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Alien: Isolation


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Finished the main game last night, really enjoyed it. :)

And even though I was getting killed pretty much continually throughout the entire campaign (often having to replay sections as a result) it never got frustrating, :blank: which is quite surprising.

I guess the superb attention to detail and sound design helped a lot. They've created such an amazing atmosphere with this game, that you just can't help but get sucked into it. :awesome:


Particularly loved the parts where you got to...

...venture outside the ship:



Dem lens flares. :heh:

The game certainly isn't perfect though, and I encountered a few bugs/glitches here and there. The most common one was objects hanging in midair, usually weapons:



Obviously not a huge deal, but seeing as the developers did a great job of making such a convincing and engrossing environment, any weird stuff like that massively destroys the immersion.


But yeah, even with those minor issues this was a fantastic experience, and definitely well worth the wait.

Will be interesting to see what the future holds for games based on the Alien franchise now, as the bar has been set insanely high with Isolation.


BTW, anyone else chuckle at this?:


Perhaps it's just me, but I can't help but laugh whenever I see that phrase in a game these days. :laughing:

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Finished the main game last night, really enjoyed it. :)

And even though I was getting killed pretty much continually throughout the entire campaign (often having to replay sections as a result) it never got frustrating, :blank: which is quite surprising.

I guess the superb attention to detail and sound design helped a lot. They've created such an amazing atmosphere with this game, that you just can't help but get sucked into it. :awesome:


Particularly loved the parts where you got to...

...venture outside the ship:



Dem lens flares. :heh:

The game certainly isn't perfect though, and I encountered a few bugs/glitches here and there. The most common one was objects hanging in midair, usually weapons:



Obviously not a huge deal, but seeing as the developers did a great job of making such a convincing and engrossing environment, any weird stuff like that massively destroys the immersion.


But yeah, even with those minor issues this was a fantastic experience, and definitely well worth the wait.

Will be interesting to see what the future holds for games based on the Alien franchise now, as the bar has been set insanely high with Isolation.


BTW, anyone else chuckle at this?:


Perhaps it's just me, but I can't help but laugh whenever I see that phrase in a game these days. :laughing:


Your favourite bits were the same as mine. :)


Glad you enjoyed playing the best game of last year. ;)


How good are the final three chapters? So fucking awesome.


The chapter before last and the final chapter escaping the hive are both excellent. Awesome build up. The outer space parts are just so well done and even though nothing really happens you feel on edge the entire time.


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Glad you enjoyed playing the best game of last year. ;)
I did enjoy Mario Kart 8, yes. ;)

This game is rad, but not that rad. :hehe:


How good are the final three chapters? So fucking awesome.


The chapter before last and the final chapter escaping the hive are both excellent. Awesome build up. The outer space parts are just so well done and even though nothing really happens you feel on edge the entire time.


I was really caught off guard by the alien bursting through the door right at the very end too! Totally should have seen that one coming. :heh:

Have you played any of Survival Mode? I took a quick look (just in the menu, didn't actually try it yet) but couldn't see any times/scores in the friends leaderboard. :hmm:

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I did enjoy Mario Kart 8, yes. ;)

This game is rad, but not that rad. :hehe:



I was really caught off guard by the alien bursting through the door right at the very end too! Totally should have seen that one coming.


Have you played any of Survival Mode? I took a quick look (just in the menu, didn't actually try it yet) but couldn't see any times/scores in the friends leaderboard. :hmm:


Lol, Mario Kart. Haven't touched it in months. Think I'm done with that series, bored of it now.


I haven't actually touched survival mode and don't really know what it is! I've still got the DLC to go back to, although I haven't really got the time with the other games I have to play. Would be nice to do that at some point.

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Lol, Mario Kart. Haven't touched it in months. Think I'm done with that series, bored of it now.
Oh well, each to their own and all that. :)

But you be crazy, amigo. :heh:


I haven't actually touched survival mode and don't really know what it is! I've still got the DLC to go back to, although I haven't really got the time with the other games I have to play. Would be nice to do that at some point.
I believe it just plonks you in a random area (with the alien, of course :hehe:) and gives you a time limit to carry out certain objectives. Will try to check it out soon.


I've played through the Nostromo DLC now though and it's very short, but seriously sweet. Especially if you're a fan of the original film, which you obviously are.

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Oh well, each to their own and all that. :)

But you be crazy, amigo. :heh:


It's alright and I would have been all over it had it been made during the Wii era or if it was on the Cube. I think I'm tired of it though and I bought it at a time when I was feeling a bit apathetic about Nintendo. I got Tomb Raider as my second PS4 game (after Resogun) and it gripped me in a way that Mario Kart couldn't.


I believe it just plonks you in a random area (with the alien, of course :hehe:) and gives you a time limit to carry out certain objectives. Will try to check it out soon.


I've played through the Nostromo DLC now though and it's very short, but seriously sweet. Especially if you're a fan of the original film, which you obviously are.


Ah, if the DLC is quite short then I may have a go soon and see what's what.

I'll have to try the challenge mode, but I'm more about the story modes usually.

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I had a nightmare about this game last night.


I was in a house with my family, creeping around and trying to avoid the Alien. It got my family ( I think I had taken the decision to sacrifice them) whilst I eventually escaped.


Bad times!! :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Coming to the end of this game. Overall it's been a great experience. The constant floating guns is peculiar one and surely an easy fix. It's a bit cheap in constantly making you walk from one end of the map to the other to press a button and there were a few occasions where I did not know what to do because the collision detection is so finicky when liaising with objects.. I'm not sure what they could do with a sequel but the same engine using the jurassic park franchise could be brilliant. You start of with the weaker dinosaurs but as you gain extra firepower bigger dinosaurs come into the mix.

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Just put a couple more hours into this tonight. Had it since October but a mixture of Destiny addiction and me being AWFUL with horror games has kept me away. The atmosphere and my love of the film pulled me back. I got to Chapter 8 (I think), so I'm slinking around the med bay looking for the trauma kit.


Things I love, obviously the atmosphere and the lighting and all that. It's just all amazing. The puzzles are great. The number of places to hide and all the alternate routes and extras make the whole thing feel really lived in. Basically everything feels perfect.


Couple things I don't like. Holding X to hide in a locker; if you hold it to long then letting go of X will just dump you out of the locker (as opposed to tapping it long enough to jump in, where you don't need to hold it). Also, standing too close to air vents means you can't climb in.


Not a fan of the androids either but they mix up the gameplay at least.


It's fun in short sprints. Not sure I'll have the nerve to finish it but I'll try.


Also, FUCK THE SAVE SYSTEM. Seriously, it's fine for normal/hard but I'm playing on Novice because I'm a weed - give be goddamn checkpoints too, pls.



Weird idea, but with all the insta-kills in this, I wonder if the sequel could incorporate co-op. You'd both have to survive, game over if either of you die.

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Also, FUCK THE SAVE SYSTEM. Seriously, it's fine for normal/hard but I'm playing on Novice because I'm a weed - give be goddamn checkpoints too, pls.



Fuck YOU, mmkay?


The save system is awesoooome. Getting rid of that for checkpoints would be heart-breaking. I fucking loved how even saving the game could be nerve racking. The amount of times I had parsnips coming out of my arse because I was worried something was about to annihilate me nearby was brilliant. :D


Not sure about the co-op idea. Now that sounds like it would be too difficult!


Coming to the end of this game. Overall it's been a great experience. The constant floating guns is peculiar one and surely an easy fix. It's a bit cheap in constantly making you walk from one end of the map to the other to press a button and there were a few occasions where I did not know what to do because the collision detection is so finicky when liaising with objects.. I'm not sure what they could do with a sequel but the same engine using the jurassic park franchise could be brilliant. You start of with the weaker dinosaurs but as you gain extra firepower bigger dinosaurs come into the mix.


That Jurassic Park idea sounds fucking brilliant! Woodbuy/10

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Ok so I'm on vacation next week....if I beat a few other unfinished games I fully intend to finally tackle this....


Now what difficulty do I go for....as a rule I suck at Stealth. Horror doesn't both me such.


Easy is actually the most terrifying as the Alien can wander off a bit and isn't tethered to you. You're never quite sure where it is.

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Fuck YOU, mmkay?


The save system is awesoooome. Getting rid of that for checkpoints would be heart-breaking. I fucking loved how even saving the game could be nerve racking. The amount of times I had parsnips coming out of my arse because I was worried something was about to annihilate me nearby was brilliant. :D


Not sure about the co-op idea. Now that sounds like it would be too difficult!


Okay, the save system has grown on me. Just need to remember to find out where the save point is in a new area before anything else?


Is it possible to totally fuck up your saves if you save twice in a row just before the alien attacks you?



As for co-op, imagine talking to each other over the radio but the radio obviously makes a sound so you can't just natter. Talking would give away your position and your partners (kind of like the PS camera audio detection option - communicating would be a risk/reward play; I think that would keep the game's horror aspect, too). HOW AMAZING WOULD THAT BE?! And at the same time you could also act as a noisemaker of sorts and lure the alien away from your partner.

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This game can be so brilliant and yet frustrating in equal measures.


Although the Alien feels random and at times it's soul destroying when you have done everything by the book, crept along at a snails pace and just when you are about to reach your objective the fucker drops out of a vent and kills you, there is definitely some scripting in there.


At one point last night I needed to use the security scanner to open the door and every single time as soon as I started to use the scanner I got speared through the gut, it took about 12 attempts before it didn't happen and trust me it got boring after about 3. Luckily, it was just after I had saved it so at least i didn't have long play through each time. If I say the word ambulance I'm sure you'll know what i mean.


I must be near the end now and really want it finished ASAP. It's a stressful game to play late at night and considering I played this straight after completing ZombiU, I really want to get back to some light hearted gaming.

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I must be near the end now and really want it finished ASAP. It's a stressful game to play late at night and considering I played this straight after completing ZombiU, I really want to get back to some light hearted gaming.


The game completely stresses me out.

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The game completely stresses me out.


I'm definitely very near the end but the bitch is all over you.


It's horrible when she is after you and you do a save, but then when you restart she is right there. I must have died at least a dozen times last night. I've run out of flame thrower fuel and molotovs and now completely powerless to do anything other than hide.

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