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Xpert 11 Season 29: The Game of Goals

The Peeps

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Was hoping I would win today away against Inter, but luckily Lylat beat Submarine and I'm still 8 points ahead. The next two home matches are already won, and then I got two away matches left and a home match against Ellmeister as the last match of the season. As long as I win one of those three I should be good and I rather not take my chances against Ellmeister again :p .

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Should I be able to do anything yet?


I can't approve you until the season is over and that's not until the 15th of January. There will be plenty of time for you to sort out any transfers before the new season as we still have an off-season friendly cup to get through :)

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Argh I'd hoped to be out of sight by now and focus on dvs but @Haden and @Fierce_LiNk are making the middle league harder to polish off than I'd hoped. Don't think I haven't noticed your stunning run of form Haden.


Yeh picked up some good wins recently still it is annoying you and Flinky don't really ever drop points and I do not fancy my chances against you away at all lol.

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Well considering the team you support, I'd go read up on how real football is played.



Ooooooooh SNAP.


Srsly Peeps has a good beginners guide that you should read and then when you get your team, we can give some advice on who to keep etc. Also, give it two seasons at least, the first one is about learning and trying so you may not win many at first, but dont give up!

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After being severely harassed i've joined :D


I couldn't let a certain piggy challenge me without a fight ;)


So what do I do now? Is there a beginner's guide on what to do? I haven't a clue!


I'm going to be lazy and copy and paste it exactly from last season so it's using @Esequiel's team as an example. He started a new team last season so I tailored it for him but as you don't have a team yet it'll at least give you a good idea of what your starting point will be and how you should proceed.


Xpert Quick Beginner's Guide


I just wanted to make sure the new guys know about how important it is to keep good form for your players and get high development values. Without high development values, your players will not increase in skill.


Player Development


The first thing you should look at for your players is age against skill. The average is 18-4 (to become 19-5, 20-6 etc as a baseline). If you have players below this average, they are probably not worth keeping on to train (but arguably once they get to 9/10 skill they're decent enough to keep around if it keeps your team balanced). Focus should always be on youth.


Players also have special qualities which are explained HERE - take note of Divas as simply giving them their favourite shirt number will remove any negative effects they would otherwise have.


Development Values - Players increase their base skill at the end of each season in the change report. The size of the increase/decrease is determined by development values (DV) - which you can keep track of if you hover over the player name in your team list. A DV of 10 or higher will give your player an increase in skill but to get a visible raise (ie, to get one skill bar higher) you would be aiming for 14/15 at the very least.


DVs are worked out by your player's average form and match experience over the season. If you play stronger teams and lose, you can still get good DV for your players if you can keep their form up as your player's match experience will be better when you play high skilled teams (DV is an accountable figure but match experience is hidden and probably not worth thinking too much about). Younger players will raise easier than older players who may not raise even on 16/17 DV.




Your player's form has an influence on how well that player will play in a match. A player on 10 form will usually play TO his skill level during the game. A player on higher than 10 form will usually play above their own skill level during a game. You can see how well your players did during the game afterwards when you look at your 'last line-up'.


(the layout has since changed, you can get to your last line up by hovering over the 'squad' icon)

As you can see, my keeper played one skill bar lower than his base skill as did my 17-4 midfielder who was on 10 form. My 26-9 defender who was on 17 form, played to 3 bars above his own base skill. You can see Ernst Heinzmann was on good form but played below his skill level. This is because my opponent had him marked as my playmaker so he did not play as well due to being marked in the game. If he had actually been my playmaker, it likely would've stopped all of my midfield from playing too well above their own skills.



Form values are not always reliable as they only show your player's last form change. The arrows indicate which way the form is trending so you can get an idea of whether a player is going to continue to drop or not. HERE is a link that goes into form and form trends a bit better. You can try to boost player's form with form training (expensive but worth it) but remember the higher your player's form, the less likely they are to raise their form by much (or at all).


I'll also give my opinion on your teams, just what I'd do if I were starting out with what you've got. Maybe it'll give you a bit of insight into how to think about team development. Hopefully some other people will comment some things too as I don't want to steer anyone wrong.


Generally I liked to go for 2 keepers, 5/6 in defence, 5/6 in midfield and 3 up front with a good balance of old and young / high and low skilled players.


Esequiel 's team



This is not a bad team to start with. Your defence is your weakest area though. Obviously buying in players is expensive so you are going to be stuck with some players for a while but don't feel like you have to play them in games. If they aren't worth training, don't play them unless you have to. I always go by the 18-4 curve. On average a player should be 18-4, 19-5, 20-6 etc.


Goalkeepers - Personally I would keep your 28-9 and get a youth keeper in to train alongside him. The 25-4 is not worth keeping and you won't get any money for him - sack if possible.

Defence - Definitely keep the 17-4 but the others are replaceable. Bring some youths in and a veteran or two (anyone 30-10 or above that you can afford). Either invest in the youth academy and wait (players from the youth team will already have a red heart which means your player is invested in the team and will perform better in matches), or buy some cheap players in the transfer market.

Midfield - Ignore your older players, sack them if you can. Your 28-8, 26-8 and 24-9 (especially him) are fine to start with but they shouldn't be your main focus. Bring up a couple of youths (I'd say 2, 3 at most). You can get cheap high skilled players if you look for players aged 30+ but be warned, players can retire at any age past 30 (but you will be warned the season before). Alternatively you could go for more youth and have a young and fairly low-skilled midfield but after a couple of good seasons they would be developed into a great team.

Forwards - I'd keep the 28-8 and get either two youths or one youth and a veteran.


Average Age - When doing your match line ups you should be aware of your average age. The average age should be between 25 and 29 years for the team or team part to be able to perform at its best. If the average age is lower than 25 years then the team/team part will suffer from a performance reduction due to having too little routine/experience. The lower the average age is the bigger the performance reduction will be. If the team/team part instead would have a average age above 29 years then it would suffer from a performance reduction due to the lack of hunger. The higher the average age will be the bigger the performance reduction will be. Players in teams/team parts with low or high average age will not only suffer from performance reduction. They will also not assimilate match experience from the match as well as if the team/team part would have a normal average age.


^that was taken from the xpert rules. Basically keep your team to 25-29 in defence/midfield/offence/overall or your team will have a performance reduction. This won't just affect your players skill in the game, they will get less DV than they should. Sometimes it's unavoidable to play a team outside of 25-29 but try and get it as close to that as you can.

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With the goal difference, I only need one more point in the next three matches to win the title.


DV is also going fine, the young keeper with 17 in dv, 2 in defence with 16(the other two got some work left) 4 midfielders with 16 and 2 with 15. The strikers are, well, strikers. Doesn't help both had a major injury. And then they don't score in a match and act like crybabies and form plummets.

Edited by Tales
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