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Tbf Nintendo have lost much more than that with Wii U :hmm:


Yeah I found it a funny thing to say, considering the Wii to Wii U transition. To be fair, Sony have done well with all their consoles (eventually), which is pretty impressive.


With regards to TVs, I've always seen Panasonic and Sony as a league ahead of the cheaper competition. And I think people paying more for those TVs know that.

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Tbf Nintendo have lost much more than that with Wii U :hmm:


and then some.


However, Nintendo has always been a hugely profitable company and Wii aside their home consoles have sold in the 30 million bracket, so they are not reliant on doing Wii numbers.

PS2 at the time kept Sony afloat and that shifted 150 million units, so it's easy to see why they are posting 1 billion loses when PS3 only did roughly half the numbers of PS2.


Apple destroyed Sony with ipod. Prior to that Sony owned the portable music market

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Seems like pretty typical numbers for the beginning of the year blues. I think 3DS has all ready hit the point of saturation in Japan, it just seems a little too low for this time of year. Maybe Japan is ready for a new model to be launched?


Do they have the 2DS yet? That was pretty popular over here in the UK and could provide a nice boost over in Japan.

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Do they have the 2DS yet? That was pretty popular over here in the UK and could provide a nice boost over in Japan.


Nope, no 2DS in Japan and I'm not sure if there's actually a market for it. I can see the Japanese gamers wanted a smaller 3DS, but the form factor I can see being slightly incompatible with Japanese consumers.


The 2DS primarily did very well over here because it was aimed at a younger audience, not directly at them, but indirectly as the price point and included software like Pokemon finally put the hardware in the impulse buy market.


Meanwhile, the Japanese have a huge disposable income. The price point of the 3DS hasn't been an issue since it launched, and I think it wasn't due to perceived value of the console, but the adoption price that only yielded a small library.


Personally, if I was in a position to make any decisions about this at Nintendo, I would discontinue the original 3DS line and introduce a slimmer version with slightly smaller screens and keep the retail name as 3DS. I think keeping the original 3DS model in production but making a new model known as a 3DS Slim/Lite is viable, but I think it might do Nintendo harm to have four models available (because it would obviously make its way overseas).


Do you want to know something funny? I was watching a Twitch stream the over day of a guy playing Pokemon X, he has a capture card (250$) built into his 3DS and talked through the library he has streamed and what he is going to stream in future. At one point in the stream he said "I think the 2DS is pretty cool looking, but I'm not sure if it plays 3DS games and I probably wont buy it if it doesn't". This is why I think it might not be a good idea to expand the range of 3DS models for Nintendo.

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Nope, no 2DS in Japan and I'm not sure if there's actually a market for it. I can see the Japanese gamers wanted a smaller 3DS, but the form factor I can see being slightly incompatible with Japanese consumers.


The 2DS primarily did very well over here because it was aimed at a younger audience, not directly at them, but indirectly as the price point and included software like Pokemon finally put the hardware in the impulse buy market.


Meanwhile, the Japanese have a huge disposable income. The price point of the 3DS hasn't been an issue since it launched, and I think it wasn't due to perceived value of the console, but the adoption price that only yielded a small library.


Personally, if I was in a position to make any decisions about this at Nintendo, I would discontinue the original 3DS line and introduce a slimmer version with slightly smaller screens and keep the retail name as 3DS. I think keeping the original 3DS model in production but making a new model known as a 3DS Slim/Lite is viable, but I think it might do Nintendo harm to have four models available (because it would obviously make its way overseas).


Do you want to know something funny? I was watching a Twitch stream the over day of a guy playing Pokemon X, he has a capture card (250$) built into his 3DS and talked through the library he has streamed and what he is going to stream in future. At one point in the stream he said "I think the 2DS is pretty cool looking, but I'm not sure if it plays 3DS games and I probably wont buy it if it doesn't". This is why I think it might not be a good idea to expand the range of 3DS models for Nintendo.


I agree. Nintendo need to launch a new premium model in Japan. A reason for people to upgrade.

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I've just been reading the NPD results that have come in so far and man the One took a dive (estimated 143k ). Titanfall will be the big test. If it doesn't shift units when that arrives then Microsoft will need a new strategy, probably a price cut to get more in line with the PS4. As it stands, they are losing massive ground in their biggest market.


The PS4 is apparently double what the One has done, so it should be kicking around 290k, which probably would be higher if it wasn't for the stock issues.


I'm eager to see what Wii U has done...

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I've just been reading the NPD results that have come in so far and man the One took a dive (estimated 143k ). Titanfall will be the big test. If it doesn't shift units when that arrives then Microsoft will need a new strategy, probably a price cut to get more in line with the PS4. As it stands, they are losing massive ground in their biggest market.


The PS4 is apparently double what the One has done, so it should be kicking around 290k, which probably would be higher if it wasn't for the stock issues.


I'm eager to see what Wii U has done...


Titanfall being released on the 360 will be an issue.


I'm expecting a XB1 with no kinect by the summer.


Wii u fit did 20k. Nintendo just don't learn. Nobody cares about wii_ titles anymore.

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Woah, 3DS+2DS sales in America seem to be very poor. What on earth is going on? Has the 'DS' brand simply peaked and is therefore no longer an attractive proposition? It's got some great games on it, that's for sure. Hopefully we'll see a successor at E3 2015 with a late 2015 launch, and the next home console the year after.


Will Titanfall help the XBOne? I'm not so sure...I mean, it's another FPS on a console full of FPS's. I'm not sure how much pull it will have.

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Woah, 3DS+2DS sales in America seem to be very poor. What on earth is going on? Has the 'DS' brand simply peaked and is therefore no longer an attractive proposition? It's got some great games on it, that's for sure. Hopefully we'll see a successor at E3 2015 with a late 2015 launch, and the next home console the year after.


Will Titanfall help the XBOne? I'm not so sure...I mean, it's another FPS on a console full of FPS's. I'm not sure how much pull it will have.




There isnt much they can do about that. There market is being eaten up and regardless of how many great games they release they cant compete against app prices.


Parents get things like 3DS to keep kids quiet and the choice is a 3DS/2DS and $30 - $40 software or a smartphone/cheap tablet and free or $1 - $2 apps.


The only thing they can do and I'm amazed they still havent is reduce the RRP of 3DS games. Its absurd that they continue to ignore this. Get games down to $15 - $25.


NPD results:






From gaf



-Tomb Raider PS4 outsold Tomb Raider Xbox One by 2:1

-Xbox One has a 2.7 attach rate.

-2.27 million games were sold on "Xbox" this month.

-3DS and Wii U software sales were up 6 percent and 26 percent when normalized for a four-week month.



-Pokemon 125,000 in January, 3.25 million LTD

-Super Mario 3D World = 655,000 LTD

-The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds = 715,000 LTD





PS4: Almost double Xbox One. [#1 best selling platform]

Xbox One: Estimated 143K (thanks Aquamarine) [#2 best selling platform]


Complete spectrum of NPD hardware sales estimates:


PS4: 271K

XB1: 141K

3DS: ~97K

PS3: ~53.5K

WIU: 49K

360: ~48.5K

Vita: <17K


Wow @ that Vita number. Wii U is done for.

Edited by liger05
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Wii u fit did 20k. Nintendo just don't learn. Nobody cares about wii_ titles anymore.


I can't blame them for trying though. Wii fit was one of their biggest sellers last gen and helped shift a lot of consoles. Same for Wii U play. Judging by their investors meeting, they realise that now and see that the audience that bought those games isn't prepared to buy a games console for another Wii fit. Which is most probably why they are working the Quality of Life stuff.

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I can't blame them for trying though. Wii fit was one of their biggest sellers last gen and helped shift a lot of consoles. Same for Wii U play. Judging by their investors meeting, they realise that now and see that the audience that bought those games isn't prepared to buy a games console for another Wii fit. Which is most probably why they are working the Quality of Life stuff.


I dont know about that. The market trends suggested those people had moved on yet Nintendo still seemed to think this audience was still around.


I just think its another example of throwing stuff at the wall and hoping something sticks instead of actually looking at what people want.

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Sony continues to dominate with PS4 figures.


Tokyo, February 18, 2014 - Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) today announced that the PlayStation®4 (PS4™) computer entertainment system has cumulatively sold through more than 5.3 million units*1 around the world as of February 8, 2014 (JST), and is continuing to demonstrate strong growth and momentum.


"I am thrilled that so many customers around the globe have continued to select PS4 as the best place to play throughout and beyond the holiday season,” said Andrew House, President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. “We are delighted that according to the NPD Group’s latest data, PS4 was January’s top-selling console in the United States. The PS4 system’s momentum just keeps growing stronger, and we are extremely grateful for the continued passion and support of PlayStation® fans. February 22 sees the launch of PS4 in Japan, and I’m looking forward to Japanese fans sharing the excitement of the deep social capabilities and entertainment experiences only possible on PS4."




*1 Number of retail sales to consumers is estimated by SCEI. PS4 sales data in North America and Latin America collected 11/15/2013 – 2/8/2014. Europe and Asia collected 11/29/13 –2/8/2014.


Crazy. They haven't even launched in Japan yet and they've already past their target. Microsoft must be getting worried at this point.

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Very good figures from Sony, I must admit that I was thinking after the initial Xmas rush things might die down, but what's that, a million in a month? I know this doesn't help you @Hero\-of\-Time, but here's hoping we get a X1 price drop soon to combat this so I can get Titanfall and console!


Genuine question here though, how many territories is PS4 in compared to X1? Isn't it substantially more, or am I making that up?

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Sony continues to dominate with PS4 figures.




Crazy. They haven't even launched in Japan yet and they've already past their target. Microsoft must be getting worried at this point.


MS have to get the XB1 price lower. They may not want to drop Kinect but they are going to have too.

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Very good figures from Sony, I must admit that I was thinking after the initial Xmas rush things might die down, but what's that, a million in a month? I know this doesn't help you @Hero\-of\-Time, but here's hoping we get a X1 price drop soon to combat this so I can get Titanfall and console!


Genuine question here though, how many territories is PS4 in compared to X1? Isn't it substantially more, or am I making that up?


Yeah, I think the PS4 is in a few more territories but nothing major. Microsoft have now lost a footing in the UK and the US, which were both their biggest markets last gen.


I'm still baffled why Titanfall is being put on the PC and 360. I know it's EA who are making it but if you are gonna pay for an exclusive game at least make sure it's only on one of your consoles, especially when the One needs a boost. If Titanfall doesn't deliver a boost then Microsoft are going to have to bite the bullet and lower the price of the console, otherwise Sony are going to continue to gain more ground.


Hats off to Sony though. From the initial reveal last Feb, all the way to now, they have had nothing but good PR and made all the right moves.

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Yeah, I think the PS4 is in a few more territories but nothing major. Microsoft have now lost a footing in the UK and the US, which were both their biggest markets last gen.


I'm still baffled why Titanfall is being put on the PC and 360. I know it's EA who are making it but if you are gonna pay for an exclusive game at least make sure it's only on one of your consoles, especially when the One needs a boost. If Titanfall doesn't deliver a boost then Microsoft are going to have to bite the bullet and lower the price of the console, otherwise Sony are going to continue to gain more ground.


Hats off to Sony though. From the initial reveal last Feb, all the way to now, they have had nothing but good PR and made all the right moves.


Indeed, I posted something similar in the Titanfall thread, in doing a decent thing for gamers and giving 360 and PC players the chance to enjoy it, it almost feels like they are shooting themselves in the foot. It could potentially be a system seller, which the One needs!


With bigger user bases you can see why 360 and PC versions are coming out, money making wise. But still, would have been a huge game to have as an "only on Xbox One" exclusive.


Indeed, while Microsoft have muddled their way through some what, it's been a tour de force from Sony so far, good on them! (Still buying a One though...;) )

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Yeah, I think the PS4 is in a few more territories but nothing major. Microsoft have now lost a footing in the UK and the US, which were both their biggest markets last gen.


I'm still baffled why Titanfall is being put on the PC and 360. I know it's EA who are making it but if you are gonna pay for an exclusive game at least make sure it's only on one of your consoles, especially when the One needs a boost. If Titanfall doesn't deliver a boost then Microsoft are going to have to bite the bullet and lower the price of the console, otherwise Sony are going to continue to gain more ground.


Hats off to Sony though. From the initial reveal last Feb, all the way to now, they have had nothing but good PR and made all the right moves.


I dont think EA would of agreed to an XB1 exclusive not when the 360 is still strong.

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Unsurprisingly, the console that features no silly gimmick which inflates the price is selling incredibly well.


We could have another PS2 on our hands here guys; the system has no real competition at the price it's currently at. It's also comfortably ahead of the PS1, PS2 and PS3 at the same point in time.

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I'm just happy Sony are releasing three games I'm massively looking forward to this year; Infamous, Drive Club and The Order: 1886. That's amazing consistency of big/interesting exclusive which is all the more impressive considering last year we had GoW Ascension (which was enjoyable but totally unnecessary), Beyond (which is the greatest worst game ever) and The Last of Us (which is one of the best games ever made).


They're reliable for the most part.

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Although it's worth noting Japan have nothing but the PS4 to play their games since the Wii U is now completely differentiated/failing and Microsoft is always ignored. Well, other than what comes out on PC. They have assured domination.


No doubt if the launch is slow the numbers will come eventually, but I think it will do really well at launch there. They must surely be aware of how well the PS4 has done already so it's probably it's in their minds that this is desirable tech.

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