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Nioh [PS4]


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I already have the 'bonuses' from the Alpha and Beta so I may as well try and grab the final freebie, even if it is only a helmet :p


Uhhhh there's another freebie? *opens up PlayStationApp* *downloads Nioh beta* Will be ready when I'm back from work :D


Edit: Keep in mind that you have to keep the save game from this Final Trial on your PS4 to get the helmet.

Edited by drahkon
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Spent a decent amount of time on this today and damn it feels good to be playing again. It did take a little while to get back up to speed and I died a lot early on but suddenly things clicked back into place and it was pretty smooth sailing for the most part.


Anyway, took down the boss after a few attempts so have grabbed the helmet, also did a bit of the 'Twilight' mission and came unstuck pretty quickly, so I spent the rest of day helping others to beat the boss required for the helmet, with varying results. I'm certainly not the best player out there but I swear to god, some people just can't be helped, you guide them to temples and/or chests which they subsequently ignore only for them to raise a revenant, more often expecting me to deal with it. Yes, I don't mind helping but if you seriously expect me to do it all, then you're sadly mistaken. Have to admit, it's quite funny watching some of them and how quickly they die when left to their own devices.


Sadly, I won't have a lot of time tomorrow but damn, this game cannot come soon enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My copy arrived yesterday morning (will definitely be using Simply Games again) so I've managed to put a few hours into it and in summary, I'm fucking loving every minute of it so far.


There is so much to love about the game as many of you who played the previous demos will know. The combat is simply incredible and really freaking responsive, the detail that has gone into the lore is incredible, the various options to customise gear through the blacksmith is deep as hell (in fact I've spent as much time disassembing, crafting gear etc as I have playing). I also love that there's an in-game achievement system which also allows you grab permanent stat bonuses and there's a lot of mini-tasks to do.


One minor issue is that so far, the game hasn't been as challenging as I expected. However, that could be down to familiarity as all the areas I've seen so far (bar the opening) are ones I've played previously in the demos. That said, I did run into one sub-mission that caused a few problems.


I've not really dabbled with the co-op yet as I always like to solo these 'Souls-like' games on my first playthrough although I did decide to help one guy beat one of the bosses. I do expect that I'll be doing more of that in the future however.


So far, so freaking good.

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All of my Yes! :heart:


My copy arrived yesterday as well, after spending most of the day sorting stuff out, I decided to settle down at 1am just to play the opening level to get a feel for it all...


...over two hours later and it's 3am! :grin:


This doesn't happen to me much any more with many games but everything about it just clicked with me and I was still wanting to carry on playing but I decided that sleep was the wisest option at that time.


I seriously enjoyed every moment though, I've only played the first stage and the training level - please don't skip the training level as it's contextually brilliant - and am onto the second stage which is already drawing me in with its intense atmosphere. :D


The combat system is simply glorious, just the right amount of Ninja-Gaiden spliced with Souls and Bloodborne yet it seems fairer in many ways but not a pushover on difficulty as I've died many times over already. :blush:


Plenty of customisation in the different pieces of gear you pick up too, then there's the story which helps to set the tone, all of the periodical elements just add to it, I don't even care if it's accurate but it all works within the context of this beautiful new universe. :love:


I can't wait to go back to it later this evening, though before I do there's something I feel that I'd like to say to those who played the Alpha, Beta and Final demo's... Thank You.


For as I understand it, from these experiences the game has been shaped and moulded from feedback into the excellent, well-balanced final version that it is now. : peace:


Of course I did download the Alpha with the intention of getting in on this but... as with many other demos, it just never happened though I always kepy my pre-order from day 1 and I knew that I would be playing the final game plus I suppose I've been a bit wary about spoiling anything about it too so there's that but it's mostly just me being useless with managing my time along with the whole demo aversion thing but I'm all aboard the hype train now for what is essentially Team Ninja's newest, boldest and hopefully greatest franchise in a long time. :smile:

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One minor issue is that so far, the game hasn't been as challenging as I expected. However, that could be down to familiarity as all the areas I've seen so far (bar the opening) are ones I've played previously in the demos. That said, I did run into one sub-mission that caused a few problems.


Glad I'm not the only one, I've found it substantially easier than the Alpha/Beta/Demo. I'm sure familiarity is part of it but I also know that there are less enemies placed throughout the map. I wouldn't say I was especially great at these kinds of games but I playing for a few hours last night and managed to defeat the boss on the ship and do the sub-mission after.


There was one Yoki that would two-hit me to death and I just ran past him. He was a weird spike in difficulty.



Having said that, I am absolutely loving it.


I've kind of settled on the Kusarigama as my main weapon of choice. It's just way too awesome to use. And I'm unsure about my second weapon, I've been using a Giant Axe but just picked up an awesome Sword so I'll play with that for a bit.


I've not even looked at the Ninjutsu or Magic.


I'm also not really sure where to spend my stats. Anyone got any tips?

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Glad I'm not the only one, I've found it substantially easier than the Alpha/Beta/Demo. I'm sure familiarity is part of it but I also know that there are less enemies placed throughout the map. I wouldn't say I was especially great at these kinds of games but I playing for a few hours last night and managed to defeat the boss on the ship and do the sub-mission after.


There was one Yoki that would two-hit me to death and I just ran past him. He was a weird spike in difficulty.



Having said that, I am absolutely loving it.


I've kind of settled on the Kusarigama as my main weapon of choice. It's just way too awesome to use. And I'm unsure about my second weapon, I've been using a Giant Axe but just picked up an awesome Sword so I'll play with that for a bit.


I've not even looked at the Ninjutsu or Magic.


I'm also not really sure where to spend my stats. Anyone got any tips?


While I can't comment on the final game being easier than the demo stage releases, I do feel that the game is mostly fair in its level of difficulty, aside from when the Yokai show up... that first one was a learning curve (the one in the hut) which you need to kill in order to progress it seems.


Are you referring to that second one though? Just through the gate, down the slope after the shrine, in an enclosed space with multiple dwellings surrounding you... if so then I'd be inclined to agree as that's where I left the game last night after playing for another couple of hours between 1am and 3am. (I feel like playing this game is going to become a night-time ritual for me) :p


I'm still loving it very much though as well, just the wealth of items alone is keeping me busy between shrines, killing enemies plus spirits of other players for their gear, checking out the stats and seeing what they look like on your character... it's all strangely compelling. :)


While in the beginning I started with a Sword plus an Axe, I've been trying to master the Dual Katana alongside the Katana to see how they differ between combat situations, it seems to be working out rather well because you have the Bow as well which is handy; but I'm very curious to see what that Kusarigama is like as I'm imagining it being just as fun - if not moreso - than it was in the Ninja Gaiden games. :D


The different types of Ninjitsu - that's the spirit form, right? - seem cool as I went for the one that grants you with increased agility which I believe is the Green Phoenix(?) which I tend to use for tougher encounters as it allows me to get a fair few hits in, which is nice.


Also, there's magic in addition to Ninjitsu? That's cool, I don't feel like I've even tried that... unless they are the same thing rather than separate entities if that's what you meant? I don't know, I'm just finding my feet myself so I want to avoid searching for anything too much as I'm just enjoying finding stuff out about the game; either way though the Magic and/or Ninjitsu adds another layer to an already satisfying combat system. : peace:


Regarding the stats, I just went by the descriptions next to them in brackets which state which weapons they seem to be alligned to, so currently I've just been putting everything into the one which gives Dual Katana's a boost, so I would say that if the Kusarigama is your weapon of choice then go all out on that for a bit and see how it works out for you, I'm guessing we're both around the same level (I compared trophies last night) as I saw that you have the Level 10 trophy and set that as my benchmark seeing as we seemed to start the game at around the same time. :smile:


Anyway, I'm looking forward to playing and discussing this excellent title further as each day passes, so I'm hoping everyone who is playing now will maintain their current level of discipline as I intend to keep playing this each night from now until completion... or March, whichever comes first. :awesome:

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Are you referring to that second one though? Just through the gate, down the slope after the shrine, in an enclosed space with multiple dwellings surrounding you... if so then I'd be inclined to agree as that's where I left the game last night after playing for another couple of hours between 1am and 3am. (I feel like playing this game is going to become a night-time ritual for me) :p


He was tough as nails, it's actually the one after that on the roof that shredded me in two hits.


I think Ninjutsu are skills like shurikens and throwing blades, while magic is...magic. But yeah, I'm not too sure at this point.


I hit level 13 last night. Looking forward to putting more time in tonight.

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I've now managed to get through the first three bosses as well as a bunch of side-missions. Those first bosses are all ones that were in the various demos so it wasn't too much of a struggle as I knew what to expect, I can see how anyone going in blind would have difficulties however. There is one sub-mission that I just haven't been able to get past yet so I decided to move on to the next main mission.


As for that next main mission, my fears about lowered difficulty were soon put to rest. I didn't have too many issues getting through the level itself, other than dealing with significant status effects, you'll know when you get there, but the boss itself is kicking the shit out of me. I tried numerous attempts last night and didn't even get close although I am closer to devising some sort of strategy. It doesn't help that I haven't found many kodama in the area so haven't been able to pick up the 'healing bonus', making farming elixirs harder. I'm only entering the boss fight with 3 or 4 elixirs which is far from ideal.


As for my build, I'm also going with Kusarigama as my main (found a fairly decent fire one which I'm soul matching when funds allow) but I'm also using dual wielding a fair bit too. I just prefer using the faster weapons over the slower more hard hitting hammers, axes etc. As a result I've mostly been focusing on building the required stats for those weapons although I have stuck a couple of points in magic and dex so as to have some useful magic and ninjutsu options available.

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I actually didn't want to get this game right away...


But you guys made me buy it. Dicks :p And the fact that I'm on Dishonored 2's final mission helped me make that dicision.


I went with the Digital Deluxe Edition, because why the fuck not :D Can't wait :bouncy:




It's utterly worth it. Year has only started but already contender for game of the year.

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I actually didn't want to get this game right away...


But you guys made me buy it. Dicks :p


You're welcome... :blank:


...Dick :p


But seriously, I'm really happy to hear that so many other members are enjoying this fantastic title which really is worthy of all the praise it's receiving. :)


Some may have criticised it for taking more than inspiration from the Souls series but I would argue that it's from the same stable that brought us the Ninja Gaiden titles, which in turn mean that the Souls series wouldn't exist in the same way if it wasn't for the inspiration they have taken in part from NG so I say that it's just one big circle of love & respect between developers who both make awesome games. : peace:


Also as an aside, Nioh has got me contemplating finally starting Bloodborne at some point which might lead to me playing Dark Souls III one day as well so that's another postitive. :grin:


Anyway, I don't want to derail the positive discussion or to divulge into debate about scores but suffice to say at this point even early on in the game, I would rate Nioh alongside the Ninja Gaiden titles in terms of how much I appreciate it right now.


Last night after 1am yet again I got right back into it, not actually progressing a huge amount from where I left off last time, although I did manage to get all the way around the shore to the door which was next to the shrine and previously locked before which gave me easy access to the Ship... even though I did have to work for it to get to that point and yes @Daft I did exactly the same as you with the Yokai on the roof as ain't nobody got time for that! ;)


Though now I am actually considering going back to take it on because I feel underpowered for the boss, in fact so much so that I decided to take on the Yokai in the small hut with a hole in the roof which took me the best part of an hour to best but I learned a lot more about the subtle changes you can make to the battle mechanics, how to make the most of items and more so it was worthwhile despite the struggle.


If anyone has any tips for the boss that they maybe want to share - possibly in spoiler tags as I'm trying to not ruin too much but I'm not sure what's spoiler and what isn't at this point - then please do as I'm happy to accept any help via subtle hints, or just someone telling me "nah brah, you just gotta' git good!" it's all appreciated. :smile:


Still loving every minute. :heart:

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Finished the prologue mission and the tutorial.


Went with the Kusarigama, Dual Swords and Isonade (I still think this sounds like an energy drink).


Can't access the online functions. Looks like all the data needs to download first. I'll wait then, because I really want to fight against revenants right from the start :D

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You're welcome... :blank:




...Dick :p




But seriously, I'm really happy to hear that so many other members are enjoying this fantastic title which really is worthy of all the praise it's receiving. :)




Some may have criticised it for taking more than inspiration from the Souls series but I would argue that it's from the same stable that brought us the Ninja Gaiden titles, which in turn mean that the Souls series wouldn't exist in the same way if it wasn't for the inspiration they have taken in part from NG so I say that it's just one big circle of love & respect between developers who both make awesome games. : peace:




Also as an aside, Nioh has got me contemplating finally starting Bloodborne at some point which might lead to me playing Dark Souls III one day as well so that's another postitive. :grin:




Anyway, I don't want to derail the positive discussion or to divulge into debate about scores but suffice to say at this point even early on in the game, I would rate Nioh alongside the Ninja Gaiden titles in terms of how much I appreciate it right now.




Last night after 1am yet again I got right back into it, not actually progressing a huge amount from where I left off last time, although I did manage to get all the way around the shore to the door which was next to the shrine and previously locked before which gave me easy access to the Ship... even though I did have to work for it to get to that point and yes @Daft I did exactly the same as you with the Yokai on the roof as ain't nobody got time for that! ;)




Though now I am actually considering going back to take it on because I feel underpowered for the boss, in fact so much so that I decided to take on the Yokai in the small hut with a hole in the roof which took me the best part of an hour to best but I learned a lot more about the subtle changes you can make to the battle mechanics, how to make the most of items and more so it was worthwhile despite the struggle.




If anyone has any tips for the boss that they maybe want to share - possibly in spoiler tags as I'm trying to not ruin too much but I'm not sure what's spoiler and what isn't at this point - then please do as I'm happy to accept any help via subtle hints, or just someone telling me "nah brah, you just gotta' git good!" it's all appreciated. :smile:




Still loving every minute. :heart:




Don't think spoilers are that necessary but I'll use them where appropriate and I'm typing this from phone so excuse the poor formatting.


First thing, learn his moves. I think it's applicable to all creatures in this game more so than any other I have played. If you know what they can do, moveswise, you know what to dodge, block or tank. And it allows you to game their ki.


Perfect example is heavily armoured samurais with Katanas. They tend to like high stance and if they go into that, they begin with a downward vertical slice which can be exploited with your low stance dodges to devastating effect as the those attacks take large amounts of ki and the dodges should put you behind your opponent giving you more damage on your attack.


Sorry for the long winded explanation but because I knew all this bosses attacks from all the demos, I was able to do him best him first time. Low stance was key for me too to allow for faster and wider dodges. Make sure you get the ki pulse while dodging upgrade. Essential for the game let alone the boss.


Some extra stuff

destroying his horns stuns him for a short time giving you a decent attack window. They can be damaged whenever he lowers his head enough but I would advise doing it during the belly flop move he does after the chains are off.

I wouldn't focus on being behind him too much but rather attacking him from the sides. The resultant attacks are easier to dodge from that position.

Save your guardian spirit power for the last 6th or so of his health. You should blow right through his remaining health then when activated. Activating it next to him should Stun him momentarily too.

Make sure to get rid of the Yokai realms with consumables or perfect ki pulses - makes sure you have more area to quickly recover stamina.

Do not get greedy with damage and thus deplete your stamina reserves. It will lead to death.

Be patient - useful advice for the entire game.



Hope this helps. If you need anymore advice let me know.

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First thing, learn his moves. I think it's applicable to all creatures in this game more so than any other I have played. If you know what they can do, moveswise, you know what to dodge, block or tank. And it allows you to game their ki.


Perfect example is heavily armoured samurais with Katanas. They tend to like high stance and if they go into that, they begin with a downward vertical slice which can be exploited with your low stance dodges to devastating effect as the those attacks take large amounts of ki and the dodges should put you behind your opponent giving you more damage on your attack.


Sorry for the long winded explanation but because I knew all this bosses attacks from all the demos, I was able to do him best him first time. Low stance was key for me too to allow for faster and wider dodges. Make sure you get the ki pulse while dodging upgrade. Essential for the game let alone the boss.


Some extra stuff

destroying his horns stuns him for a short time giving you a decent attack window.


They can be damaged whenever he lowers his head enough but I would advise doing it during the belly flop move he does after the chains are off.


I wouldn't focus on being behind him too much but rather attacking him from the sides. The resultant attacks are easier to dodge from that position.


Save your guardian spirit power for the last 6th or so of his health. You should blow right through his remaining health then when activated. Activating it next to him should Stun him momentarily too.


Make sure to get rid of the Yokai realms with consumables or perfect ki pulses - makes sure you have more area to quickly recover stamina.


Do not get greedy with damage and thus deplete your stamina reserves. It will lead to death.


Be patient - useful advice for the entire game.



Hope this helps. If you need anymore advice let me know.


All of this is good advice which I can use, I've run out of Thanks for now but thanks. :)


I've corrected the spoiler tag and reformatted it so that I can refer back to it while playing, don't worry about the errors, I wasn't even sure if a spoiler box was required but I just assume that bosses are a major point, all of this is quite early in though so I gather all of it thus far was covered in the demos which I missed; it's just me being overly cautious, I appreciate you going to the trouble of typing it out in any case so thank you. : peace:


I'm going to have fun putting all of this new knowledge into practise this evening/early morning tomorrow. :D

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I'm having fun reading people's experiences let alone playing it!


Glad I'm not the only one, I've found it substantially easier than the Alpha/Beta/Demo. I'm sure familiarity is part of it but I also know that there are less enemies placed throughout the map. I wouldn't say I was especially great at these kinds of games but I playing for a few hours last night and managed to defeat the boss on the ship and do the sub-mission after.




There was one Yoki that would two-hit me to death and I just ran past him. He was a weird spike in difficulty.






Having said that, I am absolutely loving it.




I've kind of settled on the Kusarigama as my main weapon of choice. It's just way too awesome to use. And I'm unsure about my second weapon, I've been using a Giant Axe but just picked up an awesome Sword so I'll play with that for a bit.




I've not even looked at the Ninjutsu or Magic.




I'm also not really sure where to spend my stats. Anyone got any tips?




Useful tips from myself:


Ki pulse weapon upgrades once acquired on one, unlock for all weapons.

Most of your damage upgrades will come from weapon changes/upgrades.

Investing about 10ish points in spirit will unlock further stat bonuses from guardian spirits.

Using items like you do weapons will add to prestige points which are permanent stat upgrades - so be versatile and use everything - hard for hoarders like myself to overcome!

Put points in ninjutsu asap. Near bottom of tree is dark souls style backstab attack. Get that at the very least. Also potentially use points to increase ammo and consumable reserves that can be carried

Points in onymo can be used on passives to increase damage to yokai.

Sound is important.

Co op is easier to do in this game than in dark souls but helper must have completed mission first.

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Ran a fever for most of the evening so I couldn't concentrate enough to really play Nioh. :hmm: Wouldn't have been enjoyable.

Was happy to be able to watch a movie at least :D


Feeling a bit better now and hopefully I'll be up for wrecking havoc amongst those Yokai tomorrow :laughing:

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Managed to complete the third (or fourth, if you count the prologue) mission.


Aside from Nue the mission was very easy.


Died twice to Nue. After I beat him I went on to beat this mission's final boss without dying.

So far, the game is quite easy. For the first two missions that obviously comes down to familiarity. But even the third mission was not that challenging...


Hope that this changes. I have one sub-mission left to do before proceeding to the next area. : peace:

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Managed to complete the third (or fourth, if you count the prologue) mission.


Aside from Nue the mission was very easy.


Died twice to Nue. After I beat him I went on to beat this mission's final boss without dying.


This fucking boss. I co-oped him because that Thunder strike attack is ass. Easy to dodge but fucking painful.




I've just done the fifth boss, Umi-bozu. Still enjoying it loads. Starting to dip into more Ninjitsus and going to start messing with magic soon.


If anyone needs help and wants to co-op, let me know. Managed to do the Twilight level on Saturday with some beast co-op random. ( @Deathjam I'm remembering fun Destiny times)

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Managed to complete the third (or fourth, if you count the prologue) mission.


Aside from Nue the mission was very easy.


Died twice to Nue. After I beat him I went on to beat this mission's final boss without dying.

So far, the game is quite easy. For the first two missions that obviously comes down to familiarity. But even the third mission was not that challenging...


Hope that this changes. I have one sub-mission left to do before proceeding to the next area. : peace:




Twice is good. I died what must have been 10+ times but what followed was almost flawless.


Personally I don't mind the level of challenge. If you look on YouTube there are a lot of strugglers out there And remember, there are twilight missions. That's where the real challenge is.

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