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American Dad! Mafia


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Who was who then, this game had me mega confused..... I had Rez and Magnus for mafia in the end lol


Yvonne and Jon Dedede were mafia, which I saw.


mr-paul was also mafia, but was also my teammate, which I really did not see.


I'm guessing that when mr-paul got the result "You received no information.", he was actually performing the kill.

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Yvonne and Jon Dedede were mafia, which I saw.


mr-paul was also mafia, but was also my teammate, which I really did not see.


I'm guessing that when mr-paul got the result "You received no information.", he was actually performing the kill.


You are absolutely right.


Btw, if you are wondering how the game ended, I had a secret double vote.

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If I'm being honest, I felt my role was very powerful, as there was little way to know that I was actually evil, apart from the "you received no information" clue to Cube, and I guess I could have been caught out in a write up or by Rummy. We knew you were a death investigator and planted those batteries at the scene, I really did want to lynch Magnus that day, but seeing that the town jumped on you I thought I might as well switch over to that!


Can anyone tell us why our kill last night failed? I'm guessing it was something to do with ReZ and Martinist being linked together? (ReZ was the kill target)

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Ahh, I wondered if you knew. How did you know though? The reason I was reluctant to reveal the info was because it was just one night's work, and I wanted more to go with. Genuinely only succeeded that one time, which was rather annoying.

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Well. I was honest and forthcoming ...just without much actual information to offer. Keeps happening to me, damnit!


I was so unlucky with people not voting. The day I targeted Yvonne, after he voted it only said majority. I could not see if he had a double or not. Blast and damn! Then the role-block. Then the target switch.


Definitely had Yvonne and mr-paul under me sights; did not suspect Dedede much, though.


Good game. I enjoyed.

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Both town and mafia in teams appeared as associates to me, from what I found out (and the ending), the teams were:


Cube & Mr-Paul (Town)

martinist & ReZourceman (Town)

Yvonne, Jon Dedede, Diageo & Mr-Paul (Mafia)

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I was told I couldn't show it to the others, so I basically just relayed stuff that Cube said to them.


Also, we had to recruit Yvonne, we couldn't communicate with him at the start of the game/didn't know he was mafia. It got off to a bad start with Diageo being lynched, but everything went well from there.

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Sorry this took so long, I had to go home for a funeral... but if anyone is actually still interested here were the roles and some of my thoughts:




You are Stan's CIA Cyborg of himself from the future. You've seen it all, and with all your experience hardly anything gets past you.

You will use your Cyborg eye to discover people's true intentions..


Your Night Action PM must contain the name of a player who you want to Investigate.

You will not receive a direct result.. instead if your target is Town they will have a double vote for the following Day-Phase.If your target is Mafia, their vote will be unaffected.


You are town.





You are Klauss. You have gained control over the very machine that trapped you inside the body of a fish, however it is no longer of any benefit to you after your human form was drowned by its goldfish brain. Instead you use the machine to switch two peoples Powers around for the night.


Your Night Action PM must contain the names of two targets who's powers you wish to swap around for the night.

Your targets will then use their new powers on their original targets.


You are town.





You are Hayley. A liberal young woman, you'll do anything to express yourself. Lately you've been working in a 'special' club giving lapdances, the money is amazing and it gives you a kick to feel you're exploiting men.


Your Night Action PM must contain the name of a player who you want to give a lapdance.

Your dance will leave your target feeling empowered, stopping any roleblocks or redirection affecting them.

Also if your target is lynched during the next day he will get 1 extra game day.


You are town.





You are Jeff. You live in your van in a hazey bubble from constantly smoking weed. Your lifestyle gets lonely at times, so you happily share your stash with anyone willing to sit and chat shit with you for the night. You're a creature of habit though, so when the chatting quietens you do what you do best and skin up another joint for you and your pal.


Your Night Action PM must contain the name of a player who you want to get stoned with.

During the next day-phase your target must answer all questions asked of them (you do not force them to tell the truth), if they fail to do so they will be too stoned to perform their night action the following night.

Your target will be informed that failing to respond will have a negative effect on them.


You are town.





You are Reginald the Koala. A member of the CIA, you are an expert investigator. Whereas other agents must rely on their 'by the book' methods, you are able to use your secret weapon (your well trained nose) to sniff out any evidence that may have been missed at a crime scene.


Your Night Action PM must contain the name of a player who has been killed (not lynched).

You will then be told of extra information at the scene that was missed by the News Report.


You are town.





You are Avery Bullock. Head of the CIA, you consider yourself far too classy to go out and get your own hands dirty, instead you have the CIA agents 'Bad Larry' and 'Duper' at your disposal.


Your Night Action PM must contain the name of a player who you wish to send your agents after.

Whilst Bad Larry is Jailkeeping your target, Duper will go out and carry out your targets actions for them, reporting any findings back to you.


You are town.






You are Stan. You're pretty lazy on the job and always look for shortcuts.. whereas other agents go out and gather their info first hand, you stay in the office and use the CIAs computers to get yours.


Your Night Action post must contain the name of a player who's background information you want to check.

You will be informed of your target's character and whether or not they have any known associates.


(Cube's role was revealed in his and Mr-Paul's forum.. he recieved a PM to say he was Town)





You are the local news team. You will provide the daily Langley Post article (the write up) for the other players.


Your report will include..

1. News on any murders. (GM written)

2. An investigative report on your target's night actions. (GM written)

3. An optional report that can contain anything. (written by yourselves)


Your Night Action post must contain a target for the investigative report AND your optional report (if you want to submit one) formatted as you wish it to be published.


You are town.

Furthermore, you have a secondary objective.. you must guess all in game characters to get an honorary win.

You will get one guess per night.

If you are unsuccessful you can still win with the town.

Both of you must be killed (or lynched) for you to be removed from the game.







You are (Mafia Don) Stan's double Bill.

Stan is your life source, so if he dies... so to will you!

Being a double its surely right that you have yourself a double vote! This will be hidden, and will only show when a majority is reached (apart from under one circumstance).

Having been used to get Stan out of many a sticky situation you are a very capable agent and have the ability to tail people.


Your Night Action post must contain the name of a player who you wish to follow. You must also state whether you want to track them or watch who targets them.


Finally you are also paired in another forum with Stan (I will PM you the address). There you will be able to see each other's targets and results as well as discuss "tactics".


(The greyed out part was the part shared with Cube on their "Town" forum)





You are Stans adoptive father in law Baba Ling. Old wise and cunning, you use your ninja like ways to visit a crime scene and either plant incriminating evidence or take evidence away.


Your Night Action post must contain the name of a player who has been killed (not lynched). You must then state whether you want to clean the scene or name an item (you can attach a Character's name to the item) you wish to plant.





You are Roger the Alien and for some reason your favorite past time is to play dress up. You are able to disguise yourself as anyone you can think of from American Dad.

You have no power. You will gain the use of other people's powers after you personally have killed them.

You will be informed how your new powers work.


Your Night Action post must follow the structure described for whatever power you are choosing to use.

If you wish to dress up you must also state a Character's name.

If no name is recieved you will carry out your action as Roger.





You are an undercover Mafioso. You cannot win unless you are called back into the Mafia Circle. However your mission is so secret that the Mafia are actually unaware of your identity, so you'll have to find a way of giving them a hint as to who you are. Once back with your buddies you will have access to their forum and will win along side them.

As long as you are undercover you will appear town under investigation.

You are a little kid with a big influence. you have unparalleled powers of persuasion and can talk people into anything.


Your Night Action PM must contain the names of A) a player who you want to re-direct and B) the person you wish to redirect 'A' to.










I have a confession that Mr-Paul shouldn't have been able to kill one person and pretend (infront of Cube) to track or revtrack someone else, however with everthing going on in RL I overlooked this on N4 when he pretended to track Yvonne but killed Esequiel.


Anyway.. Thoughts:


The lynch of EEVIL stating that he was a hinderance even if he was town was criminal.. He still had a vote!! A vote is far more powerful than a night action for the town, afterall it is how you eliminate the mafia.

As far as his power was concerned I thought it was pretty useful. Most people are unwilling to reveal their own power, however given the chance to reveal someone unknowns power they would probably jump at it. This would effectively make EEVIL a power cop capable of targetting 2 people per night.



There was a fair bit of missed info in this game, no-one was as bad a culprit than Magnus though :p

Magnus Peterson's role was very powerful and he actually had the info to bring down the mafia towards the end of the game.


On night 3 Magnus targetted Cube:



EEVILMURRAY (Majority): Rummy, Esequiel, ReZourceman, Yvonne, Cube, Martinist, Jon Dedede, Magnus Peterson, EEVILMURRAY


Majority on that day was 6.. it was stated in the days Langley Post.

Cube therefore had a double vote and so Magnus should have realised that he was Town.

So when Cube found Dedede to have associates he could have revealed Cube was town (making his info more credible) or at least given the Dedede lynch the backing of his own vote.




On night 4 Magnus targetted Yvonne, however he was targetted by Esequiel and his PM told him he was kidnapped by a CIA agent for the night.

Magnus clearly thought he had been roleblocked, however with closer reading he would have realised his power had actually worked (Diageo revealed earlier in the game that the kidnapping was the work of Esequiel and day 5's write-up confirmed that when Esequiel jailkept people their power would then be carried out by him).

Yvonne swapped votes a few times on day 5 but here's 2 quotes to prove Yvonne's single vote:



Jon Dedede (1): Cube



Jon Dedede (2): Cube, Yvonne


Magnus would have had the info to lead a lynch on Yvonne, however Rummy ended up being lynched.



I tried making both sides very powerful and feel I got the balance fairly even as the game could have swung either way towards the end.

I still feel I need to get a mechanic right to encourage more discussion and having reasoned lynches rather than the town waiting for a solid "this guy is a scumnag beyond all doubt alignment check result" before reacting.


I liked the Mafia/Townie pairing. Its not a new idea, but it gave the mafia access to cubes info whilst it gave the town a non-killable alignment cop.

I did think Cube may have more of a suspicion of Mr-Paul though, especially when he started to recieve no info for no given reason.



There was one other mechanic that involved 3 people, however one of them died on night 1 and immediately removed it from the game.

So I won't explain it now and will instead use it again some other time.



Thats all i can think of for now.

If anyone does want anything explained or has any questions, please let me know.


@Mr\-Paul @The Peeps@Yvonne @Rummy @Dedede @Esequiel @Magnus Peterson @Diageo @EEVILMURRAY @Jimbob


Again.. sorry this is so late and sorry if i've mentioned you and you aren't interested.

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@DuD...why are there so many black colour codes?!


Second, reading through this looked like a very interesting and thought out setup, I guess it didn't come to fruition.


The lynch of EEVIL stating that he was a hinderance even if he was town was criminal.. He still had a vote!! A vote is far more powerful than a night action for the town, afterall it is how you eliminate the mafia.


I definitely agree, BUT...he messed with like the only guy we knew who had managed to prove/lynch a mafia. That was, and probably always will be, a huge no-no. I know he provided a lot and all his info - the sad fact was it was no exoneration - WHY mess with Ese? That's what I didn't get. I think him being able to do that again, was far more potentially damaging that his vote. I'd actually say Ese's role was on an equal balance, given he'd know what his targets did.


Magnus Peterson's role was very powerful and he actually had the info to bring down the mafia towards the end of the game.


Looked like a very interesting role!



*thoughts on rest of stuff but nothing major*


Magnus would have had the info to lead a lynch on Yvonne, however Rummy ended up being lynched.


Mr-paul played very well and got me on this too. I didn't entirely suspect Magnus, hence I didn't reveal my info just in case - but it really played right into the mafia hands. Wish I'd just managed to be more successful generally, really.

Edited by Rummy
Automerged Doublepost
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Thanks again for an awesome game DuD, I always enjoy reading the roles, some very creative ideas there; it's always particularly interesting to see what people missed and any potential mechanics that didn't come to fruition.


@Rummy I enjoyed that day. We had been planning to push for a lynch of Magnus for a while, by planting things related to Cyborg Stan at the scene, and killing someone by electrocution. It was peculiar because Cube had come out with his info on Dedede, which he gave little defence to; I pushed towards Magnus being evil, which seemed to then counter-push people onto thinking it was you that was evil. You both were trying to hide your roles, for good reasons and because of that, it led to votes. In retrospect, your info may have helped with our lynch of Magnus, but it also put others at the scene, including me - who was claiming to have targeted someone totally different that night. It was late enough in the game for us to jump on the town's confusion.


Also, We never realised that was Magnus' role at all or that he had info to incriminate Yvonne - we thought he was a protector!

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@Mr\-Paul, @Dedede did himself well by confirming my 'targetting' along with Esequiel - it was a very subtle but brilliant play. I knew nothing of him, but assumed him taking my side - as such I thought I could trust him. It really was a classic mafia tactic, a beautiful nuance in a grander game. It was because of that, and the Cyborg Stan plant, that I was apprehensive/possibly defensive to vote. I've been town in a lot of recent games but I suspect this game had some of the better mafia plays than I've seen recently. Cannot detract from your win at all.

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