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Wii U General Discussion


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I give up on this wifi crap. It's awful, truly awful. Yes the problem in part lies with UPC Horizon but I think I've concluded that the Wii U is muck as well. I've used desktops, laptops and smart phones with the same wifi connection, some of them much further away than the Wii U is. The Wii U just doesn't cut it. It's another fly on said dead horse.

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I give up on this wifi crap. It's awful, truly awful. Yes the problem in part lies with UPC Horizon but I think I've concluded that the Wii U is muck as well. I've used desktops, laptops and smart phones with the same wifi connection, some of them much further away than the Wii U is. The Wii U just doesn't cut it. It's another fly on said dead horse.


The wifi is indeed really crap.


Get a wired connection. It's the only way.

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The wifi is indeed really crap.


Get a wired connection. It's the only way.


I can't do a wired connection. It would be too messy with cables, it's too far from the router and upstairs. I can get it to work but literally and this is no word of a lie, the Wii U right now is sitting in the middle of the room on the floor. The wifi range is nearly no better than the gamepad off screen gameplay range.

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I can't do a wired connection. It would be too messy with cables, it's too far from the router and upstairs. I can get it to work but literally and this is no word of a lie, the Wii U right now is sitting in the middle of the room on the floor. The wifi range is nearly no better than the gamepad off screen gameplay range.


What about getting an ethernet lan plug.

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I can't do a wired connection. It would be too messy with cables, it's too far from the router and upstairs. I can get it to work but literally and this is no word of a lie, the Wii U right now is sitting in the middle of the room on the floor. The wifi range is nearly no better than the gamepad off screen gameplay range.


Use another router to amplify your wireless connection, halfway between router 1 and your Wii U. Bit of a pain in the arse but it will work.



Edited by Sheikah
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Did realise we needed to talk about Sony again. Or use their failures to excuse Nintendo's failures.


All the time this happens...


The thing is, the reason I think it's important is the people who have these opinions are so one sided it becomes irritating, so tots relevent. Pele et like you and sheikah don't seem to have balance in your opinions so makes your critisicims on the Wii u more irritating. You attack nintendo for trying something new, even if we don't know anything about it, for taking away from their main gaming, but you don't have the same critisicims of Sony and Nintendo with such force for also trying something new. And when sheikah complained about Nintendo doing the same franchises and then was excited about infamous 3 and was the first push into him getting one.... It reeks of hypocrisy and the sheer frequency of the negativity makes me think there is no balance, no real debate...


The fact we know nothing about qol and it's being criticised so heavily exemplifies it.


I'm not happy about it, and nervous about it, but to attack it so early just doesn't sit right.

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There is a difference in that the examples you gave for Sony and ones that might be levelled against Microsoft are still video game related or at least part of the home console experience... Like Nintendo did with Wii Fit, or like getting more digital services incorporated into the system. But it's true we don't know exactly what QoL is, but it does sound like it won't be directly part if the video games devision, although it could potentially incorporate it.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Sony's failures weren't relevant for the conversation. Serebii always tries to divert attention away from Nintendo; I really don't see how saying one company's ineptitude is okay because another company was also inept.


Also, where have you seen me defended the Vita TV? Or the Wonderbook? I don't even defend the Vita. It's a waste of a portable.

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The thing is, the reason I think it's important is the people who have these opinions are so one sided it becomes irritating, so tots relevent. Pele et like you and sheikah don't seem to have balance in your opinions so makes your critisicims on the Wii u more irritating. You attack nintendo for trying something new, even if we don't know anything about it, for taking away from their main gaming, but you don't have the same critisicims of Sony and Nintendo with such force for also trying something new. And when sheikah complained about Nintendo doing the same franchises and then was excited about infamous 3 and was the first push into him getting one.... It reeks of hypocrisy and the sheer frequency of the negativity makes me think there is no balance, no real debate...


The fact we know nothing about qol and it's being criticised so heavily exemplifies it.


I'm not happy about it, and nervous about it, but to attack it so early just doesn't sit right.

Heh, so you resuscitated a dead argument in which I (and even another) already explained to you why your comparisons were invalid - my excitement towards barely evolving series in which several generations and titles have trodden the same tired path versus a couple of sequels not barely even covering one generation span. Must we shoot down the same old points again? To nip this bud finally - I loved Wind Waker, and praised it highly - this was the second sequel to Ocarina of Time. Likewise, Infamous 3 is the second sequel to Infamous 1, the first game in the series. My criticisms towards series like Zelda are levelled at the conserved nature of most of the home console titles which are rolling on far more sequels than the Infamous sequels.


Regarding negativity on Nintendo - some people are mostly negative not because they have some ultra secret evil hidden loathing of Nintendo or hold shares in a competitor's company but because Nintendo are fucking up. Constantly and continuously. Seriously - Nintendo loyalists like yourself simply must understand this concept - if a company continues to fuck up their policies, features, communications and interaction with the gaming and developer community while at best producing games that don't wow us on any meaningful level then they will receive mostly bad press. Some people will hold their tongue about their feelings, or try see the positive for whatever reason. But that doesn't mean we should discredit people who might be making frequent criticisms so long as their points are valid.


Regarding the demand for balance - requesting positive balance from people is in itself an element of bias introduced by loyalists - why must everything be balanced? A perfectly balanced post output would be applicable to something that was, technically, performing as bad as it was good. If something is, in your opinion, floundering, why would you balance your posts to make them appear that they may be floundering but may also be performing at an awesome level?


The worst thing is that people seem to take this both seriously and in some cases personally. Nobody here hates Nintendo, nor wants them to fail. It is the reason we all came here, at one point at another. But that does not mean we should feel guilty or otherwise be shot down for taking an angle on most of their current endeavours, whether they are negative or positive. If you're able to challenge a person's negative views by offering counter facts then great, but a person's basis for shooting down post should never be 'you're too negative, be more positive'. And if people are really pissed off by negativity, there's always the ignore list. It's as simple as that.

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This gen, with the WiiU and Nintendo's attitude towards the world of gaming, I'm more and more wanting them to either become 3rd Party or 2nd Party to either Sony or Microsoft. That's why I think the WiiU is a failed console.



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This gen, with the WiiU and Nintendo's attitude towards the world of gaming, I'm more and more wanting them to either become 3rd Party or 2nd Party to either Sony or Microsoft. That's why I think the WiiU is a failed console.



As has been said countless times, for Nintendo to go third party, they'd have to downsize considerably. Their output would become annualised and smaller games will no longer exist.


Nintendo going third party is not what anybody who is actually into gaming should want.

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Yeah, they'd have to downsize because of all the extra money they'd be making by releasing games on consoles that people actually own.

Way to oversimplify while attempting to be condescending.



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As has been said countless times, for Nintendo to go third party, they'd have to downsize considerably. Their output would become annualised and smaller games will no longer exist.


Nintendo going third party is not what anybody who is actually into gaming should want.


That is exactly what I want!


Let them focus on their big franchises for another machine and not release the tripe they do that I couldn't give a rats arse about! It'd be great!!!


I've always bought Nintendo consoles for just these games:





Smash Bros

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Too simple Serebii?


Third party:


- They get a much, much larder audience to sell to; one that they increasingly distance themselves from by having their own console stray down an alternative route

- Better sales due to new larger audience and existing audience on board.

- No hardware costs. Great because their hardware is pretty shit and isn't selling, and is hampering their returns.

- No need to work on online infrastructure - other consoles have their online services/buddy lists/tracked achievements/voice chat/parties done and there already. This could enhance their current output straight away.

- No need to worry about establishing contacts with third parties to keep a console afloat.

- Fuck loads of less criticism to do this and that. No one makes demands of, say, Bethesda to do certain things.

- Rather than be seen as a straggler in the market they will rightfully regain their place as just a great developer of software.



I would love it to happen, even though it probably never will.

Edited by Sheikah
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This gen, with the WiiU and Nintendo's attitude towards the world of gaming, I'm more and more wanting them to either become 3rd Party or 2nd Party to either Sony or Microsoft. That's why I think the WiiU is a failed console.




How does that make sense?


I assume you're mad because of the low-key VC in MK8? How will going third party make Nintendo add features to their games that they didn't want to add in the first place?


If you don't like it, then leave it...? I honestly think most of the disgruntled comments come from gamers have just 'outgrown' Nintendo.


Let Nintendo be Nintendo.

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How does that make sense?


I assume you're mad because of the low-key VC in MK8? How will going third party make Nintendo add features to their games that they didn't want to add in the first place?


If you don't like it, then leave it...? I honestly think most of the disgruntled comments come from gamers have just 'outgrown' Nintendo.


Let Nintendo be Nintendo.


If they were on another console I'd be using Party Chat, that alone would allow me to talk to people whilst online regardless of whether Nintendo want it or not.

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If they were on another console I'd be using Party Chat, that alone would allow me to talk to people whilst online regardless of whether Nintendo want it or not.


Yup, like he says, voice chat is built into those consoles (as are parties). So you would have it if you played a MK game on another console.


If parents don't want kids doing that then they can just change the parental controls.

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Yup, like he says, voice chat is built into those consoles (as are parties). So you would have it if you played a MK game on another console.


If parents don't want kids doing that then they can just change the parental controls.


Exactly what I was about to post!

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