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Yakuza 6 (PS4)


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Nabbed the Platinum trophy for this last night, first one in quite a while and also my very first for a Yakuza game (I was close with 4 but never quite managed it). Other than a couple of grindy bits Yakuza 6 is almost certainly the easiest in the series to platinum though.

Thinking I might jump back to Zero and Kiwami soon, as there’s still quite a bit of content I never got the chance to fully explore in those games. Don’t expect I’d be able to platinum either of those games though, as they both feature pretty insane brick walls on the harder difficulty levels (no doubt where I’ll find my save data at when I do return to them! :hehe:) shame they don’t feature the option to just redo the last fight like 6 does. :grin: 

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Ok just completed Yakuza 6. Overall I really enjoyed it but I did have a couple of complaints as well.



I thought the new engine worked really well. Having a lot less loads and just being able to walk into a lot of buildings was brilliant.

I was amazed at how much they managed to get me to hate "Baby" Iwami by the end seeing as he barely appeared through most of the game.

Wasn't a massive fan of the "Secret of Onimichi" part of the story. As this is Kiryu's last game (supposedly) I was initially happier with the more personal story they were telling with Haruka and Haruto.

Got to admit, for most of the game I expect Hirose to be a bad guy and die but after that I was expecting the end to have Kiryu taking up the role of Patriarch to that family.

I thought they did an amazing job with Haruto. I expected him to be just an annoying baby when I first saw the trailers but I really cared for that kid by the end!

Yakuza once again just has the most amazing final fights in games. The build up nearly always leaves me buzzing ready to beat the holy hell out of someone

I didn't mind the Kiryu death fakeout (I wasn't misty eyed at all, honest!) but the one I didn't like was Kiyomi. I thought it was a really powerful moment when both Sayema and her died and I was annoyed that they just chickened out.

The problem with casting big actors like they did was that it did telegraph stuff. As soon as we met Hirose I knew something more would be coming that him just being this eccentric Patriarch and the same with Yuta. As soon as we met him I knew that was Haruto's dad.

Probably have some more thoughts later once ive processed it a bit more but that's it for now.


Edited by Happenstance
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I like how the top 3 topics on this forum at the moment are all Yakuza games. 

I'm playing this at a relatively slow pace, just returned to Kamurocho. I'm really impressed again with how spectacular the city looks, Sotenbori should be really awesome in Kiwami 2. 

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Anyone else massively disappointed with what Sega did to the...


Ono Michio-kun costume?

Was really looking forward to messing about with that (after the hilarious sub story :grin:) but they went and gave the premium adventure version of it a tiny head! :blank:

Not cool at all.


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  • 2 months later...

Finally got around to finishing this. I kept putting off the finale, after past experience with 0 and Kiwami's lasting for ages without any breaks. :heh:

Overall a really awesome game, the new engine really brings to life the world and makes everything so much more streamlined. It had a great cast of characters, especially the Hirose family. Onomichi was an interesting location, makes me tempted to visit the real world place it's based off.


After seeing bad feedback elsewhere on the internet, I was expecting Mass Effect 3 levels of crappyness at the end. I was pleasantly surprised, it was pretty good ending for Kiryu's story. A bit surprised they didn't kill him off properly after all that. Surely he's going to develop some serious brain problems after being smashed repeatedly around the head with a metal bar!

Having only played 0 and Kiwami previously, the note to Daigo at the end probably had a lot less impact. Not sure if I missed out on much more from not playing 2-5.


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  • 2 years later...

With the Yakuza Collection done and dusted it was now time to start my next adventure.

Playing the earlier installments before this one you really appreciate the little QoL things that are in the game, such as having a dedicated map button. You have no idea much it annoyed me that you had to pause the game to access the map, especially when they moved the map option up one slot in the 5th game.

I played a fair bit of Virtua Fighter 5. Crazy that the game is in this and I forgot how much fun that series is. Baffles me that Sega have never brought it back given the rise of the fighting genre eSport scene.

I just had to try out the Live Chat mini game and the fact that it's the very first sub story you find tells me the developers wanted you to try it out as well. It's like a saucy version of Typing of the Dead. :D Some of the comments about boobs from the NPCs in the chat room had me howling.


I've only just finished the first chapter but I'm not happy that Akiyama has been forced out on the streets and Haruka has been ran over. It's all went Pete Tong since Kiryu went to the slammer.

I loved the fight in the sewer with the triads. The team up move where Akiyama does a flying kick, lands and then Kiryu jumps over him to land a massive punch to the face was a sight to behold.



Yup. Enjoyed what I've played so far and looking forward to delving into it some more tomorrow afternoon/evening.

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Put some more time into this yesterday evening and grabbed an hour on it this morning. The story seems to be a very slow burner. I'm on the fifth chapter of the game and outside of the opening events nothing much else has happened. 

I don't usually bother with the side stuff in these games but I have delved a little more into the sub stories with this entry. This morning I done a sub story which led me to do some spear fishing. I loved that mini game. First person underwater action! I managed to just scrape through the final boss on it. You get quite a bit of cash for playing it so if money is tight I may return to it, despite finishing the sub story.

I also tried my hand at the baseball sub story but only done a couple of sections for that one. I'm gonna have to take some time with it and recruit some players for the team and then level them up before I continue on with it.

Oh, the Haruto mini game where you need to calm him down was hilarious but very strange. Typical Yakuza game then. :D 

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I made zero progress on the story yesterday evening. Why? Because I got sucked in to the baseball, bar conversations and clan creator mini games. Heck, I was even running around town looking for cats!


Ive nearly finished both the bar chat and baseball stories but I need to head back to Kamurocho before I can call it a day with the clan creator stuff.

Hopefully I won't get distracted by other things and I'll crack on with the main story some more. Maybe... :p 

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I've not played as much as I would have liked over this weekend but I have managed to reach the final chapter this evening. I'm not sure if I'll get it finished though as the Liverpool match is on.

It's been a great experience so far and with only 1 chapter left I can't see my opinion changing. 

I quite like how grounded the story has been, at least most of it...


Yeah, things got a bit wacky when a huge battleship emerged from a secret base but I think the story behind Haruto's father and how he met Haruka was handled very well. I kinda suspected Yuta was the guy as soon as Haruka's name was mentioned. His expression told me everything I needed to know.

I think the grounded and more intimate feeling also came from Kiryu working with such a small family. It's been very reminiscent of Yakuza 3 in that sense. 

I quite liked the inclusion of the Chinese kids being smuggled out of the country or hidden in secret due to the law of only having a single child. Wouldn't be surprised if that kinda thing does actually go on over there.

When Hirose bit the bullet I was wondering why Kiryu reacted the way he did and then it dawned on me. Hirose killed the parents of his crew and then raised the kids himself, just like Kazama had done with Kiryu.

On the lighter side of things, I couldn't stop smiling at the scene where the mafia showed up and tried to kidnap Haruto. That led to the little baby being thrown all around the place and it was hilarious to watch the kid's reaction as he was being tossed around like a ball. :D 

I don't think I'm that far off from completing all of the side stories. I know I'm missing all of the hostess ones and that's only because it takes an age to level them up to diamond rank. 

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14 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I quite like how grounded the story has been, at least most of it...

Enjoy it while you can, because once you get to Like a Dragon... :woops:

Well, let’s just say the story there is about as grounded as a UFO. :heh: 

I think I’d quite like to replay 6 at some point, if it ever gets released on PC that is. 

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4 games and 3 and a half weeks later, Kiryu's epic saga has come to its conclusion.


You may think that I would be burnt out by now but that's not the case at all. I'm gutted it's done and dusted. :( 

Hell of a final chapter.


The march towards the tower was once again an awesome spectacle. The guys all suited up in their funeral gear and storming the place was just like it was in Yakuza 4. Loved it.


I was quite surprised Akiyama didn't show up during the final battle in the ship yard. I kept expecting him to come in and save the day but it never happened. 

It was upsetting to see Kiryu stand there and take blow after blow to the face with a metal pipe and then get beaten to a pulp but once he could unleash...man, what a scene.

I was practically in tears at the end. Here's a protagonist that I have played as for the past few weeks sitting on his death bed, riddled with bullet holes, cuts and bruises. I had no idea how it was going to play out because they have nearly offed him before.

I fought the man tears back for as long as I could but Kiryu writing the letter broke me. It was a nice twist that it was to Diago and not Hakura. The way he spoke about himself made it like he was a nobody and wasn't worth anything. That hit me really hard. Dude had given everything for the ones he loved but still couldn't see the value in himself. 

I was so happy to see that he was alive! :bouncy:

Hell of a game and a hell of a franchise. To think, a year or two back I couldn't get into the games and now it sits as one of my favorite gaming franchises. Now I need to wait for Sega to release Like a Dragon with a proper box! Oh and I can now watch that video that RedShell posted the other week without fear of spoilers! 

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  • 4 months later...

Enjoyed playing this the last couple of weeks, and in the early hours this morning, I completed the game. Could have finished it last weekend, but I spent the last week or so playing a lot of minigames and chipping away at what I could to get my hands on...


As soon as I saw the completion rate for the Plat was substantially higher than it was other games in the series, I looked up a guide to understand why, and yes, being able to not play through the game a second time definitely made me want to go for it, especially seeing as I'd done most of it already. Unfortunately, the ones I had left had some major grinding elements to them (maxing out stats, certain substories, and the Clan Creator especially), but I didn't mind buckling down to get them. For a series that now means so much to me, it felt like showing my appreciation for what they've achieved. 

Because man, this freaking series! I finished Zero a bit over a year and a half ago, and another six games later, the Kiryu Saga is complete. It's been such a great escape, especially throughout everything that's been going on in the world over the last year, and the fact that I've gone out of my way to save some of them for tougher times, knowing just how much they can boost my mood, and really strengthened my love for these games. They're embedded in my mind as getting me through this last year: Kiwami and Kiwami 2 back-to-back when everything started really picking up with COVID; Yakuza 3 after a couple of months of working from home was starting to wear me down; Yakuza 4 was the first game I played after I moved out of my parents' house and into my first apartment; and now Yakuza 5 and Yakuza 6 back-to-back over the last month or so, after what felt like a never-ending winter which really did a number on my mental well-being, and I've been feeling a bit lost when it comes to my own direction lately. 

It's taught me to never dare to underestimate the power of putting a smile on someone else's face. 

The substories and main story walk this very fine line between being as serious as The Godfather and making you break out in fits of laughter, it puts you through the emotional wringer with how well it draws you in with a laugh, puts tears in your eyes, then leaves you grinning wistfully. But there's so much more to the substories than just being hilarious detours, there are important messages to take away into your own life. Seek out the opportunity to help others, embrace the weirdness around you, and always stay true to yourself. 

Yakuza 6, perhaps more than any other game in the series, drives home the secret truth strength of the series: just how great the character writing is. They have mastered controlling your emotions, the ability to instantly attach you to characters, to make you want to protect someone like a brother or to want to seek rage-filled revenge. It's the strength of the character writing and how great a job they do of making you invested in the cast of this world which makes the twists and turns of Kiryu's story hit so damn hard. I highlight 6 in particular because it's more of an epilogue to the story than the epic culminations that we saw at the end of 4 and 5, which both felt like finale material, and for better or worse, it relegates key characters from the earlier games to the sidelines to return the limelight back to Kiryu. 

It's funny, because so deep into the series, it's hard to comment on the game, because it feels so familiar every time that I pick up the controller to play one of these games now that I feel like I've said my piece on a lot of it in the earlier games. To be clear, though, I think that's not a weakness of the series, but a strength, and it's what allows them such freedom in their creativity. But, returning to the Dragon Engine after being away from it since Kiwami 2, I have to say, boy, are these games serious lookers. Though, it can be a bit rough at times - when ragdolls are flying about, heck the karaoke of all things is the most technically flawed thing in the game for some reason with its weird frame rate drops/screen tearing which only impacts the input bar and not the background footage - and having certain areas from earlier games cut out definitely felt a bit odd (especially when one of those areas was only completed in 5 after being teased since the second entry!). 

I really didn't want this game to end. The melancholic jolliness of Today is a Diamond (don't read those translated lyrics, because they hurt) perfectly encapsulated what this game was all about for me. 

I feel like I could play another game from RGG - I actually have Judgment already installed on my PlayStation - but I'm wary of burnout, and think I'd rather save it for when I truly feel I next need to escape to Kamurocho.

Plus, I'm still waiting on that standard PS4 version of Yakuza: Like a Dragon, damn it! :p

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Warms my heart reading such posts about the Yakuza series. To think, I was very close to not experiencing the games at all.

I look forward to reading your thoughts on Like a Dragon, @Julius....when they finally released a standard box version. It’s easily one of the best games of the generation, IMO. 


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