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Fish - is tank life boring for them ?


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Due to chemical induced memory loss, or (perhaps more grandly and miraculously) due to the effects of an epileptic fit started at the computer desk and the random keyboard mashings of said fit?


I did actually have a fit today, which you probably gathered from my Msn name. Alas I wasn't on the computer at the time. It was weird as I felt something wrong before I blanked out. I started to stammer a word then my jaw just went mad.

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"and I love the tortise/turtle/teripin."


Thanks, he is 15 years old and incredibly smart....he is more intelligent than a dog and understands things when you describe them to him with your hands. It's great fun talking to him and having him understand what you mean.


Fish do know that they are in a tank. Some fish are better suited to living in smaller spaces than others. Goldfish need ponds, while fish like bettas which naturally live in puddles can do quite well in small tanks.


I think that the issue is that a lot of people thing that humans are special, when at the end of the day we are just animals like everything else... Its pure arrogance/ignorance. If you're a human and think that you are some supreme being, then perhaps you arent as supreme as you think you are. We are just lucky thanks to the way we developed and it wasnt too long ago when we were just monkeys ourselves. Since then, humans invented greater than 3 second brains, thought and feelings!

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I don't think humans are "supreme beings" in any way; I'm just pointing out that all the evidence suggests that human brains are significantly more advanced than those of other animals, which seems to be simply by chance. And yes, feelings and emotions are simply terms for electronic processes in our brains.

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I dont hold with the saying that we are just like other animals. simply because we're too smart to exist by the laws of nature anymore. we have removed ourselves from any kind of food chain and no longer breed or exist by natural selection. those are kinda fundamental rules animals exist by

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