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Driveshaft Website...

Domo Kun

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It's actually just a promotional site, and I'm very sure it's not fan made.


There's tons of them.








A few of them there..............note that they may contain spoilers for series two.


Talking about series two reminds me episode 11 should be up tomorrow morning. :yay:

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Yep, Season 2 is schedueled for a Spring showing over here.


The tempetation is there to download it but part of the fun (excuse the lame saying) is, in my oh so humble opinion, is talking about it with friends and speculating what is going to happen, what such an such means etc.

This fun is ripped out if thou were to download and watch it before others as you know what happens in the end.

\Well, that's my 2 cents anyway\

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...part of the fun (excuse the lame saying) is, in my oh so humble opinion, is talking about it with friends and speculating what is going to happen, what such an such means etc.

This fun is ripped out if thou were to download and watch it before others as you know what happens in the end.

\Well, that's my 2 cents anyway\


I know exactly what you mean. Every thursday morning me and my friends would all get into school and go 'OMG. how brilliant is lost.' then spend another hour speculating what it all meant. That is the real joy which is why it is annoying how E4 keep trying to tempt us to watch the next episode straight after.

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I had a quick visit on ebay, there tonns for sale, one quick question, will the play on my pc, which is dvd r + rw or a ps2, or normal home dvd player?


The joy of being able to annoy my freind who prevously tried spoiling every eposode a week before by watching is on e4, is very tempting.

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