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Nintendo 2DS


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Well...the name is a bit messy, but you really can't call it the 3DS without the 3D, can you? As for the machine itself, it might actually be a good idea since the 3D effect is more of a novelty in the games anyway. It does look a bit stupid though...

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I can see that it's for a younger market but at that price will it really do well? I got my XL for £109 two months ago when they were on offer. This thing just looks so ugly, but I can get over that given that it's meant for a younger audience and to expect a bit more wear and tear. What I can't get over is how uncomfortable it looks to hold.


Oh well, I'm sure we'll have all forgotten about it before it even gets released, just like...












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I don't have a problem with it. I'm not sure why everyone assumes every hardware revision (or even colour) is being specifically aimed at them.


The 3DS detractors complained that the 3D was an unnecessary gimmick that made the console needlessly expensive, surely the 2DS solves this problem?


I think it looks fine, it only looks "like a toy" because it's red or blue, I'm sure they'll be a black version eventually for "hardcore gamers". It's funny how colourful plastic toys appeal to kids, why would Nintendo do that?


I don't see how it looks bad. It basically just looks like a 3DS XL opened up and all of a sudden that's ugly?


It probably isn't any bigger than the 3DS or 3DS XL opened up. Obviously it's slightly less portable (or at least less pocketable) but people do actually complain that the clamshell shape wasn't the most ergonomic to hold for a long period of time, this looks like it could be more comfortable to hold, I'm digging the chunky shoulder buttons, reminds me a little of the Gamecube controller's. It also looks more durable too overall, the DSLite always looked a bit flimsy with it's wafer thin top half.


That said I think I still prefer the clamshell design, for some reason since the GBA SP I don't think I'd want to go back to exposed screens, maybe Ninty colluded with Hori to sell more screen protectors. :lol:


Seriously though, this is just another option people have to take or leave, and a cheaper one at that, if people want a clamshell they can still have one. At least this design doesn't look like a DS, which apparently much of the public don't even know from a 3DS. It's also funny how the people complaining about apparent brand confusion are aren't actually confused.

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I don't have a problem with it. I'm not sure why everyone assumes every hardware revision (or even colour) is being specifically aimed at them.


The 3DS detractors complained that the 3D was an unnecessary gimmick that made the console needlessly expensive, surely the 2DS solves this problem?


I think it looks fine, it only looks "like a toy" because it's red or blue, I'm sure they'll be a black version eventually for "hardcore gamers". It's funny how colourful plastic toys appeal to kids, why would Nintendo do that?


I don't see how it looks bad. It basically just looks like a 3DS XL opened up and all of a sudden that's ugly?


It probably isn't any bigger than the 3DS or 3DS XL opened up. Obviously it's slightly less portable (or at least less pocketable) but people do actually complain that the clamshell shape wasn't the most ergonomic to hold for a long period of time, this looks like it could be more comfortable to hold, I'm digging the chunky shoulder buttons, reminds me a little of the Gamecube controller's. It also looks more durable too overall, the DSLite always looked a bit flimsy with it's wafer thin top half.


That said I think I still prefer the clamshell design, for some reason since the GBA SP I don't think I'd want to go back to exposed screens, maybe Ninty colluded with Hori to sell more screen protectors. :lol:


Seriously though, this is just another option people have to take or leave, and a cheaper one at that, if people want a clamshell they can still have one. At least this design doesn't look like a DS, which apparently much of the public don't even know from a 3DS. It's also funny how the people complaining about apparent brand confusion are aren't actually confused.

It's actually just smaller than the standard 3DS :)


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So, N spends three years explaining how 3D games are essential (new Zelda anyone) and then releases 3D-less console?


And reality check for Nintendo: today's children play on second-hand phones, iPods and tablets they inherited from their parents and siblings. By paying pennies or even just consuming endless amount of F2P games.


So that's free phone and almost-free games for the youngest. How does N intend to challenge that with £100 console and £40 games? It's not 2006 anymore.


How long before Nintendo finally comes to senses and produces "proper" cheap one-screened tablet for kids, with Nintendo exclusives and an app-store for showelware....??

Probably too long. Just like HD graphics in Wii U.

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This does actually make some sort of sense. The biggest barrier to the 3DS becoming as successful as possible was the 3D. Parents didn't trust it, even if you explained it could be turned off. There's always been this idea of "What's the point of a 3DS if you're not going to use the 3D?" It doesn't make sense, but it's psychological.


Secondly, Nintendo is finally cutting out all the things that made it unnecessarily expensive. And quite honestly, if two screens are more expensive than one, why would we ever want the clamshell/dual screen design again? I'd much rather the next handheld was single-screen and high-res.


I won't be buying a 2DS (and I'm not saying there won't be confusion), but it bodes well for the future. I particularly hope they start making games that don't support 3D at all (but still work on the 3DS), so that we can finally utilise its full processing power.

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I've been away at work all day and was just sitting down to eat my dinner at the computer desk when that thing flashed up on the N-Europe Home page and made me lose my appetite..


..well, not really. I ate everything on the plate, but this seems like a ridiculous thing to focus on when Nintendo could really do with getting a grip and sorting out the Wii U ::shrug:


One of my biggest problems with it, apart from me kinda wanting a proper 3DS lite system, is that this thing is gonna completely ruin some of the puzzles in Another Code: Two Memories.. and that's unforgiveable :nono:

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I've read up on it and apparently the screen is actually one-piece, separated by a fake bezel. It internally emulates dual screen. "Top screen" is touch-enabled but obviously doesn't respond to input.


So basically this IS a tablet only it'sgimped on purpose. WTF, Nintendo??

They're acting a bit schizo to be honest - they realize where the market is, but are dragged down by their own bad judgements from the past.

So in desperate attempt to get back at the top, they make more bad judgements.



And this shows exactly what the next hardware iteration will be after WiiU is laid to rest and 2/3DS is milked enough: a single handheld device (a tablet) that emulates (3)DS, GBA, Gamecube and whatnot games and connects to tv. Time to drop the gimmicks and smell the coffee.


But it's certain that device won't be named Wii-something or something-DS, as both brands have essentially been gangraped by their owner.

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So, N spends three years explaining how 3D games are essential (new Zelda anyone) and then releases 3D-less console?


And reality check for Nintendo: today's children play on second-hand phones, iPods and tablets they inherited from their parents and siblings. By paying pennies or even just consuming endless amount of F2P games.


So that's free phone and almost-free games for the youngest. How does N intend to challenge that with £100 console and £40 games? It's not 2006 anymore.


How long before Nintendo finally comes to senses and produces "proper" cheap one-screened tablet for kids, with Nintendo exclusives and an app-store for showelware....??

Probably too long. Just like HD graphics in Wii U.


That will NEVER happen


I've been away at work all day and was just sitting down to eat my dinner at the computer desk when that thing flashed up on the N-Europe Home page and made me lose my appetite..


..well, not really. I ate everything on the plate, but this seems like a ridiculous thing to focus on when Nintendo could really do with getting a grip and sorting out the Wii U ::shrug:


One of my biggest problems with it, apart from me kinda wanting a proper 3DS lite system, is that this thing is gonna completely ruin some of the puzzles in Another Code: Two Memories.. and that's unforgiveable :nono:


To be fair, Nintendo set out a sort out plan for the Wii U simultaneously. Price cut, reshuffle of game releases to be more aggressive. Not sure what else they could do


I've read up on it and apparently the screen is actually one-piece, separated by a fake bezel. It internally emulates dual screen. "Top screen" is touch-enabled but obviously doesn't respond to input.


So basically this IS a tablet only it'sgimped on purpose. WTF, Nintendo??

They're acting a bit schizo to be honest - they realize where the market is, but are dragged down by their own bad judgements from the past.

So in desperate attempt to get back at the top, they make more bad judgements.



And this shows exactly what the next hardware iteration will be after WiiU is laid to rest and 2/3DS is milked enough: a single handheld device (a tablet) that emulates (3)DS, GBA, Gamecube and whatnot games and connects to tv. Time to drop the gimmicks and smell the coffee.


But it's certain that device won't be named Wii-something or something-DS, as both brands have essentially been gangraped by their owner.

It's a single screen as a cost saving service. It is not shown as a single screen as that'd create more confusion, fragment the market and so forth. Come on. This is just a new model of 3DS, not a new bloody console. It's amazing how many people wanted fundamental changes with this

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So in desperate attempt to get back at the top, they make more bad judgements.




Back to the top? In what sense. Coz the 3ds has been huge for them and they very much are on top in the handheld world.


I think this could go one of 2 ways. It will sell well, and parents who were dubious of the 3d effect will now let their kids have one. Or it will be another Wii Mini thing - and be an epic fail.


Either way I want one lol. Purely coz the more I've looked at it the more I am so damn intrigued. And, I always buy Nintendo handhelds for collectable purposes anyway.

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Back to the top? In what sense. Coz the 3ds has been huge for them and they very much are on top in the handheld world.


I think this could go one of 2 ways. It will sell well, and parents who were dubious of the 3d effect will now let their kids have one. Or it will be another Wii Mini thing - and be an epic fail.


Either way I want one lol. Purely coz the more I've looked at it the more I am so damn intrigued. And, I always buy Nintendo handhelds for collectable purposes anyway.

You fanboy :p

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Back to the top? In what sense. Coz the 3ds has been huge for them and they very much are on top in the handheld world.


Depends what you consider a "handheld world". In classical sense (console that is portable), they're the only one who's got a successful model (other being Vita).

But in 2013 terms, by handheld considering everything that is portable and can be used to play games, they're falling behind.


Proof of that is the fact that BOTH of their current models are half-assed attempts at tablet design. It's like they are shooting themselves in the foot on purpose.


Should've waited another year, released a tablet and be done with it. Call it "third tier" again, like they did when DS was released 4 years into GBA life-cycle. Did anybody really care about poor old "second tier" gameboy after Nintendogs stormed the market?


But nothing prevents them from doing exactly that in a year or so. This is just a dishonest attempt to cash in on console sales.

This is for parents who will buy the console, Pokemon and perhaps one Mario game and then forget about it, since games are way too expensive in their minds.

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Depends what you consider a "handheld world". In classical sense (console that is portable), they're the only one who's got a successful model (other being Vita).

But in 2013 terms, by handheld considering everything that is portable and can be used to play games, they're falling behind.


Proof of that is the fact that BOTH of their current models are half-assed attempts at tablet design. It's like they are shooting themselves in the foot on purpose.


Should've waited another year, released a tablet and be done with it. Call it "third tier" again, like they did when DS was released 4 years into GBA life-cycle. Did anybody really care about poor old "second tier" gameboy after Nintendogs stormed the market?


But nothing prevents them from doing exactly that in a year or so. This is just a dishonest attempt to cash in on console sales.

This is for parents who will buy the console, Pokemon and perhaps one Mario game and then forget about it, since games are way too expensive in their minds.


You're missing the entire point of this device.


It's a cheap entry level device that gets rid of the stigmatised 3D effect that parents believe would damage their kids eyes. It's cheap, allowing for reluctant parents to buy it for their children.


It is MEANT to be an alternate form of the 3DS. It's not meant to be a tablet. It's not meant to be a new device for people to purchase. It is just meant to be a cheaper alternative.


The changes you're proposing would make it an entirely new console which is not their intent. Making it a tablet would have been horrible.


:eek: ... :weep:





Red or Blue? :)


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Depends what you consider a "handheld world". In classical sense (console that is portable), they're the only one who's got a successful model (other being Vita).

But in 2013 terms, by handheld considering everything that is portable and can be used to play games, they're falling behind.


Proof of that is the fact that BOTH of their current models are half-assed attempts at tablet design. It's like they are shooting themselves in the foot on purpose.


Should've waited another year, released a tablet and be done with it. Call it "third tier" again, like they did when DS was released 4 years into GBA life-cycle. Did anybody really care about poor old "second tier" gameboy after Nintendogs stormed the market?


But nothing prevents them from doing exactly that in a year or so. This is just a dishonest attempt to cash in on console sales.

This is for parents who will buy the console, Pokemon and perhaps one Mario game and then forget about it, since games are way too expensive in their minds.


Hmm I have to disagree. I wouldn't say they were falling behind in the market at all. They are falling behind in lots of other senses mind, the account system not being unified, online being very basic and not standard in games it should be, and lets not start on the Wii U! :shakehead


But in terms of handheld gaming - the 3DS is a massively attractive console. I think the 2DS will further cement that - or at least I hope it will.


You can't get the kind of gaming experience you get on a 3DS or a Vita on a smart phone. There's just no way. I don't really class handheld gaming as smartphone / tablet gaming as it's too far removed from a console experience. However, I may be alone in this thought.


It's an interesting topic though.

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It doesn't make much sense to us, but I can definitely see the angle they're going for with the 3D-unfriendlies for kids - cutting it out cuts out the worry for parents etc.


Mostly the thing that makes least sense to me is scrapping the clamshell angle. Just think it's so...pointless. Though could be for a point of distinction/less confusion possibly. Needs to be sub £100(like £99 RRP) and it'll do ok for itself.

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It doesn't make much sense to us, but I can definitely see the angle they're going for with the 3D-unfriendlies for kids - cutting it out cuts out the worry for parents etc.


Mostly the thing that makes least sense to me is scrapping the clamshell angle. Just think it's so...pointless. Though could be for a point of distinction/less confusion possibly. Needs to be sub £100(like £99 RRP) and it'll do ok for itself.

They said it's because the hinge is the most likely thing to break in the hands of a child

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It doesn't make much sense to us, but I can definitely see the angle they're going for with the 3D-unfriendlies for kids - cutting it out cuts out the worry for parents etc.


Mostly the thing that makes least sense to me is scrapping the clamshell angle. Just think it's so...pointless. Though could be for a point of distinction/less confusion possibly. Needs to be sub £100(like £99 RRP) and it'll do ok for itself.


I would feel far more comfortable giving my son a clamshell design than this.


I just see him dropping this and cracking the screens.

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I just would have thought that portability would have been an important focus. Clamshell aids that.


But portability may help the 10 and upwards market, kids who 'go out' to play. Plus as an original 'portable gaming device' Gameboy owner... you try shoving one of them in your pocket (I tried... couldn't walk). Same with DS, DSLite, 3DS... None are really pocket sized, only the SP (just) and micro could even begin to claim that!


But It wouldn't be a factor for my 4 year old. She'd either play it at home, in the car or we'd carry it with us (along with the bag that carries the regular ton of stuff we take with us anyway!


I really believe it it 'the perfect design for my needs (if only they did a pink one!).

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You're missing the entire point of this device.


It's a cheap entry level device that gets rid of the stigmatised 3D effect that parents believe would damage their kids eyes. It's cheap, allowing for reluctant parents to buy it for their children.


It is MEANT to be an alternate form of the 3DS. It's not meant to be a tablet. It's not meant to be a new device for people to purchase. It is just meant to be a cheaper alternative.


The changes you're proposing would make it an entirely new console which is not their intent. Making it a tablet would have been horrible.




Making the new console is exactly their intent. 2DS is the tablet with plastic strip in the middle! It's just a testbed for later full version.


The same as DSi was a testbed for online store. The same as DSiXL was testbed for less portable, bigger handheld. The same as GBA SP was testbed for clamshell design.


Nintendo kind of has history of foreshadowing their design ideas... and currently all facts point to tablet being next-gen unified Nintendo console.


Which may come sooner than we think considering the WiiU performance.

WiiU successor certainly won't be a x86 based living-room monster, it's too late for that. And they'll need a WiiU successor sooner than later.


I wouldn't be surprised if in 2014 N pulled a "3rd tier" thing again... We have home console, we have handheld console, and now in between with home performance and handheld portability and controls, her's the Nintendo Tablet! It plays new games, retro games, it plays (3)DS games, it has a store that actually works, it has huge amounts of memory for downloads. It plugs into TV. It kind of looks cool. [and then they proceed to completely ignore WiiU and 3DS].


Edit: And of course, the Tablet comes in two sizes - smaller for kids and XL for elderly and hardcore (or elderly hardcore :D)

Edited by MachRider
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