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The Morning After - E3 Nintendo Direct Verdict


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Megaman games did come right after teh Direct. I wonder why didn't they say so during the direct.


For me, it's great to see Nintendo and Capcom pushing Megaman, even if it's just VC releases. Right now, Megaman VI is for the first time ever officially available in Europe, so I really hope we'll get Megaman VII later.


And if there will be Saturn games, who know if Megaman X4 or Megaman 8 could even come over. But that'll be years ahead.

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The direct in general was pretty strong. Showing off a new Mario Kart, New Mario & Smash Bro's in previous years would of sent the auditorium into raptures.


But as I've mentioned in previous posts, the fact that we knew these games would be shown kind of spoiled the magic of it all. I guess I've been accustomed to Nintendo dropping bombs at e3. But we knew pretty much every game that was going to be shown before the Direct with the exception of Donkey Kong.


Which leads to my next point... The Retro game reveal. Probably a case of me (and many others) getting aboard the hype train and expecting bombs akin to Star Fox.. F Zero... Metroid: Dread...NEW IP etc....


To see Donkey Kong, while I'm sure it'll be awesome, still somewhat felt like a kick in the nuts given the amount of hype i'd built for their game.



But yes... here we are a few days later, it's sunk in, and I've seen that release schedule picture from another thread, and have to admit the lineup is strong & safe.


I'm assuming from now till Christmas future Nintendo Directs will be more about showcasing their already revealed games, and I guess we may not expect new reveals till End of this year at the earliest.



Presentation was strong in terms of games they showed off, but yeah.. the fact we knew what was coming, and the Retro DKC bomb seemed to underwhelm, the Direct just didn't have the magic of an e3 press conference with the crowd wooping and such.

Edited by Murr
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Presentation was strong in terms of games they showed off, but yeah.. the fact we knew what was coming, and the Retro DKC bomb seemed to underwhelm, the Direct just didn't have the magic of an e3 press conference with the crowd wooping and such.


I wish the Smash Bros reveal was at a proper conference. The crowd reaction to Megaman being shown would have been amazing. :(

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I wish the Smash Bros reveal was at a proper conference. The crowd reaction to Megaman being shown would have been amazing. :(


I would like to of seen / heard the crowds reaction to Donkey Kong reveal. I would assume they'd all know that to be the Retro game. Would their of been an applause, cheering... or groans and mumbles...



I sound so negative about DK, Sorry for that, I loved DCKR, but as mentioned just thought they had an ace up their sleeve, not a kong.

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I wish the Smash Bros reveal was at a proper conference. The crowd reaction to Megaman being shown would have been amazing. :(


The trailer would have made them shout and cheer regardless, but when Mega Man was revealed at the end they would've gone insane!

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I wish the Smash Bros reveal was at a proper conference. The crowd reaction to Megaman being shown would have been amazing. :(

Nintendo World was airing it live with a group. There will be crowd reactions uploaded again from there soon enough

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