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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut


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Hold on... how did you know about that without having the augs to find it?

Did you look up a guide?


You were meant to be posting about how you struggled with the choice of who to save and who to let die and how cruel and evil the devs were to include such a section! :heh:


I don't know if taking either of the first two choices will have an effect the Pacifist award or not. I got that award on my 2nd play but I can't remember which choice I made at that part....


It wont have an effect on Foxhound though, for that just make sure nobody sets off any alarms. Even though the guards at this point will be on alert just make sure your still never seen and you'll be fine.


As for Quinn, I think he will call you at some point after the gas bit, you will be able get into his shop and get some items but it is optional and you won't get a waypoint marker for it.

haha, ok well if you want to know I chose to save the scientist... but then I realised what consequence this might have on my playthrough, went back to an earlier save and googled whether this fatality counted or not, but I can't find anything :/


I don't know what to do! I think I'm going to upgrade my Aug's and make sure I secure a Pacifist run, seeing as it would suck to have to do it all over again!


Also, that poor girl has gone who I couldn't save when I first met her :(

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I'm back on this again having had a few days away, am playing through the DLC section still.


Alternatively I could choose to let them all live via the 3rd method, but this would require upgrading my Aug's so that I can lift the box that leads there.


Dammit. Is this right?


Also, is the 3rd Rocket launcher part in that cargo container suspended from the ceiling by any chance? If so I can't get up there using my no Aug's run.


Still haven't found the back way into that Irish dudes place either, which I guess I either can't thanks to a no Aug's run, or it's yet to come? Don't think I've missed it.


Ohhh, didn't know there was a 3rd selection at this point. Seriously makes me want to play through it again, but too much else to play, I'm putting in serious hours on MH3 ATM.

The 3rd rocket launcher part is in the NW of the cargo bay. It is in a blue container, but not the suspended one, it's 3 containers up(3rd level). But, you do need to jump to it, which probably means you'll need the jump aug. Can't see any other way to get there, unless that suspended container can be moved somehow, it is on a rail????


Quinn opens his door for you at a later point, until then you can't get in.

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What decision did you make at the gas flow @Mokong?


On my first play I saved Kavanagh, after letting the timer reach 10seconds left while I struggled to make just tough choice.


Didn't know there was a "better way" on first play...even though I had moved that box in question and been behind the wall...I never "looked up"


I actually think now that on my 2nd play I saved everyone, cause I remember now that was the play I had teh Directors Commentary on and it was because of that that I found the way to save everyone.


On moving the box and going behind wall if you listen to the commentary that appears the first thing said is "look up" :heh: Cause if you go in that hidden room you find a weapon upgrade and then as a gamer you think "ah that must be my "reward" for finding this room and as a gamer you rarely look up in such games" is how the devs described their reasoning for making it so "hard" to spot ...and in my case they were right, I went in found the upgrade and thought "k that must be all that is here" and left without looking up :heh:


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DLC completed! Was awesome, love the setting :)


Ended up upgrading my Augs in the end to hopefully carry on my Pacifist run.


This meant I could use cloaking and high jump to tackle the room with Burke in it, taking him down with a knock-out...


... but how on earth I'm going to do that room on a future playthrough using no Augs or Weapons (in order to get those trophies), and not be seen by a guard, robot or turret, or have one of them see a downed guard I have noooooooooooo idea :p

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DLC completed! Was awesome, love the setting :)


Ended up upgrading my Augs in the end to hopefully carry on my Pacifist run.



Better tell you this now, when you get to the final boss fight, you know when some crazy gaurds get released from the storage rooms.


These guys still "count", the "drones" in the machine and Zhao don't count but the guards do!


But not only that, you have to be sure when you take them down that you don't leave them on the main floor.... knock them out and then drag them back inside the storage room (or if you have gas gernades try use them to gas the guys before they leave the storage room)


Cause when you get to the part of the fight when the floor becomes electrified if yu leave the guys there they will get killed by the electricity and it will count against you




... but how on earth I'm going to do that room on a future playthrough using no Augs or Weapons (in order to get those trophies), and not be seen by a guard, robot or turret, or have one of them see a downed guard I have noooooooooooo idea :p


I thought the same when I tried my no aug run on that section, it's hard but it is possible. Just gotta take your time, use cover and plan a route.

The annoying thing is you need to take out all the gaurds in the room aswell as Burke, taking out just Burke doesn't end it :mad:



If you want tips


As soon as cutscene ends take cover behind the crate thing in front of you. Watch the Robot AND the Sniper above you. As soon as the Sniper turns around move around to the left side of the box, staying in cover mode and then wait for a moment when the Robot isn't going to see you (it a small window)


Once out of robots field of vision leg it down the side and duck into the open container and take cover behind the boxes inside.


You gotta be aware of 3/4 things here, a patrol guard that might walk into field of view opposite the container, the robot and the turrent and guy walking behind it.


The best target is to go for that guard behind the the turrent first.


Wait for the guard on opposite side of room to appear then wait for him to walk back behind the large container so he can't see you.


Quickly run out of container and take cover right away, Turrent might get "suspicious" if it does just wait for it to return to normal then try make your way round towards the left, making sure the guard doesn't see you.


To left of turrent is a large container or box that you can take cover behind, you'll be able to go round it so you'll be behind the turrent. Wait for the guard to turn his back then go take him out. (Also be sure to do this when the robot has it's back to you)


Then use the ladder to climb up and take out the Heavy on roof of Burkes room. Go back down and staying behind turrent make your way around to the right side of the room (the right as in was on your right when you first entered the room). You could try takedown Burke here now if you like but I left him till last.


Make your way towards the gaurd patrolling behind the containers, when his back is to you go take him down, but be careful the robot doesn't see you when you pass the gap between containers.


Once he's down climb up ladder to takedown snipers. Just wait near top of ladder so you can wait for the right time to get up and take down the first sniper then quickly make your way to the security office in the middle. Think there is cover on the railings you can use to stay of of vision of other sniper. Once in office head to other door and just wait for the right time to be able to get to and take down the 2nd sniper.


Once he's down just Burke left (if you haven't done him already). Just make sure you can make your way back to him without being seen by the robot or turrent.



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I already did a Pacifist run on the standard edition of the game ;)


How I did the final boss... complete it before those crazies arrive :p


... and before the floor becomes electrified it seems!? didn't experience that either unless they've changed it for the Directors Cut? I did think the final boss was really easy, so I'll have to wait and see whether it's changed, or if you need to pick up the pace a bit @Mokong ;p



I had a good scout around of Burkes room after I'd taken everyone out, it just seems tough, you're way sounds good.

When I fought him this time...


As soon as it started I activated my cloak and ran to the open container hiding behind the boxes (waited for batteries to regenerate), reactivated my cloak then exited the way I'd came and jumped up and over the stacked up containers and climbed up the first ladder to Burkes office. Cloaked again and climbed up the second ladder on to his roof passing the guard, dropped through and took him out with a punch... though at first I thought the game had glitched as he wasn't in the room :p or so I thought until I found he had walked around behind me!


Then I went back up on to the roof and punched down the heavy guy. However first time I did it landed in view of a sniper, so I had to be sure to do it close to the ladder end, so the container suspended from the ceiling blocked the view. Second time however I punched him straight off the roof... oops! Third time lucky ;)


Then I jumped up on the girders running along the ceiling and made my way over to the snipers, took them out, then it was just a case of the two left on the floor. By this time the robot seems to have completely disappeared? does that happen once you take Burke out? Think the turret may have been too, but can't remember.


I look forward to the challenge anyway :D

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Phew! Just completed the playthrough and successfully picked up the Pacifist and Foxiest of the Hounds trophies.


I'm looking forward to never having to worry about either of those again now and just just play any way I like :) other than the DLC section which is gonna be tough.


A bit frustrated I didn't get the Scholar Award for reading all 29 e-books during the playthrough as I honestly don't know where the others could be? :hmm: Gonna be a tough one that one!

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Started this on Monday, magnificent game! Even better when snuggled up under a duvet enjoying it off screen :)


Is it good off screen then? I've delayed playing it because my tele here is atrocious?!?! Isn't there loads of awesome gamepad functionality you miss out on with off tv?!

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A bit frustrated I didn't get the Scholar Award for reading all 29 e-books during the playthrough as I honestly don't know where the others could be? :hmm: Gonna be a tough one that one!


In my 3 plays of teh game I still haven't got that award.... if (and when) I do another play I'll prolly look up GameFAQs for those eBooks :heh:


Is it good off screen then? I've delayed playing it because my tele here is atrocious?!?! Isn't there loads of awesome gamepad functionality you miss out on with off tv?!


All touchscreen controls still work when playing in off-screen mode.


The only difference is you don't have the nice big detailed map display that is on the GP when playing "on-TV"

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A bit frustrated I didn't get the Scholar Award for reading all 29 e-books during the playthrough as I honestly don't know where the others could be? :hmm: Gonna be a tough one that one!


The only difference is you don't have the nice big detailed map display that is on the GP when playing "on-TV"


I got the scholar award, but didn't feel I was going out of my way to obtain all the books. Some were placed in funny areas, like behind furniture, in air ducts, and what have you. Guess I lucked out.


That big GamePad map can also be written upon, for reminders, tips, locations, etc. I found that so handy writing down unlockables that I couldn't get yet, but to remind me to come back when I had levelled up sufficiently.

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In my 3 plays of teh game I still haven't got that award.... if (and when) I do another play I'll prolly look up GameFAQs for those eBooks :heh:
I just had a quick look at a guide, I know ones that I missed... More than I thought!


@1:32 - and it's because of it being my first playthrough so I wouldn't have necessarily chosen that augment, and also because I was doing a stealth run.


@6:30 - again because I was doing a stealth run at the time and didn't go that way... didn't even know you could go that way as I normally crawl past those first two guards underneath the walkway and exit out through the garage door. I think I explored all the building later on in the game once it's deserted, so I may have actually picked it up here, but more likely the book is probably gone by that point.



@1:30 - I had no idea the access card you pick up just lets you walk into the main lab and not alert guards or camera's everywhere! I thought they just weren't alerted in certain areas because you keep your gun holstered. I'd stealthed around that large lab a bit before, but was always wary of being seen, so think I missed this one too.



Has anyone played both the original (non Director's Cut) version of this and the Wii U version?


Is it worth it for the Wii U features?

How about for the Director's Cut additions?

I've played the PS3 original version and the PS3 Directors cut version.


I originally downloaded the standard version for £4 or something in a PSN sale, and enjoyed it SO much I bought the Directors Cut version (which was out by the time I got round to playing it) straight away for £7.99 from GameStop.


It's definitely worth it for the DLC mission, that section of the game is fantastic and fills in so much more of the story that you're kind of left wondering about otherwise. Some of the end parts of the game seem to come out of no where without it.


I got the scholar award, but didn't feel I was going out of my way to obtain all the books. Some were placed in funny areas, like behind furniture, in air ducts, and what have you. Guess I lucked out.
Nicely done!! :)

It seems it's dependent upon how you play the game. If you do a stealth run and don't want to be detected, you definitely miss one, and chances are you'll miss a couple more. Dammit :p


This has to be one of the best games at rewarding you for multiple playthroughs!


I'm somewhat addicted to it. I keep thinking about starting another game, but then thinking actually I would quite like to give this another run! ;)

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This game is currently £4.95 here


Do you think it's worth picking up if I already completed the original on Xbox 360 (more than once, on hard etc)?


Absolutely! Even at double that price it's worth it. Just the improved boss fights & gamepad features alone make it stand on its own, let alone all the other extra bits they've squeezed in everywhere else.

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