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Pokémon Art Academy (3DS)


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Really great review RedShell.


Looking forward to this tbh. It's the kind of drawing game that's up my street - cartoon / anime rather than a bowl of apples etc :heh: - I definitely feel like I could get some good results with some practice!


I hadn't even really considered it before reading the review, but now I'm pretty much sold! : peace:

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I have been doing rather well with the templates, but my drawing skills without are still a bit suspect. Am currently doing a Noibat for a friend


Here are a few more of my creations:


Graffiti Celebi: No template. No reference






Shiny Treecko



Primal Kyogre (didn't realise how messed up the face art was until I uploaded)



I'm also impatient which is why I didn't really clean up the edges

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Damn! I was thinking of doing the same idea!

Curse you and your early access to Pokemon games!


Definitely a fair review, @RedShell, unfortunately it confirms the one thing I was worried about.

No landscape lessons kinda dampens it a bit. But I'm really not getting this for the lessons, so I can always just go back to New Art Academy for those.

I guess I can understand the issue with the lack of 3D, all I can think of is that 3D paintings aren't very realistic? Lame excuse, I know. But I never used Colours 3D's 3D feature, so I'm not bothered.

(Before anyone asks, I'm getting this for the tools New Art Academy doesn't have. The markers, spray paint and undo. New Art Academy never really could pull off a cartoony look, but what it could do was immensely impressive)




I drew that two years ago. I love the colouring pencils! They're in this one, I assume?

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I guess I can understand the issue with the lack of 3D, all I can think of is that 3D paintings aren't very realistic? Lame excuse, I know. But I never used Colours 3D's 3D feature, so I'm not bothered.
Colors 3D gives you 5 layers to draw on, each with their own stereoscopic depth. So it's possible to create some really nice 3D effects. :awesome:


I drew that two years ago. I love the colouring pencils! They're in this one, I assume?
Nice. :)

And yeah, colouring pencils can be used in this version too.

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Colors 3D gives you 5 layers to draw on, each with their own stereoscopic depth. So it's possible to create some really nice 3D effects. :awesome:


Nice. :)

And yeah, colouring pencils can be used in this version too.


Oh yeah. Should have mentioned that I also have Colours 3D. I was just never any good at getting the 3D to look natural.


The markers seem to provide a style colouring style similar to Colours, which is why I want to get this so bad.

That and Colours 3D can't really do blending. Which is fine for hard shading, but not great for any other ways.

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Oh yeah. Should have mentioned that I also have Colours 3D.
My bad, I read your post as "I never used Colours 3D'" rather than "I never used Colours 3D's 3D feature". :woops:


I was just never any good at getting the 3D to look natural.
Yeah, it's certainly not an easy thing to do, especially with a realistic style. But I have seen some pretty awesome examples in the gallery before.
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Well it'll be up on the eShop in half an hour :)


Well, for the sake of my sleep, I'm gonna resist until tomorrow morning.


Fair warning: I WILL show my work on this... even if I know no-one wants to see.

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I really want this game but forgot to put a pre-order in. I want a boxed copy I think.


Dunno if my Asda will have it though.


If I do get it I will deffo post some of my creations too. But they might not be great. FYI. :heh:


Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!! : peace:

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Is there any way to get rid of that watermark on the bottom right? Because it's utterly horrible.


If it's just a Miiverse thing, fair enough. But if it's unavoidable...

Doesn't look like it, no. It seems to be added whenever you export an image to SD card or upload to Miiverse. :hmm:

In which case the only way to save a painting without that watermark would be via a 3DS capture device.

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Doesn't look like it, no. It seems to be added whenever you export an image to SD card or upload to Miiverse. :hmm:

In which case the only way to save a painting without that watermark would be via a 3DS capture device.


Well, I guess I could work around it by using the screenshot feature while I'm working on the picture.


You know, finish the picture, don't save and quit, post the screenshot on Miiverse the old fashioned way and use that.


It's a shame. Would have been nice to use those better resolution pictures. But forced watermarks are obtrusive, especially when they aren't even remotely transparent.


OK, it's a little bit transparent, but it's still pretty bad.

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Heh, that's a nice nod there.


But now I'm wondering why Vince has never mentioned Andy before.

In fact, why aren't there any pictures of Andy in Vince's Academy?

What if Vince is ashamed of Andy because he draws nothing but Pokemon?

Are Pokemon even real in this!? The two Art Academys obviously exist in the same universe, but why don't we ever see them when Vince is teaching?


Maybe it's all in Andy's head...




EDIT: YES! In your face, watermark! You have been utterly defeated through the power of normal Miiverse upload procedure! All I'd have to do is crop out the borders on any old programme and it's sorted!




A shame that the resolution takes a hit... It looks just great on a 3DS, but compared to the high resolution pictures above this post. I can't ignore it...

*Sigh* I guess I'll just have to accept it...


I've had a bit of a play around with the tools in Free Paint.


First things first...




It sounds like such a small thing, but having 4 levels of zoom options makes a huge amount of difference!

The Undo tool is also welcome in my opinion. Yeah, it's unrealistic, but for the sake of convenience, I'm more than happy to go with it.

The layer pen makes no sense, but I'm not gonna complain.


I also noticed that the presentation is a lot more slick in that 10 minute lesson at the start. It was actually quite jarring to see a transition animation after being so used to traditional Art Academy.

I'll probably get used to it, but it feels odd.


Gonna actually go and draw a proper picture now.


I really do hate that watermark. I actually want to complain on Miiverse.

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Gonna download this in a bit. Popped into the local Asda (well, my mum did whilst I was at the gym :heh: ) and they didn't have it. She even asked behind the counter in case they hadn't put it out yet - she's a gooden :laughing: but they didn't have any.


I realllllly want it though so I'm just gonna download it instead.


Anyone who got it today got any thoughts on it? Any early creations they wanna share?! : peace:


Blimey. It's worth downloading this just to laugh at how bad the annoying girl who is drawing alongside you at the academy is.



I mean I know it's prob aimed at people younger than me, but if you need to look at her examples to make you feel better about your own creations then this is not the game for you!


Look at her damn Squirtle!!




Mine on the other hand came out quite delicious if I do say so myself! :heh:


I'm loving this game! :D

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Thanks H-o-T!


In fairness, the background wasn't done by me, and this is one of the very early drawing lessons so it isn't free hand or anything like that!


The game is doing a great job of introducing different techniques so far though so by the end of it who knows what you'll be able to create! : peace:

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