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Had a good bash on this. Nintendo really need to solve the drop out problem - allow drop ins, have bits, boost the power of the team in some way, SOMETHING, be chase it is pointless playing and ruins the game.


Decided to try out some different weapons as I only ever use guns. The splatling is amazing fun, my first game I went to their base, and just kept killing them over and over, our team covered the map and I just destroyed them, 15 kills. Thought I had the key to it, felt invincible, then proceeded to have nightmares rounds after and must've got lucky. Still fun though.


Looking forward to Tuesday if we're going to try and get that off the ground.

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I went dance, tried to find some matches last night(probs midnight-1amish?) and the matchmaking was as terrible as ever again. Ages to find team, ages to find opponents - lots of timing outs.


Edit: matchmakings a bit better this afternoon but there's some shocking players on the dance -.-

Edited by Rummy
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I went dance, tried to find some matches last night(probs midnight-1amish?) and the matchmaking was as terrible as ever again. Ages to find team, ages to find opponents - lots of timing outs.


Edit: matchmakings a bit better this afternoon but there's some shocking players on the dance -.-


I played a little about the same time, I guess most of europe is ahead by an hour so most of the continentals would have been tucked up in bed.


This morning I played a little, had some terrible team mates on team sing, looks a bit more even so we'll see at the results!


Trying to play isn't much fun at the moment, my net connection (I know it is my connection, had issues with other things) is playing up again, makes the game almost unplayable (I sit shooting a player long enough to kill 4, then get splatted without having seemingly hit the guy at all :()

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(I sit shooting a player long enough to kill 4, then get splatted without having seemingly hit the guy at all :()

I had that happen to me earlier lol.

I knew something was up but thought i'd carry on shooting.. I emptied my nzap in him without him firing back then I died.


I didn't realise people were actually around yesterday, I would have joined.

I'm not here for Splatoosday (it'll stick if we keep saying it), as working late this week.

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I had a much better Splatfest this time around compared to the last two, with hardly any lag or connection issues. The few times i did get a connection error was in the lobby anyway.


I picked Dance and got to top level "Dancing King" this morning.


Edit - looks like singers won



Edited by Helmsly
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I'm surprised singing had fewer votes, it didn't feel like we had that many less votes, perhaps fewer dancing voters were active in the splatfest?


In terms of the win % that seems less of a surprise, my experience was that the singing teams were superior most of the time, even when I was playing with severe lag issues (so spent some times just stood on the spot waiting for improved connection) my team did really well without me and we still tended to win.


Shame I didn't have the time this weekend to get my nephew fully ranked, but I look forward to picking up those sea snails!

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My love for Splatoon and my love for Excel made a baby:




That 14-round winning streak was great fun!


I must say I too quite enjoy a spreadsheet - and I quite like what you've done there! I do sit trying to average in my head how much longer I'd have to play to get to certainly levels etc. Made it to about 37/99 on the last rank playing for fun(never intended to go all the way) and got tempted - but after a few matches with exceedingly poor teammates I just gave up.


One thing I'll say about this Splatfest though - they were fairly goodish roller stages and got me on the carbon roller - it's really making me fancy going back to a roller now(I did play a few matches last night with it) as they're quite beastly when you rock them right! The Carbon Roller's pretty much instant kill splat when you're next to someone is fearsome!

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I'm pretty sure it's inkzooka and suction bombs


What's the main diff to the regular splatling? Weight? Range/damage? Charge time? Must say I've missed Suction Bombs but I haven't been much of a fan of the Inkzooka - it's been on a few weapon choices I've made recently though and I'm slowly starting to get a bit more used to it.

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What's the main diff to the regular splatling? Weight? Range/damage? Charge time? Must say I've missed Suction Bombs but I haven't been much of a fan of the Inkzooka - it's been on a few weapon choices I've made recently though and I'm slowly starting to get a bit more used to it.

From the tumblr page


The Mini Splatling has a short charge time and easy handling. Also, everyone knows that mini things are cute. Look at how cute that Mini Splatling is. You know what’s better than just a Mini Splating? A Mini Splatling with Suction Bombs and an Inkzooka!
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Interesting! I've only using the Splatling a couple times but the weight and charge time were definitely what put me off(though the Splash Wall can account, another ability I'm trying to get used to). I doubt it'll become a main for me but I'll give it a spin nonetheless!

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I find rainmaker to be the mode that takes the most teamwork.. so playing with randoms makes it quite frustrating at times.


I'm struggling with splat zones now, I hadn't played it in that long I dropped from A- to teetering on B- the other night.


Obviously my teams fault :p

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Had some not too terrible Tri with @DuD and @are1981 last night - but twins are definitely far superior. It's a shame they made such an oversight with the balancing when they've appeared to try so hard to make everything else so friendly - I find it quite deflating at times.

Also not sure how the long rotations are feeling on me - I'm having fun still but getting a bit more and more tired of the lack of variety. Needs to be 3 stage rotations on a 2 hour basis - the ranked mode last too long too; and it's kinda taking the wind out of my sails for getting a proper sesh of it on with people given we start around the 7ish mark due to life etc.

On that note though - does anyone know if the rotation time will shift with the clock changes? I'm presuming not, but I guess you never know. Maybe having a 10pm rotation will be a bit friendlier to me in future...

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Couldn't agree more with Rummy. Three player RB's are just death, over and over again. When I play two (or 4 even, on occasion) my win ratio is 70%ish, but when I play as a 3 player team I tend to lose every time. Even when actually fighting a 3, they are so rare that they tend to be 2-3 levels of ranking higher than me.

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Couldn't agree more with Rummy. Three player RB's are just death, over and over again. When I play two (or 4 even, on occasion) my win ratio is 70%ish, but when I play as a 3 player team I tend to lose every time. Even when actually fighting a 3, they are so rare that they tend to be 2-3 levels of ranking higher than me.


Me and the online regulars(Pestneb, Are and DuD really) have had some varied runs - one time we beat a 4 man team as a tri squad, but we've equally been absolutely decimated too. I have to say that last night some of our tri battles were, whilst mostly lost, pretty good fun. Got a few more Tri-on-Tri than I was expecting -we even saw the same team twice!

Prior to that we tried 2v1 privates just whilst everyone was getting together - again it's a really crap balance. I think even 4v3 would be a bad balance. I just don't understand why they didn't think to put some sort of balancing features in there. We tend to rule out super jumps for the majority team - though its impact is still limited depending on the game mode/map and it also requires us actually communicatiing with each other outside of the game - not a luxury we neccessarily have with everyone and an extra effort with it anyway.

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We had some good games last night, we took out a 4 if i remember right :)

I've been using quite a large variety of weapons lately which has kept my interest, although it was nice to get back to a charger.

I think the sploosh could be a great hit, run and support role with some swim speed ups.


Hopefully we can get a full private lobby going at some point.

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Anyone else finding the last boss on the single player levels frustrating? I keep making it to the end of the level only to use the last of my lives and have to re-start the entire thing, cut scenes and all.


I'm not sure I can be bothered to persevere, is there any post-game content?

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