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amiibo (NFC)


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Not really. At the moment I'm only getting the one... if it's use in smash bros is awesome, I may get a second (for MK8). If they sort out that ugly yellow block, and use is worthwhile in hyrule warriors, I may get Link. But I definitely want them to make my Amiibo worth every penny I pay for them :D

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Possible future amiibo:



I guess Mario, Yoshi, Peach and DK are the best value Amiibo for the time being. Link too.. but.. that yellow block :/


I'm guessing Luigi will also be compatible
Surely Link and Villager will be compatible with MK8 too. :hmm:

Still really curious as to what the amiibo functionality could be in MK8 and Hyrule Warriors. :blank:


Is it bad that I'm just going to get the amiibo that are compatible across multiple games that I own?
Yes, because that means you're probably not getting Pikachu! :shakehead:heh:
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Surely Link and Villager will be compatible with MK8 too. :hmm:

Still really curious as to what the amiibo functionality could be in MK8 and Hyrule Warriors. :blank:


Yes, because that means you're probably not getting Pikachu! :shakehead:heh:

Oh of course I'm getting Pikachu. All Pokémon are instagets :p

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I hope they're not riffs off of the Smash use, Hyrule it acts a co op partner you can train up. Mario kart you can have your custom kart and time trial data and maybe a racer you can build.... So boring. Each Amiibo unlocking a kart or a character would be amazing... I don't want this to be yet another wasted opportunity for nintendo.

Edited by dazzybee
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Oh of course I'm getting Pikachu. All Pokémon are instagets :p
Just checking. :hehe:


I hope they're not riffs off of the Smash use, Hyrule it acts a co op partner you can train up. Mario kart you can have your custom kart and time trial data and maybe a racer you can build.... So boring. Each Amiibo knocking a kart or a character would be amazing... want this to be yet another wasted opportunity for nintendo.
Yeah, would be pretty crappy if every game basically used it in a similar way to Smash. :zzz:

Mind you, I could actually do with an amiibo co-op partner for Hyrule Warriors. So if that is what it does, I'd be tempted. :D

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I hope they're not riffs off of the Smash use, Hyrule it acts a co op partner you can train up. Mario kart you can have your custom kart and time trial data and maybe a racer you can build.... So boring. Each Amiibo knocking a kart or a character would be amazing... want this to be yet another wasted opportunity for nintendo.


I think it's likely that the storage space is just for Smash, and that the other games just see the Amiibo name.

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I think it's likely that the storage space is just for Smash, and that the other games just see the Amiibo name.


Wat do you mean? As in the data is for smash and the rest of the games will just acknowledge it's the figure? Possibly, but it could also ask you to rewrite the data from smash for the new game...

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Data requirements won't be huge. Anything that is standard will just need a game header file, then some fairly simple binary to reference data that is already in the game data itself. I would imagine the amiibo name and creator details will take about as much data as the actual unique data attached to the amiibo itself.


Just to randomly make up a few stats





those could be fixed and shared across games, then the % those stats are expressed is dictated by the level that amiibo has achieved within the game being played.


So say you have an amiibo spd 48, def 32, int 45.

each amiibo can only get stat boosts 50 times say, to keep things simple.


smash lvl = 50

mk8 lvl = 25.


So in smash the amiibo has an effective speed of 48/50, but the same amiibo in mk8 only has a speed of 24/50.


Games could have unique characteristics on top of that, but it would make sense, if the storage is miserly, that a smash amiibo has specific smash stats, and in other games it only has a game specific level that draws on those smash specific stats.

Let's say each game has a unique game code attached to a level code, the binary representation of that wouldn't need to be any bigger than 2 bytes per game.


Obviously the data they decide to store has a huge impact, but a very simplistic approach could easily allow for every amiibo to support every Nintendo published game in just a few kb's, 1Mb should be enough to make them compatible with every retail game on the Wii U or add gmae specific quirks.

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I hope they're not riffs off of the Smash use, Hyrule it acts a co op partner you can train up. Mario kart you can have your custom kart and time trial data and maybe a racer you can build.... So boring. Each Amiibo unlocking a kart or a character would be amazing... I don't want this to be yet another wasted opportunity for nintendo.


You think a one-time unloackable is more interesting than characters and karts that you can train and improve over time? I dunno, I think the Smash implementation is actually pretty clever.

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The amiibo come out before Smash Bros., we know tonnes about that game and yet know very little of what these things do like how much memory is on each one. I have still to see something unique. What they've shown so far can be done in the game without them. The only thing is transferring between Wii U's and an SD card could do that and be far more functional.

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Your argument is utterly pointless, there's not going to be something magical impossible without the amiibo, it's just not possible. What do you think could be possible? And you can give this weird logic to loads of things. if you can't see how having your figure, which you have trained up, even virtually, is a decent use of amiibo, whether it interests you or not, then you're mental. I'm not saying it's incredible or anything, but there's a little bit of Magic and personalisation in your figure being different to someone else's and then scanning it in the game.


You think a one-time unloackable is more interesting than characters and karts that you can train and improve over time? I dunno, I think the Smash implementation is actually pretty clever.


No, I'm just saying I don't want every usage to be the same. And if there was a standard usage if prefer unlocks. Imagine yoshi having wool versions of all the amiibo if you own them? Amazing!

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The amiibo come out before Smash Bros., we know tonnes about that game and yet know very little of what these things do like how much memory is on each one. I have still to see something unique. What they've shown so far can be done in the game without them. The only thing is transferring between Wii U's and an SD card could do that and be far more functional.


Someone please tell @Wii that a nifty nicely-designed Nintendo figurine is just a tad better than an SD card, and that you're paying mostly for the figure, not the implementation. Who gives a @£$% how much memory is in them?!? Your arguments are so tedious.

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Someone please tell @Wii that a nifty nicely-designed Nintendo figurine is just a tad better than an SD card, and that you're paying mostly for the figure, not the implementation. Who gives a @£$% how much memory is in them?!? Your arguments are so tedious.

All par for the course. Remember when he said New Super Mario Bros. U wasn't a "next gen game" because of its file size? :p

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The amiibo come out before Smash Bros., we know tonnes about that game and yet know very little of what these things do like how much memory is on each one. I have still to see something unique. What they've shown so far can be done in the game without them. The only thing is transferring between Wii U's and an SD card could do that and be far more functional.


All par for the course. Remember when he said New Super Mario Bros. U wasn't a "next gen game" because of its file size? :p


Quit spreading your BS. That's not what I said.


Again with your BS smilie after your insulting lie. :heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed:


But of course let's not deal with the fact they're out in less than a month, very little is known about them and what is known is gimmicky rubbish, they're of poor quality and how they're using the prototypes in their PR. Better using the old Link than the pillar of urine he's now nailed onto. No, you try deflecting attention away with lies about something that has nothing to do with amiibo. They're sh1te in a bucket! ;)

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Quit spreading your BS. That's not what I said.


Again with your BS smilie after your insulting lie. :heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed::heh::) :p :indeed:


But of course let's not deal with the fact they're out in less than a month, very little is known about them and what is known is gimmicky rubbish, they're of poor quality and how they're using the prototypes in their PR. Better using the old Link than the pillar of urine he's now nailed onto. No, you try deflecting attention away with lies about something that has nothing to do with amiibo. They're sh1te in a bucket! ;)


Past your bedtime.

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I'm wondering how easy it might be to remove the yellow plastic block without damaging the entire amiibo? If videos appear showing it can be done, and I am confident that I can do it, I may buy the link figurine. If not... I will wait for a new improved model to appear at some point.

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It's a shame they were so insistent on the amiibo for Smash retaining the poses of the in-game trophies. :hmm:

I mean it's pretty cool that they do, but I'd much rather they were just different and therefore stable without the need for any additional support.


How Link could have easily been non-wobbly without the yellow block of doom:



I've actually got that figure somewhere (without the Smash Bros. base, obviously :hehe:) think it was from pre-ordering OOT back in '98. :D

Just like the new Link and Marth amiibo, he also suffers from the floppy sword problem. :heh:

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I presume that you can remove the figurine itself from the base without damaging the amiibo base, in which case you could obtain and affix an alternative figurine on the base. the oot figurine looks like his feet should comfortably cover the area amiibo links foot covers, and possibly the ugly yellow block as well? if so... custom amiibo?

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