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Paper Mario: Colour Splash


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There's some clever stuff they're doing with the paint here, the part with Shufflegate was clever and really funny :laughing:


I don't mind them continuing on from where Sticker Star left off because I'm one of those weirdos who actually really enjoyed Sticker Star. I'm still not really thrilled at the idea of having a cast of standard looking Toads make up the majority of characters in the game though...


Yeah, the Toad thing is a major gripe of mine. I had the same issues with Paper Jam. It just seems somewhat quick and lazy to use a bunch of Toads, rather than coming up with unique and funny characters that are bursting with personality.

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I think I must be the only person in the world who loved Sticker Star. That and Super Paper Mario are the only two Paper Mario games I've played though so I think it means I can appreciate them for what they are, rather than what they're not (TYD)

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I think I must be the only person in the world who loved Sticker Star. That and Super Paper Mario are the only two Paper Mario games I've played though so I think it means I can appreciate them for what they are, rather than what they're not (TYD)


I've played and loved all of the Paper Mario games, but Sticker Star is by far my favourite (so far). :)

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While I agree with those thinking its a Watergate reference, Nintendo really should have been more careful with this and avoided any mention of whateverthewordmaybe-gate. The Zoe Quinn incident is still very fresh in peoples minds and i'm not shocked people are coming to this conclusion.


Color Splash has already received a lot of hate after the E3 coverage and this isn't going to do the game any favours either.

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I like when character actually have names too. Almost all of the PM characters roaming the towns had names and something to make them unique. Care was put into the world. Now that is gone.


Decalburg could have included some named characters since it was the only town.

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So this hasn't gone down well...



Those two scenes aren't together in the game. Granted, spliced they look dodgy, but there is no implication at all. Seriously.


The -gate suffix has nothing to do with Gamergate. It has been used jokingly for scandals globally for decades since Watergate.


I can understand why she may have made the connection if seeing the two images just like that but that's not the context in the game.


Yeah it probably is but we don't know, but given their handling of the Rapp case it doesn't look great.


As I mentioned above its also the five guys thing.


You do know that the Rapp firing had nothing to do with Gamergate right? It was her moonlighting vocation that resulted in it.


Yeah it probably is but we don't know, but given their handling of the Rapp case it doesn't look great.


As I mentioned above its also the five guys thing.


So every time there are five guys in a group, if anyone mentions it they're referencing the situation?


The link is tenuous at best.

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You do know that the Rapp firing had nothing to do with Gamergate right? It was her moonlighting vocation that resulted in it.


But they fired her after her harassers (not actually Gamergate, but similar) brought the moonlighting to Nintendo's attention I thought. Whatever the rights or wrongs of her moonlighting, that is not nothing to do with the problem.


EDIT: I don't get the five guys thing - what is that about?

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Those two scenes aren't together in the game. Granted, spliced they look dodgy, but there is no implication at all. Seriously.


The -gate suffix has nothing to do with Gamergate. It has been used jokingly for scandals globally for decades since Watergate.


I can understand why she may have made the connection if seeing the two images just like that but that's not the context in the game.


You do know that the Rapp firing had nothing to do with Gamergate right? It was her moonlighting vocation that resulted in it.


So every time there are five guys in a group, if anyone mentions it they're referencing the situation?


The link is tenuous at best.


It is part of a wider context though - one in which the game industry has become toxic for some. One in which seeing something like that can cause emotional suffering for someone (she clearly was distraught yesterday). Now it's not Nintendo's fault, obviously, but in its current state it's not helping matters.


I do yes, thank you. You do understood they stood by silently for months while she was abused online? While she was accused of making changes she had no say over? A belief that as her employer they could have clarified. They could have said something like "she has no control over these matters, all decisions are made by [whatever team] of which she has no say and we do not tolerate the abuse of one of our employees". No, they said nothing. They said nothing until they fired her. And yes she broke their rules but I bet you she's not the only one moonlighting. She's not the only one breaking their rules. They handled it in a really shitty way even before they fired her. Hopefully they've learnt their lessons.


It's about being woke as the kids say. It's about acknowledging that this might cause offence. I doubt it was intentional upfront (by Nintendo as a company, Zoe suggests an individual in Treehouse is doing it intentionally), but just like with their spastic line hopefully Nintendo will change it to try and accommodate. As an industry where females aren't given leading roles for crappy reasons like "but what would the man do?", "it involves climbing and women wear skirts" and a plethora of crappy reasons including not wanting to upset boys, men are more approachable and it will take longer to animate. An industry where a day after 50 LGBT people were killed everyone expressed their condolences and wore pins while play-fighting gun violence. This obviously isn't all Nintendo, nor do I think Nintendo has been particularly bad, but it's about how the industry needs to be more aware if it wants to be taken more seriously. Unfortunately our industry has been intoxicated by hate and violence and it would be noble if Nintendo acknowledged that, even if it was completely unintentional, this is distressing someone (and her supporters).



EDIT: I don't get the five guys thing - what is that about?


Just your classic (baseless) slut shaming.

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Ok, so if the two scenes aren't at the same point in the game why do they look like they are? Even the toad with the yellow head is in the same spot.


It's from the same scene but there's stuff in between (not sure how much stuff), but it's certainly not back-to-back.

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Jesus Ronnie this woman suffered sustained online abuse and death threats. I imagine the last thing she wants is attention to be frank.


Also the images were sent to her, she didn't go hunting them out.

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