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I just wanted to have that to see how much I improve during the game :), but probably the ranked battles will help with that, or at least I hope so.


I am going later on, as I have to put my daughter to sleep first.


Well I'm in and out, but if you're on at a solid point do give us a heads-up here or with a @ mention, and I'll come join you for a few at least(no sign of @Wii yet).

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Well I'm in and out, but if you're on at a solid point do give us a heads-up here or with a @ mention, and I'll come join you for a few at least(no sign of @Wii yet).


Just seen and accepted your friend request.


Got up to level 6 in about an hour. I'll go back online in maybe half an hour.

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Just seen and accepted your friend request.


Got up to level 6 in about an hour. I'll go back online in maybe half an hour.


Ahhh. I though I saw you in a match earlier as a level 2 but then I went and then I realised you either weren't online or hadn't accepted my friend request. As said I'm dropping in and out atm, just watching treehouse in the background(not doing all that much though).

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Not seeing anyone online just at the moment :(


I'll be with you in 5-10! As said I'm in and out so do just play on and I'll be dropping on and off.


EDIT:Was longer than planned, I'm back on now!

Edited by Rummy
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Much tougher matches than I've faced most of the afternoon! I may have to go get a different weapon as my Inkbrush just ain't cutting it like it was(arugably)!


I'm waiting until the 11 o'clock change

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FFS. I was queued to join you not realising the change was on us - it's still let me into the 'lobby' for your game, but ofc no other fucking soul is there. Sort your life out. I either wait the time to back up, then wait to join you again, or I reset the console -.-


EDIT: Aaaaaaaand it's a 3 minute wait -.-


EDITEDIT: OH NO WAIT IT'S A FUCKING SIX MINUTE WAIT. Fuck this. Trying Kounan instead!

EDIT^3: NOOOOOOOOPE. Playing by myself it is then!

Edited by Rummy
Automerged Doublepost
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FFS. I was queued to join you not realising the change was on us - it's still let me into the 'lobby' for your game, but ofc no other fucking soul is there. Sort your life out. I either wait the time to back up, then wait to join you again, or I reset the console -.-


EDIT: Aaaaaaaand it's a 3 minute wait -.-


EDITEDIT: OH NO WAIT IT'S A FUCKING SIX MINUTE WAIT. Fuck this. Trying Kounan instead!

EDIT^3: NOOOOOOOOPE. Playing by myself it is then!


Now trying to join you!

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I have left about 15 minutes ago as I had to give an antibiotic to my daughter, so I have decided to switch the console off.


Btw. I have just found out that only painting floor and ramps counts, not walls and that by finishing singleplayer, you unlock weapons......

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Well I had some good hours if maybe a few too many :p Some annoying connection issues and some tough later matches but another satisfying evening of Splatooning for me.


Btw. I have just found out that only painting floor and ramps counts, not walls and that by finishing singleplayer, you unlock weapons......


Ahhh, I only realised about single unlocking stuff yesterday but I think you get enough from multi-ranking anyway. Also yeah...walls aren't worth anything but they're really handy in some stages for sneaking up/down/past etc. One reason I started to alternate from the roller was I got really bloody thwarted by walls!

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Pick this game up today.


Had a few online games, lost my first game, which I figured was cause I was obviously way behind level wise than every one else, but then was on winning teams in next 2 battles and finished 1st on my team in them :heh:


Up to level 3, tried 1 level on single player, enjoying so far.


Turned off motion controls too and plays much better now :heh:


Just wish there was an option to use the ProController online and in single player.


Went to make dinner and left my son to try play the single player mode....10 mins later I looked at the telly and he had changed modes and gone into an online game.... and losing.... would that have lost me points?

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Pick this game up today.


Had a few online games, lost my first game, which I figured was cause I was obviously way behind level wise than every one else, but then was on winning teams in next 2 battles and finished 1st on my team in them :heh:


Up to level 3, tried 1 level on single player, enjoying so far.


Turned off motion controls too and plays much better now :heh:


Just wish there was an option to use the ProController online and in single player.


Went to make dinner and left my son to try play the single player mode....10 mins later I looked at the telly and he had changed modes and gone into an online game.... and losing.... would that have lost me points?

As long as he doesn't go into Ranked, you won't lose points :)

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No chance Mokong'll be getting into Ranked yet, duh!


You can't 'lose points' Mokong - the points you win per match turn into coins(can definitely be spent on stuff in the stores) but essentially you're playing each game to cover as much of the opponent's area as poss and get coins equal to points for your performance, with a bonus of +300 if you're on the winning team.

As for levels/doing better - you'll level just by playing loads and loads, so even if you're crap you can still get there(ofc, some of the higher levelled people WILL by experience be better).

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No chance Mokong'll be getting into Ranked yet, duh!


Well that just comes across as a bit mean :(


lol, so what level is Ranked Required at....only just spotted it on my menu after I got to level 3 but I couldnt select it


EDIT: Ah just spotted, level10.




So just let Oisín play in ranked battles so, even if he doesnt do well if it wont have a negative effect on my stats and he can mange to earn me some points when I'm not playing sounds like a win.


Though if anyone spots me playing and I seem to just be shotting in the sky it's likely Oisín that is playing :heh:

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Well that just comes across as a bit mean :(


lol, so what level is Ranked Required at....only just spotted it on my menu after I got to level 3 but I couldnt select it


Level 10. Just made it there myself.

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Well that just comes across as a bit mean :(




Nah, it just takes a while of playing to get to 10(makes sense actually, the turf wars mode can give you a nice basis for the game before heading into ranked battles). Even in ranked battles - you get given a letter grade when you start(C-?) and you can't even go below that I don't think. I've only played a couple ranked battles - didn't fancy it at the time and the rewards just aren't as much really. Turf wars has generally kept my interest for now. In fact...all this talk is getting my trigger finger itchy...


@Hero\-of\-Time, @RedShell or anyone else, what are your thoughts on the new weapons?


What're the new weapons in question? Has there been anything new since yesterday? I noticed something pop up in my list when I accidentally went into the Weapon shop last night but I didn't give it much of a look-in as I was trying to get back online with the folks from here.

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What're the new weapons in question? Has there been anything new since yesterday? I noticed something pop up in my list when I accidentally went into the Weapon shop last night but I didn't give it much of a look-in as I was trying to get back online with the folks from here.


There's 2 new weapons. Those girls announce them when you load up the game. Can't remember what they're called. Sure I'm still using the weapon I started with. Haven't bought any weapons, though I have bought headgear, clothes and shoes. I don't want to lose the shield bubble.

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@Hero\-of\-Time, @RedShell or anyone else, what are your thoughts on the new weapons?
Had a quick go with both, not really a fan of either though. :hmm:

Will probably try to get into other weapon types at some point, but yeah, I've spent most of my time playing with the Splattershot and Roller so far.


It's a shame we're still waiting for our first Splatfest in Europe, as I've already leveled up/bought most of the available gear. :blank: Anyone know how frequently Splatfests will happen?

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There's 2 new weapons. Those girls announce them when you load up the game. Can't remember what they're called. Sure I'm still using the weapon I started with. Haven't bought any weapons, though I have bought headgear, clothes and shoes. I don't want to lose the shield bubble.


Callie and Marie. Like Calamari, y'see? It's hilarity.


I'll check them out next time I'm on. So far I've banned myself from Splatoon until I tidy this shitheap of a house up a bit though - otherwise it'll never get done!

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