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How Was Your Day?


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My day has been half and half. I failed my PA test by 2%, which SUCKS. I also had a bit of a run-in with one of the staff talking to people like shite because he used to be a manager. Still, it got ironed out so it's all good but it's still stressful especially when literally a quarter of the workforce are leaving and it doesn't affect him. Still that was the bad so on to the good...


After my successful weight loss, I've had great customer feedback saying how they've followed me, my advice and my plans and what I do and they've lost weight (one woman said 2 stone) and that they've binned off Slimming World. I also had a couple of people say I'm wasted where I am and should definitely look into coaching and things to do with weight loss.


I actually started making a 5 year plan a couple of weeks ago about where I want to be and what I want to do which has been up in the air for years. Today, I finished it. I've always been afraid of jumping forward and doing stuff because of failure but after last year, I figured that if my Grandad could face everything he did, which was infinitely worse, I could do it. So I plan on getting all the qualifications where I am and gaining as much knowledge as possible and then in about 3 years time (if I'm hopefully still there), I'd hopefully be looking good and slim and have saved up quite a bit for me to go back into education and look into fitness and health. I'm feeling very positive about it right now and I'm motivated about getting what I want.


Also, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY ON FRIDAY and my manager kindly gave me the day off and my family are teasing me about it.


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My day has been pretty fucking amazing. So far I could say it was the best day I've had in quite a while.


I beat my record time of 5k and did it in 27m 45s. I managed to take away almost 2 minutes from my last attempt which had me buzzing.


I got more compliments about my weight loss to the point people are asking me to write them out a plan (which I'm not allowed to do in my job as I'm not a PT...yet!)


My overnight oats were the best ones I made and I luckily wrote down exactly what I did and the measurements so I'm hoping tomorrow's will taste the same.


I PASSED MY PA by 87% and even got a phone call from one of the main trainers of the company congratulating me, which was so cool.


My manager and one of my best friends (they're both engaged...yup, small world) has got me this for my birthday and it's fucking amazing!




The fruit I usually buy were on offer because the delivery brought too many to get rid of in one day so got a lot of fruit for £5.




Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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