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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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Well, Jon Dedede, Magnus Peterson and Marcamillian are all still rather anonymous. I'd be good with you investigating anyone from my previous list of suspects

Okie dokie!

I'm still expecting him to be the queen

But isn't the Queen mafia and lynching is a good thing?

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Vote Standings


Diageo (7): Magnus Peterson, Rummy, Sheikah, Marcamillian, Dannyboy, Eenuh, Jimbob


Majority is 7


Majority has been Reached




"Ooh lá lá!" exclaimed Jonas Barnes "It seems the game picks steam once more!"


Broadcast Yourself


"Hmph. Miserable curs. How dare you? I was the one who suggested death by democracy in the first place!"


"Was that truly a good suggestion?"


"Not for me, I can guarantee you that. But hindsight is but a mere distraction."


"No, I mean... It would probably have been better to execute the Queen on the spot."


"I fancied the Death by Donkey suggestion myself!"


"...What is your point?"


"I believe you were buying time. Things did not go as planned, so you came up with that suggestion to spare The Queen's life, and start this whole charade."


"...It is true, time does wonders for the creation of new plans"


Diageo slowly removed her mask.


"I have seen it harder and harder to hide in plain sight"


The face had been revealed: a scar in the shape of a cross was marked in her forehead.

"But hiding out of sight...that, I can do. Time was all I needed to learn the insides of this building."


As if on cue, the floor disappeared from beneath Olivia, making her disappear in the blink of an eye.




"Find her!"


Diageo has disappeared. He was Queen Olivia. He was Good.


("It is no use...") pondered Olivia, as she returned to meet her allies.


("Villains of The Court, this is not over yet. If I must go to hell for my actions... I will make sure to bring all of you along with me.")




Remaining Players







@Jon Dedede

@Magnus Peterson





@The Peeps


There are 12 remaining players (majority is 7)


Night 10 starts now.

Send your PMs

Edited by Jonnas
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Can I just be a spoil-sport and open up the discussion on this post-lynch-shock post during the night after the death?


And by open the discussion I mean to simply say I do not approve. No matter the game, I think it's a indirect(or even in itself actually direct) contravention of the posting at night thing. Unless you're the person who died, but still have courtesy to like wait til the day phase. Your shock/disbelief is game related, it portrays an angle for yourself. It shouldn't be allowed.


That is all.

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When it comes to "reaction posts", I usually let it slide, as they tell barely anything new. I've seen both mafiosos and townies post like that, and the content varies very little. I don't quite consider it "relevant discussion".


However, I can see this bothers people, so I think I will start cracking down on it in the future. Not in Dannyboy's case right now, though, as it's only fair to give a warning first.


So yeah, be careful with them reaction night-posts from now on.

(Speaking of night, the day will start a tad late tonight)

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(Me, keep my schedules? What do you think I am, German?)

Night 10 is Over



"I see him. I see him.


Almost, do not panic, now...


Aha! Caught him!


A successful night!






Remaining Players






Jon Dedede

Magnus Peterson





The Peeps

There are 12 remaining players (majority is 7)


Day 11 starts now

Edited by Jonnas
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Not sure why my activity is in the writeup, but I roleblocked Magnus who I still don't know much about. I'd like to hear more from you and what you do given there was no kill last night.


I won't be around much the next few days as I'll be working late in the lab, if danny wants to follow up with a lie detection of me then he can do so. My role PM states I am Sheik al-Khazim and that I am Evil, and that I win when the Queen's allies are eradicated. I also roleblocked ReZ earlier in the game.


@EEVILMURRAY how about instead of posting 'anyone?' you bring something useful to the table?

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I was attacked by a brute last night; squirting his liquid into mine eyes. Terrible. I was intending to keep watch over Dannyboy.


I've also had something stolen from my room. That is my cannon, and I'll have it back, or your life in its stead!


I have been keeping guard over Dannyboy for the past four or five nights.

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I won't be around much the next few days as I'll be working late in the lab, if danny wants to follow up with a lie detection of me then he can do so. My role PM states I am Sheik al-Khazim and that I am Evil, and that I win when the Queen's allies are eradicated. I also roleblocked ReZ earlier in the game.


Don't worry, after yesterday I don't distrust you anymore. I was completely in the wrong. :heh: I'm still surprised Diageo was actually the Queen; I must admit he had me convinced.


I do wish to clear up if you've been both the brute, the eye-blinder and the swordsman all game, though.




Now, as it stands, there are 5 people left on my list who hasn't been confirmed as evil either officially or in my book:


- heroicjanitor

- Jimbob

- Jon Dedede

- Magnus Peterson

- Marcamillian


Of these people, the last three have remained particularly anonymous and/or inactive in the game, which puts my suspicion primarily on them.

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I targeted Eevil last night, seems like he might know a thing or two...care to share @EEVILMURRAY ?

Funny you should target me, because I targeted you (from Dannyboy's list).


I've discovered you may look like you're a follower more than a schemer... But there seems to be more to you. You're observation skills are rather accurate.


So if you targeted me... What did you observe?

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Damn, no mentions to start the day Jonnas?


I thought I'd tried to ensure no harm befell Jon Dedede last night, but actually I targetted Eenuh. The two of them are the only two I trust really, given that weird triangle of targetting some nights ago.


I'd still like to off Peeps at some point, but tbh given his absolute crap activity I'm just gonna vote:heroicjanitor.


Sprout also is quiet and alive. EEVIL...I'm unsure of. Benefit of the doubt I guess given he replaced an inactive. But heroic and sprout are who I'm looking at.

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My observations told me you're a fairly astute

individual with a lot of info on members of the court. I'm starting to think you may have an info related win condition comsidering you're asking for more while all ready holding so much.


I will say I don't have any suspicions about sprout as i know what he does. I did target him (night 2 i think) but as Peeps has already said, the pieces are there now for people to work it out.


Also, haven't heard a rhyme from @Marcalmillian in a while...

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My voice has faded though my mind still keen,

My presence less felt than it should have been;


With the purple peril ejected from the court,

to bring up again a long past thought,

A question asked of the second night,

Rummy dear why did you fail to fight?


Maybe you should ask me again. Just so I can re-state the same.


I targetted you on Night 2. I was not told that I stopped anyone from doing anything to you(which from my role must be a redirect or a roleblock), whereas I have been on Nights 1 and 6, where my targets were Cube and Jon Dedede respectively. On Night 5 I also attempted to protect Jon Dedede, but was stopped by a brute who I believe we now know to be ReZ?


But hey, ykno, ask me again in a couple of pages to pretend like you're playing the game and stuff.

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