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Ultra Street Fighter 2 - The Final Challengers (2017)


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So the game is really good for what it is, but one thing is annoying and a huge missed opportunity. You can have it so matches cn interrupt you while you play, great, the flaw is that you get interrupted ALL THE TIME, so it's kind of pointless and you may as well just play online... The missed opportunity and I really hope they patch this in because it would be so so good is allowing friends to interrupt you online, I'd have that on all the time, it would be great, and less frequent too!!


Anyways, my switch snes pad is here so looking forward to trying that out (and roll on VC), if anyone got it and fancies some online then give us a shout!!

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So I picked this up yesterday and have completed the arcade mode with every character.























With that all done and dusted I decided to head online and see how the game performed. Sadly, not well.


I plugged my ethernet adaptor into the Switch so that I had the best connection. I then faced a bunch of people from my region, with a couple of them being from the UK. Every game I played had lag. I dunno if this is because people are using the shoddy wireless connection on the Switch or if the servers are just garbage. Maybe both? Either way, it wasn't ideal.


The good news is that the matchmaking is pretty fast. When playing a player match you can constantly keep having a rematch. I met a person who was from the UK and we had a fair few matches together. It was quite fun, despite the lag.


Now for what is the surprise package of the game. The Way of the Hado is great! I'm not a fan of motion controls but i'm always willing to give them a bash. I fired this mode up and found it to be great fun.


The game tells you how to use the controllers but I found my own way of using them and they worked pretty much 100% of the time. I was throwing hadokens like a pro in no time.


I had a crack at the Endless mode and done pretty well. I managed to break into the top 100 in the world and top 25 in Europe.





I went back to training Ryu up and maxed all his stats up and then headed back into Endless mode. It's a good job I keep myself in shape because I was on for over 45 mins doing special moves over and over again but I feel the result was worth it. I managed to top the European leaderboards.




A big surprise was that I also managed to top the worldwide leaderboards!




No.1 IN THE WORLD, BABY! :bouncy:


I feel playing the Dragonball Z Kinect game all those years ago was good training for this. :D


Is the game worth £35? Not by a long shot. It really should have been a budget release and the game pales in comparison to something like Injustice 2 in terms of quality and content. I do think it will find an audience, though. Street Fighter 2 has a big nostalgic pull for people and the Switch could be the perfect place for the game.


I think I can shelve the game now. Finished the story mode with every character and topped the worldwide leaderboards in one of the modes.



Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I'm adoring this. Just a great way to play SF2 on the go! Took it to the annual games convention I run the other day and won the final! It was very close but was enjoyed by so many folk! I've definitely sold a ton of switches based on this year's event as well!


If anyone wants to watch the final it starts at 30seconds and we're then interviewed at 10:30. I'm on the right of the screen in the interview and mained Ken throughout the tourney!



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I picked this up the other day. Had a chance to play through it and I'm really really enjoying it.


I had the difficulty set to medium when I first started playing and got my ass handed to me constantly. Couldn't even get past the first fighter!

I turned it to easy and started getting to grips with the controls as I worked through.


I love the stories at the end for each character. Even though some are a bit cheesy, (part of the charm :heh: ) it gives me the incentive to play through with every character.


The game looks great too. Haven't played with the old style visuals yet, but don't really have any inclination to when it looks this good.

At the moment I'm not bothered about forking out what I did for it. I only paid a fiver as I had a 30 quid LAME voucher which I wasn't going to use on this, but temptation got the better of me. Glad it did.


Not sure if I'll bother with online. I'm no where near good enough, but might be a laugh to try!

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Well I'm 29, so I'm almost in the oldie group too (lol) but I just never played the series for whatever reason.

However it is familiar to me, as if I have played it before (albeit briefly) but not sure where.


Got my Switch with me for more lunchtime playing. Can't wait.

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Sorry nando, just seem this, I sold it for £32.


Great game though, does no one on here fancy any online?!


No problem.. I don't think I really wanted it anyway :red:


That's a great deal you got, though.. especially since my brother bought it a couple of weeks ago for £29.99!

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Honestly, I would happily play if the Switch had a way of messaging/inviting people. I don't want to have to check a forum to get a game going.


Yep... I hope their new app has messaging at least... will they see sense and bring the same app to the switch itself?

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First time playing this through on the TV, it doesn't transition well does it? Or am I just used to playing handheld?


When I say it doesn't transition well, it plays fine it just doesn't look quite as pleasing as it does in handheld mode. For me anyway.


Who are people's go to characters anyway? I don't really have one as of yet, just working through the story campaigns first. But so far none stand out to me although I'm liking Ryu at the min. The 2 girls I find really difficult to use, for some reason.

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