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As some of you have seen, I'm off on holiday to Thailand in October and I've been sorting everything out (insurance, clothes, flights, hotel, airport to hotel travel, things to do etc.)


But I'm a little stuck on whether or not I need any jabs prior to going. Now usually I'd just head over to my nurse and be like


'Yo, whats the deal?'


But my current nurse is a 130 miles away and I'm not able to just go and see her and have to book an appointment, which means booking time off work to go see her for the potential 'nope you're updated, not to worry'. Which would be fine, if it didn't take a lot of effort.


I'd like to ask if anyone has been for a holiday there and what (if any) injections they had before hand? I know there's a very strong chance of malaria over there at the very least, I've got all the usually injections you would have as a kid and boosters as a teen, but the internet is pretttty unclear, so would like the opinion of someone who has been over there before.



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It depends where your going I think, if it's the south islands, Koh Tao, Koh Samui etc, then I think your OK, I don't think i got any but if your heading up north you might need malaria, though I did go to chang mai and didn't get any jabs, possibly because I was lazy and left it so late.

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I'm going to Phuket, if that helps ^_^.


edit: I should also mention that if I do need jabs and have enough time (as in I haven't left it too late) then I will be getting them, this isn't a question of 'should I get them'. This is a question of 'what do (if anything) I need to get?' :)

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You definitely should get them. From off the top of my head I got Hep A and B and a few others as well. I think one of them I had to go back a second time for.


Can you not phone your nurse and ask her? Mine directed me to a website where I could see what I needed.

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I've spent 8 days locked up in Thailand, 2 in Donmuang Police Station and 6 in Bangkwang Prison (the Bangkok Hilton), under suspiscion of smuggling... that was quite the experience!


But yeah, get jabs.


More information plz!


@nightwolf Did you not try NHS Direct?

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More information plz!


@nightwolf Did you not try NHS Direct?


Wow you guys call vaccines jabs? Had no idea whatsoever... :o


Also, what's this "my nurse" thing? People have nurses? Oo


I did ring up my doctors in the end, it seems that I'm pretty much up to date, however, there is a few I can take if I'm a little worried.


@Oxigen_Waste sort of, I have a clinic I go to and a nurse I usually end up with, however, that's not to say that I wouldn't be put to another nurse if need be (for example my nurse was busy etc.) :)

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I've spent 8 days locked up in Thailand, 2 in Donmuang Police Station and 6 in Bangkwang Prison (the Bangkok Hilton), under suspiscion of smuggling... that was quite the experience!


Suddenly slightly more nervous about my upcoming trip. :blank:

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Suddenly slightly more nervous about my upcoming trip. :blank:


I was worried about entering Singapore and Indonesia too but nothing will happen. You hear a lot of horror stories but they won't happen to you as the people who claim they had drugs planted didn't actually. Why would someone randomly plant drugs in your bag? They would have no way of getting them back!


One thing I heard was that they quite often mark suitcases they want to check with chalk... If you spot chalk on yours when you pick it up rub it off.

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I got my jabs for Thailand yesterday actually. Got boosters for typhoid/tetanus and Hep A/B (immunity 4 lyfe yo).


There are other jabs for consideration depending on what you might be doing, Hep B isn't actually a must unless you're planning on playing with needles, rubbing open wounds on things, drinking blood, or getting up close and personal with any ladyboys. Recommended if you're going to be staying in a rural area is diptheria, rabies (that's not covered by NHS, it's a £135 course of vaccines), typhoid (only a 75% immunisation) and from the mozzies, Japanese B encephalitis. Mostly these aren't an issue in Bangkok. There's also TB but you should've had that at school.

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I got my jabs for Thailand yesterday actually. Got boosters for typhoid/tetanus and Hep A/B (immunity 4 lyfe yo).


There are other jabs for consideration depending on what you might be doing, Hep B isn't actually a must unless you're planning on playing with needles, rubbing open wounds on things, drinking blood, or getting up close and personal with any ladyboys. Recommended if you're going to be staying in a rural area is diptheria, rabies (that's not covered by NHS, it's a £135 course of vaccines), typhoid (only a 75% immunisation) and from the mozzies, Japanese B encephalitis. Mostly these aren't an issue in Bangkok. There's also TB but you should've had that at school.


Thank you @Shorty that's really helpful.


Currently my records show I'm covered by a number of jabs as you've mentioned. We're not particularly worried so much about Hep A/B due to what you have mentioned and advice we've been given, so that's fine.


I am just currently worried about typhoid and diphtheria, it looks like my records state I've been immunised by these, but might need a booster as its been since my teens.


Sigh, it all seems very 'recommended' but not actually a given, but there is thankfully an NHS centre right near my home that hopefully I can sort out the two jabs with to cover myself.


How much did the typhoid and tetanus cost you in the end? It sounds like you haven't bothered to get a jab for diphtheria, which makes sense, but as you've got jabbed against hep a and b..



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They didn't cost me anything. The Hep A vaccine is one you should definitely get.


Hep B is only recommended, I only got that because all I needed was a booster to finish my course after doing the first part a few years ago for Hong Kong/China, and it was "bundled" with Hep A.

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They didn't cost me anything. The Hep A vaccine is one you should definitely get.


Hep B is only recommended, I only got that because all I needed was a booster to finish my course after doing the first part a few years ago for Hong Kong/China, and it was "bundled" with Hep A.




Well I'll look into getting Hep A, typhoid and tetanus then. Thank you. :) I'm sure they'll have more advice for me, but just in case as a standard those three.

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Yeah to be honest there's nothing I've said that won't most likely be explained to you in detail by the nurse administering the shot, you can take your pick of the "optional" vaccines depending on what you're likely to get up to/ where you're likely to go.

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