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Do Nintendo still have what it takes to produce hardware?


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I think it's hilarious how people justify the Wii and slate the Wii u.... They were both risks, both with a similar mentality, one was successful one wasn't... Just shows certain people are absolutely blinded by success/sales... If the Wii bombed people would be saying exactly the same thing...


For me, I say that already about the Wii even though it was a 'success'. I've said it before, but I think the Wii was absolutely one of the worst things to happen to Nintendo. Far worse than the Wii U, actually. And that's in spite of them making loads of money.


The Wii was the console where they dramatically changed tact - they stayed at the same level of power and they switched focus to a totally different audience. The success of the Wii then completely dictated their philosophy going on with the Wii U - believing that pretty much all they needed was a low power machine with a gimmick.


If the Wii hadn't been successful then they would perhaps have gone with something different for the Wii U (possibly a return to the traditional gaming that made them great).




Why do people want three identical machines? 2 is one too many.


This quote perfectly summarises why people want Nintendo to go third party.


Who wants 3 machines full stop? :p

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As long as this isn't just another "let's rip Nintendo a new one" thread and takes all that from most of the other threads into this one thread I'm all for it...


Lets be real - This IS just another "lets rip Nintendo a new one" Thread.


This topic has been done in numerous other unrelated threads for the longest time, only now its neatly packed into one box where every '(average) Student' and 'Telesales Executive' can passionately and expertly lament in their armchair on the doings of a billion-dollar hardware and software company, that has probably been around longer than ones own existance.



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With all due respect, knowing Flink he will have raised this topic as a general point of interest that he wishes to discuss. He has said many times how much he enjoys the console and wants to see positive discussion on it (and is putting in the effort) and it is being marred by self-righteous condemnation of "armchair lamentation" as much as anything else.

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With all due respect, knowing Flink he will have raised this topic as a general point of interest that he wishes to discuss. He has said many times how much he enjoys the console and wants to see positive discussion on it (and is putting in the effort) and it is being marred by self-righteous condemnation of "armchair lamentation" as much as anything else.


I appreciate that, and I know Flink is the more level-headed type... Its just... the endless cycle of negativety running here - even the title leans more to the subjective, does it really need to be asked?


To answer the question though, Nintendo does obviously have what it takes to produce hardware..

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For me, I say that already about the Wii even though it was a 'success'. I've said it before, but I think the Wii was absolutely one of the worst things to happen to Nintendo. Far worse than the Wii U, actually. And that's in spite of them making loads of money.


Haha, exactly. Although I loved the Wii, the arguments people have seem to be more applicable to Wii. And the defence of the Wii and the attack of the Wii u is just plain bizarre, makes me think would people be so negative if it was really successful? No I don't.


I also have a big feeling that Xbox isnt going to overtake the Wii u by years end! So maybe they'll be the ones to drop out, especially as some at ms want to get rid of the division.

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For me, I say that already about the Wii even though it was a 'success'. I've said it before, but I think the Wii was absolutely one of the worst things to happen to Nintendo. Far worse than the Wii U, actually. And that's in spite of them making loads of money.


The Wii was the console where they dramatically changed tact - they stayed at the same level of power and they switched focus to a totally different audience. The success of the Wii then completely dictated their philosophy going on with the Wii U - believing that pretty much all they needed was a low power machine with a gimmick.


If the Wii hadn't been successful then they would perhaps have gone with something different for the Wii U (possibly a return to the traditional gaming that made them great).




This quote perfectly summarises why people want Nintendo to go third party.


Who wants 3 machines full stop? :p


hardware sales of the last 2 generations show there is clearly room for 3 consoles in the market, especially the last gen when all three sold more than 80 million units. But I doubt there is room for 3 consoles that are so similar in spec. You could argue that one of the reasons the Wii U is suffering is because it's much closer to the other machines that Wii was to PS3 and 360. Sure on here people will say it's underpowered but to the average guy in the street (casual gamer/wii owner) graphically it's much more comaparable than last gen.

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hardware sales of the last 2 generations show there is clearly room for 3 consoles in the market, especially the last gen when all three sold more than 80 million units. But I doubt there is room for 3 consoles that are so similar in spec. You could argue that one of the reasons the Wii U is suffering is because it's much closer to the other machines that Wii was to PS3 and 360. Sure on here people will say it's underpowered but to the average guy in the street (casual gamer/wii owner) graphically it's much more comaparable than last gen.


So would you prefer Nintendo to release a console that wasn't similar in spec, which likely wouldn't get many 3rd party games?


I think people are making too much of the spec thing. Specs aren't what make a console different to one another, it's the games they have that make them unique. Nintendo's USP, at least imo, is their software and back catalogue. If Nintendo just focus on releasing the most powerful console they can whilst breaking even and selling for £200-249 with VC sorted from day 1 (and those games can be used across the next handheld), I'm in.

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I appreciate that, and I know Flink is the more level-headed type... Its just... the endless cycle of negativety running here - even the title leans more to the subjective, does it really need to be asked?


To answer the question though, Nintendo does obviously have what it takes to produce hardware..


Not sure if srs. Are you sleep walking through this current generation?


The third parties are abandoning Nintendo's systems. No FIFA support may not mean much to you, but it's absolutely huge in the grand scheme of things. They're not coming to the system for a multitude of reasons, and one of those reasons is that the hardware just isn't good enough. It isn't future proof...there are games appearing later this year for the other systems that are simply not coming to the Wii U. Need for Speed: Rivals didn't make it onto the system. Alien Isolation isn't coming. There are more and it'll only get worse when developers firmly move over to the PS4/One.


Like I stated in my initial post, Nintendo are too focused on creating a gimmick or unique controller, rather than actually making sure that third party games come. It's not good enough to have a solid or good launch line-up, they need to ensure that the third parties will be there from the start and right to the very end.


As for your question: Does this question need to be asked? Absolutely...The actions of this generation will affect whether or not consumers purchase the next system. How many gamers will pick up a PS4 because they had a PS3 and it's the natural progression to do so? If you're burned by the Wii U (which many are), why would you then go on to pick up the next Nintendo system if they don't appear to be learning from their mistakes?

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I appreciate that, and I know Flink is the more level-headed type... Its just... the endless cycle of negativety running here - even the title leans more to the subjective, does it really need to be asked?


To answer the question though, Nintendo does obviously have what it takes to produce hardware..

If you don't want to discuss it, don't come into the thread then! Start your own 'positive' discussion topic thread.


Once again, it's members complaining about negativity and yet never starting any topics they'd personally like to talk about.

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If you don't want to discuss it, don't come into the thread then! Start your own 'positive' discussion topic thread.


Once again, it's members complaining about negativity and yet never starting any topics they'd personally like to talk about.


E3 speculation thread much? :blank:


And it becomes meaningless when the same positive topic turns into the same select few wishing Nintendo does things the way Sony and Microsoft does.


Buy a Playstation for god sake... Oh, you already have one. :p

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E3 speculation thread much? :blank:


And it becomes meaningless when the same positive topic turns into the same select few wishing Nintendo does things the way Sony and Microsoft does.


Buy a Playstation for god sake... Oh, you already have one. :p


Genuinely surprised at this attitude. You're one for self-improvement, yes? That's all we want for Nintendo, to improve. It's not a bad thing to look at what the competition is doing and implement a few of their ideas, many have certainly done this over the years with regards to Nintendo. Innovation works in many ways.


Simply telling others to "buy a Playstation" isn't the answer we're looking for. Absolutely everyone on this forum wants Nintendo to succeed, otherwise we wouldn't be here. The reason why many are being negative is because they have been given a reason to feel that way. If things are going well, then everybody is happy. When things aren't going well, people get negative...or defensive. It's obvious things aren't going well. Critically and commercially. Again, bringing us back to this topic: Do Nintendo have it in them to produce hardware of a high quality? I feel that the answer you would receive today is a far less positive one than one you would have received 10 years ago.

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hardware sales of the last 2 generations show there is clearly room for 3 consoles in the market, especially the last gen when all three sold more than 80 million units. But I doubt there is room for 3 consoles that are so similar in spec. You could argue that one of the reasons the Wii U is suffering is because it's much closer to the other machines that Wii was to PS3 and 360. Sure on here people will say it's underpowered but to the average guy in the street (casual gamer/wii owner) graphically it's much more comaparable than last gen.


But would there have been room had the Wii not had something that made it successful?


If Nintendo can replicate what they did with the Wii somehow then they can be successful again...but that's pretty all or nothing (you either get a Wii or Wii U situation). Going for similar specs is a backup for if their USP cocks up - they'll still get the Nintendo fan sales that they do now with the Wii U but perhaps more if they can get multiformats due to easy porting.

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Not sure if srs. Are you sleep walking through this current generation?


The third parties are abandoning Nintendo's systems. No FIFA support may not mean much to you, but it's absolutely huge in the grand scheme of things. They're not coming to the system for a multitude of reasons, and one of those reasons is that the hardware just isn't good enough. It isn't future proof...there are games appearing later this year for the other systems that are simply not coming to the Wii U. Need for Speed: Rivals didn't make it onto the system. Alien Isolation isn't coming. There are more and it'll only get worse when developers firmly move over to the PS4/One.


Like I stated in my initial post, Nintendo are too focused on creating a gimmick or unique controller, rather than actually making sure that third party games come. It's not good enough to have a solid or good launch line-up, they need to ensure that the third parties will be there from the start and right to the very end.


As for your question: Does this question need to be asked? Absolutely...The actions of this generation will affect whether or not consumers purchase the next system. How many gamers will pick up a PS4 because they had a PS3 and it's the natural progression to do so? If you're burned by the Wii U (which many are), why would you then go on to pick up the next Nintendo system if they don't appear to be learning from their mistakes?


Im not sleep-walking - Im playing the Nintendo games that I expected to play on a Nintendo system.


And I will likely pick up the next console because after Pikmin 3, 3D World, DK, MK8, SB4 etc - I have good faith those games will continue to provide me with the entertainment I want, and most importantly, the type of entertainment Nintendo wants to create.


The answer here is buy the console that is right for you. If the console lacks the specs you desire, why continously bitch about it? (not you personally) - or act like you actually have the overview of a billion-dollar, well-established Japanese company to form a real answer?


It can get a little bit pretentious - no matter how low Wii U sales are, I still put my faith in Nintendo ie the professionals to make successful plans and providing great entertainment value, whilst keeping their business afloat. Not the same fans who got heartbroken at the first sight of WW, then fell in love at the sight of TP - only to eventually irk at the latter and admire the former.


I have a PS3... along with 80million other people.


I bought mine in 2011 when Nintendo abandoned the Wii...


Your attitude is pretty terrible.


Please don't become emotionally compromised.

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King V, what the hell happened to turn you to saying "Go buy a PlayStation" from this a few months ago:


Yeah, I like the idea of a PS3/4, from sexy racers like Gran Turismo to the numerous adventure style games and entertainment value the console offers.


And I might just get one. I know the gamer is still inside, but events such as Nintendo droughts have severely diluted it to almost being lethargic towards gaming in general.


The combination of droughts and questionable quality in titles puts Nintendo in a bad place - Nintendo's spell on me left after experiencing Skyward Sword, the only Zelda title I couldn't be bothered to complete.



It's fine if your opinion as changed, but it's more than a little hypocritical to be having a go at people for having an attitude you once had.

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Genuinely surprised at this attitude. You're one for self-improvement, yes? That's all we want for Nintendo, to improve. It's not a bad thing to look at what the competition is doing and implement a few of their ideas, many have certainly done this over the years with regards to Nintendo. Innovation works in many ways.



I would argue Nintendo are improving and the competition has forced its hand out of its arse with things like implementing online play and services.


The Wii U remains a console with so much potential, with or without the third party en masse support. The hardware, the specs etc are just fine. The only thing that bemuses me is the lack of enhanced audio/Dolby Digital support.


As for the gamepad, that was always a risk - fine we can call it a failed risk - but there are pro Controllers available to soak up the blow if Nintendo ditches the gamepad idea and just go with a regular controller.


I feel that this subject should be more aimed at the Wii generation, than Wii U - Where we see minimal hardware differences between the GC.

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Simply - Nintendo hardware limits its software, in some bizzare, Kamikaze, shoot-myself-in-the-foot way.


Why go the long way around? Why make problems for yourself? Every console had a major flaw and it seems it was made by choice - even if it meant reproducing the same flaw of the previous generation.


The whole world will love Nintendo again if just went software. Throw away pride and all that loyalty drivvle - this is 2014.

The more I think of it, the more I see an astounding opportunity for growth, swamps of money and a re-domination of Nintendo.


The capabilities of the PS4 and XB will ironically probably allow Nintendo to realise the dreams of grandeur for some of its key titles, Zelda springs to mind. Epic stuff - No pathed landscapes, fogging/blurry techniques cleverly labeled as 'art style'. Real digital sound - No Nintendo console has ever taken advantage of Dolby Digital! (The PS2 had it for col).


I am pro third party Nintendo. Save your money and leave the hardware alone.


Again, I'm not saying you can't change your opinion, but I'll be damned if you criticise people for making the same comments you did a few months ago!

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King V, what the hell happened to turn you to saying "Go buy a PlayStation" from this a few months ago:





It's fine if your opinion as changed, but it's more than a little hypocritical to be having a go at people for having an attitude you once had.



Thats the thing - I've always leaned more on the side of negativity with Nintendo's actions. That expression came at a point from when I had a new Wii U last year as a Xmas gift from 2012, and all I was playing on it was Nintendoland, Sonic Racing and AC3.


I sold it.


But from someone who recently purchased a Wii U in 2014 - its harder to see why so many are so furiously disgruntled, pretty much everyday, with the calibre of U games that have come out since then, with MK8 2 weeks down the line and an E3 in 4.


I have been looking for more reasons to buy a PS4, but can't really justify it against what the Wii U currently offers. So there.

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Again, I'm not saying you can't change your opinion, but I'll be damned if you criticise people for making the same comments you did a few months ago!


Regardless, you had the attitude you are now criticising people for. That makes you a hypocrite.


Yeah, but then I bought the console and my viewpoint changed.


Have you bought a Wii U? Your opinion might just change if you gave it a chance. Thats the difference - people, myself included, moan and gripe about stuff they haven't even really given time to experience, especially now when the quality of games available is good when you understand its is only 1.5 years old.


Kudos for taking the time to unearth my rants tho, you clearly have the time.

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Yeah, but then I bought the console and my viewpoint changed.


Have you bought a Wii U? Your opinion might just change if you gave it a chance. Thats the difference - people, myself included, moan and gripe about stuff they haven't even really experienced.


Kudos for taking the time to unearth my rants tho, you clearly have the time.


Yes, I have a Wii U with a good number of games. My opinion has always been the same.


By the way, it took no time. I remember a few months back you were like this so all I had to do was click your profile and found it within about 20 secs.

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Yes, I have a Wii U with a good number of games. My opinion has always been the same.



So why do you have it then?


Your opinion remains that the games are essentially shit and last gen, the hardware is last gen, shit and lacks vital components the PS4/XB1 has... But yet you're going to suck it all up and still buy MK8, SB4 etc... and still say the same things after.


That sounds like the epitomy of being a hypocrite.

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So would you prefer Nintendo to release a console that wasn't similar in spec, which likely wouldn't get many 3rd party games?


I think people are making too much of the spec thing. Specs aren't what make a console different to one another, it's the games they have that make them unique. Nintendo's USP, at least imo, is their software and back catalogue. If Nintendo just focus on releasing the most powerful console they can whilst breaking even and selling for £200-249 with VC sorted from day 1 (and those games can be used across the next handheld), I'm in.


Agreed: they've got IP's that are enough to justify purchasing their consoles. If they just use them properly, they will have consoles that have nearly everything you can ask for.


Problem is that they've become notorious for shoving out the same few IP's time and time again, while ignoring others completely. I personally became a Nintendo fan in the N64 era and it's frustrating to wait year in and year out for the franchises I'm interrested in.


If Nintendo could just release one game in each of their IP's for each console, then a handfull of exclusives could make the line up feel complete.

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So why do you have it then?


Your opinion remains that the games are essentially shit and last gen, the hardware is last gen, shit and lacks vital components the PS4/XB1 has... But yet you're going to suck it all up and still buy MK8, SB4 etc... and still say the same things after.


That sounds like the epitomy of being a hypocrite.


Stop making things up. You're just embarrassing yourself now with this behaviour. You slag off the console yourself then have the audacity to level these questions to me? Get the hell out.


Nowhere did I say that all Nintendo games are shit. But do I think some of their franchises are stale? Sure. I got my Wii U when it was pretty cheap (I got it on sale with Wind Waker HD) as that was basically all I was willing to pay for it. I've since picked up many games far cheaper than RRP due to the console faltering.


As for the hardware; yes, I think it is sub par. But alas, it is the only way to play some of the games I want.

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