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Star Fox Zero


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A delayed game can eventually be good, a rushed game is bad for ever.


Kinda bummed about it, but it gives ample Xenoblade time.


Then there's the game I was told about before E3 which then strangely wasn't revealed. Maybe that'll be in a Direct soon.


Oof you Sere-tease ;) any hints you can give, here or in DM?


Well, I am disappointed about this, but it's understandable. It did seem somewhat ambitious to get it out by years end. I'm glad I bought Mario Maker now as I think Xenoblade is the only other game I'll buy this year!


Although I hope it's not just 'polish' (see graphics) but also some more features, online capabilities hopefully on the radar.

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Frankly I know how difficult it is to keep a deadline with a game, espescially an ambitious one. But with Zelda delayed (to the point that we seemingly aren't even going to get a trailer this year), doesen't this mean that Nintendo's lineup for christmas this year is... nada?

Edited by Hogge
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A delayed game can eventually be good, a rushed game is bad for ever.


Slight little peeve of mine there... Everyone keeps paraphrasing that quote wrongly! The actual quote reads thusly... "A delayed game is eventually good; a bad game is bad forever."


Ok, minirant over. Carry on :p


Kinda bummed about it, but it gives ample Xenoblade time.


I agree. They're gonna have to push Xenoblade X as their big Xmas game now, cause Mario Tennis Ultra Smash is not a big enough title to do the job (and I doubt that Animal Crossing Amiibo Party is gonna hack it either - especially with Happy Home Designer stealing its thunder)


Then there's the game I was told about before E3 which then strangely wasn't revealed. Maybe that'll be in a Direct soon.


I'd be A-OK with them finally releasing Starfox 2 on the VC in place of Starfox Zero this Xmas ;)

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Although I hope it's not just 'polish' (see graphics) but also some more features, online capabilities hopefully on the radar.


It depends on how far they are willing to push it back. If it comes out around Feb time then I wouldn't be surprised if very little is done on it and we are simply seeing a Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze situation where it's been delayed for scheduling reasons.


Good news is that it means Nintendo won't be launching another set of Amiibo this year! :D I was half expecting an announcement of Starfox Amiibo, closer to the release date of the game.

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It depends on how far they are willing to push it back. If it comes out around Feb time then I wouldn't be surprised if very little is done on it and we are simply seeing a Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze situation where it's been delayed for scheduling reasons.


No way. If the reason for the delay was to pad out the schedule, then Mario Tennis would've been the one to get pushed back; not StarFox Zero. SFZ is a far more important title than Mario Tennis and one with a much bigger chance of selling consoles.


SFZ clearly needed it anyway. We've all been saying that for ages.

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I wasn't expecting it this year at all, it was getting clear that it was going to be delayed. But as it's been said, apart from Xenoblade and Mario Tennis, what else has the WiiU got for the Christmas period. It's looking bleak indeed.


There's Animal Crossing Amiibo Party and Project Zero 5, but the latter is supposedly a F2P game that is unlocked via Amiibo purchases (also available as a retail bundle with 4 Amiibo IIRC) that is secondary in importance to Happy Home Designer, while the latter is getting a highly limited retail release and no retail release at all in the US... so... yeah...


Xenoblade X might get moved up to November, but I reckon that they'll be focusing on pushing the console with various bundles (like maybe Splatoon + Mario Kart + Smash Wii U)


I do think that they should seriously consider some major VC releases this Xmas - including StarFox 2. They need something to generate buzz about the platform and that's something relatively major that they actually could release on a short notice. It's has always been one of THE most highly requested VC titles, ever since the service started...

Edited by Dcubed
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No way. If the reason for the delay was to pad out the schedule, then Mario Tennis would've been the one to get pushed back; not StarFox Zero. SFZ is a far more important title than Mario Tennis and one with a much bigger chance of selling consoles.


SFZ clearly needed it anyway. We've all been saying that for ages.


Mario Tennis looks like it could do with a delay, as well. All the reports so far have hinted at a very rushed/bare bones release.


I'm not disputing it looked rough but I can't see what level of polish/new features they can add if the game is only delayed to something like Feb. Also, lets not kid ourselves here, Starfox is hardly a system seller.

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Yeah it's a weird one, it looked incredibly rushed, I hate the focus on two screens, I don't see what a delay would do, but who knows what state it's in. I think it'll be average whenever it's released! Though make it look beautiful, throw in online dogfighting and just general improvements and it'll be great, just can't see it.

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Assuming they are actually going to use the time, I am very glad. For the first time in ages I was going to wait and see what the reviews were like for the game as initial impressions have been mixed.


Here's hoping for online dog fighting to be added. (Sticks fingers in ear so can't here people say its not going to happen)


EDIT: Mario Tennis - that also needs online.

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Mario Tennis looks like it could do with a delay, as well. All the reports so far have hinted at a very rushed/bare bones release.


I'm not disputing it looked rough but I can't see what level of polish/new features they can add if the game is only delayed to something like Feb. Also, lets not kid ourselves here, Starfox is hardly a system seller.


I would bet on a March/April (perhaps even May) release for StarFox Zero. So that gives them an extra 4-6 months worth of development time. Considering that full production supposedly started around E3 2014 (June) that means that they would've had only had just over a year to build the entire game from that initial set of prototypes that they showed back then. So effectively, this delay would buy them around another 40-50% extra development time on top of what they would've had before.


If they could get an entire game built in just over a year (albeit lacking in the desired polish), then perhaps that extra time could be better spent than you might think at first...


And between the two series, which one do you think is more likely to draw in a larger crowd to sell consoles? The Mario spinoff on a platform that already has plenty of Mario titles, or the first internally developed StarFox game since StarFox 64? (a game that also is tailor made around pushing the boundaries of two screen Gamepad play as well!)

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Has to be said that as a Japanese company Nintendo do love to ignore how important the Thanksgiving/Christmas period is for other territories. How do they keep missing Nov/Dec deadlines? Feels like it has happened every year of the Wii U since launch.

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I would bet on a March/April (perhaps even May) release for StarFox Zero. So that gives them an extra 4-6 months worth of development time. Considering that full production supposedly started around E3 2014 (June) that means that they would've had only had just over a year to build the entire game from that initial set of prototypes that they showed back then. So effectively, this delay would buy them around another 40-50% extra development time on top of what they would've had before.


If they could get an entire game done in just over a year (albeit lacking in the desired polish), then perhaps that extra time could be better spent than you might think at first...


And between the two series, which one do you think is more likely to draw in a larger crowd to sell consoles? The Mario spinoff on a platform that already has plenty of Mario titles, or the first internally developed StarFox game since StarFox 64? (a game that also is tailor made around pushing the boundaries of 2 screen Gamepad play as well!)


Neither to be honest.


Again, it depends on how long the delay is. If it is an extra 6 months then yeah, it should be getting a fair bit of work done. However, if it's a small delay I can't see much being changed or added.

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Has to be said that as a Japanese company Nintendo do love to ignore how important the Thanksgiving/Christmas period is for other territories. How do they keep missing Nov/Dec deadlines. Feels like it has happened every year of the Wii U since launch.


Actually that's not really true...


2006 - Twilight Princess / Wii Sports

2007 - Super Mario Galaxy

2008 - Animal Crossing: City Folk

2009 - New Super Mario Bros. Wii

2010 - Donkey Kong Country Returns

2011 - Skyward Sword

2012 - New Super Mario Bros. U

2013 - Super Mario 3D World

2014 - Super Smash Bros. For Wii U / amiibo

2015 - ???


They've always had at least one major game launch just in time for Black Friday in the US for as long as I can remember. While this could be the first time that this rule is broken, I do reckon that Xenoblade X is gonna get given the spotlight and a newfound push to take StarFox Zero's place...

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I meant more that each year for the Wii U it feels like they have promised and then delayed a christmas game.

I am thinking Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Zelda, and now this.


Well, that's always been the case with Zelda games on consoles! I can't think of a single console Zelda that hasn't been delayed for at least a year :p (I think Four Swords Adventures is the only one that ever managed to not receive a worldwide delay - and that one did actually get a delay in Europe)


As for DKCTF... Yeah, that one was a pretty blatant release date padding (even though it did actually get a little bit more polish as a result).


Edit: Oh yeah, Captain Toad was another one, though technically it did actually get released in 2014 in the end in Europe as they changed their mind at the last minute and sent it out early (the whole thing was just plain weird)

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To be fair, they usually release a big handheld game at the end of the year as well. Granted, it's not much use if you only have a Wii U but it is still another title they push out for the Christmas period.


And even on 3DS their lineup is pretty lacking. Happy Home Designer is their biggest game and that's a spinoff that reuses the ACNL engine and assets...


I mean, when Chibi Robo is your November title, your lineup is pretty low key!


Yokai-Watch is a real dark horse though (shame that it's not coming till next year for us here in Europe!) Could be huge, or it could fail to take off... Tough to call that one but it could really be the 3DS' saving grace in the US if they manage to get their ducks lined up perfectly...

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There's Animal Crossing Amiibo Party and Project Zero 5, but the latter is supposedly a F2P game that is unlocked via Amiibo purchases (also available as a retail bundle with 4 Amiibo IIRC) that is secondary in importance to Happy Home Designer, while the latter is getting a highly limited retail release and no retail release at all in the US... so... yeah...


Xenoblade X might get moved up to November, but I reckon that they'll be focusing on pushing the console with various bundles (like maybe Splatoon + Mario Kart + Smash Wii U)


I do think that they should seriously consider some major VC releases this Xmas - including StarFox 2. They need something to generate buzz about the platform and that's something relatively major that they actually could release on a short notice. It's has always been one of THE most highly requested VC titles, ever since the service started...


Apart from Xenoblade, there really isn't anything. I wouldn't say them Animal Crossing spin-off games are going to sell well.


This is another reason as to why (i believe) you can't just own Nintendo, too many gaming droughts.

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And even on 3DS their lineup is pretty lacking. Happy Home Designer is their biggest game and that's a spinoff that reuses the ACNL engine and assets...


I mean, when Chibi Robo is your November title, your lineup is pretty low key!


Yokai-Watch is a real dark horse though (shame that it's not coming till next year for us here in Europe!) Could be huge, or it could fail to take off... Tough to call that one but it could really be the 3DS' saving grace in the US if they manage to get their ducks lined up perfectly...


Why does everyone keep forgetting about Triforce Heroes. Yeah, it's an end of October release but still... :(

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Apart from Xenoblade, there really isn't anything. I wouldn't say them Animal Crossing spin-off games are going to sell well.


This is another reason as to why (i believe) you can't just own Nintendo, too many gaming droughts.


Happy Home Designer will definitely sell well, but I don't see it being a big hardware pusher though because people have already bought 3DS' for ACNL (though the NFC functionality might end up selling a few N3DS', I don't see it having a huge effect). Amiibo Party though I can't see being a big hit simply because it's another Party game on a console that already has plenty of Party games as it is.


Why does everyone keep forgetting about Triforce Heroes. Yeah, it's an end of October release but still... :(


I haven't forgotten it, but it occupies the same space as the Four Swords games; meaning that it's not a major title. Even Nintendo themselves aren't really giving it much of a marketing push really.


Happy Home Designer is their major 1st party 3DS title this Xmas season and all of their focus is gonna be on pushing that (and Yokai Watch in the US).

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Happy Home Designer will definitely sell well, but I don't see it being a big hardware pusher though because people have already bought 3DS' for ACNL (though the NFC functionality might end up selling a few N3DS', I don't see it having a huge effect). Amiibo Party though I can't see being a big hit simply because it's another Party game on a console that already has plenty of Party games as it is.


I know one or two people thinking of getting Happy Home Designer. An issue i've seen Nintendo do with promoting this, is that they did them promotional cards. But only did them for the north (Manchester, Newcastle etc). Nothing down South for it.


As for Triforce Heroes, yeah i feel that would be a Four Swords esq game and won't push too well.

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