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What Happens NX?


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Still Nintendo have to fill out those genres themselves. Shouldn't just be relying on third parties. Without cultivating there own audience into trying different genre of games the worry is third party games won't sell.


I think third parties would have a lot more faith in releasing FPS/racing games/sports games etc if they saw Nintendo was also supporting those genres.


No doubt Nintendo were relying on 3rd parties to fulfill certain genres and when they didn't Nintendo should have done something about it.


I think the opposite is true to your last statement, there is no competition for a football game on Wii U so you would have a captive audience. In contrast if you were to release a platformer as Nintendo supports that genre you'd be competing with Mario, Yoshi, Toad, Donkey Kong etc etc

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Now if Nintendo were open to cross-platform online, as Microsoft have said they are, this would alleviate this problem a bit.


Nintendo have said they would and have done in the past (can't remember the game but I'm pretty sure it was something like that 42 Card Games on DS or something random like that).


I think they're open to it in theory, they just don't have many multi-plat games!

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I find this part really, really hard to believe.


Why? My nephews bought a ps4 just for fifa. They don't even pay the £40 online because my brother thinks, rightly, it's ridiculous you have to pay to play online.


My mate bought a ps4 to play fifa and cod after owning a wii u.


It's not inconceivable quite a few people did this.

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Why? My nephews bought a ps4 just for fifa. They don't even pay the £40 online because my brother thinks, rightly, it's ridiculous you have to pay to play online.


My mate bought a ps4 to play fifa and cod after owning a wii u.


It's not inconceivable quite a few people did this.


A few of my boys friends got a PS4 at Christmas and to a man each dad phoned me to ask why they couldn't play online and were not best pleased when they found out it would cost them £40 a year.

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A few of my boys friends got a PS4 at Christmas and to a man each dad phoned me to ask why they couldn't play online and were not best pleased when they found out it would cost them £40 a year.


Maybe it's just me but I really don't see an issue with having to pay £40 ( never paid this as you can always get deals knocking it down to £30 easily ) to play online for a year. I mean, it's less than £1.00 a week! These companies have to provide and maintain the servers and no doubt it's not cheap to do so.

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Other than the fact that if FIFA and COD were on Wii U we would not have purchased a PS4 in the first place, then no difference at all!

That's the whole point, people don't buy the Wii U because they can't play those games. If Wii U had on par copies of these games every year my son would be playing his friends at FIFA on the Wii U.


All the N-Europe gang played COD online together on the Wii U, but when it stopped being released everybody moved over to PS4.


The "key thing" is my sons friends were forced to buy a PS4 and pay £40 a year so their sons can play Fifa. If they had the choice they would have bought a Wii U.


Your son and his friends are very much in the minority if they are literally the only worthwhile games those systems provide.


And having these games on Nintendo's system will not do a thing. People will not select their console to buy these games, by and large. Other than for your personal situation and a smattering of people who feel like you, this won't matter on the big scale.


The vast majority of people rightly recognise the advantages to the other consoles and why they are most suited to the games they get. These systems have cultivated party systems, voice chat, image, advertising deals, standard controllers and the userbase. Most people do not think "god, I have to buy a PlayStation or Xbox system to play FIFA". That is literally the furthest thing from reality.

Edited by Sheikah
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I love how you state your personal opinions with so much tone of fact.


My bad.


Most people (≥50%) may buy games consoles just to pay two games.


Nintendo's console may gain a major FIFA userbase, contrary to literally everything we know about Nintendo.


Pigs may fly.


Some things are really pretty obvious, do we need to speak with caution all the time?

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Why? My nephews bought a ps4 just for fifa. They don't even pay the £40 online because my brother thinks, rightly, it's ridiculous you have to pay to play online.


My mate bought a ps4 to play fifa and cod after owning a wii u.


It's not inconceivable quite a few people did this.


It's inconceivable because the previous versions of FIFA were absolute garbage compared to their other console counterparts.


I owned FIFA08 on the Wii and whilst I thought it was ok, that was in the full knowledge that what I had paid for was in fact still a vastly inferior product compare to what the other consoles had. Nothing the Wii versions had made up for that.


It was the same for all the other releases. They were vastly inferior. The WiiU version of FIFA 13 was shite and wasn't even the same FIFA13 that other consoles had. It was a gimped version that was closer to 12.


(Kids playing CoD is just a lol-worthy subject and I'm not even going to attempt going there)


If FIFA was that serious to any audience, you'd never even attempt to buy it on a Nintendo system, at least not for the last decade. It's lacked key features, it's got a much smaller userbase which affects the online portion and it's just an all-round inferior product. It's been consistently shit. Hell, you could pick up a 360 or PS3 second hand for less than the cost of a WiiU and get your FIFA glad-rags there.

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My bad.


Most people (≥50%) may buy games consoles just to pay two games.


Nintendo's console may gain a major FIFA userbase, contrary to literally everything we know about Nintendo.


Pigs may fly.


Some things are really pretty obvious, do we need to speak with caution all the time?


But pigs won't ever fly...


Why just pick these ones? I'm pretty sure Nintendo had decent football fans on Nes, Snes and N64 no? I bet Super Soccer, the ISS games sold really well! Probably Fifa '96.


But ultimately it doesn't matter. That's in the past, meaningless.


And no we don't have to speak with caution when it comes to our opinions, but you're stating things as fact when it's utter bull.


You said:

- having these games won't do a thing

- people won't select nintendo to play these games

- vast majority of people rightly recognise the advantages of the other systems and are better for the games they play.



Way to speak for a lot of people... History has shown that actually people to move between consoles and such, this is such a bizarre thing to state as fact. Fact is we have absolutely no idea what's going to happen, we don't even know what the NX is, so much can change. But you speak with such authority...


Rather than just saying how incredible the ps4 set up is and nintendo literally ha son chance in hell whatsoever to do anything positive, why don't you actually put forward ideas on what they can and need to do?


It's inconceivable because the previous versions of FIFA were absolute garbage compared to their other console counterparts.


I owned FIFA08 on the Wii and whilst I thought it was ok, that was in the full knowledge that what I had paid for was in fact still a vastly inferior product compare to what the other consoles had. Nothing the Wii versions had made up for that.


It was the same for all the other releases. They were vastly inferior. The WiiU version of FIFA 13 was shite and wasn't even the same FIFA13 that other consoles had. It was a gimped version that was closer to 12.


(Kids playing CoD is just a lol-worthy subject and I'm not even going to attempt going there)


If FIFA was that serious to any audience, you'd never even attempt to buy it on a Nintendo system, at least not for the last decade. It's lacked key features, it's got a much smaller userbase which affects the online portion and it's just an all-round inferior product. It's been consistently shit. Hell, you could pick up a 360 or PS3 second hand for less than the cost of a WiiU and get your FIFA glad-rags there.


To be fair Fifa '13 on wii u was better than Fifa 13 on ps4 because 12 was a far better engine (luckily they sorted it for 14).


I think another point is maybe not everyone cares that much just how good it is? Ultimately, although you find it inconceivable, me and clown ferret know at least a couple of people who have done exactly what we have said, so it's happening.

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But pigs won't ever fly...


Why just pick these ones? I'm pretty sure Nintendo had decent football fans on Nes, Snes and N64 no? I bet Super Soccer, the ISS games sold really well! Probably Fifa '96.


But ultimately it doesn't matter. That's in the past, meaningless.


And no we don't have to speak with caution when it comes to our opinions, but you're stating things as fact when it's utter bull.


You said:

- having these games won't do a thing

- people won't select nintendo to play these games (by and large)

- vast majority of people rightly recognise the advantages of the other systems and are better for the games they play.



Way to speak for a lot of people... History has shown that actually people to move between consoles and such, this is such a bizarre thing to state as fact. Fact is we have absolutely no idea what's going to happen, we don't even know what the NX is, so much can change. But you speak with such authority...


Rather than just saying how incredible the ps4 set up is and nintendo literally ha son chance in hell whatsoever to do anything positive, why don't you actually put forward ideas on what they can and need to do?




To be fair Fifa '13 on wii u was better than Fifa 13 on ps4 because 12 was a far better engine (luckily they sorted it for 14).


I think another point is maybe not everyone cares that much just how good it is? Ultimately, although you find it inconceivable, me and clown ferret know at least a couple of people who have done exactly what we have said, so it's happening.


Ugh, I can't stand it when people start talking utter bollocks.


I was pretty clearly stating my opinion, but in order to "win an argument" you will now interpret all words I say as literally as possible. Why do this...?


To clarify - when I say "it won't do a thing", I don't mean it won't make a single sale. I mean, by and large, this won't really make much difference. Because people do not select Nintendo consoles to play these games. It will not reverse Nintendo's third party situation. The funny thing is that people think EA coming back would rectify things, and that behind the scenes literally everything that is wrong with Nintendo and why it doesn't attract third parties has secretly been fixed.

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Ugh, I can't stand it when people start talking utter bollocks.


I was pretty clearly stating my opinion, but in order to "win an argument" you will now interpret all words I say as literally as possible. Why do this...?


To clarify - when I say "it won't do a thing", I don't mean it won't make a single sale. I mean, by and large, this won't really make much difference. Because people do not select Nintendo consoles to play these games. It will not reverse Nintendo's third party situation. The funny thing is that people think EA coming back would rectify things, and that behind the scenes literally everything that is wrong with Nintendo and why it doesn't attract third parties has secretly been fixed.


I'm not saying EA coming back would rectify things, I'm saying if they don't come back NX can't be succeed.


In this tiny chat room it has just been demonstrated that circa a dozen people purchased a PS4 for Fifa.

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Circa a dozen? I count you and Dazzy.


Others may have picked it up for that amongst other things (such as Flink) but I don't see a dozen people buying a PS4 for FIFA. I don't even as a dozen people discussing it at all :heh:

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Ugh, I can't stand it when people start talking utter bollocks.


I was pretty clearly stating my opinion, but in order to "win an argument" you will now interpret all words I say as literally as possible. Why do this...?


To clarify - when I say "it won't do a thing", I don't mean it won't make a single sale. I mean, by and large, this won't really make much difference. Because people do not select Nintendo consoles to play these games. It will not reverse Nintendo's third party situation. The funny thing is that people think EA coming back would rectify things, and that behind the scenes literally everything that is wrong with Nintendo and why it doesn't attract third parties has secretly been fixed.


Exactly my thoughts!!


Back track all you like, but you were speaking with such authority, when Serebii does it people lynch him, you included. Ultimately you have no idea, you're talking about what will happen in the industry, not your opinion on something. You just come across as painfully pompous.


As for people thinking EA will rectify things, considering what they did to Dreamcast and arguably wii u too (the two consoles they didn't support) I don't think it's a ridiculous thing to say. And you certainly don't see those people demand your views so readily that it won't.


Learn to debate with people.


Unless you're autistic then in all seriousness I apologise for ever commenting on your expression.

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I'm not going to argue anymore on this, I am very confident about those points I made and I reckon you are too but you just want to have an argument about the wording because you get a kick out of these slagging matches.


I will say though, telling people they need to learn to debate while simultaneously calling them autistic is pretty hilarious, if not incredibly stupid.

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Ugh, I can't stand it when people start talking utter bollocks.


I was pretty clearly stating my opinion, but in order to "win an argument" you will now interpret all words I say as literally as possible. Why do this...?


To clarify - when I say "it won't do a thing", I don't mean it won't make a single sale. I mean, by and large, this won't really make much difference. Because people do not select Nintendo consoles to play these games. It will not reverse Nintendo's third party situation. The funny thing is that people think EA coming back would rectify things, and that behind the scenes literally everything that is wrong with Nintendo and why it doesn't attract third parties has secretly been fixed.


Don't you think there are people who don't buy Nintendo consoles due to no third party support?

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Don't you think there are people who don't buy Nintendo consoles due to no third party support?


Absolutely - and the answer? Most people thirsting for third party support will buy those consoles for said third party support. It kinda stands to reason. And with NX launching mid gen, many of those people will have bought into their next gen console already. I just don't see a lot of people buying these games on Nintendo consoles rather than where existing friend lists are - I also think it's very unlikely Nintendo will ever acquire third party support on the level of competitors, so it's a bit of a moot point.

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To be fair Fifa '13 on wii u was better than Fifa 13 on ps4 because 12 was a far better engine (luckily they sorted it for 14).


I think another point is maybe not everyone cares that much just how good it is? Ultimately, although you find it inconceivable, me and clown ferret know at least a couple of people who have done exactly what we have said, so it's happening.


There wasn't a FIFA 13 for PS4. :heh:


Of course, it would be better and easier for everyone if FIFA were released on everything. I would have preferred at the time to have a FIFA (or at least a better one) on WiiU but it was just another reason to change systems. I still find it hard to believe that it'd be the only reason...that's a looooot of money to just play FIFA! I wouldn't say it's a guarantee that the NX will get one either. It could even be the same as the WiiU in that it'll be a token gesture (e.g. based on an older or inferior version of the game) and maybe that'll be it.


Also, not related but...


Unless you're autistic then in all seriousness I apologise for ever commenting on your expression.


There's no real need for comments like that. We should all be able to debate without resorting to lows like that. We're better than that.

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EA games, especially the sports games, will be great but only if they are supplemented by other exclusives that appeal to the same audience. The N64 was the last traditional console from Nintendo that did really well in the West because it had exclusives that appealed to western crowds, which supplemented third party games like FIFA, Madden etc.


Can Nintendo find their next Goldeneye, WWF No Mercy, Wave Race etc? If they can build an audience for those games they will do well in the west.

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Interesting points regarding EA. I bought a PS4 for PES16, FIFA, Uncharted 4, realistic racers and anything else will be a bonus! (Lots to choose from!)

In the UK FIFA 16 sold 2,516,079 copies and Call Of Duty: Black Ops III 1,928,813 last year. To miss out these huge hitters almost renders Nintendo irrelevant. Like a cinema not showing the latest blockbuster, the majority of locals would eventually start going elsewhere everytime a big film hit town. Eventually they would forget that little cinema even existed.


Nintendo NEED these games if they want consumer mindset (and parity) with the other boxes on the market.

Cross platform play could also be important to appeal to players on the fence. "Play against your friends, no matter what console they have, for FREE!" Would be a party line worth shouting about. NX needs a HUGE, culturally relevant game at launch to propel it off the starting line.


Anything else and it will be another tough generation for Nintendo.

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I'm not going to argue anymore on this, I am very confident about those points I made and I reckon you are too but you just want to have an argument about the wording because you get a kick out of these slagging matches.


I will say though, telling people they need to learn to debate while simultaneously calling them autistic is pretty hilarious, if not incredibly stupid.


I really don't enjoy it at all; I guess I just see this thread, based on a great article to instigate discussion; people say what they think will work, what people want to see, what affect various companies have etc And you come steaming in, and speak for the worldwide gaming community and say - NO, EA won't make a difference, it won't change 3rd parties, and gamers won't move over because they're so happy with ps4 and One.... Just felt like an absolute killer to discuss these things; like I said before, why don't you offer something constructive, what WOULD/COULD work? What lengths? What do you want to see happen? etc. Far more interesting than a complete shut down.


As far as what I think, yeah, I think even if Nintendo gets decent third party support, it probably won't make a huge different, but it would make some difference. I think their killer app will be the sheer breath of their first party content, if ports are easy they get the 3rd parties, then if it becomes really succesful, you never know!


Even your comment above - they'll never get 3rd party support like the competitors so discussing it is a moot point... NO IT ISN'T! It's an absolutely interesting 'point' to be discussing. I know you think you know what is going to happen, but you don't; and this thread, and many like it, are about discussing all possibilities.


There wasn't a FIFA 13 for PS4. :heh:


Ha, I meant PS3. I had them both and genuinely preferred Wii u version. In fact Fifa 13 is in my top 5 most played Wii u games, I'm pretty sure it might even be number 1. Slightly embarrassing...

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No, what you saw was someone expressing a negative viewpoint towards a thing and providing a counter point of view to that of others; such is discussion. My posts were pretty clearly an expression of my opinon; despite the lack of 'I think'. And now, you are making this place toxic by doing silly things like calling people autistic. They are instant loses; the second you say something like that, you know, I know, and everyone else knows that you fucked it.


I'll gladly welcome more questions from liger, or anyone with a point of debate on topic that isn't implying someone is an idiot.

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So autistic people are idiots? Hmm. In all honesty I was being deadly serious; I had a streak of guilt come over me "what if...". Genuinely thought it was a possibility. Which wouldn't be a bad thing by the way. And definitely wouldn't make you an idiot.

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Interesting points regarding EA. I bought a PS4 for PES16, FIFA, Uncharted 4, realistic racers and anything else will be a bonus! (Lots to choose from!)

In the UK FIFA 16 sold 2,516,079 copies and Call Of Duty: Black Ops III 1,928,813 last year. To miss out these huge hitters almost renders Nintendo irrelevant. Like a cinema not showing the latest blockbuster, the majority of locals would eventually start going elsewhere everytime a big film hit town. Eventually they would forget that little cinema even existed.


Nintendo NEED these games if they want consumer mindset (and parity) with the other boxes on the market.

Cross platform play could also be important to appeal to players on the fence. "Play against your friends, no matter what console they have, for FREE!" Would be a party line worth shouting about. NX needs a HUGE, culturally relevant game at launch to propel it off the starting line.


Anything else and it will be another tough generation for Nintendo.



That would create some parity, but here's a musing. Let's say that the NX launches early next year - 2017. The PS4 and X1 will have been out about 3.5 years or so - probably about mid generation. Many people who like their FIFA and COD games have jumped on board by that point.


Now, the people who really love Nintendo games will buy the NX anyway, but as we've seen with the Wii U, those people alone are not enough to keep third parties putting out their games on the console. Probably in part as well because they love Nintendo games, and less so non-Nintendo games, which they buy less of.


My question is this: do you think there is a huge third subset of people who like FIFA/COD that have not bought another console already to buy their game, who were not already going to buy a Nintendo console but might be swayed to? Because to me, at this point in the generation, that is all the extra people having FIFA will bring in. Maybe some people who really love Nintendo will not have another console but dip into FIFA. Maybe cheaper porting costs mean it will get some extra games due to cheaper dev costs. But...unless there is another Wii-esque innovation that we don't know about, I just don't see how many extra systems it will shift by having these games. By people's own confession, Wii U had highly rated games (even if they felt mostly unambitious to me). But, that wasn't enough. Will having third parties be the answer?


I honestly don't think so, personally. Many people will argue what defines success and if for you, the console having great games means it will be successful, then you will probably be delighted. But unless this console does something crazy, I just don't see multiplatform third parties like FIFA saving it from a similar Wii U fate.


So autistic people are idiots? Hmm. In all honesty I was being deadly serious; I had a streak of guilt come over me "what if...". Genuinely thought it was a possibility. Which wouldn't be a bad thing by the way. And definitely wouldn't make you an idiot.

Yeah, because that's exactly what I said.


I honestly have no clue how to respond to someone so blatantly disrespectful, continuing to accuse people of being autistic as an insult - because, yes, it very clearly is an insult to say to someone you don't like when you're having an argument with them. It also shows that you haven't got even a hint of a clue about the mannerisms and behavioural traits associated with autism. You are vile.

Edited by Sheikah
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