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I don't think it's impossible, it's just something they don't want to do. Most people just seem to want a Nintendo console that has the same online features and 3rd party support as the other two offer. Both can be easily done but it's not a path Nintendo wishes to take, for whatever reason.


Agreed. 'Ticking every box' isn't really a hard task when you think about: Create an adept system as they have done in the past - which will appeal to third parties, a robust online infrastructure, quality first party titles with a consistant and varied genre release schedule...


Its not rocket science, but Nintendo create their own problems in the name of being different and seemingly can't be arsed with the rest.


I still wouldn't be against a Nintendo box, as Steam is covering my third party itch. But Nintendo could do better if they really wanted to.

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Because of Nintendo's exclusive games!


I'm not sure it's even as simple as that :hmm:


'Nintendo don't make serious games' was the view of my sister-in-law's fiancé earlier in the week when I tried to speak to him about games for the first time.


There doesn't seem to be many Nintendo fans in Northern Ireland :sad:

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I'm not sure it's even as simple as that :hmm:


'Nintendo don't make serious games' was the view of my sister-in-law's fiancé earlier in the week when I tried to speak to him about games for the first time.


There doesn't seem to be many Nintendo fans in Northern Ireland :sad:


Of late, I would say that a lot of Nintendo's first party efforts haven't been outstanding and to boot, their marketing campaigns have been poor so of course even if a game is "serious" it doesn't even reach people well enough.


But the effort and much needed change they are putting in Breath of the Wild for example is the sort of enthusiasm that will put Nintendo games back on the map. Not forgetting all the sleeping franchises - that are largely realistic sports titles - that will be attractive to the gamer who wants realism/online/competition.


But Nintendo will have to work hard at shaking off the negative stereotypes if they really want it.


(Other Nintendo exclusive hooks could include: 'Real' HD mario, a true console Pokemon RPG/MMO, 1080/Wave Race/Excitebikes all online and HD, Metroid Prime, F-Zero (Can you imagine we got none of these games this gen!) --- the recipe is there)

Edited by King_V
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I'm not sure it's even as simple as that :hmm:


'Nintendo don't make serious games' was the view of my sister-in-law's fiancé earlier in the week when I tried to speak to him about games for the first time.


There doesn't seem to be many Nintendo fans in Northern Ireland :sad:


Yep, a common view.


Because Nintendo don't make "realistic" games, they're seen as not serious and kiddy.

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Yep, a common view.


Because Nintendo don't make "realistic" games, they're seen as not serious and kiddy.


But there is no valid reason on why Nintendo can't branch out and make those games. They could hire western studios to do that.


Sony dropped the team that developed drive club. Codemasters snapped them up. Nintendo could of got there first and got them to develop them a racing game.


Whether the kiddy tag is fair or not is irrelevant when Nintendo won't publish games that could dispel that opinion.

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Yep, a common view.


Because Nintendo don't make "realistic" games, they're seen as not serious and kiddy.


Well no nothing is ever as simple as either of us made out but there's a degree of truth in there. Nintendo waded into the power fight for about 15 years and they've been out of it for 10. Maybe after the NX they'll do something else. Also depends when the NX successor comes out as they're currently schtumped a bit by coming out mid-gen.

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I'd definitely pay a premium price for a powerful Nintendo system without a doubt.


What extra power but still without 3rd party support? Let's be honest Mario kart couldn't have been any better on a PS4, power was not the issue with the Wii U. The difference between Wii U and PS4 is far smaller than Wii and PS3. Wii had inferior versions of most of the big franchises albeit played in a different style.

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What extra power but still without 3rd party support? Let's be honest Mario kart couldn't have been any better on a PS4, power was not the issue with the Wii U. The difference between Wii U and PS4 is far smaller than Wii and PS3. Wii had inferior versions of most of the big franchises albeit played in a different style.


My assumption is that a 'powerful' Nintendo console automatically attracts third parties - so Im also thinking of what they could bring to the table with such a console.

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Yeah let's try and engage in grown up conversations please. Yes, services go down. Yes, it's a pain especially as you're paying for them but you know what - I've felt more personal grievance at being unable to speak to my friends while playing online because Nintendo don't allow it far more often than I have because PSN has been down.


I was simply trying to make a point, albeit in a flippant way, about how there's more to the PS4 than its graphics.


I wasn't trying to suggest PS4 is some grand messiah that we should all worship, simply that there are ways MK8 could have been improved on the PS4 because PS4's online services are baked in to the OS and are supported and promoted by the hardware manufacturer and that shows in the volume of people they have that are willing (maybe begrudgingly for some) to pay for it.

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You suggested how great things would be on PS4, stating two positives. I suggested a counter-argument, stating two negatives. Both points were as "grown-up" as each other.


@Clownferret made the following point:


What extra power but still without 3rd party support? Let's be honest Mario kart couldn't have been any better on a PS4, power was not the issue with the Wii U.


He spoke of power, and how a boost in power wouldn't have made Mario Kart 8 any better. NOT the services, NOT the amount of users a console has. POWER was his point, a point which I agree with, having the graphical capabilities of the PS4 at its disposal would not have made Mario Kart 8 a better game.


Come on. You know the point Ashley was trying to make. Had he posted pictures of Xbox Live user numbers would that have been better?


What point was he trying to make? That PS4 has some positives that would have benefited a Nintendo game? The point I was trying to make was that there are some negatives that would have hindered a Nintendo game. If he's going to say "look how many PSN users Playstation has", as if that really matters, then I think it's fair game to comment on how often PSN goes down.


As I said above, @Clownferret's original point was about the graphical capabilities of the consoles, so no, I'm not even sure what point Ashley was trying to make with regard to that.

Edited by Ronnie
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You suggested how great things would be on PS4, stating two positives. I suggested a counter-argument, stating two negatives. Both points were as "grown-up" as each other.


@Clownferret made the following point:


He spoke of power, and how a boost in power wouldn't have made Mario Kart 8 any better. NOT the services, NOT the amount of users a console has, power. That was his point, a point which I agree with, having the graphical capabilities of the PS4 at its disposal would not have made Mario Kart 8 a better game.


I did suggest my own post wasn't particularly grown-up too.


I didn't suggest "how great things would be on PS4". I said there could have been some improvements.


So the power in the PS4 doesn't in any way help it's online capabilities? The OS's power to provide system-level online functionality doesn't help its online capabilities?


I'm not sure how many times this needs to be said but let's try again: a system's power does more than just give it nice graphics.



What point was he trying to make? That PS4 has some positives that would have benefited a Nintendo game? The point I was trying to make was that there are some negatives that would have hindered a Nintendo game. If he's going to say "look how many PSN users Playstation has", as if that really matters, then I think it's fair game to comment on how often PSN goes down.


As I said above, @Clownferret's original point was about the graphical capabilities of the consoles, so no, I'm not even sure what point Ashley was trying to make with regard to that.


Yes, PSN goes down. We know this. If it's substantial you get it added to your subscription. But at least people are playing online. That does actually matter. Just like you think "oh well PSN is always down!" as a negative, having few players online is also a negative. The amount of people that use PSN is a beneficial aspect of the service. It means if you want a random match you are likely to find one quicker.


And once again, just to make it clear: a system's power does more than just give it nice graphics.

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Sad state of affairs


Not really; it's part of their corporate strategy not to make games specifically aimed at the dominant 18-35 male demographic. Sony and Microsoft aim for that audience whereas Nintendo deliberately aim to make software for a different market. They have often spoken at length at making games for children, with their entire pre-Gamecube talk focused on aiming specifically at children. Hell, the entire philosophy of the Wii to focus on the 'non-gamer' market and to deliberately not compete for the same slice of the market.


Ultimately, I think it's clear that Nintendo don't care about Sony and Microsoft's audience. If they focus heavily on Japanese gamers and family/children friendly software for western audiences, they can carve out their own audience separate to that of Sony and MS.


I think people need to let go of this idea that one day Nintendo will return to where they were with the N64 in terms of western appeal. The Nintendo that we grew up with is no more and the majority of staff have moved on, with the major decision making dominated by the folks in Japan. Instead of thinking about how they could attract the huge 18-35 western markets, their priority should be how to carve out their own sector. Children, families and strong service to their hardcore Nintendo fan base would be a good start.

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I did suggest my own post wasn't particularly grown-up too.


I didn't suggest "how great things would be on PS4". I said there could have been some improvements.


Great! And I suggested there would be shortcomings.


I'm not sure how many times this needs to be said but let's try again: a system's power does more than just give it nice graphics.


But it does help having party chat enabled and lots of users? They were after all the two points you used to illustrate your point. The former has to do with a switch that Nintendo don't want to flick, for whatever reason, and the latter has nothing to do with power.

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You suggested how great things would be on PS4, stating two positives. I suggested a counter-argument, stating two negatives. Both points were as "grown-up" as each other.


So a network may rarely go down...so what? The internet can also go down in your house...is that a good counter argument against having an internet connection and all the positives it brings you?

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What point was he trying to make? That PS4 has some positives that would have benefited a Nintendo game? The point I was trying to make was that there are some negatives that would have hindered a Nintendo game. If he's going to say "look how many PSN users Playstation has", as if that really matters, then I think it's fair game to comment on how often PSN goes down.


That if the Wii U had a service much like PSN or Xbox Live then Mario Kart would have benefitted from it.

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