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Question to those who are still scanning Amiibo in on a daily basis. Have you ever got anything other than a weapon when scanning Link in? It hit me last night that all i've ever got off him is either a spinner or Epona.


I haven't played this for a week or so now but I still continue to scan the Amiibos in. :D It builds up my cash and weapons, ready for when I get back to actually playing it.

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Question to those who are still scanning Amiibo in on a daily basis. Have you ever got anything other than a weapon when scanning Link in? It hit me last night that all i've ever got off him is either a spinner or Epona.


I haven't played this for a week or so now but I still continue to scan the Amiibos in. :D It builds up my cash and weapons, ready for when I get back to actually playing it.

Nope, just getting Link's weapons. Was hoping I'd get 5 star level 3s for the other characters

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Question to those who are still scanning Amiibo in on a daily basis. Have you ever got anything other than a weapon when scanning Link in? It hit me last night that all i've ever got off him is either a spinner or Epona.


I haven't played this for a week or so now but I still continue to scan the Amiibos in. :D It builds up my cash and weapons, ready for when I get back to actually playing it.

I've not got the Link amiibo, waiting for Toon Link (much prefer the look of that figure) as he also unlocks the Spinner in this game and the Link Mii costume in MK8. :)


Been scanning my Mario amiibo every day though, which has mainly given me 1 Rupee. :heh: Have got a few materials and weapons from it too though. :hehe:

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Yeah I am too, doing the same, building stuff up ready for another sessions where I can tally level up characters. Also decided to start the master quest adventure map as the original one is too hard now :) Good way of levelling up.


I alternate which amiibo I scan in but always scan in Link, and yeah always weapon!

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I done a spot of level grinding last night and decided to give the Spinner a go. Man, that things is awesome! It clears out mobs in seconds. I was just slicing through the enemies at an alarming rate.


I had a check of the weapons I had been getting off the Amiibos and I had a 5 star Epona and 5 star Spinner sitting there. The Epona is great as it has a high attack but also Exp+, Materials+ and Rupees+. :bowdown:


I dunno if the old horse will get a look in though not that i've discovered the awesomeness of the Spinner.

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I done a spot of level grinding last night and decided to give the Spinner a go. Man, that things is awesome! It clears out mobs in seconds. I was just slicing through the enemies at an alarming rate.


Strangely enough I decided to take the Spinner for a... spin

:blank: last night as well, colour me impressed! :)


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I couldn't resist having another cheeky go on it this morning too after scanning my Amiibo in. ;)


Amiibo makes it all worthwhile. :D


Incidentally to anyone who has other Amiibo but not Link and a copy of Hyrule Warriors try scanning them as I ended up getting a Spinner weapon from Yoshi the other day, though perhaps you still need Link in the first place to 'unlock' it initially but just something I noticed. : peace:

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Incidentally to anyone who has other Amiibo but not Link and a copy of Hyrule Warriors try scanning them as I ended up getting a Spinner weapon from Yoshi the other day, though perhaps you still need Link in the first place to 'unlock' it initially but just something I noticed. : peace:[/center]


Yeah, I think once you have unlocked a weapon then you get a chance of getting it from an Amiibo.

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I dunno if the old horse will get a look in though not that i've discovered the awesomeness of the Spinner.


Well, if it's a mission that recommends Light Element, than you should use the horse.

Spinner is indeed awesome though, but I've not used Link that much. He's Lv 89 and other characters need to catch up.

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Finally unlocked all the weapons on the first map. :yay:


Still have six skulltulas to go, and quite a lot of heart pieces. I've been distracted by the new maps, but thought it was about time I at least got access to the locked weapon skills. It's great going back to a level you've struggled with with a levelled up character and powering straight through it. The spinner's also been very useful for racking up kills quickly.


After scanning the Zelda amiibo a couple of times, looks like you may just get her weapons like Link does. The surprise star of the amiibo show though has been the wii fit trainer. Scanned her every day, and only had one 1 rupee prize, everything else has been weapons and materials, usually good ones. Makes you wonder if it's rigged towards the less popular characters.

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After scanning the Zelda amiibo a couple of times, looks like you may just get her weapons like Link does. The surprise star of the amiibo show though has been the wii fit trainer. Scanned her every day, and only had one 1 rupee prize, everything else has been weapons and materials, usually good ones. Makes you wonder if it's rigged towards the less popular characters.


My Marth is quite tight when it comes to dishing out Rupees. Saying that, I think Pikachu has been my main offender when it came to receiving 1 rupee rewards.

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Finally seen and helped my first network Link (RedShell) today! Crazy that it's took this long for one to pop up.
Cool! Looking forward to the reward. :)

The network Link system is so strange, I remember thinking it didn't even work when the game first came out. :heh:

Not seen your Link in my game yet, but I'll be sure to return the favour if it shows up.


@VsPhoenix seems to be the only player that frequently appears on my map, and that I've helped more than once. Hope you're actually getting those rewards. :hehe:

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Cool! Looking forward to the reward. :)

The network Link system is so strange, I remember thinking it didn't even work when the game first came out. :heh:

Not seen your Link in my game yet, but I'll be sure to return the favour if it shows up.


@VsPhoenix seems to be the only player that frequently appears on my map, and that I've helped more than once. Hope you're actually getting those rewards. :hehe:

From what I can see, it only gives the reward if you are online at the same time as the person when they're doing your Network Link

Edited by Serebii
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@VsPhoenix seems to be the only player that frequently appears on my map, and that I've helped more than once. Hope you're actually getting those rewards. :hehe:


You appear on the map pretty much every time I play, but then I think you're the only person on my friend list with the game. Helped you quite a few times to start with but not so much lately I have to admit (sorry about that :heh:). I only ever got the one reward though, the one I messaged you on miiverse about. If it's true that you have to be online at the same time to get the reward then that would probably explain it. I'll check on my friends list next time I'm playing and see if I can help you out.

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From what I can see, it only gives the reward if you are online at the same time as the person when they're doing your Network Link
That is absolutely ridiculous if that's the case. :shakehead

I always assumed there was just a delay, but went on earlier and got no reward. :blank:

And then there's this...


I only ever got the one reward though, the one I messaged you on miiverse about. If it's true that you have to be online at the same time to get the reward then that would probably explain it. I'll check on my friends list next time I'm playing and see if I can help you out.
I've definitely helped your Link loads of times, so that pretty much confirms the needing to be online at the same time malarkey. :(


You appear on the map pretty much every time I play, but then I think you're the only person on my friend list with the game. Helped you quite a few times to start with but not so much lately I have to admit (sorry about that :heh:).
Hehehe! No worries, I'm at Lv.120 now I think, so any stages with my network Link are probably going to be quite annoying to play through. :hehe:
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Hehehe! No worries, I'm at Lv.120 now I think, so any stages with my network Link are probably going to be quite annoying to play through. :hehe:


That reminds me...



Your stages are always so tough, I refuse to believe that your other characters are around the same level.


My Link has been at 89 for about a month now.

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That reminds me...



Your stages are always so tough, I refuse to believe that your other characters are around the same level.


My Link has been at 89 for about a month now.




*checks levels for the rest of the bunch*


Impa - Lv.67

Sheik - Lv52

Lana - Lv.85

Zelda - Lv.90

Ganondorf - Lv.93

Darunia - Lv.58

Ruto - Lv.59

Agitha - Lv.60

Midna - Lv.39

Zant - Lv.70

Fi - Lv.55

Ghirahim - Lv.36

Cia - Lv.31

Volga - Lv.30

Wizzro - Lv.30

Twili Midna - Lv.52


That's at 130 hours of playtime. :o


I definitely do use characters other than Link, obviously wouldn't have collected all of the weapons on Adventure Mode otherwise. :heh:


But yeah, playing as Lv.120 Link (+ Master Sword with the Evil's Bane skill) is a lot of fun :awesome:

Can't wait to see how broken it is at Lv.150! :D

Not to mention how crazy Ganondorf & Darunia must be at that level, seeing as they appear to share the highest strength value of all the characters. ;)

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The mystery deepens. Just received my second ever bonus from a network link despite not having played since before the discussion yesterday, and RedShell hasn't been online for eight hours? :confused:

Either the theory's wrong, or by some amazing coincidence we just happened to meet whatever the criteria was immediately before talking about it yesterday. Or maybe they're watching us... :eek: (puts on tinfoil hat).


@RedShell I should be okay with level 120. Went to play one the other day to get the item drop thinking it was lv 86, then quickly realised I'd misread it and was actually lv 136. :shakehead

Luckily I was playing as one of my higher level characters and managed to scrape through! I seem to have gone the opposite way to everone else as I hardly ever use Link.

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The mystery deepens. Just received my second ever bonus from a network link despite not having played since before the discussion yesterday, and RedShell hasn't been online for eight hours? :confused:

Either the theory's wrong, or by some amazing coincidence we just happened to meet whatever the criteria was immediately before talking about it yesterday. Or maybe they're watching us... :eek: (puts on tinfoil hat).


@Hero\-of\-Time helping my Link yesterday, and having just checked my friend list, he hasn't been online for 15 hours. ::shrug:


Also, check this out:



Grabbed those screens a minute ago too, your Link is at a different level on all of the maps. :heh:

The "online" component of this game is so messed up. :D

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