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Stolen from the PA forums, here's a simple little game. It starts off like this:


>A person requests a picture of something. It can be anything. (Within the forum rules, and you know exactly what I mean - Ashley)

>Someone else posts that particular picture and then requests the next picture.


So, for example.. if I were to say "A Tractor", someone else would have to find a picture of a tractor and post it. That person then makes a new request below their picture. Easy.



  • One picture only. Not numerous images posted next to eachother.
  • Pictures can be from anywhere. You can find them on the internet, scan them in, create them in photoshop, whatever.
  • If someone beats you to posting a certain picture, you lose and your new request isn't counted. Please delete it to keep everything organised.
  • No pickyness from the requesters. If you request "A Cloud" hoping to get a picture of the white fluffy objects in the sky and someone posts a picture of Cloud from FF7, they have still fulfilled the request.
  • You can make requests hard but don't be too specific. For example, "Guy riding a bike over a ravine" is fine, but "Guy in drag riding a red bike over a ravine at 8:32pm at night with an overcast sky" isn't.
  • Make sure your images actually show up. Avoid hotlinking protection.
  • If needed, images can be uploaded for free to http://www.imageshack.us.
  • Keep images to a reasonable size, try not to break the forum's width.
  • New rule: Do not request pictures to suit your own needs - for example, no requesting new signatures, logos for your site, a picture for your photography project, etc. This means you CubeChris.

Alright, i'll start. I want you to find me a picture of.. Jack Bauer holding a gun.



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Ah Yeti Sports, how it filled those long boring school days of yester year with joy :D


And as for my request... well this one can be left open to a bit of interpretation but since it was my art A level question and a part of my name I shall go for TWILIGHT




Danny from McFly's new tattoo, just to piss you all off :P (Its on his leg).


Personally I prefer the one where you had to take a photo, more effort involved.

  Supergrunch said:
Actually I think it would be more fun if we made the pictures a bit harder (like yours Ashley).


Or I may have killed the thread, who knows.

  Meik said:
You made me sign up for some godforsaken McFly website, but I got it. I rule.


You were cheated. For one thats small and watermarked and for two you could have got it off a free site such as McFlyManiacs. Maybe I shouldn't know that....long story... (eg http://www.fansitesuk.com/mcfly/dannyonholiday.jpg - im still trying to figure out what it is)




Im interpretting those as cats, and that thing as pizza (with pepporonies)


Picture from American (eg non crappy B&W) video to The Killers - Mr Brightside

  Meik said:
You made me sign up for some godforsaken McFly website, but I got it. I rule.




oh for gods sake, thats exactly what I did, and thats the exact same picture I got... -grumble grumble-

also, it wasnt a mcfly website was it? all I noticed was the hideous grass background...


Yeah Ashley's cats fail at being cats for missing whiskers and tails - and suggesting that they each swallowed an inflated beach ball, which means they couldn't have managed the pizza at all!


anyway cuttlefish:




I would like to see a picture of two people standing on their heads.

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