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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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Vote Standings


Rummy (1): Marcamillian

Magnus Peterson (2): Heroicjanitor, Sheikah

Marcamillian (4): Magnus Peterson, Jon Dedede, Rummy, Jimbob


Majority is 7




"48 hours, give or take" said Jonas Barnes "Do hurry, however, I do fear the following 24 hour night might feel shorter."


Announcement: From now on, I will have limited Internet. I will do my best to keep with the schedules, but I will be quite unable to use the internet during the evening.


So yes, the next day starts tomorrow afternoon. Make haste with those targets.




Remaining Players







@Jon Dedede

@Magnus Peterson





@The Peeps


There are 12 remaining players (majority is 7)


Night 11 starts now.

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(Gah, lack of Internet!)

Night 11 is Over


Broadcast Yourself




("Think, Phillip, there are things that simply do not make much sense.


Whenever I feel like I am in the right path, something catches me off my guard. Someone like myself should be able to read a person's words and mannerisms and yet, that simply is not enough.


I suppose I should be relieved, but... how come they did not come after me yet?")




"Dannyboy, the Dane. At last we meet."


"Speak of the devil!"


"I am here to help you, Sir Wright. You will be safe with me."


"I believe not! Not many villains look as villainous as you do, which leads me to conclude you must be one of Olivia's lackeys, working on their appearance a tad too much.


Moreover, I have the utmost trust of Jonas Barnes! There is more vigilance and protection set around myself than any other player! Kill me, and your entire group will fall down like a house of cards!"




("Well done, Wright!")


"...Surely you cannot be serious?"


"Very much so! Though my name is not Shir-"


"You are a lawyer by trade. Bluff is your forte. Anything you say cannot and will not be used in your defence. Not as far as I am concerned."


"Well, you-"


Swiftly enough, the mysterious assailant grabbed Dannyboy by the arms and threw him into the corridor, where he...






...crashed onto an oncoming vehicle.


Dannyboy is dead. He was the Lawyer, Phillip Wright. He was Evil.




But what manner of vehicle was this?


Broadcast Yourself


Why, simply the first of many! Yes, this vehicle will revolutionise the world, for it moves not in a two-dimensional plane, but in a three-dimensional plane! A vehicle that can fly!


Indeed, it looks like a big bear, it is decorated with odd statues and weaponry, and utilises an odd black substance to fly, but the flying machine "Avian" works.


Its driver and inventor, Bernard Wright-Dumont, was ecstatic. His lifelong dreams had been fulfilled, he would soon leave The Court at last, and all that was left was finding a good sponsor.


He drove it into a veranda, and soon enough, everybody could see the Avian fly! A full 2 meters above the ground, ye Gods!


Soon enough, The Peeps went his merry way.


The Peeps has won. He was the Aviator, Bernard Wright-Dumont. He was Neutral, and needed a handful of key ingredients to build his invention.





Not a very amusing night.




Why did I sign up for this, then?






Remaining Players





@Jon Dedede

@Magnus Peterson





There are 10 remaining players (majority is 6)


Day 12 starts now

Edited by Jonnas
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Last night I did indeed block Magnus again since there was no kill the night before. If I'm honest, I wasn't expecting him to kill last night given he probably failed doing it the previous night, but it seemed better than roleblocking someone else and getting it wrong.


So long as no one else can vouch for potentially stopping a kill the night before then I still can only see me roleblocking Magnus as the reason why there was no kill. Vote: Magnus


Interesting about the lack of targeting from Marca; why not @Marcamillian?

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Well, let's see...


If anyone targeted Dannboy on nights 6, 8, or 9 they would have been roleblocked by me, protecting said Dannyboy.


Anyone like to come forward?


Unless I only stopped Mafia, though that seems unlikely as on two of the nights I blocked two people. 6 and 9, I think.


Frankly, I'm starting to suspect you, Sheikah. Unless you have already been exonerated earlier, which I could have missed.


Vote: Marcamillian to carry on yesterday's line.

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I don't see any of that getting verified and I'm pretty sure you know that. We know that Dannyboy was not attempted to be killed on any of those nights as other people were killed instead, and if the Mafia were roleblocked as a result they're hardly going to come forward. The only co-operative person that might have also targeted Danny is probably Rummy, but I'm pretty sure he has revealed targeting other people instead those nights. We have absolutely no accounts of anyone else stopping the previous night's killer other than me roleblocking you. How is this not a logical lynch?

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Eenuh is correct - my night was spent on rest,

No excuse my timekeeping is not the best,

As heroic said - night 10 I protected the Dane,

I wish for my sake last night i did the same,


The harlequin indeed has been a protector,

Sprout has his life on night 8 to thank me for,

My lies are a result of my unusual might,

A town lynch makes me immune at night.


Unravelling of unruly claims,

Protected me so I could do the same,

I was allowed to be suspicious so the queen whould not speak my name.

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So you protected Danny on N10? Hmm...on the one hand this provides an alternative reason for why a different person to Magnus could have been stopped from killing. On the other hand, I think that if the Mafia were stopped from killing Danny on N10, I wouldn't think they'd try again the next night.


Are you able to find out if you actually stopped a killer with your protection?

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Ok so the mafia was active last night and Marcamillian didn't submit a target. This would lead me to believe Marcamillian isn't mafia. I don't know why we aren't voting for Magnus? Purely on yesterday's info alone he is a dead cert no?


Magnus was blocked, no kill. Magnus was the only one with the potential to do protection from a kill that night (I tracked and Rummy doesn't stop kills as far as I remember) -> No protection happened, it must have been a roleblock. It must also have been a townie blocking the mafia killer, not a mafia blocking the mafia killer, so there is no shady blocker hiding their info.


I think that any reasonable townie who blocked someone else would have come forward by now, since that hasn't happened I can only assume Sheikah is the only roleblocker that night and Magnus is the mafia killer.


Vote: Magnus

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Vote Standings


Marcamillian (2): Rummy, Magnus Peterson

Magnus Peterson (2): Sheikah, Heroicjanitor


Majority is 6




"And once again, the day is finished...




I have a feeling that, soon enough, I will stop being able to say this phrase..."


Jonas Barnes felt oddly ominous in behaviour.




Remaining Players






@Jon Dedede

@Magnus Peterson






There are 10 remaining players (majority is 6)


Night 12 starts now.

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Night 12 is Over



Broadcast Yourself


"I could not believe it when I first heard it, but it is true. The Court was ready to assassinate and replace me with this...puppet!"


"Queen Olivia in the flesh!"


"I must admit, the disguise is quite clever... You do look very much like me (sans the scar, obviously), and you do portray yourself with class."


"You flatter me."


"However, you have not captured my unique manner of speech. Not many outside of my close acquaintances know this, but I have grown a tad...cynical over the years. That Doctor from 7 years ago must have rubbed off on me."


"It is not too much of a hurdle, however. I take my training rather seriously, and it should only be a matter of weeks before our accents become indistinguishable."


"...You are quite competent, I will give you that. I take it you are even ready to defend yourself... If not for the fact that your killer is not myself, but one of my loyal servants..."


"Hm? And where should they b- AUGH!"


The killer was swift and silent. From behind the doppelgänger they appeared, but barely any trace was noted.


What a waste. A woman of her talents would have been famous in certain acting circuits.


Eenuh is dead. She was the Queen's Double, Audrey Doppler. She was Evil.



"Is it... Is it going to happen again?


I need to attempt it, anyway...




My Eyes! Why? Why again?!


Magnus Peterson"




Remaining Players





@Jon Dedede

@Magnus Peterson





There are 9 remaining players (majority is 5)


Day 13 starts now

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So I had chosen to protect Eenuh. Got shit thrown in mine eyes.


I want anyone and everyone to kill Sheikah. Lynch that swine.


Vote: Sheikah


I have roleblocked you the past 3 nights based on a very simple fact: when I roleblocked you the first time, there was no kill. Absolutely no one else has given a valid explanation as to why the failed kill have failed to happened. Except maybe Marca, yet you tried to lynch him. Which makes no sense to me if you were a townie.


It's pretty clear you won't be making the kills from here given the obviousness of my target choice but it still makes sense for me to continuously target someone I'm pretty sure is Mafia.


Vote: Magnus

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The Marca lynch was based on his lack of fruitful activity, not sending in targets, and being generally obtuse.


You didn't in any way try to found out more information about me, getting others to target me; you just through on a vote and acted like it was a certainty. You have been strangely aggressive about this lynch.


I recommend people target me or Sheikah tonight - although, I'd prefer a lynch (sheikah's, obviously). Found out some hard truth.

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What the heck are you talking about? I have asked anyone else to come forward providing an explanation as to the no kill a few days ago - none have. None except Marca - a person you have held your vote on. It just makes no sense if you're a townie - If you're calling out Marca as the Mafia then why would he come forward to protect a townie, as you claim to be? Either you're Mafia and want a townie lynch, or he's protecting his scumnag.


I don't buy Danny's protection as the reason the kill was stopped - Danny died the next day. I think it's unlikely the Mafia would try to kill Danny, fail, then try target him again the next night. Unless they were absolutely sure they knew who protected him, and could stop him. I think you're much more likely to have been the killer.

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Researching, as in people other than yourself targeting me to find out information.


I must have missed Marca doing that. I'll go back and have a look.


Also, I wasn't the one calling him out. Somebody else did and they're reasoning seemed good.


Dannyboy was our most valuable person, as far as I could tell.


I haven't seen anything from Marca that proves he is town.


Personally, I think the Mafia might be Marca, Heroic, and Sheikah.


Dannyboy died after it was found out that I was protecting him, and you started roleblocking me.

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Vote Standings


Sheikah (1): Magnus Peterson

Magnus Peterson (1): Sheikah


Majority is 5




As a warning: I will leave Weimar tomorrow, stay in Frankfurt for a couple of days, and arrive in Portugal on Sunday. If I have Internet access at the Hostel where I'm staying, I'll end the day properly. If not, the day is prolonged.


@Sméagol: Apologies accepted. I do have a few things to say on the subject later. But only after the game is finished.

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I'm good to vote Magnus a little down the line, smacks of it a bit to me. Don't wanna vote too fast in event of hammers - how many mafia do people reckon are left?
At a guess, I'd say 3-4. Which would mean that we basically need just about every remaining member of the Court to make a vote. And given that the current amount of players who have posted this day phase isn't enough for majority, it's probably gonna require a miracle (heh) to accomplish this.


So! We need to all band together, pick a guy to vote for and stick with it! We owe it to the players we lost and we especially owe it to Jonnas to at least get a majority this day phase, even if we're wrong. I, er, just wish I knew who to pick...

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