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Posted (edited)

Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia


Welcome! Have fun! Can´t wait to see what you people come up with!





Dayphases are 48 hours, nightphases are 24 hours. Deadlines are always at 00:00 CET / 23:00 UK. The combination of a dayphase and a nightphase is a turn. When a majority for a lynch is reached within 24 hours, the dayphase will be shorthened to 24 hours.



The usual way. You can vote one person to be lynched during the dayphase. This calls for an absolute majority, which means a number of votes equal to at least 50 % of all active players.



There are no pre-determined roles. Your role PM will only specify your alignment, either town or mafia.


Win conditions

The usual, town needs to eliminate all mafia members, mafia needs to match or outnumber town.



Each turn, you may perform one active ability. In addition, you may enable one passive ability during the game.


Active abilities

During the turn (this will usually be during the nightphase, but this is not necessary), you may send me a PM with the ability you wish to perform. You have a high amount of freedom of what you can choose, although there are limits.


No more than one ability of its kind performed by anyone each turn

An active ability cannot be performed twice by anyone within the same turn. This also applies to abilities which are not exactly the same, but very similar. What is deemed "very similar" will be up to me. Abilities are handed out on a first come, first served basis. So for example, there will be no mass investigations by town, or mass killings by mafia.


No more than one target

As a general rule, you can´t target more than one player with an active ability, unless you can convince me otherwise, like when it´s inherent to the ability. A target switcher would be an example.


No more than one main function

Your ability has to do one thing only, unless you can convince me otherwise, again, like when it´s inherent to the ability. A jailkeeper is a good example for this one. This doesn´t mean it can´t have lesser side effects.


Passive abilities

Passive abilites, as opposed to active abilities, are always active, and trigger upon an event. You can have one passive ability active at a time, but you can change your passive ability once per turn. However, like active abilities, no 2 players can´t have the same, or very similar passive abilities.


What if my ability gets rejected?

There will be two reasons why I reject an ability: it´s either already taken, or I think it´s overpowered. In either case I´ll give no explanation, for the simple fact that if it´s the first case, I don´t explicitly want to confirm that ability is already in use, eventhough you can guess as much, but that´s just part of this game. Just in case it is the second case, you could try to power down your ability. Tips: be creative, think out of the box, think meta, simply be quick, or have a list ready with back-up abilities. Keep in mind that I like being technical.. It will probably help being very specific.



This would be the point where I would tell you you can´t edit your posts and you can´t post when dead etc.. Except I´m not going to do that. Just to be explicit: untill further notice, you may edit your posts, you may quote role PM´s and other messages, you may in fact message other players (and although not a rule I would be much obliged if you add me as a recipient), you may post during the night, you may post when dead, in fact, I´ll even let you post if you´re not playing the game (@Mr\-Paul@Jonnas@Sheikah@Jimbob@DuD@Cube@ReZourceman


Edited by Sméagol
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Town do RNG numbers 1-5. If 1, 2, 3 or 4 protect yourself from all negative stuff. If 5, do something else. Something good (remember Mafia can mask their alignment). Let's flush these guys ahhht.


Second - scrap that. Just read the one ability use per turn. Ok, I can see a lot of back and forth PMs going your way Smeagol. :p


Town I advise you bag abilities early since I can see Mafia gobbling up alignment investigation etc to stop others taking them. Unless town ability allowance is separate from Mafia's.


Or we could all publicly agree to use specific powers that would gradually guarantee full information and that any deviation from it would reveal who it was who deviated :D

Posted (edited)


Ok, it seems like I have to clarify the abilities in the game, apparently, what I´ve written in the rules is not clear enough. You have a "passive" ability, and an "active" ability.


The active ability is simple, this is what you are accustomed to to doing each night in a mafia game. You can choose each turn (day or night) what you want to do, however, you´re bound to the limits talked about in the rules. Most importantly, an ability can be used only once by anyone each turn (remember, a turn is what I call a day + night). This to prevent things like town investigating everybody at once. Also, in general, you can only have one target and one main function, unless it´s inherent to classic mafia abilities like a jailkeeper or target switcher, or when an ability is truly original, you may try to push your luck. You can send in "ability claims" as soon as the turn starts (i.e. when the day starts). This adds some strategy, as you have to be quick to get the obvious and popular abilities. However, next turn everything is reset, so everything is possible again.


Passive abilities don´t do things directly to players, they´re a static ability that wait for certain events to happen. They´re always "on". Unless you change them, they´re there for the rest of the game. I´m sure after years of playing mafia games, you can think of plenty examples, but to give another classic mafia example, the double vote is something I´d consider for a passive ability (though, I guess if you really want to, you could also use it as a one-time active ability). If you want, you can change your passive ability to something else, but only once per turn. This to prevent players adapting on the fly to the current situation.


So to summarise: each of you can choose one passive ability for the game, and one active ability each turn. Again, you can look at all the previous mafias you´ve played to find inspiration.


Game tip:

Personally, I´d think about that passive ability before you even hit no lynch.


Vote count:


No lynch [2]: Jimbob / The Peeps

Not voting [8]: Yvonne / Rummy / Mr-Paul / Jonnas / Sheikah / DuD / Cube / ReZourceman


There are 10 active players.

Absolute majority is 5.

Majority has not been reached.


Deadline is 26-02-2014 00:00 CET (25-02-2014 23:00 UK)

30 hours remaining.


  Rummy said:
Don't tell me what to do maaaaaaaan. I do what I waaaaaaant.


For giggles Vote:Smeagol.

I´m sorry to inform you this serves no in-game purpose ;).

Edited by Sméagol

Just so people know, if you pick an active and passive with an agenda in mind and only one is rejected (for me, the active) then I was stuck with an unchangeable passive that didn't work well with my intended next choice of active. Might be worth bearing in mind to submit passives and actives separately and wait for individual confirmations/rejections if you want to coordinate them both.

  Sméagol said:
You posted in the general mafia thread.. Anyway. You can still post, the rules actually allow for that ;).


Yeah but I'm a "new posts" button man, not a forum section man.

  Diageo said:
Yeah but I'm a "new posts" button man, not a forum section man.

Then still, there was also an announcement in that same general mafia thread.. If you only looked 3 posts up ;). Anyway, next game, I´ll keep sign-ups open longer..

  Sméagol said:
I´m sorry to inform you this serves no in-game purpose ;).


Fine. Vote: No lynch for all the suckahs who ain't got their arses into gear yet!


  The Peeps said:
Thought I'd put this out there, Yvonne is town :p


Interesting, because I'm just going to put this out there instead.


Vote count:


No lynch [4]: Jimbob / The Peeps / Jonnas / Rummy

Not voting [6]: Yvonne / Mr-Paul / Sheikah / DuD / Cube / ReZourceman


There are 10 active players.

Absolute majority is 5.

Majority has not been reached.


Deadline is 26-02-2014 00:00 CET (25-02-2014 23:00 UK)

24 hours remaining.

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