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Stealth Inc. 2


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Curve Studios bringing Stealth Inc. sequel to Nintendo's console.




The GamePad is being supported with a special co-op mode - though there aren't any other details on how exactly it'll work just yet.


Stealth Inc. 2 pulls the camera back a little, then, for a wider look at the facility, although it finds time to incorporate the condensed action of the first game. Different sections of the facility act as different testing grounds for new pieces of equipment - complete certain challenges and you'll gain access to the equipment which will, in turn, allow you to explore the facility further. It's elegant, as well as tough - the kind of experience you'd expect to find on a Nintendo console, in fact.


Not seen this posted yet but might have missed it. Good stuff.

Edited by Daft
Forgot to include the source link.
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Well this is a nice surprise :) Very unexpected to see them make this a Wii U exclusive! (Especially seen as how the first game was a multiplatform release and how Curve Studio's recent output has been very much Sony focused). Makes me wonder if Nintendo are involved like they were in the two Hydroventure games...


There's a lot of potential here for a great game. The first game was good and laid the foundations for something potentially very special. Making it a Wii U exclusive opens it up to a lot of really cool potential Wii U functionality; maybe they'll do a zoomed out view on the TV and close up on the Gamepad (ALA DK's Crash Course in Nintendo Land), or maybe they could have night vision on the Gamepad and a normal view on the TV and you have to switch your focus back and forth to sneak past hidden cameras! Miiverse messages ingame also make a lot of sense (considering that the first game focused a lot on finding hidden hint messages) and they could also implement motion controls for things like swaying lights (maybe you get a gravity shifting item that allows you to sway cameras left and right in order to point them away from you so you can sneak past them!) as well as touch controls for activating switches, pulleys and the like (the level editor would also greatly improve from the Wii U's touch/2 screen interface too!)


This could be something really special if done right :D

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Curve Studios has decided to bring its sequel to Wii U for a number of reasons, managing director Jason Perkins and design director Jonathan Biddle explained to me, not the least of which is, "We love Nintendo and we want to give Iwata a hug". That's all well and good, of course, but the key things I wanted to know upon sitting down with the duo is how this situation came about and what changes we should expect as a result.
The fact is, Stealth Inc. 2 won't mark Curve's first collaboration with Nintendo: far from it. The companies previously worked together on a series called Fluidity for 3DS and the original Wii that, while not selling particularly well, did manage to receive extremely good reviews. Biddle openly admits that many of the lessons learned while making the puzzler were put into practice on Stealth Inc. Perhaps this explains why, when the game was eventually released, Nintendo was a massive fan and actually asked Curve if a version for Nintendo platforms was possible. At that stage, with everyone working on an edition for Sony consoles, it looked unlikely, so they settled on the next-best thing: a sequel, designed exclusively from the ground up for Wii U and incorporating GamePad-centric features, including a co-operative mode.
Despite all this, some are going to think Curve is absolutely mad for getting back into bed with Nintendo. Why opt to back what many consider to be a losing horse? The reason is two-fold, at least according to Perkins. On the one hand, positive past experiences mean Curve wants to help out Nintendo and is genuinely intrigued by the challenge and possibilities offered by the GamePad. The other reason is one of pragmatism.


“Whenever a Wii U game gets announced, people clamber all over it," Perkins admits. "We really feel being a bigger part of that smaller selection of titles could be good for us. We will be doing other Wii U games as well. To really, properly give Iwata a hug. We’re not nervous. It’s a good decision for us."

It seems, then, that Stealth Inc. 2 could be the start of something beautiful between Curve and Nintendo. Of course, there's always the sneaking suspicion that the title could be a timed-exclusive rather than a full one. When I put such a suggestion to the duo, the lack of flat-out denial is telling. "We're just talking about Wii U today," Biddle says with a smirk, before Perkins adds, "We'll see how it goes." Indeed, we will but, in the meantime, the forecast for Wii U owners is looking a little brighter.
Probably a timed exclusive then, but ultimately probably the best version to have. Edited by Retro_Link
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  • 5 months later...
Exclusive: Join Curve Studios On An Exploration Of Stealth Inc 2's Overworld


Developer gives us an exclusive video commentary


Stealth Inc 2 is coming to the Wii U eShop very soon, and to mark this event we've teamed up with developer Curve Studios (the guys who are officially the best at Mario Kart 8, don't you know) to bring you a series of videos which focus on different elements of the title.


The first video — shown exclusively here on Nintendo Life — looks at exploring the game's world, and features an insightful commentary by lead level designer Sam Robinson.


Stealth Inc 2 Uncovered: Exploration & Overworld





You'll Definitely Want to Try Out Stealth Inc 2's Level Editor


Editing for the masses


Stealth Inc 2 is a puzzle platformer of a different kind coming to Wii U later this year, and it's been known for a while that the game would feature a level editor, but the level of freedom is probably greater than you expected.


Speaking to us at EGX, Rob Clarke gives a deeper look into the editor's capabilities:


The tools in the level editor are the tools that we've used. The only difference is obviously we're developing on computers and the level editor uses the GamePad.


This freedom even extends to the more aesthetic sides of the levels, such as soft, pulsating lights to projected text on the walls that features prominently in the single player story.


The level editor was an important feature in the previous instalment in the series, and Clarke suggests that it will prove itself to be an even more substantial part of the sequel:


One of our level designers was actually making levels on the PC version before we brought them on to work as staff.


If only ten percent of the levels that are made are going to be super-high quality, then you're still going to have another ten or twenty hours of extra gameplay if you're looking for a challenge.




Stealth Inc 2 Sneaking Onto the Wii U eShop on 23rd October


Curve Studios' Wii U exclusive creeps closer


Stealth Inc 2 was a slightly surprising announcement as a Wii U eShop-exclusive title earlier this year, especially as its predecessor has never been available on Nintendo hardware. On the other hand developer Curve Studios has recently confirmed more titles — The Swapper and Lone Survivor — for the Wii U, while we should also remember that the Hydroventure / Fluidity titles on WiiWare and the 3DS eShop were developed by the UK-based studio; it's clearly keen to support Nintendo's consoles.


Stealth Inc 2 certainly looks like a promising title, taking the concept of tough puzzle-platforming and trials from the original and expanding it out into a larger world with Metroidvania aspects. Its exclusivity on the Wii U eShop also puts it in a relatively small, select group, which further helps to reinforce the platform as an exciting destination for download developers.


We don't have too long to wait to see what it's all about, as Curve Studios has confirmed a release date of 23rd October worldwide — pricing hasn't been decided as yet.




Edited by Wii
Automerged Doublepost
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Puzzles and Tricks Await in Metroid-esque Realm of Stealth Inc. 2


Dive into the test chambers, survive tricky puzzles, and explore a massive world!


When I got to play Stealth Inc. 2 for a few missions at Gamescom, I had no idea of how big the game was going to be. It looked promising, but I knew that I had to stop before getting in too deep. Ruining the surprise factor with a game like this can be heart-breaking. Now, I’ve had the chance to sit down with the game proper and really take in what Stealth Inc. 2 has in store. It is safe that to say that I am even more pleased than before.


The biggest difference between this game and the original becomes clear from the moment you hit start. While it retains some of the mission structure found in the first game, you have a bigger, Metroid-esque world that connects one place to another. This set-up is the main focus of the opening, which teaches you the mechanics. You will have to walk, jump, grab ledges, press switches, and hack terminals to overcome the game's beginner class. Stylish text gives instructions in the background, and danger seems always imminent. Robotic dogs, security cameras, and pits of doom want you dead, and the tutorial becomes a twitchy test of your reaction skills.


After learning the ropes, you are thrown into the first test chamber, called ''Forever A Clone''. Here you learn what the tests are all about, which is solve the puzzles and get to the finish in the fastest time possible. The chamber itself didn't prove that much of a challenge, hopping from ledge to ledge whilst avoiding lasers. It isn't exactly something you will get right on your first round. Your performance card at the end includes the completion time, number of deaths, and the times you have been spotted. These results can be compared with others through the Nintendo Network, due to the inclusion of online leaderboards.


The second test, named Occupational Hazard, is already more substantial. You work together with a CPU clone by pressing switches. This sounds easy enough, until a boulder drops on your head. From that point, I was more careful with every step that I took. How did that go? Terribly. Lasers and death switches surprised me and raised my death count to four. The funny thing is that it never wiped the smile off my face, and I just wanted to push myself to the next checkpoint.


Another challenge is called Gutter Press, which teaches you about using shadows to your advantage. When you are in a bright light, it is easy to be spotted by all the enemies around. You need to sneak past that security camera and keep your cool, and that requires some snappy movement. One of the early puzzles plays a mean trick, in which you have to stop the shadow in the middle of a room above said camera. It is the only way you can hack a terminal and continue onward in the chamber at hand. Another tricky moment is when you are forced to walk towards a security camera, which results in the room becoming smaller and smaller. I had to find a shadow spot before I was toast!


The final test chamber that I will cover today is Clouded Judgement. You use steam here to hinder the sight of obstacles, and this makes it easy for you to pass them by. Along the way, you have to activate a ventilation system, which sends the steam all across the stage. The window of time available becomes shorter every time, and you need to use your platforming skills to overcome the final moments. After the four initial stages, you are rewarded with a shiny costume item. The first prize is a Viking hat, which I equipped in an instant. With that craziness out of the way, a new passageway through the massive overworld awaits, and it leads to places unknown.


Stealth Inc. 2 does not use the Wii U GamePad in many ways, but you can look at a map and go through other options. It does not greatly tie in to the gameplay, except maybe for Co-op, but the touches are at least neat. The game has a stylized look, which is entertaining to behold. The game is dark, atmospheric, and very engaging all at once. The deaths of the clones are presented in a slapstick manner, but I couldn't help being sad at my own incompetence.


Stealth Inc. 2 continues to impress, and it brings me so much joy when I play it. The game tests your skills and lets the brain do some serious thinking about the puzzle at hand. The game feels tight, very responsive, and at home on the Wii U with its bigger scope and ever expanding game world. I want to get back in right now and explore it even further!



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  • 3 weeks later...
Video: Take a Closer Look at the Awesome GamePad and Co-Op Features of Stealth Inc 2


Be stealthy together


We're big fans of Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones here at Nintendo Life, a Wii U eShop exclusive that combines solid platforming, a Metroidvania world and terrific level design; we awarded it a handsome 9 out of 10 in our review.


A key feature that we appreciated in that review is the local co-op, which utilises the GamePad touch screen and inputs for clever asynchronous play; we described it as "the most cohesive example of the system's capabilities yet". We didn't say that lightly, and we certainly feel that playing this title with a friend can give it a whole new life.


Curve Studio's latest video for Stealth Inc 2 covers the GamePad's in-game features, showing the menus and map in single-player and, more importantly, the varied and clever options in co-op. Check it out below and let us know if you've picked this game up, or if you're planning to in future.




Stealth Inc 2 Uncovered Part 3: GamePad and Co-Op


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Can't say I'm surprised. Wii U doesn't do exclusives unless it's 1st party or paid for by Nintendo. I haven't bought this game, I find the asking price a little high. When it reaches €10 in a sale I'll bite. I find the pricing of all games on eShop to be too high. All my purchases have come when they knock a couple of € off. Same reason I'm not buying Golden Sun.....yet.


The game does look really good and I think it's a real labour of love. Has anybody here bought it? I doubt it seeing as most of the comments in this thread are my own.

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Thanks, that puts Ligers comments into context then!


The game looks fun, but I'm just not convinced yet - I haven't seen/heard enough. I have a fair bit of back log to get through.. and then there's MK8 dlc, smash.... toad :D


so I think it's fairly likely I'll be overlooking this game, which is a shame as it does look like a nice little game.

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