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Nightfall is pyramidion now? Why did it change from Exodus down? Hell when did this change happen? 

Edit, Destinystatus is hella inaccurate. It says I’ve idled 98 hours played 10 and only have just over 2000 kills. My Killtracker ghost in game lists my kills as being 21859/745 PvE/PvP respectively. 

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9 hours ago, Nolan said:

Nightfall is pyramidion now? Why did it change from Exodus down? Hell when did this change happen? 

Edit, Destinystatus is hella inaccurate. It says I’ve idled 98 hours played 10 and only have just over 2000 kills. My Killtracker ghost in game lists my kills as being 21859/745 PvE/PvP respectively. 

Which one is exodus down? I don't think I even looked at last week's, I assumed this was just this week's one?? I actually find Pyramidion NF quite fun now, mostly due to the Torrent buff.

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@Rummy Exodus Down is what this weeks nightfall started as. It’s the failsafe nightfall involving Fallen enemies.

we gave it two attempts Tuesday night and timed out twice because the boss has a horrible habit of disappearing for 10-40 seconds at a time. Plus the adds. 

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1 hour ago, Nolan said:

@Rummy Exodus Down is what this weeks nightfall started as. It’s the failsafe nightfall involving Fallen enemies.

we gave it two attempts Tuesday night and timed out twice because the boss has a horrible habit of disappearing for 10-40 seconds at a time. Plus the adds. 

That IS super weird! I didn't check it out til yesterday I don't think so didn't know it was anything else before. Is it related to the glitches at all? Usually I go to @DriftKaiser with any Destiny doubts as he's quite on the ball - any idea on the NF changes Drift?


EDIT: this is an article from 3 days ago so I'm presuming it was related to this glitch not being fixed?


NonethelessssI'm preferring Pyramidion - I actually ran it again as Titan via LFG just to help some folks out and also did it with my Hunter via LFG. I'm tempted to help folks out again tonight via LFG and Titan just because it's such delightful mayhem with the Torrent and grenades.

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I think I'm bored with D2 and I've not even had the chance to do a raid!

My friends and I all joined a large clan in hopes that a large clan would bring the benefits of the clan/loot perks but it had its own issue of too many people to do the raid and a clan leader who saps the fun out of everything, but that's a personal issue which I could get over if...

The end game was actually worth while!

the Token game that is the random loot is boring, collecting planet and faction tokens is redundant as they are always below your light level by quite a margin, so unless you get a gun you really want AND have something higher to infuse into it, its a waste of time

PVP, Strikes, The Raid, Iron Banner and everything rely on unique tokens and no longer drop any specific loot, there aren't any cool strike specific loots, looks for win streaks etc its all down to the seaside token machine that is the loot system

You can raise your light level by doing the weekly tasks and getting higher light level loot, the end game tasks do not guarantee this making it inefficient to replay or even bother with them - I'm light level 299, I'm swimming in (low level) exotics and forced to use the exotics/legendaries which have dropped at a level that they are useful at

Exotics no longer really feel exotic, some have cool perks but most are the same as perks on legendaries or the rest of the weapon is trash so theres no point using it

All guns feel weak and we seem to be back to year one D1 weapon balancing

Kinetic weapons (might just be me) just seem to rarely drop from any token machine, I've never got a kinetic mod and when I do get a kinetic it seems to be a low light level one of certain guns (I've had that old smith and Weston hand cannon & the Scar something Ak47 look alike 90% of the time IF a kinetic drops), there seems to be a vast prevalence of energy weapons dropping to the point I feel we might as well have had two energy weapon slots and no kinetic anymore.

PVP....... uhhh no choice of game, everything is so balance it just feels like its lost any magic, for gods sake balance PVE and PVP separately

and my biggest problem now seems to be all the year 3 Destiny 1 stuff that's missing making this game seem like it should really just have been an expansion pack for Destiny 1 allowing us to retain the strikes, the raids, the PVP maps

I manage about an hour or so a week to do the flash point and claim any clan rewards from the people who haven't been burnt out

bungie really need to quickly put all the QOL improvements of Y3D1 in as fast as possible and port old strikes/raids etc because otherwise i'll be abandoning D2 and only returning if the first DLC looks good enough to buy (not got the season pass because so far its not been enticing enough to want to buy future expansions blind)

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It'd be interesting if they added some legacy stuff and could bring the original strikes over - tweak them a bit sure for balance given changes but it'd be a bit more content.

I did feel a bit done a bit quick with no IB this week. I really like control and having the option like in D1 was good; I can see they want to try and get people experiencing things tho.

I still don't have a major issue with the endgame, but I'm also only around 285-290 per char. I can imagine it becoming difficult continuing to grind up with mods at you get closer to 305?

I haven't done a raid tho survived mostly without it in D1 - I agree once again however they(raid and NF) should drop rewards that can come out at a higher than usual level. I'd really like to get the raid done at some point; but wasn't the issue of grinding that too much also present in D1? There was incentive to do it on a weekly basis? Wouldn't it be fair to say the Powerful Gear milestones kinda offer the same and encourage a kinda varied gameplay to level up?

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2 hours ago, Agent Gibbs said:

the Token game that is the random loot is boring, collecting planet and faction tokens is redundant as they are always below your light level by quite a margin, so unless you get a gun you really want AND have something higher to infuse into it, its a waste of time

PVP, Strikes, The Raid, Iron Banner and everything rely on unique tokens and no longer drop any specific loot, there aren't any cool strike specific loots, looks for win streaks etc its all down to the seaside token machine that is the loot system

You can raise your light level by doing the weekly tasks and getting higher light level loot, the end game tasks do not guarantee this making it inefficient to replay or even bother with them - I'm light level 299, I'm swimming in (low level) exotics and forced to use the exotics/legendaries which have dropped at a level that they are useful at.

All guns feel weak and we seem to be back to year one D1 weapon balancing

Kinetic weapons (might just be me) just seem to rarely drop from any token machine, I've never got a kinetic mod

My points of contention, 

Vendor rewards soft cap about 10 power below your max. So yeah the rewards are mostly trash unless you want certain equipment. Once you hit 305 though the rewards typically are 295-300 even if not powerful gear from milestones.

Strikes and the Raid both do drop specific loot though. Or at least the nightfall does. And I have a Raid helm from defeating Calus and opening the chest. I have not gotten enough tokens to actually turn in for raid gear even. None of it is particularly cool or interesting though I do agree there. 

Weekly milestones make it far easier and faster to reach max than D1 end game. D1 you had weekly Nightfall and Raid rewards. PVP was all RNG and strike playlists all hit the soft cap on light. The same as D2. There was also the fact that light level drops could vary wildly in D1. 

Weapons are pretty weak and unfortunately by design. Bungie wanted to emphasize team firing. Which is cool. Except when you’re so fucking swarmed by adds you can’t team fire on the bosses typically. And if you focus on adds, well the boss is probably killing you. It’s bad design and everything is a bullet sponge. 

Kinectic mods are fucking rare as shit for no good reason and can only be obtained via RNG with the gunsmith by dismantling purple mods for mod components and then trading those in for random weapon mods. Like 1 in 20 chance it feels like to me. Somehow I’ve got two. 


My 2 cents. 

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Seems like Destiny players are going through the same feelings MMO players do. After 100+ hours of game play, some want more new content. Others get burnt out or need a break after so much time spent.

This is not unusual at all. I think console players still are not used to pauses and gaps.

Hallows end should be here soon and then WInterfest etc. whatever Destiny calls them.

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Look like there are no Festival of the Lost (D1's Halloween event) this year which is odd since it's about honors and celebrates the spirits of the dead, Guardian and citizen alike. Guess the Sparrow Racing League won't make an appearance this Dec as well.

Bungie got so many things to improve the endgame between now and next 2 DLCs. They need to expanding the weapon/armour mod system instead of have 3 elemental damage and kinetic damage. Maybe improve range/impact etc or adding an extra perk like more damages against cabal/hives/fallen/vex etc. At least I don't have to putting alot of hours in D2 like I did with D1. Also we need to arrange a raid for the folks who haven't done a raid. We got halfway through before everyone's schedules made it impossible to continue. 

Also no Trials for next 2 weeks because of Monty Python walk emote glitch. :| 

@Nolan  @Rummy


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5 hours ago, DriftKaiser said:

Well. I was wrong, there will be Dawning Event this December and you can have snowball fight, playing ice hockey at the tower. Also new contents like gears/weapons/shaders/emotes.

Careful let’s not go all post fact/make stuff up. 

Enough bile in gaming journalism/ forums/ reviews etc. 

Gaming is quite shameful at this stuff. 



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5 hours ago, Choze said:

Careful let’s not go all post fact/make stuff up. 

Enough bile in gaming journalism/ forums/ reviews etc. 

Gaming is quite shameful at this stuff. 



I didn't made them up! Bungie just did a stream at Twitchcon about the Seasons. We will have another old version Iron Banner and Faction Rally in the Season 1 and we will get revamped Iron Banner where you can buy weapons with Iron Banner Token or Legendary Shards and there will new IB weapons like Energy Handcannon. Also you can get ornaments where you can change the look of your current iron banner armour after completed the requirements to unlock them.

Season 2 got new emotes/ships/sparrows/ghosts/crucible map(s)/ornament for Trials/IB/armours/weapons/clan perks/sandbox tuning. Also you can have a snowball fight at the tower or in PVE so I won't be surprised if there will be a video of the world's first raid boss defeated with snowballs lol. 

Finally, we will have 3 streams in November where they will show off the Orisis DLCs and maybe Qols after got the feedbacks from everyone.

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Haha, was gonna say it's not so likely for Drift to be mistaken on Destiny, though we were also up half chatting at stupid o'clock :p

Don't want to tread too much old ground but k do agree with @Nolan last post rather much. I think whilst the front end of things seem different the back end isn't. when you consider it, all that much different. The thing is now it isn't being shoved down your throat and you have some control over things too - you can grind to the 265 mark then engage in trades etc. You can choose the vendor and their pools for the random drops. It doesn't feel as immediate of sinking time and getting and scrapping countless items from strikes - it's a delayed time tradeoff that imo is actually just as efficient if not more. However I'd say a large number of gamers are instant gratification and not so keen on changes or interpreting them so well(myself included on occasion mind, and not meaning to point any derogatory fingers).

The thing is as well I keep defending D2 but it's not even blowing my mind as a game really so I hope it doesn't come across as that; I genuinely do think that a lot of the of the criticisms being levelled are being too comparitive to D1 at varying points, and with too much of the retrospecs on rather than seeing it in its own right now.

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I realise the potentially low response given the day and timing - but is anyone around Next Saturday afternoon/evening time? I think Drift is, so with 4 more we could try a bit of raid? Though on that front I'm blind so will need to watch and catch up online or maybe we'd need someone experienced to help direct those of us not?

If in the most likely event we don't get 6 of us, anything less could be put into other stuff? NF rotations for alts, crucible, trials(tho I understand it's potentially absent next week too) - basically just a bit of trying to get folks together for stuff.

Was saying to drift actually that whilst I think the app is great for its LFG tie-in(which I've not really used before) and I found some NF teams for - I do think a clan LFG thing would be fantastic; especially following on from @Agent Gibbs earliest sentiments.

My idea is say I know I'll be on from maybe 6pm til 9pm an eve - just like LFG you chuck it up on the app say but rather than public it's visible to clan only; details what time's you'll be on and what you're interested in/possibly playing.

I still play Destiny, even without my mates on, but it IS better with them. Knowing that, and that I'll be in the game either way - setting a window of welcome availablility for the whole clan to see and then communicate with you(either LFG response, psn message, party chat etc) would be a really tight addition.

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@Rummy I am generally around at that time so if I’m online, hit me up with a request.

Did last weeks prestige nightfall yesterday, and actually enjoyed the level of challenge. Made me want more.

It’s. real shame there isn’t something akin to prisoner of elders that is properly randomised and a rewarding challenge. That’s all this game needs really.

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They'll add it at some point I am sure, though Variks House seems to be everywhere now? Maybe we fight him? Or he has been replaced?

Also looks like Destiny is the top game revenue wise in the US for the year. Its doing really well much better than we thought. 

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Cool sounds good to me Deathjam(if you meant Saturday specific, if you were talking generally being on that's also cool!). I think Drift is about - not sure about anyone else? I forgot I've got a hospital appointment Saturday but its local and shouldn't take long so I'm hoping to be back in and on by 6-7ish latest.

Deffo agree with you on something like PoE or even a bit more in cruicble. The week after Iron Banner felt very dry for me at first - if I was a higher PL I'd probably be asking the same questions as everyone else in wondering just what it is I would be doing instead.

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18 hours ago, drahkon said:

Well, that was great trailer. I'm interested but need more information.

That's why Bungie will do 3 streams about it in November but have this brief information from the Activison blog.


Curse of Osiris adds a new chapter to the world of Destiny 2, expanding the universe by adding an all-new cinematic story with new and returning characters, a new destination to explore, Mercury and its Infinite Forest, a new social space to visit called the Lighthouse, new missions, new strikes, new raid content, new free roam activities. a world quest to complete, and more.

So far, we saw Telesto and Jade Rabbit in the clip. Also Hunter's Six shooter look like it got a buff where a kill extended the super by a second and it might got overpenerate perk built into it.

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Glad we finally beat the raid after a long delay lol. Prestige Nightfall is the last one for the trophy completion which I'll do someday when the Torrent modifier is back. Also Curse of Orisis preview stream is on 15th , 22nd and 29th Nov. 

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I'm on my annual Destiny break as usual.  Initially, i took the break to play Stick of Truth and Origins.  Now that Horizon's DLC is out, that's taking priority.  Then back to Origins before probably slipping to Destiny again.  The content isn't bringing me back as it did in the original, hopefully that's rectified with the Osiris expansion.

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