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RUMOR - Call of Duty viral marketing gets sent to mods of Reddit's Wii U subreddit


There has been a lot of speculation about the latest Call of Duty game coming to Wii U. That speculation seemed fruitless when the official reveal trailer came out and didn't include a mention of Wii U. Then Activision seemed to rekindle some hope when tweeting a fan about future Wii U support on Twitter. Now we have the latest round of speculation that keeps hope alive for a Wii U version.


It seems that a bit of viral marketing for Call of Duty: Black Ops III was sent to various mods over on Reddit. Not usually a big deal, but the real interesting info is that the viral message was sent to the Wii U subreddit as well. If this is indeed viral marketing from Activision, this would be our biggest indicator yet that Wii U will be getting a new Call of Duty this year. Either that, the message is completely fake, or the marketing team at Activision really screwed up their viral plans! You can see the message and subsequent discussion below.




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I wouldn't be surprised if it did arrive on Wii U. It's a massive franchise and whilst the console still isn't flying off the shelves, it's got a decent user-base now that seem fairly active in buying new games when they release.


...Well, Nintendo games at the very least. Not sure how COD would do considering other third-party efforts fell flat but I'm sure they could make a small profit from it at the worst.

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Nintendo should be announcing their E3 plans any day now. They did so at the end of April last year, though E3 is a week or two later this time around, hence a slight delay.


I think it's a given they'll go for another Digital Event presentation, which personally is fine by me. I think they may move back on stage for a hardware reveal though but that won't be for another year or two. I thought last year's presentation was great fun and I really appreciated the mix of content between goofy sketches, trailers and dev diaries. Plus it was compact and content-packed, unlike like Sony and Microsoft's where every game looked the same with endless padding, awkward jokes and timing issues.


The big thing for me though would be a return of the all-day Treehouse streams, they were excellent and a great idea to prolong the magic of E3. Maybe they could do a Splatoon tournament this time around?


Would you all be happy with another Digital Event?

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I think digital presentations are the way to go. Personally, whilst I appreciate the overarching Direct i'd like to see daily Directs and Treehouse presentations for individual games, really focus each title and give them some room to breath.

What they could do is a mix. Do the Digital Event on the first day, then stream the Developer Directs like they did in 2013 and do Treehouse Live

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I think Nintendo are going to keep the digital format for E3. It has served them very well and has been widely accepted because it brought the content without the selfcongratulatory bloat from conferences.


Speak for yourself. I hate the digital events(that's a bit strong, given a choice I'll vote old school every time). The Treehouse event was good but that's covering up the fact that there's feck all games, they use them to pad out the event. Next year when the NX is revealed, do you think it'll be done through a Direct? I don't think so and it says a lot about why they've gone with Directs.

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Speak for yourself. I hate the digital events(that's a bit strong, given a choice I'll vote old school every time). The Treehouse event was good but that's covering up the fact that there's feck all games, they use them to pad out the event. Next year when the NX is revealed, do you think it'll be done through a Direct? I don't think so and it says a lot about why they've gone with Directs.

Notice I said widely, not unanimously.


I also fail to see how the Treehouse Live was "covering the fact there's feck all games" or "padded out the event" when it's something that didn't exist before and had a plethora of titles

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Notice I said widely, not unanimously.


I also fail to see how the Treehouse Live was "covering the fact there's feck all games" or "padded out the event" when it's something that didn't exist before and had a plethora of titles


No it didn't have a plethora of titles. I enjoyed them but let's be real. It was in depth coverage of a handful of games at most. I fully expect Sony and Microsoft to copy the Treehouse Live format this year.

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No it didn't have a plethora of titles. I enjoyed them but let's be real. It was in depth coverage of a handful of games at most. I fully expect Sony and Microsoft to copy the Treehouse Live format this year.

There were many games shown there...

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There were many games shown there...


Right...so...tell me all the Wii U games that were shown? And by the way, many of which are still to be released. And there's rotten muck like MP10 and Mario vs Donket Kong: Tipping Stars.

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What's interesting is Square Enix have taken Nintendo's traditional Press Conference time (given that Nintendo aren't holding one) and the time they did their Nintendo Direct last year.


So they'll either have to be content with some people and press not watching their Direct, or present it on Sunday/Monday.

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Right...so...tell me all the Wii U games that were shown? And by the way, many of which are still to be released. And there's rotten muck like MP10 and Mario vs Donket Kong: Tipping Stars.

Oh boy. List wars. Also, just because you don't like some of the games doesn't mean we shouldn't count them. That's the most asinine bull I have ever heard.




Treehouse Live Day 1:


Captain Toad Treasure Tracker (Out)

Mario Maker

Xenoblade Chronicles X (Out in Japan)

Project Guard

Project Giant Robot

Splatoon (Out in 3 weeks)

Hyrule Warriors (Out)


Day 2

Bayonetta 1 (Out)

Affordable Space Adventures (Out)

Fantasy Life - 3DS (Out)

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (Out)

Mario Maker

Mario Party 10 (Out)

Mario VS Donkey Kong Tipping Stars (Out)

Monster Hunter IV Ultimate - 3DS (Out)

Project Giant Robot

Shovel Knight (Out)

Splatoon (Out in 3 weeks)

Super Smash Bros - 3DS (Out)

Super Smash Bros - Wii U (Out)

Swords & Soldiers II (Out in two weeks)

Yoshi's Wooly World (Out next month)


Day 3

Bayonetta 2 (Out)

Codename STEAM (Out in the US. Here next week)

Devil's Third

Fantasy Life - 3DS (Out)

Project Guard

Splatoon (Out in 3 weeks)

Hyrule Warriors (Out)

Super Smash Bros - 3DS (Out)

Super Smash Bros - Wii U (Out)

Wii Sports Club Baseball (Out)

Yoshi's Wooly World (Out next month)


Your argument has fallen apart once again to the harsh mistress of facts.


What's interesting is Square Enix have taken Nintendo's traditional Press Conference time (given that Nintendo aren't holding one) and the time they did their Nintendo Direct last year.


So they'll either have to be content with some people and press not watching their Direct, or present it on Sunday/Monday.

Or they'll do it at the same time and Square Enix get screwed over :p

Edited by Serebii
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Oh boy. List wars. Also, just because you don't like some of the games doesn't mean we shouldn't count them. That's the most asinine bull I have ever heard.




Treehouse Live Day 1:


Captain Toad Treasure Tracker (Out)

Mario Maker

Xenoblade Chronicles X (Out in Japan)

Project Guard

Project Giant Robot

Splatoon (Out in 3 weeks)

Hyrule Warriors (Out)


Day 2

Bayonetta 1 (Out)

Affordable Space Adventures (Out)

Fantasy Life - 3DS (Out)

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (Out)

Mario Maker

Mario Party 10 (Out)

Mario VS Donkey Kong Tipping Stars (Out)

Monster Hunter IV Ultimate - 3DS (Out)

Project Giant Robot

Shovel Knight (Out)

Splatoon (Out in 3 weeks)

Super Smash Bros - 3DS (Out)

Super Smash Bros - Wii U (Out)

Swords & Soldiers II (Out in two weeks)

Yoshi's Wooly World (Out next month)


Day 3

Bayonetta 2 (Out)

Codename STEAM (Out in the US. Here next week)

Devil's Third

Fantasy Life - 3DS (Out)

Project Guard

Splatoon (Out in 3 weeks)

Hyrule Warriors (Out)

Super Smash Bros - 3DS (Out)

Super Smash Bros - Wii U (Out)

Wii Sports Club Baseball (Out)

Yoshi's Wooly World (Out next month)


Your argument has fallen apart once again to the harsh mistress of facts.



Or they'll do it at the same time and Square Enix get screwed over :p


Thank you for proving my point. Project.......:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I can't even finish that sentence.

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Your point was that they were hiding a lack of games and that most of them aren't out yet. I have proven that statement erroneous.


As always, you're wrong. I did not say most of them aren't out. An erroneous statement from you. Repeated showings like Project Muck and Muck Eile. I said Wii U games only. Wii Sports Club Baseball? You're really not helping your case here.

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Grow up Wii, fast. Another discussion ruined because of your immature need to pointlessly complain about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING Nintendo do.


The Treehouse event was good but that's covering up the fact that there's feck all games, they use them to pad out the event.


This makes no sense. Apart from the fact that they showed off loads of games, what exactly are you suggesting gets padded out? A broadcast that never existed in previous years?

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As always, you're wrong. I did not say most of them aren't out. An erroneous statement from you. Repeated showings like Project Muck and Muck Eile. I said Wii U games only. Wii Sports Club Baseball? You're really not helping your case here.

I stated Wii U titles they had. Just because you don't find them "worthy" does not mean they were not games being showcased. Wii Sports Club Baseball is also valid as it wasn't out at that point.


You are entitled to your opinion, but you need to stop spouting your opinion as the absolute facts and making bold and outrageous statements based on these opinions as if those opinions are fact. They destroy all capabilities you have to argue.

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Speak for yourself. I hate the digital events(that's a bit strong, given a choice I'll vote old school every time). The Treehouse event was good but that's covering up the fact that there's feck all games, they use them to pad out the event. Next year when the NX is revealed, do you think it'll be done through a Direct? I don't think so and it says a lot about why they've gone with Directs.


Looks like you're in the minority


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Grow up Wii, fast. Another discussion ruined because.....


Oh god, the irony.


I hope they stick to the format they used last year. Whilst E3 is a trade show but they are beyond the point of saving the Wii U and selling it to consumers, 3rd parties and retail. At this point, it's all about SOFTWARE and what they did last year was great. Their aim is simply to sell software to the exisiting userbase and they can get still get a fair bit of money out of us...I'm hyped!


There were a few moments in last year's presentation where I couldn't help but smile (the Yoshi stuff was awesome), but at the same time some segments went on for far too long (the second half of the Yoshi Wooly World segment was poor).


Oh, and I'm sure we'll get another Smash tournament too, but I hope Melee also gets some recognition. It's just had its biggest year and it's only going to get bigger (Sorry SM4SH).

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I stated Wii U titles they had. Just because you don't find them "worthy" does not mean they were not games being showcased. Wii Sports Club Baseball is also valid as it wasn't out at that point.


You are entitled to your opinion, but you need to stop spouting your opinion as the absolute facts and making bold and outrageous statements based on these opinions as if those opinions are fact. They destroy all capabilities you have to argue.


A thread that hasn't had a comment in almost a year, says it all really.




A streak of diarrhea, that's what that is. As are Project Guard and Giant Robot. Tipping Stars and Mario Party 10 aren't great either. What I've just stated is fact.

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