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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: The Official Thread For The Ultimate Game


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Spent about 9 hours on this beauty over the last 3 days, and finally found out where the online mode is (Network Mode, ahhh), finished all 1* quests in Moga village, and did the urgent. Got a shit load of stuff collected, and ran away from Lagiacrus. Awe inspiring stuff, just as I'd imagine. I am now HR1, LOL.


Looking forward to taking on my first Great Jaggi and forging a better bow over the next few days.

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Spent about 9 hours on this beauty over the last 3 days, and finally found out where the online mode is (Network Mode, ahhh), finished all 1* quests in Moga village, and did the urgent. Got a shit load of stuff collected, and ran away from Lagiacrus. Awe inspiring stuff, just as I'd imagine. I am now HR1, LOL.


Looking forward to taking on my first Great Jaggi and forging a better bow over the next few days.


I took a quick half-arsed run at it yesterday when I was gonna turn off; not quite as tough as I was expecting(though my slicers were probably in better shape than they should be). Did still die, but I didn't take any healing prep with me. Have you actually played online yet? If we're hunting around the same level with time, I'd be up for hunting with a fellow noob B) Gonna take the Great Jaggi by myself tonight hopefully though!

Edited by Rummy
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Well, since my previous post it seems I've probably slayed about 10 of the bloody bastards! Hadn't realised they'd turn up in the woods after, now they interrupt me everywhere and I can't help but go after them. One time just peacefully cooking up my meat and bam! Great Jaggi! Got quite annoyed one time as I killed it on the boundary of the screens, so couldn't harvest anything. I keep ending up meaning to do quests but constantly distracted by the woods.

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^I think (not 100% sure) if you go through the boundary to the next section then back again, the giant corpse will have moved to just at the edge of the boundary, allowing you to carve away. This has happened to me maybe twice, so don't know if it happens all the time.

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How many people are hr 1 2 or 3 still? @david\.dakota has the game and eve played a bit of online, but as we're doing hr1 missions I've decided to try the gun so it's not so easy, and were looking for others who are still low level so we can all level up together. Anyone up for it? Seems @Rummy and @londragon are still low level.


I'm off away for 2 weeks, shit timing, but Dakota is ploughing on, to get started.

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^I think (not 100% sure) if you go through the boundary to the next section then back again, the giant corpse will have moved to just at the edge of the boundary, allowing you to carve away. This has happened to me maybe twice, so don't know if it happens all the time.


I did try this a couple times, didn't work for me. I'll just try to be a bit more careful with my slaying in future.


How many people are hr 1 2 or 3 still? @david\.dakota has the game and eve played a bit of online, but as we're doing hr1 missions I've decided to try the gun so it's not so easy, and were looking for others who are still low level so we can all level up together. Anyone up for it? Seems @Rummy and @londragon are still low level.


I'm off away for 2 weeks, shit timing, but Dakota is ploughing on, to get started.


Still HR1 here - am I right to think you can only Hunter Rank up by playing online? Figured out how to actually play online(with some troubles) yesterday with @Vonviel; I'll be waiting for him to get a bit more into the game(hasn't actually unlocked quests yet) and we'll probs be taking on hunts together, though I'd probs still be happy to do bits with you guys too.


Man, I don't particularly want to be at work right now - can only think about hunting!

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I'd probs still be happy to do bits with you guys too.

Man, I don't particularly want to be at work right now - can only think about hunting!


I'll give it try, too. I want to see if my internet connection can withstand it. I played a few Luigi's Mansion 2 games with Fused and Kaebora Gaebora and got quite a bit of lag, but still up for it to see what happens. And I also only worked out how to get online 2 days ago.


Had the same problem, teaching an advanced class of students tonight. We talk a lot about movies and games together, so this was a main topic of conversation, and I've invited the class around to my place to show them it in operation :grin:

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I'll give it try, too. I want to see if my internet connection can withstand it. I played a few Luigi's Mansion 2 games with Fused and Kaebora Gaebora and got quite a bit of lag, but still up for it to see what happens. And I also only worked out how to get online 2 days ago.


Had the same problem, teaching an advanced class of students tonight. We talk a lot about movies and games together, so this was a main topic of conversation, and I've invited the class around to my place to show them it in operation :grin:


Best. Teacher. Ever! :D

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Got my head around capping monsters last night(doing the first capture quest) - bit trickier and sucks when you miss/mess up(as I did with my first go). Do people bother capping monsters much? Is there much real benefit to doing so? I noticed it gave me more specific sort of items at the end of the quest - and I later tried capping a great jaggi whilst out freely exploring the woods, but I felt like it just wasn't as worth it as slashing them to bits instead.

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Got my head around capping monsters last night(doing the first capture quest) - bit trickier and sucks when you miss/mess up(as I did with my first go). Do people bother capping monsters much? Is there much real benefit to doing so? I noticed it gave me more specific sort of items at the end of the quest - and I later tried capping a great jaggi whilst out freely exploring the woods, but I felt like it just wasn't as worth it as slashing them to bits instead.


Yeah, you can end the fight earlier and the rewards are usually better (not counting some of the rare end-game monsters). Caps and kills have both different items and different percentages of what they give, so it really depends on what you need.


Anyway, I wouldn't stress too much about it. I blasted through most of the game just killing every monster, and got everything I needed. Can't be arsed trapping every single time...

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Yeah, you can end the fight earlier and the rewards are usually better (not counting some of the rare end-game monsters). Caps and kills have both different items and different percentages of what they give, so it really depends on what you need.


Anyway, I wouldn't stress too much about it. I blasted through most of the game just killing every monster, and got everything I needed. Can't be arsed trapping every single time...


Cheers, I guess it'll be something I consider down the line if I'm after something in particular. Just seems a bit of a pain even making the traps and all too, payoff from a kill seems better. Will have to see what I need later though, of course. Haven't actually played at all this weekend! Trying not to get too ahead of my mate, and now have a broken car to tend to too :(

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I'd say I cap more than I kill.


As Ville said you get a better chance at some items from Cap rewards rather than carves.

Mainly the rarer Gem/Mantle type items, they have a better percentage chance from a cap reward than a carve.


There is only one Monster that is an exception to that rule (not including the monsters you are unable to cap of course) but you won't be seeing him till Hr8


For multiple monster quests Capping also helps speed things up a bit, especially if you or someone has the skill "Capture Guru". With that if you paint a monster, when it is weakened enough to be capped the piant marker on the map will flash to let you know.


Sometimes a monster marker might start flashing before it starts limping.


It's also handy if you've had 2 faints and don't want to risk continuing longer trying for a kill.

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I'd say I cap more than I kill.


As Ville said you get a better chance at some items from Cap rewards rather than carves.

Mainly the rarer Gem/Mantle type items, they have a better percentage chance from a cap reward than a carve.


There is only one Monster that is an exception to that rule (not including the monsters you are unable to cap of course) but you won't be seeing him till Hr8


For multiple monster quests Capping also helps speed things up a bit, especially if you or someone has the skill "Capture Guru". With that if you paint a monster, when it is weakened enough to be capped the piant marker on the map will flash to let you know.


Sometimes a monster marker might start flashing before it starts limping.


It's also handy if you've had 2 faints and don't want to risk continuing longer trying for a kill.


I see. Of course I'm still rather junior in the MH world, so it might make more sense to me later - at the moment I'm not really moving in any specific direction/looking for any particular items - can see me changing my approach when that comes.

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Talking about capturing, I managed to capture my first Azruros this morning. Got him with a shock trap and Tranq bombs/pellets. Plus brought down a few more Great Jaggi's to add to my collection. Need to take down a hell of a lot of them to get all the armour though, and they don't drop claws that often. Might try to cap one to see if that'll give me something different.


Edit: forgot to say, got Shakalaka working alongside me now as well. That feels like a milestone to be proud of.

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Talking about capturing, I managed to capture my first Azruros this morning. Got him with a shock trap and Tranq bombs/pellets. Plus brought down a few more Great Jaggi's to add to my collection. Need to take down a hell of a lot of them to get all the armour though, and they don't drop claws that often. Might try to cap one to see if that'll give me something different.


Edit: forgot to say, got Shakalaka working alongside me now as well. That feels like a milestone to be proud of.


Sounds like we're around the same mark. Was pretty chuffed when I got Cha-cha too, provides some entertainment as well(totes expecting some epic kill quest). Armour's something I haven't focused much on so far(having blown my monies on two different sets of slicers), but I should probably start thinking about. Need to make me some monies but I'm such a hoarder I can't bring myself to actually sell much!

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Just taken on my first Qurupeco! Man, what a pain! Accidentally discarded the remaining 4 mega potions I had for some pathetic bug at one point -.- meaning I then go knocked out by it eventually! Missed with both my paintballs early on too so finding it was a pain, think I took it down to sub-8 mintues left! Thought I wouldn't make it. Certainly a tough cookie. Anyhow I'm now all decked out in full Jaggi armour too(no upgrades) which makes me feel like a bit more of a real hunter! Think it certainly helped a bit with ol' Qurupeco.

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Just taken on my first Qurupeco! Man, what a pain! Accidentally discarded the remaining 4 mega potions I had for some pathetic bug at one point -.- meaning I then go knocked out by it eventually! Missed with both my paintballs early on too so finding it was a pain, think I took it down to sub-8 mintues left! Thought I wouldn't make it. Certainly a tough cookie. Anyhow I'm now all decked out in full Jaggi armour too(no upgrades) which makes me feel like a bit more of a real hunter! Think it certainly helped a bit with ol' Qurupeco.


Funnily enough took him on myself yesterday. Ran out of time though, I was too busy dodging that other dragon's attacks. At one point I thought the Qurupeco was a gonna, it must have dropped to the ground 6 times in area 5, only to fly off to area 8, by the time I got there it looked as good as new and my arrows seemed to be having little effect. Oh well, next time it is.


Awesome stuff though.

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Funnily enough took him on myself yesterday. Ran out of time though, I was too busy dodging that other dragon's attacks. At one point I thought the Qurupeco was a gonna, it must have dropped to the ground 6 times in area 5, only to fly off to area 8, by the time I got there it looked as good as new and my arrows seemed to be having little effect. Oh well, next time it is.


Awesome stuff though.


Yeah! He's a toughie, and his flying off is a real pain. Quite a step up from the Not-so-great-anymore-Jaggi. Spent tons of time just running around trying to find him(kept finding him in 7, despite looking as if he went elsewhere). One thing I feel the game could use is a z-targetting type system with the camera; so that I don't miss with my paintballs and stuff :p



A question for folks - what weapon do you tend to use? Also what is all this ammo stuff for? I see there's a few ranged weapons I think, crossbow, hunter bow, gunlance? Is it worth trying to get used to ranged, as well? I'm fairly up close and personal atm, as I'm rocking the dual blades - feel I should try my hand with other bits though?

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A question for folks - what weapon do you tend to use? Also what is all this ammo stuff for? I see there's a few ranged weapons I think, crossbow, hunter bow, gunlance? Is it worth trying to get used to ranged, as well? I'm fairly up close and personal atm, as I'm rocking the dual blades - feel I should try my hand with other bits though?


Stick with the Dual Blades for a bit, upgrade them as and when you can and they will see you through a lot of the game, I'm over 250 hours in... I only recently tried out the bow, which is a good weapon but takes some getting used to.


Funnily enough took him on myself yesterday. Ran out of time though, I was too busy dodging that other dragon's attacks. At one point I thought the Qurupeco was a gonna, it must have dropped to the ground 6 times in area 5, only to fly off to area 8, by the time I got there it looked as good as new and my arrows seemed to be having little effect. Oh well, next time it is.


Awesome stuff though.


That quite often happens, if you ran there as quick as you could though, it won't have actually properly healed, but it will just appear like it has so my advice there would be to keep plugging away at him, he will fall eventually. :)

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Fair enough. My blades are currently Jaggid Shottels+ iirc, got two upgrade options soon - one offers longer green sharpeness the other offers 100LI bonus I think - trying to decide which I'll end up with though tbh depends on the items I manage to get! Need some wroggi and baggi bits iirc, not yet seen the quests that can net me those. Thanks for the bow advice though. I've been hoarding the bow supplies from quests at times; was just thinking should try it a little - might try it out on the demo though instead.

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Fair enough. My blades are currently Jaggid Shottels+ iirc, got two upgrade options soon - one offers longer green sharpeness the other offers 100LI bonus I think - trying to decide which I'll end up with though tbh depends on the items I manage to get! Need some wroggi and baggi bits iirc, not yet seen the quests that can net me those. Thanks for the bow advice though. I've been hoarding the bow supplies from quests at times; was just thinking should try it a little - might try it out on the demo though instead.


Have a gander at this and see what path you want to take, as one will lead to fire and the other lightning.



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Have a gander at this and see what path you want to take, as one will lead to fire and the other lightning.




Heh, I just was! I don't know what's likely to prove more useful - part of me thinks lightning because fire's always the obvious choice but...fire's the obvious choice.

Also looking at that, is it saying that the current ones already inflict some aspect of poison or something? I am confused by that bit. Is it any way noticeable what elemental impact your weapons might have?

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Heh, I just was! I don't know what's likely to prove more useful - part of me thinks lightning because fire's always the obvious choice but...fire's the obvious choice.

Also looking at that, is it saying that the current ones already inflict some aspect of poison or something? I am confused by that bit. Is it any way noticeable what elemental impact your weapons might have?


The grayed out elements mean that the weapons need awakened to be able to do that elemental damage. This is an armor skill that you can get a hold of later in the game.


Fire is a good choice because there are a lot of beasties that are weak to that.


I'm not sure what you mean by the bolded part.

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Ah, that was because I hadn't realised that was greyed out. I assumed it was just the colour they'd chosen; I'm sure the elemental effect will be quite obvious later. So essentially, disregard that completely :p


Gonna try and blitz some more of the Single player quests tonight, wanna look to unlock the oppurtunities for the bits for my weapons - thanks for the fire advice; I was leaning towards that route anyhow, so I guess I'll stick with it! Wroggis and Baggis watch out!


EDIT: Another thing I'd meant to ask and forgot, the shop lady sells some books on monsters or something iirc - what are those all about?

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