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The Dilution of Gaming - Shooters


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That's the thing, as I explained, I used to love them and enjoy playing them, but they have gotten to be so common and so blah


Well sure, if you play every FPS you're going end up playing a lot of meh stuff, but that's the same with any genre - is basically shovelware. I usually get one, maybe two, FPSs games a year, if that. Last year I picked up Borderlands 2, the FPS I got before that was probably Killzone 3 and the next one I'll get is BioShock Infinite. Those are all massively varied games.


...Actually, I got BioShock 2 on Plus, too. Which is a pretty different game from the first BioShock in any case.

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And I don't even accept his opinion on Pokémon! ;)


But...but...but...I'm the foremost expert in Pokémon in the world.






I'm sad now


He obviously regulars Bulbapedia instead ;)


A dagger...a dagger through my heart :(



Only joking Serebii! :p






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God @Serebii - don't you know you can't have an opinion on anything other than Pokemon?! :P



I'd just like to highlight this despite the jokes, because I think it's both unfair and unnecessary to bring up someone's love or appreciation for any other games(when it hasn't been mentioned at all) as if somehow it makes this thread's unrelated point any less valid. These are forums for discussion, and imo stuff like that simply leads more to arguments and stifling of said discussion. It's a completely irrelevant point and I, personally, would prefer it if people could be a little more sensible and avoid doing it.


But y'kno, I'm just saying. I have nothing of actual use to add.

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I think this is quite an interesting discussion what Serebii has started.


Although I do love many shooters, the ones I play do tend to be quite different. Yeah, I pretty much play the new CoD's every year but the others use shooters as more of a secondary style such as fallout.


There is quite a over reliance on shooters now a days though, especially more linear ones, gone are the days of perfect dark where you could actually get lost in a level (not in all of them admittedly).


But is a easy common thing to add to a game, think how many films have guns in one way or another.


The way I am thinking right now I do not see a major problem in it, I just wish I could see more other types of games - more platformers would be nice!! RARE MAKE A THIRD BANJO platformer (nuts & bolts was awesome but doesn't count in that field!)

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It's a hard subject. I don't mind the abundance of first person shooters, as by definition is just a shooter with a set angle. My problem is that the only objective publishers try to achieve with them these days is to be the next Call of Duty thus it all becomes incredibly samey.


The only credit I can give Call of Duty is the fact that it makes sure it's running at or near 60 frames per second, which is critical for a game. Aside from that, it does not deserve the popularity it has. While other developers try to ensure that their next title shakes things up a bit, Call of Duty does the bare fucking minimum with most of the expenditure seemingly aimed at marketing, all whilst doing standard 'extra' features with a membership fee and charging ludicrous amounts for map packs. The worst part of it is, people are okay with that. It's absolutely mind boggling.


As long as the market is big, publishers are always going to aim for it. I'm just wondering how long it's going to take until it stalls and a new genre takes over, it's kind of similar to the music game genre last generation that lasted until midway through this one.

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