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Official E3 Nintendo Direct Discussion - 11th June @ 3pm


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I can see why they didn't do a conference - they simply didn't have the fire power.


They did, it's just that they said 2014 too much. I honestly can't see Wii U sales taking off until Christmas 2014 at the earliest... 2015 more realistically.

Edited by madeinbeats
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What was shown was decent enough, but I naively hoped they would show at least one thing that was unexpected and inspiring (a mind-blowing new Mario game would have sufficed). They could have shown that they care about long neglected franchises, they could have shown a few new IPs... nope!

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They did, it's just that said 2014 too much. I honestly can't see Wii U sales taking off until Christmas 2014 at the earliest... 2015 more realistically.


That will be far too late. If things stay as they are I think in 2015 we will see a new nintendo console.

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Would appear Nintendo having multiple Directs throughout the year actually hurt them at e3.


People (myself included) getting hyped up at Directs throughout the year, they blow us away with new secret games such as X, Fire Emblem, Yoshi Yarn etc etc.


Then come e3 people question where all the surprises are? This conference would have been better if they didn't announce so many games at random points in the year.

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Would appear Nintendo having multiple Directs throughout the year actually hurt them at e3.


People (myself included) getting hyped up at Directs throughout the year, they blow us away with new secret games such as X, Fire Emblem, Yoshi Yarn etc etc.


Then come e3 people question where all the surprises are? This conference would have been better if they didn't announce so many games at random points in the year.


No doubt there were things revealed before that they would of preferred to leave until E3 but with software so scarce and so many delays they had to announce games prior to E3 just to let us know things are coming.


If third parties were filling the gaps this wouldn’t of been an issue.

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My take on it: I enjoyed the show, and most of what was shown looked good, apart from the most important game...


Super Mario 3D World - couldn't quite believe what I was seeing. "3D Mario" has come to mean something other than "putting Mario in 3D". It's like they thought we literally just wanted another Mario game, but with the Z-axis as well! Don't get me wrong, I'm sure this will be an excellent game, it's just that 3D Mario is meant to mean something more than this. (Got an awful feeling Zelda will be like this too.)


Mario Kart 8 - looked good if you like the series.


Wind Waker HD - excellent, no complaints at all.


Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - looked good, and probably does fix a few issues with the dynamic camera angles. I won't be waiting for a handheld version!


So, an entertaining show, but a rather worrying one in some ways.

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The conference would have been better if they announced a few more new games. Even just a confirmation that they are working on a new metroid or something would have sufficed. Just something.


Instead we got a mario that I thought was a 3DS game and erm DK which also could quite easily be released for 3DS


Like ive said in a previous thread maybe I got too hyped for this shite. I just knew it was going to be a disappointment. Oh well.

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Then come e3 people question where all the surprises are? This conference would have been better if they didn't announce so many games at random points in the year.


I did point out there wouldn't be many surprises earlier...

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Would appear Nintendo having multiple Directs throughout the year actually hurt them at e3.


People (myself included) getting hyped up at Directs throughout the year, they blow us away with new secret games such as X, Fire Emblem, Yoshi Yarn etc etc.


Then come e3 people question where all the surprises are? This conference would have been better if they didn't announce so many games at random points in the year.


Nintendo could have mentioned Mario Kart 8 alone, if they had done and showed how next-gen it was then I would buy a Wiiu for that one game.

Sadly, it looks like you'd get bored of it like you did with Mario Kart Wii - especially has it just looks like Wii & 7 smashed into one with ideas from F Zero. Creative? Lop


Did I see Double Dash special powers?


SSB WU had a magical art style but lacked oomph. Maybe I will just keep an eye on Kart and Smash. They maaaaaay make me probably pick up a Wiiu after a significant price drop to get all the main games out the way to prepare myself for Wiiu2. By then I may have quit gaming.


When is Reggie and Miyamoto interview with Geoff? The gift of their gab might woo mii.

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They did, it's just that said 2014 too much. I honestly can't see Wii U sales taking off until Christmas 2014 at the earliest... 2015 more realistically.


Come on. There just wasn't the goods on offer. Where were the big surprises? There was just nothing that wasn't completely expected. All that profit from the Wii and they have NOTHING to show for it. No big partnerships. No new IPs. No reinventions of classic franchises. Nothing!


Battalion Wars with troop movements on the pad and epic online battles. Metroid with online multi-player like Hunters and a beautifully realised single player HD world. A new Wii Sports - all motion plus and with online. StarFox reborn, like Assault on the GC but with the gun play like Gears of War - epic online included. Or how about a racing RPG hybrid set in the F-Zero universe where Captain Falcon has been disgraced and stripped of his titles and has to work his way back up the leagues figuring out who set him up?


Nope, we got none of that. Instead we got games that we knew were coming and most disappointingly the fabled Retro Studios project is an utter waste. From the Studio that brought you the highest rated first person adventure of all time comes... a rehash of last gen's 2D platform game. Nice.


Nintendo will not turn this around. Worryingly it seems like they don't want to either. They are just living in a bubble where they think doing the bare minimum will bring home the bacon. It's sad state of affairs.

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Come on. There just wasn't the goods on offer. Where were the big surprises? There was just nothing that wasn't completely expected. All that profit from the Wii and they have NOTHING to show for it. No big partnerships. No new IPs. No reinventions of classic franchises. Nothing!


Battalion Wars with troop movements on the pad and epic online battles. Metroid with online multi-player like Hunters and a beautifully realised single player HD world. A new Wii Sports - all motion plus and with online. StarFox reborn, like Assault on the GC but with the gun play like Gears of War - epic online included. Or how about a racing RPG hybrid set in the F-Zero universe where Captain Falcon has been disgraced and stripped of his titles and has to work his way back up the leagues figuring out who set him up?


Nope, we got none of that. Instead we got games that we knew were coming and most disappointingly the fabled Retro Studios project is an utter waste. From the Studio that brought you the highest rated first person adventure of all time comes... a rehash of last gen's 2D platform game. Nice.


Nintendo will not turn this around. Worryingly it seems like they don't want to either. They are just living in a bubble where they think doing the bare minimum will bring home the bacon. It's sad state of affairs.


For all the talk about the Gamepad and how it would be unique they seem to not be showing anything as to why the gamepad offers more than a conventional controller.


Three E3's have passed and it seems that in neither one have they gave people a reason to buy the Wii U.

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For all the talk about the Gamepad and how it would be unique they seem to not be showing anything as to why the gamepad offers more than a conventional controller.


Three E3's have passed and it seems that in neither one have they gave people a reason to buy the Wii U.


In no way what-so-ever have Nintendo made the gamepad a must have gaming item. In fact Nintendo would have been better just doing a Wii HD with motion plus in every box and graphics to rival at least the XBO. Launched it with Wii Sports HD Online and BOOM, bring the money.


Nintendo's philosophy of making gaming more intuitive during the Wii era clearly went out the window when they released a bloody pad with a screen that seems to have done nothing but confuse people and actually offered very little genuine functionality let alone a more intuitive approach.

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Come on. There just wasn't the goods on offer. Where were the big surprises? There was just nothing that wasn't completely expected. All that profit from the Wii and they have NOTHING to show for it. No big partnerships. No new IPs. No reinventions of classic franchises. Nothing!


Battalion Wars with troop movements on the pad and epic online battles. Metroid with online multi-player like Hunters and a beautifully realised single player HD world. A new Wii Sports - all motion plus and with online. StarFox reborn, like Assault on the GC but with the gun play like Gears of War - epic online included. Or how about a racing RPG hybrid set in the F-Zero universe where Captain Falcon has been disgraced and stripped of his titles and has to work his way back up the leagues figuring out who set him up?


Nope, we got none of that. Instead we got games that we knew were coming and most disappointingly the fabled Retro Studios project is an utter waste. From the Studio that brought you the highest rated first person adventure of all time comes... a rehash of last gen's 2D platform game. Nice.


Nintendo will not turn this around. Worryingly it seems like they don't want to either. They are just living in a bubble where they think doing the bare minimum will bring home the bacon. It's sad state of affairs.


I'll agree with most of that, but like others have said, they announced stuff they shouldn't before E3. Of course having any and all the games you mentioned would have been great announcements but you could sit there all day and come up with endless personal wishlists.


You can't tell me what they shown wouldn't have been enough to carry them through Christmas IF they were releasing this year... No way... Of course it would be... and then followed up with new announcements early 2014.

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Nintendo hasn't been at its best since the GameCube. I say this because Super Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze will probably be great games, but there's a difference.


When Nintendo made Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime, they were making 3D spectaculars that controlled with their most sophisticated controller so far. They assumed the player had a fair bit of experience, or at least would be willing to learn.


Now they don't.

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