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N-Europe United cup run tonight, starting at 4.30 -5pm.


@Hero\-of\-Time, @dazzybee, @Rowan, @Clownferret, @gmac, @Fierce_LiNk, @Esequiel


6 players maximum, anymore and we'll struggle.


I'm going to give it a miss tonight as I've got to get work ready for when school starts again this week. I should be good for later in the week, though.

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i'm in which pretty much ruins any hope of success I'm afraid as it will be my first foray into Fifa since 13 on the Wii U about a year ago. I'm only friends with lostmario on ps4, is it easy to join a game?


Get everyone from here added. Later on tonight there will be a party chat started by lostmario or sexual chocolate or somebody. When that notification comes up, you can join the chat by hitting the playstation button. (they may invite you)


They'll probably run it through with you with regards to how to join the game. Before all of that, you'll need to join the club. If you want, I can PM you the details of how to do this.

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i'm in which pretty much ruins any hope of success I'm afraid as it will be my first foray into Fifa since 13 on the Wii U about a year ago. I'm only friends with lostmario on ps4, is it easy to join a game?


Yeah, it's easy. We all talk via party chat anyway so if you have an issues we can sort it out.


It's probably best to play a bit before we do as you will need to make your Pro. Just go to the Pro Clubs section of Fifa to get started. Playing a couple of drop in matches would be a good way to get experience and level up your pro.

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Are we cancelling the league night tonight with the Liverpool game on, I'd imagine Hero, Ese & SC will be watching it.


or... start at 6, finish at 8?


@Hero\-of\-Time, @Sexual Chocolate


Crazy night last night, I must of scored about 8 penalties.


clownferret, it didn't really work you letting your son take over for you, he was sprinting after the ball all over the pitch, never in his position.


A better team would have taken advantage of it.


The best thing to do if you can't play a full match is let us know before the game and we'll pull back and bring you off the bench when you come back.

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Last night had to be the worst, yet funniest, night of the club yet. The AI was the worst it has ever been. The defenders were actually stopping to let players through and the keeper...well, I have no idea what the hell he was doing half the time. :D


The laughs we had though were tremendous. I couldn't stop banging into people, lostmario couldn't finish a ball to save his life, none of the passing went well, yet we were still having laughing fits at various things. Good times. :)

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Last night had to be the worst, yet funniest, night of the club yet. The AI was the worst it has ever been. The defenders were actually stopping to let players through and the keeper...well, I have no idea what the hell he was doing half the time. :D


The laughs we had though were tremendous. I couldn't stop banging into people, lostmario couldn't finish a ball to save his life, none of the passing went well, yet we were still having laughing fits at various things. Good times. :)


I'm playing CB for the next few weeks, that defence needs sorting out plus I need to build up my character defensively.

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Are we cancelling the league night tonight with the Liverpool game on, I'd imagine Hero, Ese & SC will be watching it.


or... start at 6, finish at 8?


@Hero\-of\-Time, @Sexual Chocolate



clownferret, it didn't really work you letting your son take over for you, he was sprinting after the ball all over the pitch, never in his position.


A better team would have taken advantage of it./QUOTE]


i think the bigger concern was dazzybee's finishing prowess or lack thereof.

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Can't take that seriously at all.


You know dazzybee scores on average 1 every 2 games, I think his record is 40+ goals in 80 games.


Lol, I think he's joking. Think they know each other outside of the forum. I might be wrong, but think he's joking.


Dazzy is great in his position, though. Can't argue with his record.


Lost, if you're going in defence then perhaps I could join you. Not sure if you remember, but my character was intended to start off as a centreback before I went into midfield. Hence why he's built like a house and slow as fuck.

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