has. It's a great interview and well worth a read, but to me it just seems to be the case of people once again making a big fuss out of a little nothing all over again. 

Wonder if the title card will be blue in the episodes too. And if the first ep of season 2 will be "Chapter 9..."? Sorry I get really geeky over little things like that :blush:

Skim-read that article earlier, saw nothing outrageous, but when has that ever stopped people. Will have a proper read now.

I feel like Ridley, Isaac and Boyega seemed to 50% love their time on Star Wars, but at the same time found the "fan" toxicity (be it racial in Boyega or Kelly Marie-Tran's case, or in terms of people not being happy with the way the story went, I think Daisy was particular annoyed at the OTT outrage after TLJ) to basically have put them off the franchise for life. It's really sad, one of the many downsides of social media.

As for Mando, I'm sure a trailer will be around any day now, I guess this way they get two big PR beats. I'll either skip it or just skim it briefly. A part of me kind of wishes they just don't release one and everyone goes in blind when it releases. It'll never happen of course, but would be a pretty interesting way of going about it. 

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19 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Will have a read later, loving the photos though, even if they give absolutely NOTHING away :laughing:

Then again, I wasn't sure if Greef and Cara would still be "main characters" in season 2, guess this shows they are (or, they're in like 1 episode lol)

They confirm that the mandalorian is Paris Hilton.

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5 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

I’m just waiting to find out what happened with Ming-Na Wen’s character.

I mean, they're setting a lot of fans up for disappointment I feel if the person who found her is not...



Same radar sound. Same boot sound. Very similar outfit from the little we can see. It's on Tatooine. And they didn't want to show anything from the hips on up. 

If not Boba then I guess probably Cobb Vanth from the Aftermath trilogy of books (heavily hinted that he's making use of Boba's armour), or maybe they want to bring Jodo Kast back from the comics. But it's probably Boba, I don't see Jon toying with us. I hope. 

Now, what exactly that character would set out to do with Fennec, I'm not too sure. But something interesting, I'd hope (and please nothing like the old EU). 

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Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, Ewan McGregor has said that Kenobi - as far as he's aware - will only be a standalone season, with shooting starting in Spring next year.


"Spring next year we start," he revealed of production plans. "I'm really excited about it. It's gonna be great, I think."

And while fans are eagerly awaiting the return of another Star Wars series, The Mandalorian, McGregor noted there aren't any plans, yet, for a second season of Obi-Wan.

"As I understand, it's a standalone season," he said. "We'll see. Who knows?" 

I really hope that's the case. A focused, standalone season, with a set story to tell about Obi-Wan at this point. That's what I've been hoping for since it was announced, so fingers crossed! 

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I’m ignoring the trailer because I’d rather go in having seen nothing. I’m super excited for this though, cannot wait to see the next part of this story. It’s pretty much the only thing I find worth activating the Disney+ subscription for.

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Solid trailer.

Great track (can't wait to hear Görannson let loose again this season), clear throughline from the first season, and some beautiful locales. 

That being said, it's a trailer which doesn't really offer much of anything new to latch onto. It goes exactly where you expect it to. We're that close now I feel like they could've just gone without a trailer; I mean, it's not like this show needs a trailer - word of mouth/social media is more than strong enough to carry it.

Then again, I actually think it's a good sign that this trailer didn't blow me away, or offer us much in the way of new stuff to latch onto. We're already in, so there's no need to throw all their cards out from their sleeves here like so many other shows and films do. I look back at the trailers for a lot of the other Star Wars projects to release under Disney and they end up showing/sharing/implying so much that they really don't need to. 

It's Star Wars. Good Star Wars at that. We're in. 

Can't wait, only ... *checks calendar*  ... SIX AND A HALF WEEKS?! ... to go.

Thought the first season was a solid introduction to Favreau and Filoni's vision for the show, but my expectations are greater going into this second season. Will be good to get some more depth to these characters, and a better understanding of this GFFA. 

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Ok screw it, enough people said it barely shows anything and they were right, just watched it.

Loved how little it showed, that's how trailers should be imo. There's pretty much nothing to latch onto like you say @Julius

Loved the opening shot and (of course) the X-Wings.

As for the mystery woman...


She doesn't look much like Sabine, if rumours are to be believed. I'm on the fence whether I want to see any Rebels characters in live action, they have to NAIL the casting if they do it.

Maybe people heard about the casting, saw the purple hair and assumed that's who she was playing. The narrative of the trailer suggests a Jedi/force user of some kind though.


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Just now, Ronnie said:

Get up you lazy...!

Couple more...

It won 5 out of 10 on the first night (3 of those nominations were in the same category)

Working atm :p

But yeah, that's a solid return for them! :D between S2 of Mando and Squadrons, October has shaped up to be a really nice month for Star Wars fans. Can't wait! 

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