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Will you stick with Nintendo in the future?

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I've never requested a flurry of posts and threads that sing praises of joy to Nintendo, but this right here has been done to death across the board.


You particularly are constant with your feelings of 'betrayal' and dismay at Nintendo's business style, and thats perfectly fine. But when is it time to just move on and accept how things are? The conversations feel circular and repetitive, and of course thats my fault for joining, but based off of your initial post in this thread, I thought this would be going in a different direction.


EDIT: And oops, in that case my mistake at the comment I quoted - I misunderstood!

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You particularly are constant with your feelings of 'betrayal' and dismay at Nintendo's business style, and thats perfectly fine. But when is it time to just move on and accept how things are?


It's hard, man. It's so difficult to accept when you have been let down so badly, and by this corporation which is so, so far away in cultural/ geographical terms. You can't voice your opinion to Nintendo and make a change. You can't grab them by the shoulders and beg them for F-Zero and Metroid, or to spend five minutes playing a some of our favourite games on other platforms and seeing what modern gaming is capable of.


So many of us stood by Nintendo for so long, often exclusively, because we always swore that it was about the games, and that nobody did it better. So we know what it's like to be in that camp. But not only is that ideal of "the best games" getting less and less true, with so many cash-ins and 2D platformers and NSMB games, but the games themselves are so few and far between that it's just not enough!


So what do we do? We can't seem to make a difference, we all know what we want, and what it would take for Nintendo to instantly win us back, but it's never going to happen. It's frustrating.


So we come here and voice it, partly hoping we can convince people who still sit where we once did, people that feel like the past versions of us. Show other people "the light", so to speak. We probably argue with Serebii so much because Serebii is like... the perfect Nintendo fan. He is like an extension of Nintendo themselves. Nothing you can say will convince either Nintendo or Serebii that they are capable of a single misstep. Maybe we think if we could just twist the arm of someone like that, we might see a change from the big N one day....



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Nintendo's games are just too good to miss out on: Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, Starfox, 1080, Waverace, Pikmin, Smash, Kart... Enough to validate a purchase under 300 big ones.
This used to be a convincing factor, but [Pokémon], Starfox, 1080, Waverace didn't appear on Wii and haven't on Wii U yet, so how it can be reason to buy the next console...?


There are becoming fewer and fewer Nintendo games to 'miss out on'.

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I think my problem is that I just dont seem to feel the same way about those games as I once did. Smash Bros will maybe hold my interest, I'll see what happens with the new one, I've never really managed to click with the 3D Zelda games but will be trying again with the new one and as for Mario, Im burnt out on the 2D games and just kind of enjoy the 3D games on occasion. None of them though are the draws for me that they once were.


As for the actual thread question. I will keep an eye on Nintendo in the future as I always have and see what they are offering. Maybe picking up whatever they bring out later down the line. The ideal situation for me though would still be being able to buy their games on other consoles. That would remove any hesitation or risk I felt by buying their hardware and I would still be able to get the occassional games I wanted to play.

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I've never requested a flurry of posts and threads that sing praises of joy to Nintendo, but this right here has been done to death across the board.


You particularly are constant with your feelings of 'betrayal' and dismay at Nintendo's business style, and thats perfectly fine. But when is it time to just move on and accept how things are? The conversations feel circular and repetitive, and of course thats my fault for joining, but based off of your initial post in this thread, I thought this would be going in a different direction.


EDIT: And oops, in that case my mistake at the comment I quoted - I misunderstood!


Well, I made the thread as it was a continuation of some of the posts that had appeared in WiiU Discussion. So, you either have that thread clogged up, or you have another one that appears and it clears the other. Seemed like a no-brainer to me.


Also, the first post is pretty neutral. Like I said, it could have gone either way. That fact that it went this way isn't exactly my fault. I haven't created multiple double accounts and posted all of those posts. :heh:


If you're not happy with this, if it's not nice and full of rainbows, maybe make a thread yourself. Nothing stopping you.

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If you're not happy with this, if it's not nice and full of rainbows, maybe make a thread yourself. Nothing stopping you.


...I thought you were cool.


In any case, I have no issue making threads. Cheers.


It's hard, man. It's so difficult to accept when you have been let down so badly, and by this corporation which is so, so far away in cultural/ geographical terms. You can't voice your opinion to Nintendo and make a change. You can't grab them by the shoulders and beg them for F-Zero and Metroid, or to spend five minutes playing a some of our favourite games on other platforms and seeing what modern gaming is capable of.


So many of us stood by Nintendo for so long, often exclusively, because we always swore that it was about the games, and that nobody did it better. So we know what it's like to be in that camp. But not only is that ideal of "the best games" getting less and less true, with so many cash-ins and 2D platformers and NSMB games, but the games themselves are so few and far between that it's just not enough!


So what do we do? We can't seem to make a difference, we all know what we want, and what it would take for Nintendo to instantly win us back, but it's never going to happen. It's frustrating.


So we come here and voice it, partly hoping we can convince people who still sit where we once did, people that feel like the past versions of us. Show other people "the light", so to speak. We probably argue with Serebii so much because Serebii is like... the perfect Nintendo fan. He is like an extension of Nintendo themselves. Nothing you can say will convince either Nintendo or Serebii that they are capable of a single misstep. Maybe we think if we could just twist the arm of someone like that, we might see a change from the big N one day....




I feel your pain.


But I think the let down comes from having that feeling of being loyal and exclusive to Nintendo. I've never really had that feeling, and Im not 'defending' Nintendo in anyway when I speak positively of my Nintendo gaming experiences.


I guess as well, it ties in with personal gaming habits too. These days, I am the perfect casual gamer; playing for 30 mins a day average - so Im not feeling the 'pain' - still playing games like Pikmin 3, Assassins Creed and Wii stuff.


Maybe Im just out of touch, but for my needs, the Wii U has been satisfactory circa 2014. I enjoy the technology and the games, and look forward to future releases.


But I can't understand the feeling of being 'let down'.... If nothing interested me on a Nintendo platform I have no problems looking for stuff on other platforms.




This used to be a convincing factor, but [Pokémon], Starfox, 1080, Waverace didn't appear on Wii and haven't on Wii U yet, so how it can be reason to buy the next console...?


There are becoming fewer and fewer Nintendo games to 'miss out on'.


Well, the potential for those games to appear is still there. :heh:

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...I thought you were cool.


In any case, I have no issue making threads. Cheers.



Sorry if that sounded snappy, brah. But, it sounds like you just want a nice conversation and everybody to just get along and agree with the pro-Nintendo viewpoint. It isn't going to go that way, people will disagree. That's the nature of a discussion board. As long as no lines are crossed, it's all good.


Also, people will care about the future of Nintendo as gaming is an important hobby to us/them. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be here. I've had every Nintendo home system (exclusing CDi and Virtual Boy) since the SNES (later went back and got a NES years later), so it's something we've followed for a long time. Yes, it could be a simple as switching from a Nintendo to an Xbox next gen. But then, why do we have to do that? Gaming is already expensive enough as it is. :p

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Maybe Im just out of touch, but for my needs, the Wii U has been satisfactory circa 2014. I enjoy the technology and the games, and look forward to future releases.

To be honest I know a lot of our frustration stems from the fact that we know you're missing out on some amazing games :p People who have skipped entire generations because they're happy with Nintendo, and see less colourful titles on other consoles as "churned out" and lifeless. I know because I felt the same during the PS1 and PS2 eras, skipping both consoles in favour of the N64 and Gamecube. I don't regret the decision especially, but I realise now that I was wrong, and that there were some amazing experiences on "the other side".


People like yourself who consider yourself to be super casual gamers, that's fine. But honestly, I think I could sit you down for 30 minutes and open your mind with nothing but XBLA titles.


On the other hand, the people who vehemently demand that Nintendo are just better and have made zero mistakes just come across as denialists.


But I can't understand the feeling of being 'let down'.... If nothing interested me on a Nintendo platform I have no problems looking for stuff on other platforms.
Well, look where we are, N-Europe.com. We wanted Nintendo to stay the king. I certainly have no issue looking elsewhere. I'm not sitting here complaining and acting as though I'm in some kind of gaming drought, I have a Vita, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360.... That doesn't mean I'll stop longing for the next big thing from Nintendo. Nor does it mean I'll ever pack away my Wii U, as long as there's a spare HDMI port. Because it's sitting there in anticipation, waiting for Smash Bros, waiting for the next Zelda game. Waiting, however hopelessly, for Metroid.


So I guess to answer the thread's question, I'm sure I'll buy the next Nintendo console. Although definitely not at launch. I still believe that at their peak, they do it better than anyone, it's just that those peaks are now so far apart.

Edited by Shorty
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To be honest I wish I had a playstation as well. I've always been a nintendo only gamer, and until the Wii I was perfectly fine with that. I loved the gamecube and didn't feel like I was missing anything.


With Wii and WiiU however that's a different story. I bought both 3DS and WiiU relatively short after release, and payed the full price. What I got in return were systems with incomplete OS's and even worse, without any games. Eventually both consoles got a price drop with way better bundles. So yeah, I'm not making the mistake again of being an early adaptor until nintendo proves it can actually handle a decent launch lineup.


For handhelds I will always stick with nintendo, their game output is still very strong, and I do enjoy every game I play from them. It's just that nothing is as exciting as it used to be? I mean I look forward to smash bros, looked forward to mario kart, look forward to pokemon ORAS etc. All those games will be great, receive good reviews, but you can't compare them to something truly relevant and exciting like for example the launch of Mario 64, The wind waker and even Mario Galaxy.


For home consoles I'll probably pick up their new system, but a decent amount of features will have to be present. I'm not buying a console again because of a promise for good titles. Nintendo learned nothing from the 3DS launch and WiiU still has a huge shortage of games. Don't get me wrong though, I love the console! Pikmin 3 was the best game I've played in years! But it's not enough to warrant a new console purchase at a full price.


On the other hand I'm missing out on wonderful titles like Journey, The last of us, Ni no kuni, Kingdom hearts, Final fantasy....

In the gamecube area, nintendo's first party titles would easily cover all of my needs, but lately it's just not the case. They need to realise that they DO need third party support, and fast as well. They maintain a balance on their systems, so you don't get tired of only playing first party titles.


It's a good thing for nintendo that I can't afford 2 home consoles, but if I had the money I would love to pick up a playstation as well, if only for those good 3rd party games. I still do believe in nintendo, I hope they'll turn around the tide and become exciting again. E3 this year was surely a step in the right direction, and 2015 seems to be a good year for WiiU owners. If they stop making WiiU (and 3DS to a certain degree) mere sequel machines and bring some real good exciting content (like splatoon!) to the table, I'll be good!

Edited by M_rock
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As far as consoles go, the Wii was a big disappointment for me and the Wii U hasn't really improved much. In hindsight getting a Wii U at launch wasn't very sensible, foolish optimism that it'd be much better than the Wii. I'll probably be getting a PS4 later this year (or a Xbox One if some really good games are revealed to sway my decision). It's unlikely I'll get the next Nintendo console at launch after being burnt out with the last two.


The 3DS has been really great though. I can see myself just sticking with Nintendo handhelds in the future and getting whatever Microsoft or Sony console there is.

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Sorry if that sounded snappy, brah. But, it sounds like you just want a nice conversation and everybody to just get along and agree with the pro-Nintendo viewpoint. It isn't going to go that way, people will disagree. That's the nature of a discussion board. As long as no lines are crossed, it's all good.


Not at all. For entertainment value at least, disagreement and discord can be exciting. :)


Im trying the bring balance to The Force - from a psychological viewpoint, I dont understand how constant, almost daily scrutiny helps anything... Surely the flow of discussing about things you enjoy that frequently is much more rewarding? ::shrug:


But like I say, its my fault for joining in.



People like yourself who consider yourself to be super casual gamers, that's fine. But honestly, I think I could sit you down for 30 minutes and open your mind with nothing but XBLA titles.


But my mind doesn't need opening... I play what I prefer. Ive never been about 'brand loyalty' and exclusivity - I bought PS1s for Final Fantasies and Resident Evils, Dreamcast for the arcade stuff and Skies, PS2 for FFX etc etc - I started off with a Master System.


Is it really hard to understand some people might be content with their Wii U?

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I don't doubt anyone's contentment, but I see it as a kind of "ignorance is bliss" scenario. Also, like I said, this is less relevant to a casual gamer who is not going to get especially enthusiastic about any title.


And I wasn't suggesting you need your mind opening in the sense that you personally are unaware that other systems are capable of having good games, more that if you played some of them, you'd realise that some of them are so much fun that they ought not to be missed by anyone, irrespective of your personal preferences.

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I donno. I think to be qualified to talk about games and not sound like a time capsule from 1993 you need to play more than Nintendo. Ostensibly you are on this forum to talk about videogames (not necessarily the case), and there's just so little to say about Nintendo these days if it doesn't focus on the business side of things. If they had any ability to learn from their contemporaries we might actually talk about the damn games once in a while instead of bashing them for chilling out under yonder rock in Kyoto.


In other words, what @Shorty said.

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