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Alien: Isolation


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I've played for about 3 hours tonight.


Two and a half of those hours have been spent hiding in a locker or crouching.


I need to find Dr Morley's key card. I've been killed a few times and one time actually made Ine and I scream. Fucking horrible.


I've taken it reeeeally slow, yet the Alien keeps tracking me. It's horrible. I was in the staff quarters area and hid in a locker, before progress into a small dining area (like the one you see in the film where Kane gets chest-bursted) and the Alien was there. I had nowhere to hide, so just remained dead still, looked at the ground and prayed that it moved on. It came close and then turned around without seeing me. My heart was racing.


The last kill for tonight was absolutely horrific. I've found the key card and was making my way to the next point. The Alien was nearby, so I thought I'd go around it through a vent. The vent had two openings and then a dead end that led off to the right hand side (left hand side if you're going through the other entrance). Of course, I didn't know that it was a dead end until I was in the vent. I heard the sound of the other entrance opening and couldn't do anything except hide in that dead end and pray that it didn't see me. I even turned off the flash light. Just before I turned off the light, I saw it crawl down the vent shaft (from the entrance it came through to the entrance I came through). I thought that I would be fine.


Of course, I wasn't. The Alien simply turned back and approached me in the dark. Absolutely fucking terrifying. It was pitch black and the final thing I saw and heard was the beast before it diced me. Ine couldn't watch.



I think it's time for bed after that! Absolutely phenomenal game.


I was hiding in a locker and the Alien locked right up to it. I didn't realise that you could hold your breath and missed the prompt. The Alien then ripped the door open and that was that. I almost cried.


Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I've played for about 3 hours tonight.


Two and a half of those hours have been spent hiding in a locker or crouching.


I need to find Dr Morley's key card. I've been killed a few times and one time actually made Ine and I scream. Fucking horrible.


I've taken it reeeeally slow, yet the Alien keeps tracking me. It's horrible. I was in the staff quarters area and hid in a locker, before progress into a small dining area (like the one you see in the film where Kane gets chest-bursted) and the Alien was there. I had nowhere to hide, so just remained dead still, looked at the ground and prayed that it moved on. It came close and then turned around without seeing me. My heart was racing.


The last kill for tonight was absolutely horrific. I've found the key card and was making my way to the next point. The Alien was nearby, so I thought I'd go around it through a vent. The vent had two openings and then a dead end that led off to the right hand side (left hand side if you're going through the other entrance). Of course, I didn't know that it was a dead end until I was in the vent. I heard the sound of the other entrance opening and couldn't do anything except hide in that dead end and pray that it didn't see me. I even turned off the flash light. Just before I turned off the light, I saw it crawl down the vent shaft (from the entrance it came through to the entrance I came through). I thought that I would be fine.


Of course, I wasn't. The Alien simply turned back and approached me in the dark. Absolutely fucking terrifying. It was pitch black and the final thing I saw and heard was the beast before it diced me. Ine couldn't watch.



I think it's time for bed after that! Absolutely phenomenal game.


I was hiding in a locker and the Alien locked right up to it. I didn't realise that you could hold your breath and missed the prompt. The Alien then ripped the door open and that was that. I almost cried.



Haha sounds a lot like my experiences, although luckily it's never climbed into a vent in my game.


I just got to a bit where they give you loads of ammo, too much for my liking. Something bad is about to happen...




So I flushed the alien out into space. Thought that somehow it'd climb back in but oh no. There's nest. There's hundreds of those things down here. I was not expecting that. As if this game needed to be any scarier!


Edited by somme
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I've made decent progress on this tonight, although I still feel like I'm early into the game.


I was doing quite well and then the Alien preyed on me from a vent that was above my head. Didn't expect that. Diiiied.


Where abouts you up to? There's not enough Alien talk in here! :D

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Where abouts you up to? There's not enough Alien talk in here! :D


I've just done Chapter 6 tonight.


I've had soooo many tense moments tonight. Just when I thought "oh, I'm getting used to the game now!" it quickly reminds you that it's hard as nails. I died about 3 times within the first 10 minutes, each time differently to the last.


Also, playing this game with headphone is TERRIFYING. I almost died. The sound effects of both the ship and the alien absolutely destroy you.


Words can't express how good this game is. :bowdown:

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It is great indeed. I finished it a few nights ago, it does go on quite a while but there are enough twists and interesting plot turns to keep you going!


And that Xenomorph never stops being frightening. Especially, as it... learns.

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It is great indeed. I finished it a few nights ago, it does go on quite a while but there are enough twists and interesting plot turns to keep you going!


And that Xenomorph never stops being frightening. Especially, as it... learns.


It learns? In what way? Do you mean how it can be unpredictable and if you keep retrying the same area again and again, it'll do something different each time?


I really want to play right now but...it's half past 10 and I think I'd lose man points for doing it during the day. REEEEEALLLY tempted to close all of the curtains and plan in the dark like some sort of hermit.


Also, I mentioned it already but I'll say it again, playing it with the headphones on is the greatest of all time. It made my heart race and it was just on a completely different level. You appreciate the sound design a whole lot more and the shrieks that the Alien makes just annihilate your ear drums.

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Later on when you started pointing certain weapons at you it'll remember that it hurts and will back off, just like they did for Ripley in Aliens.


Just play it in the day or you'll never finish it, (it is long) haha. Yeah just shut the curtains, it's still terrifying.

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Later on when you started pointing certain weapons at you it'll remember that it hurts and will back off, just like they did for Ripley in Aliens.


Just play it in the day or you'll never finish it, (it is long) haha. Yeah just shut the curtains, it's still terrifying.


Ah, that's pretty neat.


The chapters are slightly longer than I thought they would be. I just did the part in mission 7 where:


You have to retrieve the compression cylinder. I walked through most of this mission and only struggled at the end part after actually getting the cylinder, getting back to the elevator. The humans would spot me and they'd fire off a few rounds, causing the alien to come and obliterate us all.


There was one retry where I did almost everything perfect. It was like reading from a textbook. I went down the steps to the main engineer room (instead of climbing down the ladder and going through the floor vent) and they fired off a round at me. I turned back around the corner, went to the room with the save point and hid there. I could hear the Alien tearing them apart, so I just waited and waited for it to pass. The Alien actually came into my room, miraculously not spotting me hiding under the desk and disappeared off in the other direction.


Perfect! I walked veeeeery slowly back down the stairs and could see the elevator. I was metres away. Seemingly no sign of the Alien. I walked to it, I could hear a faint noise in the distance. Getting louder. Shit, only a few metres away, nearly there. The next thing I know, I look down and it's tail had pierced my torso. So close!


Managed to do it right before bedtime using the smoke bomb to distract the humans. Think I'm close to the end of that mission. Hurrah!


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People talking about there's never been a good alien game. Has no one here played Aliens infestation?!


Aliens Infestation is a good game but it's based on Aliens. We've had many games based on Aliens over the years or have had their inspiration taken from that film, including the AvP games (number 2 in particular is really, really good).


But, there's not been a game solely based on the first film. Huuuuge difference. I love the fact that I can walk down a corridor in the game and think, "oh yeah, this corridor appears in this part of the film, or that entrance looks very similar to such and such". They've really nailed the set design and atmosphere in this. You can tell that a lot of love, effort and care went into this.


Infestation is great, too. Some very cool concepts based around having a limited supply of ammo and...people. Quite harsh and difficult, but in a good way. Both games should be played. :D


The head tilting with the camera is really awesome. Also, this game is terrifying.


I would like to try this at some point in the future. My only concern is that it probably doesn't work great in the dark, which is unfortunate because that's when I mostly play this game or these types of games.

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I would like to try this at some point in the future. My only concern is that it probably doesn't work great in the dark, which is unfortunate because that's when I mostly play this game or these types of games.


I think I played it with one lamp on. Seemed to work well. It's awesome being in a locker and leaning forward to try and get more of an angle.


It's probably the first bit of motion/camera tech that I thought was absolutely perfectly implemented.

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I think I played it with one lamp on. Seemed to work well. It's awesome being in a locker and leaning forward to try and get more of an angle.


It's probably the first bit of motion/camera tech that I thought was absolutely perfectly implemented.


How does it work exactly? I'm very interested in it. So much so that I'll play through the game again if I ever do get the camera.


How far are you into the game? I love it, probably one of my most memorable experiences and I still have a way to go yet.


The noise detection is pretty nifty too. Trying not to make a noise is quite difficult when petrified.


That would have failed me yesterday because I properly jumped and semi-screamed yesterday. :D


Just ordered this today for £30 looking forward to giving it a go.


Good man! :D


I tell you what, the balance between how often you come across the alien, the quantity of androids and scavengers on the ship is absolutely spot on. The save points are also so well placed...they're not too close so that it becomes a doddle and they're not too far apart that you end up redoing sections over and over again. The balance is so right in this game.

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Yeah there are just enough save points, although I found myself backtracking just to make sure my progress was saved in the last third of the game. The fear got to me!


Even though I've finished I'm already hankering for another playthrough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took a break from this as I started school again but played for about two hours tonight. I've almost completed mission 11, so am roughly about 2/3rds of the way through.


Mission 10 was probably the strongest point of the game so far.


Arrrrrgh, that cat and mouse bit at the end of the mission where you need to get to the airlock. With the flashing lights and the Alien on your tail, it was so fucking tense. Almost cried when I made it.


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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm approaching the tail end of the game now. Just started mission 15, so not long left.


That last mission was very, very hard. FUCK that nest and fuck those robots in their suits. Died numerous times.


Haha how frightening was that place?

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Haha how frightening was that place?


Not going to lie, I almost cried.


When you're in the nest and hear the Aliens. Fucking horrrrrrible. I've just been going through the game trying to hide from one and now there are multiple Aliens? FUCK YOOOOOU.


Also, just when you think you can handle the synthetics, the fucking suited ones show up. I hate using the bolt-gun, it's slooow and they just walk at you as you're trying to aim and sort yourself out.



Game is continuously awesome. Yes, it is very long, but it's a hell of a ride and probably one of the most emotionally exhausting experiences I've ever had with a game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Picked this up on Tuesday after trading a few games in.


It is so good. Very similar to ZombiU, obviously with this being 10 times better. It is so tense, one mistake and you are screwed.


I'd imagine this would have worked quite well on the Wii U with the gamepad.


Really enjoying it, just done the

LV-426 bit investigating the ship, soooo good!


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