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Monster Hunter Generations


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I would put good money on certain people on here actually enjoying the ending and thinking it was great. Lostmario knows who I called out. Lets see if i'm right when the time comes.... :D
The time has come. :heh:


And yes, I did think it was pretty great. :D

Can see why you hated it so much though. :laughing:


Anyway, now that I've actually "completed" the game, I also have to say that you do indeed have a point about the game's difficulty too.

None of the 4 new monsters gave me much trouble at all, and in fact I took them all out on the first attempt and in around 10 minutes each! :o

This was all while using a crappy low rank bone armour set and bog standard hammer. :grin:


Funnily enough though, when I took on some of the Monsters that I've fought hundreds of times before in previous games (especially Lagi for some reason) I had a pretty hard time. ::shrug:


I still reckon some of the online/event stuff is going to be really tough though (for me at least), if that mental Arzuros from yesterday is any indication.


If anyone is playing this tonight and wants to hunt, let me know. :)


I'm still only HR1 though mind. :wink:


In any case I'll be questing solo until then, still got loads to do, especially as I haven't played since Thursday night! : peace:

I'm up for a few hunts right now if you're still about. :)
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I'm up for a few hunts right now if you're still about. :)


OK Red, you're on! :)


Just finishing a quest and I'll join you. :D




All finished, ready to hunt when you are.

Edited by S.C.G
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Room's been open for a while, join away! :)


Ah shoot!


I would have been there sooner but I went off to grab a Hot Drink but I'm ready now. :)


Hmm, you don't seem to be showing up as online on my list.

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Well after a delayed start due to some oddity causing no one to show up as online, the hunts got well and truly under way with super-effectiveness! :)


Thanks to @Hero\-of\-Time and @RedShell for powering through the remaining HR1 quests I had, now I'm finally HR2! :D


Also, I've never seen so many different recipes... so naturally I went straight for the one on the sixth page which I'd never heard of and... my character promptly keeled over, it must have been just too intense a dish for poor Edge to handle! :p


Though aside from that, it all went really well and I appreciate the help, it was fun too seeing all those beasties butchered in a matter of seconds. :o


On with the rest of the quests! : peace:

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Hmm, you don't seem to be showing up as online on my list.


I can elaborate on why that happened. It seems if you go straight from offline to your friends list, it assumes you're still offline, so no-one shows up.

The quickest way to fix this is to choose "Create Hub" on the online section and then cancel on the next screen. Then select Friends List.

It is a bit annoying.


While I'm all up for people having fun without me, I can't let it go on too long.


So I'll be available this afternoon from 5pm if anyone wants to crack on with HR2 stuff. And just to make sure people see it...


@S\.C\.G, @RedShell, @Vileplume2000, @Deathjam, @Kaepora_Gaebora.


EDIT: I've opened a room now.

Hub ID is 16-9523-1182-3820

Passcode is something you should know by now.

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I've just got in from work, but I'm grabbing a meal which has a one of a kind flavour but I should be ready to hunt in an hour or so if anyone is still about. :)


Ugh First Aid and I are still playing, we're farming some materials for her to get some armour she fancies.

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@Glen\-i, @Ugh first aid, @RedShell & @Deathjam


Thank you all for an excellent evening of hunting, I enjoyed tagging along and helping out with the quests, I think there were even a few I needed as well so that's a bonus. :D


Aside from me getting disconnected near the end, it all went pretty well, quests were smashed, monsters were bashed and general hilarity ensued thanks to various gestures including Red's patented "Oh Yeah!-Kick Back"™ craze which is quickly sweeping through Monster Hunter Generations. :heh:


Good times. : peace:

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Myself, lostmario and my nephew mopped up all the online Palico quests yesterday. Despite my dislike of the cats they have proven to be useful for carrying and gathering quests, especially in single player.


I had various video game music blasting down the headset while we were playing and then this popped up.


Broadcast Yourself


It just seem to fit the tone of the game at the time so well. All 3 of us just hopping about and attacking as these little cats. It was quite the moment. :D

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@Deathjam @Vileplume2000 @RedShell


Thank you all for the hunts this evening. :)


Sorry to Red & Deathjam as I just got dc'd at the end of that last quest :( I think that's it for me tonight though as I haven't been feeling my greatest - I think it's the heat - but I was really glad to have at least got a few hunts in and I'm glad that I was able to be of some help. :D


We really hammered that Giant Enemy Crab in the end by attacking its weak point for... Massive Damage! sorry I had to :p


I hope to hunt with you all again soon. : peace:

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We really hammered that Giant Enemy Crab in the end by attacking its weak point for... Massive Damage! sorry I had to :p


Well, it's not like Monster Hunter hasn't ever made that reference themselves.

I'm glad you managed to get a full room going last night.


I'll be available this afternoon from 5pm, so if @S\.C\.G or @RedShell wants to hunt, there's your warning.

I'm hoping to finish off the last of the HR2 quests, only three left!

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Well, it's not like Monster Hunter hasn't ever made that reference themselves.

I'm glad you managed to get a full room going last night.


I'll be available this afternoon from 5pm, so if @S\.C\.G or @RedShell wants to hunt, there's your warning.

I'm hoping to finish off the last of the HR2 quests, only three left!


Wish I could start at 5. I haven't even left work by then! Thanks for the hunts guys! Breezed through the competition like a knife through butter. Still lacking materials to make the weapons that I really want though like dragonite or firestone. Not sure why they make you struggle so much in the beginning. There is a variety but they all have sharpness issues.


Anyways, hoping to breeze through HR2 and make it to the more interesting enemies. These MH1 foes move waaaay too fast for my liking!

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Another good hunting session with lostmario last night. We've polished off all the 1-3 star stuff now and are well on our way through the High Rank quests, as well.


During the High Rank 4 star stuff I don't think either of us were even paying attention to what we were doing. We were too busy talking about retro arcade games and then started firing up videos of them on Youtube. Before we knew it we had cleared a bunch of quests without even knowing it. We were clearly both on auto pilot. :D


I'm not a fan of certain online quests acting as urgents. We are having to do various villager request quests multiple times because Capcom have decided to try and cheaply lengthen the game. The urgent quest rule should only apply to them. It was bad enough when the game spat out two urgents at once!

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I've opened a room now.


Hub ID 17-2787-2967-8347

Passcode is something that I'm not gonna type, so there.


EDIT: Great hunting, @RedShell and @Deathjam.

Seeing a Great Sword fly around like that is very entertaining!


I'm still around if anyone wants to hunt still.

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@Glen\-i & Co., are you going to be hunting after the MK League tonight? :)

I may pop on for a couple of pre-MK hunts too, at around 6.


Loved that moment yesterday when I used the hammer spin on Glen-i at the end of a quest, and launched him with pinpoint precision (completely by accident :heh:) toward a Jaggi, which he then KO'd with an aerial attack! :cool:


Some of the best MH moments often happen right at the end of a quest, such a shame Capcom still obscure the freeze-frame shot with all the item/rewards stuff. :nono:


Seriously, some of those pics are fantastic. It's such a shame they can't be viewed properly, or better yet saved somewhere.

A MH scrapbook feature that automatically collected all of those shots (for viewing/posting to Miiverse) would be amazing.

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@Glen\-i & Co., are you going to be hunting after the MK League tonight? :)

I may pop on for a couple of pre-MK hunts too, at around 6.


Loved that moment yesterday when I used the hammer spin on Glen-i at the end of a quest, and launched him with pinpoint precision (completely by accident :heh:) toward a Jaggi, which he then KO'd with an aerial attack! :cool:


Some of the best MH moments often happen right at the end of a quest, such a shame Capcom still obscure the freeze-frame shot with all the item/rewards stuff. :nono:


Seriously, some of those pics are fantastic. It's such a shame they can't be viewed properly, or better yet saved somewhere.

A MH scrapbook feature that automatically collected all of those shots (for viewing/posting to Miiverse) would be amazing.


Why yes, I will be. Suppose I'll join you for those pre-kart hunts as well.


I always thought Tri Force Heroes did that screenshot thing really well. Letting you take a picture whenever you were playing online and then letting you post them later on.


Right, so after Mario Kart is done, I will no doubt want to take my anger out on some cute innocent monsters.


So RedShell and I will be doing a few hunts at 9pm if @S\.C\.G, @Deathjam, @Kaepora_Gaebora or @Vileplume2000 want in.


Just not that USJ Glavenus event quest. Hits a tad too hard for 100-ish defense. But hey! Live and learn, right? Or die and run away or something.

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Just not that USJ Glavenus event quest. Hits a tad too hard for 100-ish defense. But hey! Live and learn, right? Or die and run away or something.
Just a bit yeah. ;):heh:


Anyway, hopefully I'll be a bit less rubbish after MK (not likely :hehe:) as I really wasn't with it earlier. :hmm:

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Thanks for continuing to mention me, I will get to play with you all at some point! :)


Made a full set of Tetsucabra armour after some online play with randoms last week, and getting to grips with this charge blade now too as well :)


Main problem is my internet at home is muck for Monster Hunter, was exactly the same with 4U in that it will just drop connection at a moments notice. No idea how to fix it but I'm almost reluctant to get involved too heavily as I don't want to let anyone down or ruin a quest.


I am actually enjoying the single player myself, currently going through all the 2 star quests. And I mean ALL. And I killed a Gycperos in the HR1 online quests by myself too, I'll drag myself up to everyone else's level of I have to!!

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Wow, so the internet wasn't kidding about this Boomerang Cat. :o


For those that don't know about it, basically it's an assist based Palico with a specific combination of support moves and skills.

You need to spend some time scouting and then do a bit of dojo training in order to get the right combo.


Anyway, if you can get the correct combination (Big Boomerang + Piercing Boomerang + Boomerang Pro + Attack Up L) this thing is an absolute beast!

Pretty damn powerful and practically invincible at the same time, thanks to Emergency Retreat. :cool:


Apparently it even rivals some of the main hunter weapons for how much damage it can do, and even with my low level cat I can already see how that will be the case. icon14.gif


Was hoping there would be a really souped–up cat in the game ever since playing the demo, so I'm well chuffed with this discovery. :)

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Fought and butchered Amatsu with a group of randoms last night. The thing looks quite cool but goes down pretty easily, especially if you know when to use the binders. With that beast defeated, I have now killed all the new monsters in the game.


I have a couple of quests left on single player to finish and then that's all of them done and dusted. I'm not sure i'll bother doing all the online quests. Trying to get a group of 4 people together who play it as much as me is proving a nightmare and playing with randoms is less than ideal. I'll probably finish those single player quests and then call it a day.

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