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Started The Clone Wars today, but only as far as the first two episodes in chronological order + the first 20 mins of the film. Really wasn't feeling it at all and was about to give up when my nephew called and guilt tripped me, so I'll push on and try and watch the rest of the show :laughing:

I was wondering if there are any less important arcs that I can skip? At least for now, cause I've obv left it quite late to catch up before Bad Batch starts, oops.

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33 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Started The Clone Wars today, but only as far as the first two episodes in chronological order + the first 20 mins of the film. Really wasn't feeling it at all and was about to give up when my nephew called and guilt tripped me, so I'll push on and try and watch the rest of the show :laughing:

Yep, really looking forward to it! 

And finally! Yeah, the movie and some parts of the first few seasons can definitely be rough, that's for sure. I've seen the whole show through a few times now, so when I return to it in comfortable just sticking to the essential arcs. 


I was wondering if there are any less important arcs that I can skip? At least for now, cause I've obv left it quite late to catch up before Bad Batch starts, oops.

I've had a quick flick through and if you are going to do any skipping of episodes mainly to get to The Bad Batch, I'd go with Gizmodo's essential arcs.

It was put out before the seventh season was released last year, so I'd watch that based on the chronological order, then also add the first four episodes of season 7 (the introduction of the Bad Batch) as well as the last four episodes of season 7, which is the climactic finale to the show, to the end. At a rough count that's probably still some 70+ episodes, so a bit over half of the series, and I've already noticed one or two episodes missing which I'd probably stick in myself as personal picks, but aren't really all that essential

All of this being said, once you've seen 70+ episodes of the show considered essential, I personally think it might be difficult to do a more complete rewatch of the show later on, knowing that what you left out is likely weaker/not wholly necessary to the plot. Personally I think it highlights how great a job Lucas, Filoni, et al did in turning the ship around just considering how weak some parts of the earlier seasons (and the movie) were, you see the growth of the team and Filoni in particular has his identity as a director comes through more and more as the series goes on.

No greater case to make for this point than considering how many weren't Ahsoka fans in the earlier seasons and film, and I think you could be missing out a bit if you care about the development of the production/writing/etc. of the show in that sense; I think sticking to only the "essential" arcs could make it seem like Ahsoka was better written than many make out from the outset. 

But, I guess you could also just take my word for it! :p 

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13 hours ago, Julius said:

I've had a quick flick through and if you are going to do any skipping of episodes mainly to get to The Bad Batch, I'd go with Gizmodo's essential arcs.

Thanks very much, I'll probably stick to that. 

13 hours ago, Julius said:

All of this being said, once you've seen 70+ episodes of the show considered essential, I personally think it might be difficult to do a more complete rewatch of the show later on, knowing that what you left out is likely weaker/not wholly necessary to the plot. Personally I think it highlights how great a job Lucas, Filoni, et al did in turning the ship around just considering how weak some parts of the earlier seasons (and the movie) were, you see the growth of the team and Filoni in particular has his identity as a director comes through more and more as the series goes on.

If I get through the above list I'd be surprised if I'll be keen to go back and watch what I missed. I really have a hard time enjoying this era in SW, not to mention the characters. Even Mace Windu in animated form made me roll my eyes. Looking forward to the improved quality of later seasons though.

I'll take your word for it on Ahsoka! In twenty minutes of the film she showed more personality than all of her Rebels appearances so that's a positive!

An hour long conversation with my 11 year old nephew on the phone yesterday talking about that Disney Investor livestream and how excited he was for all the shows coming up. :peace: Especially Obi Wan. When things open up a bit more I might have to take him to Galaxy's Edge, what a hardship :bouncy:

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It's really strange how they can go from episodes containing things like multiple decapitations, torture and drugs to a tiny Slippy Toad having a jolly adventure with some droids or R2 and C-3PO going on Gulliver's Travels.

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It's funny how Anakin not being played by Hayden Christensen (with a terrible script to work with) makes Anakin more endearing. I'm liking him a lot, a dozen episodes in. Ahsoka's great too!

Obi-Wan meanwhile has lost all personality and seems to only be there to berate or roll his eyes again at Anakin's hotheadedness. Not a fan.

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In a crew interview with CNET, it has been revealed that The Bad Batch will be 16 episodes long. Recently it leaked that the first episode would effectively be a triple-hitter in its own right, coming in at some 70+ minutes, so if that's repeated for the finale, it's essentially a 20 episode show if compared to the runtime of previous Star Wars animated series, and that's without taking into account the lack of runtime constraints now that they're on Disney+ (typical episodes will likely be 25 - 30 minute long). 

Looking forward to it! 

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50 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Not seeing KOTOR or Rogue Squadron II on the list makes me sad. :( Shadows of the Empire has no business being in the top 10.

So let's see what we have here...

1. Cashing In - EA cashing in on the strength of the license with minimal effort. Remember the expansion pass? That was fun. 

2. Jedi Falling Upwards - Respawn trying to show EA that you can actually still make a decent game with the license. 

3. Cashing In II: The Reckoning - The Mouse Sees All - EA somehow almost losing the license and DICE cleaning their mess after having their reputation dragged through the mud. 

4. LEGO Star Wars the Ultimate - I can't believe they didn't try to port this to modern consoles. I'd pick it up for PS3 if not for the Skywalker Saga coming at...some point. 

5. Star Wars: Unhinged - played through this again last year and boy is it goofy fun, even if it has aged a little poorly. Some of those facial animations though...yikes. 

6. The Last Great Battlefront Game - I've put thousands of hours into this and that's probably an understatement, I know each and every map like the back of my hand, Kamino and Coruscant especially. And those space battles and flying to capital ships to destroy it from the inside!

I bought this when I was in Australia in 2007, still have that copy to this day, and played it up until I got a PS4 in 2015 for the new and improved Battlefront (I say, trying to smile through tears). So many great times with that game, I can't tell you how many times I completed the campaign or Galactic Conquest. Speaking of which, easily one of the best campaigns in a Star Wars game, even if it's pretty basic and objective driven when you break it down, getting to live in the armour of a 501st Legion trooper was something I wanted to do since I first saw Episode III. This will always be on my personal list of Top 10 video games. 

Also spawned what became my own personal Final Fantasy VII Remake having not really grown up on too many video games, Pandemic's Battlefront III:

Remember when you could climb into vehicles? It's a shame we can't do that on modern technology, right guys? Frostbite is totally incapable of this, right? Right?!

(Also ground-to-space battles is one of the most exciting things I've ever seen in a video game, even if it's just touched up visuals)

7. LEGO Star Wars: The Better Films - I remember reading about this six months, maybe a year, before release in a gaming magazine in a tiny corner shop next to my primary school. First time I ever memorised a video game's release date, man I loved that cantina and watching those cutscenes back. Remember when LEGO games didn't need to be voiced?

8. Star Wars BuT wItH bLoCkS - played this so much around friend's houses growing up, and even at my after school club. I had so much of this game memorised by the time I finally got my own hands on it, it spawned a series of LEGO games and I imagine still holds up to this day. 

9. Precursor to Greatness - okay but seriously, the game is probably seriously overlooked, and that's because they decided to release a sequel with so much more content, faster loading times (at least from my experience), etc., just a year later. Still, some seriously cool maps such as Rhen Var and Bespin (which had ground-to-air battles!), and I remember it having Republic Commando-styled orders too. Great game but completely overshadowed by its successor. 

10. Without a Shadow of a Doubt - the only game on this list I haven't played, and I'm pretty sure that's just because I wasn't around when it released :laughing:


H-o-T, I've actually never played KoToR, as it wasn't easily accessible (or at least, as far as I could tell as a young kid) and not available on platforms I owned (we had an old PC, and I didn't have an original Xbox), but I still know a surprising amount about the game from playthroughs I watched, scouring Wookieepedia for as much as I could get my hands on about the era, and all of the ToR stuff from the Galactic Timeline Records, which I've probably watched through tens of times:

I've got a PC more than capable of running it now, but I'm not particularly keen on playing games on it (weirdly, guess that's just what happens when my only real gaming experiences growing up were on dedicated consoles), so will await the eventual port to PlayStation/Switch (right..?) and remake. 

Also never played the Rogue Squadron games for similar reasons, unfortunately. Got to imagine the reason that these games didn't crack the top 10 is simply that they weren't available on PlayStation 2, otherwise I'm sure their numbers would have been bumped up enough to make the list. 

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The retractable lightsaber lives and it looks GLORIOUS

Also just finished the first episode of The Bad Batch. Holy smokes. 

Uh, yeah, the first episode is 70+ minutes long, and every single of them was great: the animation quality picks up exactly where the end of The Clone Wars Season 7 left off, which is to say it's great; the music has been excellent; they've done a great job of instantly selling me on these characters (much more so than in the adapted arc for Season 7 of The Clone Wars); and it hasn't spent any time sitting around wasting, it's just got on with it. Already so many familiar faces outside of the Bad Batch, too. Best premiere a Star Wars animated series has had by a looooooong shot. 

Guess I'll dive into a spoiler tag! 


- laughed so hard at the image of The Clone Wars logo burning away for the one from The Bad Batch to present itself. For all intents and purposes though, this is effectively Season 8 of The Clone Wars, and I love it (I mean, the plan always was to have the show have episodes running simultaneously through the course of the events of Revenge of the Sith and then showing the aftermath). 

- absolutely freaked out when they showed a couple of shots from Episode III recreated in animation! 

- watching Order 66 be executed will never get old, and that is a fact. 

- really surprised that they just threw out canon material regarding how exactly things went down between Caleb (Kanan) and the clones and retconned it, it's not the first time something like this has happened within canon so far (ahem, the Ahsoka novel), but it's definitely weird! As was hearing adult Kanan's voice applied to young Kanan :laughing:

- speaking of Caleb, that shot of him igniting his lightsaber and it lighting up the snow which was kicked up around him...hnnnnnnnnng. That's some great looking stuff! The wide shot of the waterfall and cliffs after he jumped were excellent too. 

- the "more machine now than man" nod gave me a good grin. 

- interested to see what they do with Omega as a character and what her arc will we be. 

- seeing Saw Gerrera is always interesting. 

- having the Bad Batch go through that training course to show just how good they are at what they do was a smart move, and that final shot from Crosshair to send that knife flying was awesome. 

- the standoff with Crosshair in the hangar was very Western-like and I loved it. 

- really excited to see where the show goes from here. The Kaminoans are helping the Bad Batch and obviously are still pushing for clone production to continue, despite the Empire wanting them to cease. Are we going to see something similar to what we saw in one of my favourite levels from the original Battlefront II's campaign, the clone rebellion on Kamino against the Empire, turn up here?! And is the person they're meeting up with Cut from The Clone Wars (the deserter), or is it Rex? I kind of hope it's the former. 

Great first episode, very much looking forward to Friday for the next one! 

Haven't really been any announcements today, which is a bit strange as I feel like we do normally get a few things on May 4th, but there's been a rumour going around today that Lucasfilm Animation is looking to start putting out films, which I am all for after how their longer form episodes and arcs from the end of The Clone Wars and the start of The Bad Batch have turned out. Fingers crossed this means we'll be seeing some of the abandoned arcs from The Clone Wars - such as Cad Bane vs Boba, Crystal Crisis, Dark Disciple, and Son of Dathomir - adapted for Disney+. 

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As was previously leaked, LEGO sets coming for The Bad Batch:

Shame about the shuttle, looks pretty rough (and is tiny). Echo's helmet looks great, weird decision to not give him the kama cloth though, and I really miss the old accessory holes the helmets used to have. At this point it's been a very long time since I've bought LEGO, and it would take something awesome to bring me back, but looks great all the same! 

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Watched the second episode of The Bad Batch, and think it was a very solid second episode, though it definitely hurts going back to a more typical episode length after a glorious 70+ minutes on Tuesday.

Whereas the first episode spent a lot of time setting the scene and the overarching narrative for the rest of the show, this episode did a very good job of making me care more about the cast, and added some valuable emotional depth to them. 


- Seeing Cut and his family for the first time in over a decade hit me like a ton of bricks. That first time I saw him, I was in my last year of primary school. Well, now I feel sick...but more seriously, really glad that nothing bad happened to him.  Considering The Clone Wars (like much of Star Wars) is aimed at children, I think it tells you something about the quality of the writing and severity of it's more mature moments that I was very nervous about Cut being stopped before getting on the transport at the end. 

- Wrecker using a Gonk Droid as a makeshift weight was absolutely hilarious. Didn't know I needed that in my life. Also, more Star Wars characters need to wear ponchos. Seriously. 

- This show is giving us some really interesting insight into just how raring to go Palpatine was when he became Emperor, immediately shifting towards chain codes and identifying everyone? Feel like it also makes much more sense now why Mando was expecting a chain code, but didn't get one, for Grogu in that first episode of The Mandalorian. 

- some seriously wonderful music in this episode. A little predictable at times, but it captured the childlike awe of Omega experiencing things for the first time splendidly; reminded me a lot of Rey in The Force Awakens, to be honest. Can you imagine growing up in a place where it's dark and raining all the time?!

Oh wait, most of us on here live in England, never mind :p

- excellent commentary on just how quickly the clones shifted after the end of the war. No customised paint jobs on their armour, all white and shiny, very little chatter, and very stormtrooper-like. Really appreciated Echo pointing out his disgust at the irony that clones were numbers who carved out their own identities and got names, but people are willing to give up their identities and names to become numbers under the Empire. 

- Echo getting excited about seeing Rex warmed my heart. Sucks that they missed him. Also surprised the Batch didn't talk to Cut about the inhibitor chips more seeing as he said he talked about it with Rex, because it might have helped them realise what was going on with Crosshair, but oh well, guess that'll be picked up elsewhere. 

Really solid episode, so glad The Clone Wars effectively gets to live on through this.

Roll on next Friday! :D

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Finished Episode 3 of The Bad Batch, and it was great once again. Still getting into the groove, but it looks like we're inching towards what I've mentioned wanting to see in my previous posts come to fruition.

Also, it had quite easily one of the darkest scenes in Star Wars. 


Good soldiers follow orders.


War crimes and not wasting time with idle chit chat, just shoots the guy between the eyes instead, which for a Star Wars animated series is rather refreshing. 

Omega seems to have something to do with the Kaminoans "superior clones" plan, which seemed pretty clear anyways (why else have a female clone?), but I am curious to see where they go with it. Musically it feels like they're hinting at her being Force sensitive (reminds me a bit of Rey's Theme and John Williams' work on Harry Potter), but I hope that's not the case and there's something else planned. Speaking of whom, they managed a great job in making Omega a skilled character who is also innocent - as a child should be - without it becoming grating (though that New Zealand accent certainly took some getting used to), so props to them for that. 

Elite conscripted troopers and their armour seems to be hinting at Death Trooper origins, which is pretty neat. 

Wrecker holding his head has me on edge, I remember Tup had similar issues in S6, and we all know how that turned out. Imagine that's why Tech was working so diligently on that scanner? 

Looking forward to next Friday, but this show has me adamant now more than ever before that Lucasfilm Animation (and Filoni) is the go-to when it comes to Star Wars storytelling. The show looks incredible, and I think it's a bit of a shame to a certain extent that their plans for the Rebels sequel seem to have been woven into the live action plans instead. 

On 10/05/2021 at 1:23 PM, Mandalore said:

Are any of the novels worth reading since Disney took over? I had read the majority of what used to be the 'main' series, which abruptly ended with a big cliff hanger in the last Fate of the Jedi book.

Been a while since I've read any of the canon stuff if I'm being honest, I was pretty much up-to-date at one point, but after I missed a few (and wanting to collect the hardcovers, but missing out on some) my interest kind of fizzed out. I might end up going back to track some down, but can't imagine it'll be easy! 

As for where to start, though, I think Claudia Gray's Lost Stars is the best jumping in point into the new canon novels. It reads more like a YA novel, and there is a romance at its core, but there's a lot of mature storytelling and character development going on. It takes you through from before A New Hope up to the end of the Battle of Jakku, showing you both sides of the rise and fall of the Empire, with some excellently worked moments where it ties into the films, which I won't say too much about, but this is a book where it feels like it adds more to those films rather than its own separate entity. So that would be my recommended place to start! 

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Watched (most of) the major arcs of The Clone Wars finally, though I'm only half way through the second arc of season 7. I enjoyed some episodes (the first Mandalore arc where they introduce Dutchess Satine, the one where Ahsoka got framed for the council bombing, and a few other random ones), and really, really didn't like others (the Nightsister ones I actively hated).

LOVE the narrator at the start of each one. I'd never seen or heard that was a thing before, very cool! Fits in perfectly with the three paragraph crawls for the saga films.

Season 7 is a big step up from what I've seen so far. I can't say I've fallen in love with the show as much as I hoped I would but maybe that comes from not watching it all properly. I do like Ahsoka a lot more at least. Anakin's good too, so much cooler than his prequel form. 

Conversely I can't stand Yoda in TCW. Dull, only there for exposition, no personality and they cranked his inverted sentences way of talking up to 500%, which really grates. The only characterisation of Yoda I've loved since the originals was in The Last Jedi. Perfect. 

I'll finish season 7 and probably leave it at that for TCW. I like the multi episode arc structure but at the same time, the time period just doesn't do it for me, but they HAVE legitimised the prequels a tad in my eyes, which is great.



Watched the first two episodes of The Bad Batch, will watch the third tonight. Absolutely loved the first one, so cinematic and well produced! It felt a bit like an animated film at times. I was worried the show would be lacking in personality, but thankfully there's a ton of that. Wrecker is great. Love his bromance with Tech. Hunter and Omega have a good thing going too. Hopefully the storyline will stand a bit apart from Mando as the show goes on.

Gotta say, don't know what Echo is doing there. Seems a blank slate compared to the others.

The second episode was a lot slower, I think I was pretty taken back by that, but still good. Only watched it once though so maybe I'll prefer it on second viewing.

Oh and the visuals, my god.


On 14/05/2021 at 5:32 PM, Julius said:

I think it's a bit of a shame to a certain extent that their plans for the Rebels sequel seem to have been woven into the live action plans instead. 

Yeah for sure but if they can do it justice in live action then fair enough. I'm sure Dave will tell a good story, especially as it feels like they have big plans for Thrawn. Kessel Run Transmissions who have a good track record casually put into conversation a month or two ago that there's going to be an Ezra Thrawn Disney+ show on the way. Can't remember if they stipulated live action or animated, but either way I'm in! I don't know how Dave and Jon are juggling all these series.

Disappointed no Twitter reveals on May the 4th but I figured they might happen with a new show launching that same day. They don't want to take attention away from it, fair enough. Hope we get some Visions news soon.


On 10/05/2021 at 1:23 PM, Mandalore said:

Are any of the novels worth reading since Disney took over? I had read the majority of what used to be the 'main' series, which abruptly ended with a big cliff hanger in the last Fate of the Jedi book.

As @Julius says Lost Stars is apparently excellent. I really enjoyed the first Aftermath book too, but reviews on that series are a bit mixed I think. Light of the Jedi is excellent if you want to jump to the High Republic era. Avoid Resistance Reborn, terrible.

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Just watched Bad Batch ep 3, fantastic. Really enjoyed that one, far more than the second. 

Love the characters, very intriguing plot lines and just generally the show is stunning to look at :heart:

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I watched the first three episodes of Bad Batch, and i'm struggling a bit. It just seems very bland and formulaic. To be honest, I've tried watching Clone Wars twice now, and couldn't get through it, and I found Rebels boring (although I did manage to watch all of that), so I think that maybe the Star Wars animated series just aren't for me.

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1 minute ago, bob said:

I watched the first three episodes of Bad Batch, and i'm struggling a bit. It just seems very bland and formulaic. To be honest, I've tried watching Clone Wars twice now, and couldn't get through it, and I found Rebels boring (although I did manage to watch all of that), so I think that maybe the Star Wars animated series just aren't for me.

I've kind of been in the same boat. Tried Clone Wars and wasn't all that interested. Gave Bad Batch a try the other day and it seemed fine I guess but not something I can be bothered to continue watching.

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Episode 4, it was ok but pretty forgettable. This won't be one I'll go back to and rewatch down the line. 


I had hoped this show might make Fennic Shand an interesting, likeable character but no, if anything she was even more dull and lifeless than she is in Mando!

Two hits and two misses for me this season. Loved 1 and 3, 2 and 4 less so. I think I prefer it when they develop these new characters instead of focusing on bringing in familiar faces.

But yeah, episode looked gorgeous as ever.


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#MakeSolo2Happen day on Twitter

Some brilliant bits from (imo) a brilliant film:

Everything on board the Falcon was just :heart:

Likewise, the sabbac scene

Gorgeous set and display graphic design. More from the very talented BLIND Ltd.

Such a cool chase sequence, gorgeous speeder design too:

Awesome character, awesome reveal

Name the Lando series The Calrissian Chronicles you cowards!

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Caught up on Episodes 4 and 5 of The Bad Batch this morning, and yeah, I'm still really enjoying it. Agree with @Ronnie that 4 was a bit weaker, but I felt 5 was a nice return to form, with some great character interactions.


I'm starting to wonder if Boba is the one who hired Fennec to hunt down Omega after being asked to do so by the Kaminoans, or - even better - by the Empire (or some underworld entity like Vos, Maul, or heck, Cad Bane). It's just a hunch, but if the Kaminoans needed someone to turn to in the underworld I think they'd be more comfortable with Boba than others, and it'll make the potential Kamino uprising all the more interesting to see which side he would take (he's the one who was hired to leave the 501st in the original Battlefront II's campaign). 

Also Moochie was great, loved her and Wrecker just collapsing into a heap from exhaustion. Gonk continues to be fun light relief, the low five between Wrecker and Omega gave me a bit of a smile, but Wrecker's head is hurting again and that's definitely not a good sign. Wonder if we'll see Rex turn back up in some capacity to advise on it. 

Ord Mantell finally being seen on-screen for the first time if I'm remembering correctly was pretty cool! And lastly, that guy who fell from the tower Moochie tackled and squelched on the floor...damn, this show can be dark at times. 

Roll on next week! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Andor possibly still filming, evidently filming on-location a lot more instead of using the Volume as much as Mando. :) Sounds like quite a large scale series.

If the above is true it sounds like the Andor and Obi-Wan shows will debut before Mando season 3, which is a bit surprising. I figured we would go from Boba Fett in December straight to Mando, but thinking about it it's probably a good thing. Season 2 closed that storyline so well a bit of extra time before starting fresh wouldn't be a bad thing. Plus another two shows that don't star a dude in a Mando helmet to freshen things up a bit will be good.

Really disappointed by this news. This is one of the shows I was most looking forward to. New Republic space coppers + starfighter battles, yes please. Hopefully it just means production will start at some point in the future. Favreau and Filoni have enough on their plate with Bad Batch, Boba Fett, Mando, Ahsoka and who knows what else.

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Episode 7 of The Bad Batch was another strong one. 


Some brilliant one-liners, this week "this isn't your ugly side?", and last week "is there an Echo in here?" 

Glad to see the boys get their chips out, and of course to see Rex back, however briefly. The Y-Wing making its return here and seeing Bracca was great too! Loved the contrast of Wrecker being in danger to being the danger. 

Sounds like we'll see Rex again soon. Kamino Uprising, anyone? 

Also not sure how I haven't mentioned it before, but I love the credits theme for the show:

Sounds like a great mix of the Bad Batch Theme and Omega's (which reminds me a whole lot of the music in that emotional scene in the first Pokémon movie, Tears of Life). 

Onto the next! 

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Yeah the credits theme is great. 

Enjoyed episode 7 a lot, more than the previous couple. So many great little touches, they're building something special here.

I know I said I love how inter-connected the Disney SW world is, but when they said they were visiting Bracca I audibly groaned at the prospect of them somehow shoehorning in a young Cal appearance. Thankfully they resisted.

Now if only they could ditch blander than grey paint Echo... 

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