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Behold the Kickmen


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Tentatively put this in here as no console details have been announced, nor has any confirmation this game will actually come out...


Dan Marshall (Ben There, Dan That, Gun Monkeys and The Swindle) made a joke on Twitter about how he should make a football game as he knows nothing about football and he's gone with it and it looks like it could be a lot of fun!


Kotaku did a write up (pretty much a summary of tweets with one quote they got from him) about it that gives the short history.


I'm no football fan (at all) but it is completely ignoring the big rules of football and just tries to have fun. He's even managing to annoy some die-hard football fans by ignoring the rules:




Anyway, looks like it could be a fun multiplayer game! Hopefully something will come of it.



(gif quality is poor because of Twitter file size limit)

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This is amazing. Genuine sore throat/chest from laughing so much.


I lost it here: "You play as "The Players" and your aim is to walk the "ball" into the back of the net as often as possible. That scores you A Goal. The further you are away from the goal when you do the big kick, the more goals you get. If you score from a long way away, it's like 3 goals, I guess.


"There's a man in yellow who stands near the goal, and he's called The Goldkeeper and he's allowed to use his hands, but he's the only one."


"Shit's getting serious: added enemies."


Absolutely brilliant. I'd play the shit out of this.

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There's something charmingly child-like in the approach. The way kids see things in their own way that can actually be really logical. Of course the man in yellow is the goldkeeper!


And the further away thing is basketball. I'm surprised there haven't been more times where sports have been blended like this to create something new. Rocket League kind of did it.

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Rocket League is one of my favourite games of the last few years. It's really good fun and isn't serious at all...but yet somehow still is serious. Pseudo-serious. But fun.


This game doesn't make any sense and that's why I think it'll be great. It's the Anti-FIFA.


On another note, he does raise a good point; shooting from far out should result in more goals!

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The Kick Off is a core part of the football game, it's when the winner of the first goal is basically decided.




So, this game is for real? It'll get a full release? Pretty please?


Get it on PS4. Online multiplayer. Make it free on PS+. Bam, Rocket League of 2016.

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It did all start as a joke but he's got Michael Cook working on the AI and apparently since the Kotaku article has had a number of emails from all sorts of people looking to help. I think it might actually become a reality.


Plus he's getting interest from elsewhere:




And here's their report:



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I hope you can intentionally foul players, the keeper, the referee, the linesman, the fans...


That used to be so fun, especially when you turned off cards and had a team full of injured players. I don't see why people would be against this game, anything unconventional should be welcomed!

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I don't think anyone actually is against this time of game (die-hard football enthusiasts/purists aside). I think it's just the race to realism left this kind of stuff by the wayside and now smaller teams are bringing it back.

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The video wasn't great, tbh. There's certain bits that are funny here and there, but it seemed very flat to me. (I know it's difficult to do these types of videos as you're trying to play and talk at the same time whilst showing off the game in a good light and he addressed that) Maybe not the best way to show it off.


However, it still looks completely nuts. Can't wait for it.

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