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Monster Hunter World (PS4)


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I’m too busy playing the game. Played it for the entire day yesterday. Love it, even the stupid egg quest. The feeling of success when a plan comes together is rivalled only by something like blood borne.


And teaching noobs[mention=16]shorty[/mention],[mention=2464]sheikah[/mention] and [mention=1946]zell[/mention] how to play has been a blast. Well when I say teaching, it was more like explaining how much more bullshit this or that was in the older games like a grandad hunter.[emoji23]


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I think I might switch it up from using the dual blades. I went with them because they were beginner friendly and much quicker than the other weapons but they do get a bit repetitive. I usually don’t like slow, deliberate moving weapons but I may just put the time in to learn them for a bit more of an interesting weapon.

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1 hour ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Sadly, being an Xbox One owner, don't think anyone else on here will be hunting with me...?

Oh damn... I forgot that you don't own a PS4. :(

Yeah I think pretty much everyone on here has bought the game on PS4 rather than Xbox One mostly because it's more of a natural fit I suppose with the series history.

And of course on the Playstation 4 it just seems a lot easier to organise online sessions thanks to the U.I plus the group features though I think Xbox One has something similar now.

Who knows... maybe I'll double-dip and use Dual Blades on the PS4 version while getting to grips with other weapons on the Xbox One version... that could prove interesting. ;)

I'm half-tempted, even though I shouldn't be with all the other games waiting to be played but damn, Monster Hunter World really is pretty damn good. :peace:

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34 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

Oh damn... I forgot that you don't own a PS4. :(

Yeah I think pretty much everyone on here has bought the game on PS4 rather than Xbox One mostly because it's more of a natural fit I suppose with the series history.

And of course on the Playstation 4 it just seems a lot easier to organise online sessions thanks to the U.I plus the group features though I think Xbox One has something similar now.

Who knows... maybe I'll double-dip and use Dual Blades on the PS4 version while getting to grips with other weapons on the Xbox One version... that could prove interesting. ;)

I'm half-tempted, even though I shouldn't be with all the other games waiting to be played but damn, Monster Hunter World really is pretty damn good. :peace:

Haha, I think that'd be spreading yourself too thin just for MH, let alone all the other games on the table too!

It's not worth me picking a PS4 up just for this, sadly, and three of my "real life" friends have it on Xbox, would have been nice to broaden horizons but just getting the game now will be the victory!

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The Mrs just let me know that my copy has just dropped through the letterbox! Fuck yes!!!

@Blade & I will be on tonight if any low rank hunters fancy joining us?

(Only low rank, or those with low power weapons if that’s ok, as I fancy a challenge from the off. I don’t want people wailing on the Monsters and taking them down too quickly - there’s no fun in hunts like that until late on in the game when you’ve experienced the hardships from early on)

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26 minutes ago, Kav said:

The Mrs just let me know that my copy has just dropped through the letterbox! Fuck yes!!!

@Blade & I will be on tonight if any low rank hunters fancy joining us?

(Only low rank, or those with low power weapons if that’s ok, as I fancy a challenge from the off. I don’t want people wailing on the Monsters and taking them down too quickly - there’s no fun in hunts like that until late on in the game when you’ve experienced the hardships from early on)

Excellent news. :D

As it happens, I ended up not playing as much as I'd hoped - mostly work getting in the way :p - so I've only put in around seven hours, which means I've barely started really with only my basic Dual Blades upgraded once or twice and I'm wearing the dlc armour I got from pre-ordering with ShopTo, which is only a little bit above the basic armour.

So, I'd like to join you both in some hunts tonight, if I may? :)

Just let me know what kind of time you were thinking of, I have today/tomorrow off so I can probably play from 8PM onwards until 2AM absolute latest so that gives some scope for a few online hunts. :peace: (providing PSN is working of course because it wasn't the other night and I almost had to forgo my login bonus... again)

Also, if we can't find a fourth player then I have a friend who I've been playing online games with for years on and off, he's a keen Monster Hunter so it's possible he might join us, I'll find out how far along he is in the game though.

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I bought it too, after playing one on the WiiU (I think?) and not really liking it. Really addicted to this one though, even if I'm pretty terrible so far. I've been using the light bow but it's been pretty tricky and time consuming going after the bigger monsters, though I'm guessing this is on purpose? Anyway, really enjoying it, wish I didn't have to go to work.

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The Mrs just let me know that my copy has just dropped through the letterbox! Fuck yes!!!
[mention=6507]Blade[/mention] & I will be on tonight if any low rank hunters fancy joining us?
(Only low rank, or those with low power weapons if that’s ok, as I fancy a challenge from the off. I don’t want people wailing on the Monsters and taking them down too quickly - there’s no fun in hunts like that until late on in the game when you’ve experienced the hardships from early on)

I’ll be on for the entire day. I’m very addicted but still on low rank
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Ok, so I didn’t realise that you can’t just go online and hunt from the get-go like you could on other Monster Hunter games... no, in World they decided to take the Nintendo approach to online and make it fucking wank!

I hated it.

Dragging you through all those cutscenes and bollocks, making you do shit on your own before you can do anything.

Then when you can team up (only managed 1 hunt with @Blade after all that fucking time) you have to do it some some fucking moronic way!

This has put me off playing the game completely, all night I’ve been wanting to switch it off and just play Xenoblade!

Absolutely fuming at what Capcom have done to the game! 

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10 hours ago, Kav said:

Ok, so I didn’t realise that you can’t just go online and hunt from the get-go like you could on other Monster Hunter games... no, in World they decided to take the Nintendo approach to online and make it fucking wank!

I hated it.

Dragging you through all those cutscenes and bollocks, making you do shit on your own before you can do anything.

Then when you can team up (only managed 1 hunt with @Blade after all that fucking time) you have to do it some some fucking moronic way!

This has put me off playing the game completely, all night I’ve been wanting to switch it off and just play Xenoblade!

Absolutely fuming at what Capcom have done to the game! 

Yeah, the Tutorial section seems to last for a few hours it seems... I didn't mind it quite as much but it does drag on a bit, especially if you're a Monster Hunter Veteran.

I must say that my experiences after that initial first play have been better and better to the point that this evening I've just been tackling non-essential quests at the same time as handling Bounties, Investigations and Deliveries; all of which aid you in progressing in the game even without furthering the story if you don't want to right away, it's a break from the cutscenes at least. :)

The cutscenes are pretty cool though, even if you feel like you've maybe seen enough of them in the intro section, they do get better.

Anyway, I really hope that this hasn't completely put you off playing the game as there are so many improvements which really do make the game worthwhile, plus I'm still only scratching the surface I'm sure at HR3 and only what... 10 hours in now probably. :peace:

Let me know if you still want to play online maybe tomorrow night if you're about as I reckon if we got a team of four together then it'll still prove to be as fun as the previous entries, if not moreso in some ways, especially with OS level voice chat. ;)

It has got to be worth a shot at least. :D

Edited by S.C.G
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I don’t see me playing this often to be honest. I do most of my gaming on my commute and only get on at home a night or two a week.

I’m gutted they’ve made these awful changes... it’s so fucking cumbersome! This is the reason I stopped playing Nintendo games online, the functionality is too annoying to make the games enjoyable!!!

I’d rather still be playing MH4U, it was much better!

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After spending another entire day on this, I’m now hitting a new class of enemy. Want to avoid spoilers but it’s something old, something new.
And finally got a set of armour where I can really feel the impact it’s making as it synergies with the blast weapon I made to go with it. Explosions everywhere, makes me feel like bomberman!
And I have been meaning to be diverse with my weapon choice but charge blades just have everything.

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6 hours ago, Kav said:

I don’t see me playing this often to be honest. I do most of my gaming on my commute and only get on at home a night or two a week.

I’m gutted they’ve made these awful changes... it’s so fucking cumbersome! This is the reason I stopped playing Nintendo games online, the functionality is too annoying to make the games enjoyable!!!

I’d rather still be playing MH4U, it was much better!

Well that doesn't make for good reading knowing your love of MH, what have they done to the online to make it so frustrating? 

Or, perhaps, is it too similar to how it was on 3DS/Wii U? 


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35 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Well that doesn't make for good reading knowing your love of MH, what have they done to the online to make it so frustrating? 

Or, perhaps, is it too similar to how it was on 3DS/Wii U? 


Mate, it was better on the WiiU/3DS!

Unless there’s another way of gaming online, but from what @Blade has told me (and what I’ve since read) there doesn’t seem to be!

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After over 60 hours of play time, I reached HR29 and the credits finally rolled this morning. Amazing stuff.

I usually put in holidays for the release of a Monster Hunter game but with it being at the start of the year I figured it was too early for me to start banging them in. That hasn't stopped me from going into addicted mode and playing the hell out of the game. I broke my own PB of continuous hours playing game by playing 21 hours straight on Saturday to Sunday morning. I was gonna go for the full 24 but I had a lesson to teach at church on the Sunday and figured I better get a couple of hours so I wasn't completely useless. :D 

I hear Kav's complaints but it's honestly not that bad once you get your head around it. You simply start a quest, watch the cutscene and then fire a SOS flare and your mates can join you. You don;t even need to fire the SOS as people can just check the quest board and then jump in that way. This is only for the story missions and everything else can be played as normal, just like the older Monster Hunter games. In usual NE tradition for MH games, I set up the NE Brotherhood squad, which makes it even easier to join your friends. 

The SOS is system is a fantastic one and Capcom have done a great job in balancing out the risk and rewards of it all. Sure, you can fire off the SOS and get some help but the quality of the hunters will vary. Also, if you only get 1 hunter arriving, the difficulty will then shift to the multiplayer difficulty, which means you are fighting a harder beast but with only half a team. I also like how they put a time limit of the SOS flares. You have 10 mins to join a call for help. After that you can still join but the rewards you get will be minimal. This stops people jumping in at the last minute and reaping the full rewards.

The amount of other things that have been streamlined in the game is amazing. Just little things like selling items, the combo books, gathering, making armour etc. all make for a much better MH experience. It's crazy the leap that has happened with this game and it's these leaps that i've been waiting for ever since playing the original game back on the PS2 all those years ago. Plus, the fact that we have a proper party chat system on a MH game is fantastic. We had a party of 6 going the other night and it was a joy to play. I kept jumping between playing with NE people and my RL mates. Once again, the SOS system showing it's qualities as I could finish one quest and then quickly jump into another.

I love the bounty and the investigation systems. The bounty system is a fantastic way to get easy armour spheres for upgrades and the investigations allow for a more lucrative way of farming. The investigations sometimes have different objectives, such as finish in a 2 man team or you are only allowed one death, but these tighter restrictions often dish out much better rewards.

The Palico's are back and I think these are the most useful they have ever been. In past games they usually take a few hits and then end up fainting. You then had to wait and age for them to return into battle. That doesn't seem to be the case this time around and the fact that they can heal, use flashbombs and even get better rewards for you, just makes the whole thing sweeter. 

I could go on and on about the game but this really is the next gen version myself and others have been waiting for. The fact that the reviews were positive, Capcom have shipped 5 million copies and it charted in 1st place in the UK and is the highest selling MH in the UK to date, gives me hope that this is where the series will stay from now on.

I'm now sitting at work waiting for my next fix like some druggie. The credits may have rolled but i've scratched the surface of the game. I usually put at least 400 hours into these games, so here's to another 340 hours! :)



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Japan sales figures are in.


Monster Hunter World debuts with 1.35 million copies sold at launch, no digital included.

Here's what other entries at the series sold on day one.

Platform     Title                           First Week    Total
PSP          Monster Hunter Freedom 3        2.146.467     4.502.846 
3DS          Monster Hunter 4                1.875.115     3.897.628 
3DS          Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate       1.617.949     2.667.398 
3DS          Monster Hunter Generations      1.542.104     3.136.563 
PS4          Monster Hunter World            1.350.412
3DS          Monster Hunter XX               1.014.584     1.795.449 
PSP          Monster Hunter Freedom Unite      823.265     2.453.132 
PSP          Monster Hunter Freedom 2          746.313     1.723.187 
WII          Monster Hunter 3                  582.548     1.077.273

Given the state of the console market in Japan, this is a great result.

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37 minutes ago, Kav said:

Mate, it was better on the WiiU/3DS!

Unless there’s another way of gaming online, but from what @Blade has told me (and what I’ve since read) there doesn’t seem to be!


Well hopefully you'll get a chance to try out different solutions like @Hero-of-Time says and get some decent time into it.

Interesting sales figures, on the one hand a great number but, on the other, thats less than Generations (though more than XX) the last big release. Depends on the legs but could we see a split between Japanese and Western MH? 

If the western sales of MHW make up enough revenue, could Japan see Switch/portable games and the west more home console orientated ones?

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Yall need to chill :heh: The way of teaming up to play online is cumbersome at first, but the more you play the faster and heavier investigations and optional quests roll in. I would just avoid teaming up on story quests, send an SOS if you need help in one. Saving group multiplayer for straight up hunts.

At first I was super irritated by the whole thing but once you're in a squad, starting in a squad server, and cutscene/story lockout isn't a thing (which, if you stick with it, is going to be 99.999% of your experience), it's really not so bad. Also, party chat > voice chat. Imagine if you're still playing in a month, you're going to look back at that tiny experience of being locked out by cutscenes and think, "what was I complaining about?", I guarantee it.

Try not to rage so much just because things are a bit different to the past iterations. From what I can tell people complained in the past at the lack of story, now they're starting things off with a story people are complaining they can't just launch straight into vanilla hunts. But it all comes thick and fast if you persevere a little.

I actually really like the system of joining teammates, preparing, readying yourself etc. - joining people who need help. I think it flows really smoothly once you get into it.

This is my first Monster Hunter game and I'm loving it. Mastered the insect glaive and just levelled up my poison iteration + paralysis kinsect combo. Need to go back in and hunt me some more ice dragons!


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8 minutes ago, Shorty said:

Yall need to chill :heh: The way of teaming up to play online is cumbersome at first, but the more you play the faster and heavier investigations and optional quests roll in. I would just avoid teaming up on story quests, send an SOS if you need help in one. Saving group multiplayer for straight up hunts.

At first I was super irritated by the whole thing but once you're in a squad, starting in a squad server, and cutscene/story lockout isn't a thing (which, if you stick with it, is going to be 99.999% of your experience), it's really not so bad. Also, party chat > voice chat. Imagine if you're still playing in a month, you're going to look back at that tiny experience of being locked out by cutscenes and think, "what was I complaining about?", I guarantee it.


The story stuff is easily done just by using the SOS feature or by being in a squad and having the person join as soon as the cutscene is over. Its a very minor thing in the grand scheme of the game, especially when most of the meaty stuff comes from the optional hunts and investigations. 

I forgot to mention how much I love the monsters battling each other. A few of us were doing a quest the other night and everything was going great but a minute later it was an absolute warzone, as 3 monsters were in a triple threat match. We were all in awe but also laughing out backs off at the same time. :laughing:

Another great moment was the first time Baz showed up. I won't say much other than keep an eye on the sky once you reach High Rank and be prepared to run! :D 

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17 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Interesting sales figures, on the one hand a great number but, on the other, thats less than Generations (though more than XX) the last big release. Depends on the legs but could we see a split between Japanese and Western MH? 

If the western sales of MHW make up enough revenue, could Japan see Switch/portable games and the west more home console orientated ones?

It was never going to do the portable numbers over there, especially on the PS4. The Western numbers are what i'm interested in seeing. 

It does seem to have had a greater reach than previous games. I have a few mates who have picked it up but have never played any of the series before, much like Shorty. There seems to be a lot more buzz about the game across various forums, as well.

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