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Play Expo 2013 Manchester


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The Nintendo booth will have:


Wii U

Super Mario 3D World

Sonic Lost World



Zelda: Link Between Worlds

Sonic Lost World

Pokémon X

Pokémon Y


Just those 2 WiiU games? Just them, not others? Is that it?!


Thats poor!

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I don't have anyone to to with a didn't fancy trusting myself in the city alone :p I was under the impression there'd be all sorts of Wii U stuff like MarioKart 8 though so it's not too bad. Would have loved to play 3D World though!

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Mario Kart 8 is there, it's great of course.

3D World is good, not Galaxy good but 3D Land good.

Sonic Lost World was pretty damn decent, maybe better than Mario.

Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was great.


Oculus Rift was amazing, absolutely breathtakingly good!


AC4 on the PS4 wasn't really all that I expected it to be, looked just like another current-gen game. There were a couple nice effects but still, nothing that a high-end PC wouldn't outshine.


Met @Cube, hope you managed to get your hands on the Oculus Rift, that was amazing!



All in all though, it was not as good as last year by a long shot.

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I was waiting in a queue to play a game when I overheard someone mention N-Europe - it turned out to be @kav82 and @Blade. I also scooped up @Agent Gibbs' Mii, but didn't bump into him.


Some of the stuff I played:


Mario Kart 8. Unfortunately, this feels like a return to Mario Kart Wii. The gravity thing doesn't really seem to shake things up much at all. Mario Kart 7 was a return to form and the demo felt like a step back.


Super Mario 3D World. I tried this in 4-player and single-player. 4-player is a complete mess, but it could be enjoyable with some friends. Singleplayer felt rather lacklustre. While you can adjust the camera in some areas, it's still limited and still has the "isometric" look. This does not feel like a proper 3D Mario.


Sonic Lost World. It does feel quite different to the 3DS version. If you rush and take the easy route, it does feel a bit too automatic, but it looks like it has a lot of very different alternate routes.


Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. The graphics were gorgeous. I thought the screenshots looked naff, but the style mixed with the 3D makes it look like an advancement from Minish Cap. The puzzles also take the 3D into account. The dungeon looked like one complete level, rather than a bunch of floors, yet it still feels like a 2D Zelda. This is exactly what everyone wanted on a handheld instead of the DS games.


Assassin's Creed. Looks great, feels responsive. Unfortunately I breezed through the demo rather quickly - I didn't realise how short it was if you didn't screw up or die, so I was the first one from my "batch" to finish.


PS4 controller. I was amazed at how natural it felt. It was very light, felt incredibly sturdy and it just fit like a glove. While it can sometimes take a while to get used to a new controller, within a second of playing I no longer felt the controller - I was already accustomed to it.


Oculus Rift. I was both impressed and a bit disappointment. The part they're focusing on - the head movements - was amazing. Out of the available games, I ended up on War Thunder, so I was inside a WW2 fighter. I wasn't playing as the fighter - I was inside it. I could look around much better then you could with an analogue stick, and it feels natural. You can fly low over the ground and look down to admire the landscape (and make sure you don't crash) and fly upside down and look up. A Rogue Squadron game on this would be the best thing ever. The slight disappointments was that the resolution was a bit low, and I don't think the game was perfectly attuned to the device, at it took a couple of seconds for things to come into focus when you move your head. Still, very impressive technology.


Edit: Apparently, they've already addressed the resolution and the final model will be improved.


The traffic after the event was horrendous. I left just after 5. I got home after 9. There was a colossal queue for the bus and traffic was at a standstill. To make matters worse, the buses were getting filled at the Trafford Centre. A sizable chunk of us came to the same conclusion about how long we could be waiting, so we crossed the road and got on the bus before it got to the Trafford Centre - when we eventually turned round and reached the event again (an hour and a half), the people who decided to wait for the bus normally were still there. And our bus was also full.

Edited by Cube
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@Agent Gibbs' Mii, but didn't bump into him.



I saw your Mii pop up while i was clearing out one of the many full street passes i had, whilst waiting for assassins creed, no idea where you were, saying that i don't have any idea what you look like you could have been the bloke between me and the loud scousers for all i know (those guys were hilarious though)


as for games


I didn't queue for much of the nintendo stuff because its going to be what i expect and out soon, but i did queue for


Zelda: A Link Between Worlds The game was great, a real nostalgia fest, but also very updated to what a 2D/3D zelda should be. It irks me how bad the screen shots look because they don't reflect the game in hand at all! game play was just as i'd expect but i did find some bits stumped me for longer than i'd expect so i'm glad it isn't dumbed down compared to Alttp which had some good puzzles,something i'd feared nintendo would do considering the hand holding trend with games now compared to them.


Assassin's Creed I was and wasn't impressed, the game was fine and more of the same and had the atmosphere i wanted, but for a PS4 game it didn't seem as amazing as i'd been led to believe the ps4 should be, but thats because its evidently and up-port, so i'lll be happy with a WiiU or ps3 version of the game


PS4 controller perfect, it was so perfect, picking it up it just was exactly the right size for my hand, the stick placement due to the bigger grips felt much more comfortable, the triggers are a huge improvement on the DS1/2/3....my initial thoughts were it was better than the 360 pad, and i love the 360 pad so much so i have 360 pads for pc and ps3, so for me that is saying a lot!

The touch panel was ot what i expected, its noticeably clickable like a mouse button, i'm sold it will work great.

Even if i don't buy a ps4 until Feb/March i think i might have to buy a ps4 pad for PC in November,its just that good


Oculus Rift Dishonorable mention, i really wanted to use this but the queues were worse than assassin's creed (and i queued over an hour for that), i just couldn't queue anymore after this


The expo as a whole was fine, but i liked it less compared to last year, it felt too busy and too much like i was queuing for ages,which i suppose meant its more popular ::shrug: still made it less enjoyable but i guess good overall for the expo


TRAFFIC :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

On the way there there was an accident at junction 10/11 of the M60 before the trafford centre, so queued for an hour after getting off the M62 .


I went to the Trafford center after i left the expo, and then "left" there at 18:15, at 19:35 i had finally gotten out of the car park! and that was after short cutting through car parks and blatantly ignoring the no entry signs in places!

Broken down car on the road outside the trafford center and an accident on the M60 outside the trafford centre in the same place as on the way in (the same one 8 hours later?) either way my hour journey home became a 3 hours journey home

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TRAFFIC :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

On the way there there was an accident at junction 10/11 of the M60 before the trafford centre, so queued for an hour after getting off the M62 .


I went to the Trafford center after i left the expo, and then "left" there at 18:15, at 19:35 i had finally gotten out of the car park! and that was after short cutting through car parks and blatantly ignoring the no entry signs in places!

Broken down car on the road outside the trafford center and an accident on the M60 outside the trafford centre in the same place as on the way in (the same one 8 hours later?) either way my hour journey home became a 3 hours journey home


So that's why it was so unbelievably bad. It seemed to improve significantly once some traffic police (well, people in yellow jackets, not sure if they were police) turned up to direct the traffic. Which was over an hour after I left the Expo.

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