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General Gaming Sales/Charts Discussion

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Ah, that does sound plausible. Would fit with the whole 'soft launch' strategy too.


I did wonder about this ‘soft launch strategy’ but then you look the forecast and Nintendo said they hoped to ship 5.5 mil consoles by march 31st and sell 24 mil games. I don’t see how that would be close to being possible if the intention was to launch softly.


I just think they have messed up the launch in the UK through inadequate marketing and a poor launch lineup.

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In terms of advancement along the technological scale, the DS and 3DS can be seen as under powered.


I always thought the DS was underpowered, actually. Not generationally - "N64" generation felt right for handhelds at the time - but it was low-res and had a very low polygon count. I suspect there are not many 3D machines that had a lower polygon count, actually, aside from the SNES's Super FX chip.


Apart from that, I got an XL and absolutely loved it from that moment forward. Now as for the 3DS, I thought that felt "right" from day one, but that's just me.


Re: Supermarkets. My local Tesco now has the Premium Pack back in stock, but I've still not seen anything Wii U-related in ASDA.


Even then, there is no 4K content. Try getting movies in that res. The big studios are only just beginning to open up their catalogues on blu-ray and getting their heads around how to do decent transfers that actually take advantage of the format. 1080p downloads are still a rarity (ones that aren't compressed to hell and back, and official ones even more so). Imagine downloading a monster 100GB+ file (currently not on the horizon) every time you want to justify that layout on your beast of a 4K LCD.


TV broadcasters are all fighting for space and struggle to output a small handful of 'premier' channels at 720p. There simply isn't the bandwidth.


Excellent points, Lens of Truth. I do think 4K has a far better chance than 3D, but it will take a long time. Unlike 720/1080p, there is no new disc format specially for it; file sizes will be even bigger; and there's not much chance of any broadcasts for now.


No, I do not think it has any bearing on the Wii U, but I still think Sony and Microsoft may have been waiting for 4K TVs, if only to have that as an output option. It will be a benefit for web browsing, and you'll probably be able to set the consoles to upscale everything to 4K (like you can do with the Wii U with 1080p). I am absolutely not criticising Nintendo about 4K though.

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TBH, if you told me that NSMBU, Nintendo Land and Nano Assault Neo were running in 1080p, I'd believe you!


I'm a stickler for image quality and those games look absolutely pristine to me! Screw 4K, we don't need it yet!


I don't think we'll ever need 4k! I mean what size TV would you need to actually notice the difference? I think if Sony push 4k with the PS4 then it would be a big mistake for them.

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It is really weird that Asda doesn't seem to have any Wii U stock anywhere. I've always found them the best physical store for games - over the years I have picked up the pokémon DS games there, Kid Icarus, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Sports Resort and many more, all for around the same price that they were available online.


On the point of resolutions, I find it very hard to get excited about 4K because I'm lucky enough to have experienced an 8K screen![/bragging] But on a serious note, it will take ages before they are commonly available, and it would be pointless for game devs to even aspire to reach that resolution while 1080p is perfectly sufficient for the vast majority of people. Improve at the resolutions we have until it is viable to make the jump.

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TBH, if you told me that NSMBU, Nintendo Land and Nano Assault Neo were running in 1080p, I'd believe you!


I'm a stickler for image quality and those games look absolutely pristine to me! Screw 4K, we don't need it yet!

I was shocked at how crisp they were too. There are only little tells like certain edges on the world map in Mario and so on. Mighty Switch Force and the Rayman Legends demo do look lovely in full 1080p, but the difference isn't that noticeable, and I'm quite fussy about this type of thing. Having said that, I wouldn't mind seeing Wara Wara Plaza get a bump to 1080 in the future, so that the little faces and expressions are that bit more distinct when zoomed out. Speed first though ;)


[Apologies for harping-on about resolutions btw! I'll shut up now and let the sales talk recommence]

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Damn Wii U already at 20k units in Japan. Next week we should see Vita numbers.


Nintendo needs to do something and quickly. The 3DS took way longer to hit 20k and even then I think it only went below 20k once before the price drop.


Who do they expect to buy the Wii U when there are no games being released?


This is the confirmed release dates for Japan:



01/31 Shin Hokuto Musou

02/21 Tank! Tank! Tank!

03/14 Need for Speed: Most Wanted


How anyone @ Nintendo cannot see this is a major problem amazes me!!!


At the very least stop being so secretive and announce what is coming and give people confirmed release dates on the games we know about. This whole 'no announcement' thing isnt working!!


Dragon Quest X

Wii Fit U

Pikmin 3

Game & Wario

The Wonderful 101


Lego City Undercover


Date all of them



Media Create Sales: Week 2, 2013 (Jan 07 - Jan 13)


01./01. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf # <ETC> (Nintendo) {2012.11.08} (¥4.800) - 83.220 / 2.186.309 (-37%)

02./02. [3DS] New Super Mario Bros. 2 # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2012.07.28} (¥4.800) - 21.784 / 1.855.840 (-76%)

03./13. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Best Price!) <ACT> (Capcom) {2012.11.15} (¥3.800) - 14.809 / 170.410 (-54%)

04./10. [3DS] Tousouchuu: Shijou Saikyou no Hunter-Tachi Kara Nigekire! <ACT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.07.05} (¥5.040) - 14.602 / 387.698 (-59%)

05./03. [3DS] Paper Mario: Sticker Star <ADV> (Nintendo) {2012.12.06} (¥4.800) - 14.472 / 484.867 (-79%)

06./04. [3DS] Inazuma Eleven Go 2: Chrono Stone - Neppuu / Raimei <RPG> (Level 5) {2012.12.13} (¥5.500) - 13.834 / 379.369 (-73%)

07./16. [PS3] Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 # <ACT> (Koei Tecmo) {2012.12.20} (¥8.190) - 13.289 / 207.446 (-54%)

08./05. [WIU] New Super Mario Bros. U <ACT> (Nintendo) {2012.12.08} (¥5.985) - 12.400 / 432.110 (-75%)

09./07. [WIU] Nintendo Land <ETC> (Nintendo) {2012.12.08} (¥4.935) - 11.703 / 262.176 (-72%)

10./12. [3DS] Taiko no Tatsujin: Chibi Dragon to Fushigi na Orb <ACT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.07.12} (¥5.040) - 10.014 / 385.076 (-71%)

11./18. [PS3] Yakuza 5 # <ADV> (Sega) {2012.12.06} (¥8.800) - 9.725 / 554.579 (-63%)

12./08. [PSP] One Piece: Romance Dawn - Bouken no Yoake # <RPG> (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.12.20} (¥5.980) - 9.046 / 273.785 (-77%)

13./23. [PS3] Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Dubbed Edition <ACT> (Square Enix) {2012.12.20} (¥7.980) - 8.788 / 99.474

14./14. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 <RCE> (Nintendo) {2011.12.01} (¥4.800) - 8.147 / 1.947.404 (-73%)

15./09. [3DS] Magician's Quest: Magical Town <ETC> (Konami) {2012.12.20} (¥4.980) - 8.065 / 127.801 (-79%)

16./27. [PSP] AKB1/149: Love Election # <ADV> (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.12.20} (¥7.329) - 7.278 / 187.714

17./11. [3DS] Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity <RPG> (Pokèmon Co.) {2012.11.23} (¥4.800) - 7.119 / 416.008 (-80%)

18./21. [PS3] Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational # <SPT> (Sony Computer Entertainment) {2012.11.22} (¥4.980) - 6.951 / 247.322

19./25. [NDS] Pokèmon Black 2 / White 2 <RPG> (Pokèmon Co.) {2012.06.23} (¥4.800) - 6.619 / 2.943.072

20./15. [3DS] Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney <ADV> (Level 5) {2012.11.29} (¥5.980) - 5.907 / 255.596 (-80%)



Top 20


3DS - 11

PS3 - 4

PSP - 2

WIU - 2

NDS - 1






|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |


| 3DS # | 92.661 | 279.259 | 100.668 | 371.920 | 341.487 | 10.151.800 |

| PS3 | 22.991 | 64.352 | 30.332 | 87.343 | 104.791 | 8.947.427 |

| WIU | 20.715 | 67.083 | | 87.798 | | 715.085 |

| PSP # | 17.069 | 54.873 | 22.538 | 71.942 | 93.571 | 19.700.953 |

| PSV | 11.088 | 33.309 | 18.361 | 44.397 | 61.276 | 1.175.222 |

| WII | 1.873 | 5.632 | 14.179 | 7.505 | 63.704 | 12.646.341 |

| 360 | 921 | 1.893 | 1.519 | 2.814 | 4.257 | 1.616.648 |


| ALL | 167.318 | 506.608 | 191.084 | 673.926 | 681.432 | 109.662.491 |


| 3DSLL | 56.377 | 156.184 | | 212.561 | | 2.302.932 |

| 3DS | 36.284 | 123.075 | 100.668 | 159.359 | 341.487 | 7.848.868 |

| PSP | 17.069 | 54.873 | 22.538 | 71.942 | 93.571 | 19.524.966 |


Edited by liger05
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Every console sees massive drop, which happens every bloody year


Only Nintendo should worry.


They should, until they make it so the entire world is in a temporal loop of nothing but December, then THEY MUST ACT


A drop to 20K immediately after Xmas is pretty bad though. I was expecting it to at least hold steady at around 35K...

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It's not bad, but it's not standard.


It's not the end of the world. Drops like this ALWAYS happen


Yeah of course and it just feeds into the currently popular Wii U = Doomed narrative.


That being said, it is a worse drop than I expected. PS3's first post-Xmas drop was from 69,944 the previous Xmas week to 25,531; and I was expecting the Wii U to fare a bit better than that...


On the bright side though, the NSMBU and Nintendo Land attach rates are simply incredible! Pretty much every Wii U buyer is also buying either one or both of those two games! :o

Edited by Dcubed
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I think there's a big difference between a console getting off to a weak start and it being on course to fail (which no one has said, to be fair). I'd say the Wii U has got off to a fairly weak start, but who hasn't thought that'd be the case since June 2012? If anything, it's done better than I expected, with most people who played it liking Nintendo Land and Miiverse being a success... but even so, it's a fairly weak start.


That does not mean it's going to fail, though, not at all. This is Nintendo we're talking about. They'll make the console work, even if it takes a couple of years. They could be working on absolutely brilliant games - new versions of Zelda and Metroid, a new Mario by EAD Tokyo - which will gain their due respect when they're ready, but it'll take time.

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I don't think that they can afford to wait all the way until E3 before announcing big future titles mind you. They need to drum up some excitement long before then in order to give the Wii U some momentum!


Of course they can't unveil all of their hand before then (because they're gonna get crushed underneath a sea of hype from the two new consoles at E3!), but come on! They need to throw us a frickin' bone here!

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On the bright side though, the NSMBU and Nintendo Land attach rates are simply incredible! Pretty much every Wii U buyer is also buying either one or both of those two games! :o


A little bit of hyperbole there don't you think?


Combined sales of both games is still less than total Wii U sales (694k games vs 715k systems) meaning they aren't even selling one of either to Wii U customers and they sure as heck aren't selling both to them.


And it's not like in the US and here where the Premium comes with NintendoLand anyway which could get scewed if bundle figures were left out - it's a none factor.


Digital sales may knock it up a little to either game to one Wii U but no one can say for sure.

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I think there's a big difference between a console getting off to a weak start and it being on course to fail (which no one has said, to be fair). I'd say the Wii U has got off to a fairly weak start, but who hasn't thought that'd be the case since June 2012? If anything, it's done better than I expected, with most people who played it liking Nintendo Land and Miiverse being a success... but even so, it's a fairly weak start.


That does not mean it's going to fail, though, not at all. This is Nintendo we're talking about. They'll make the console work, even if it takes a couple of years. They could be working on absolutely brilliant games - new versions of Zelda and Metroid, a new Mario by EAD Tokyo - which will gain their due respect when they're ready, but it'll take time.


The major concern isn’t the drop it’s the fact there is nothing being released which will see sales pick up or keep the HW sales from dropping further.


Next week we could see 10 – 15k and then the Wii U is at the same level as Vita which has no doubt been a sales failure. Once the 3DS was tracking below 50k Nintendo were panicking.


I just do not understand why the software schedule is so barren. Maybe they didn’t manage to get the third parties onboard and that explains why there are no games on the horizon.


They knew the situation but still instead of using the E-shop or having a Wii U VC to help fill the gap there is nothing.


I thought Iwata learned from the 3DS launch that a steady stream of content is paramount. 3 months with no significant releases is just crazy unless they just thought Nintendoland and NSMBU will carry the console.


The 1st week after holiday season does see everything drop but the Wii U to be at 20k already isn’t good. Everything sees a rise in week 1 but the Wii U sales didn’t go up last week either.


You are right with the 1st party content Nintendo will always have software they can unleash and I have no doubt we will get great games. However HW sales dictate whether third parties commit to projects and over the next 3 months the HW sales are going to be brutally low.

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A little bit of hyperbole there don't you think?


Combined sales of both games is still less than total Wii U sales (694k games vs 715k systems) meaning they aren't even selling one of either to Wii U customers and they sure as heck aren't selling both to them.


And it's not like in the US and here where the Premium comes with NintendoLand anyway which could get scewed if bundle figures were left out - it's a none factor.


Digital sales may knock it up a little to either game to one Wii U but no one can say for sure.


I was just talking about this week, not the LTD figure...

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Next week we could see 10 – 15k and then the Wii U is at the same level as Vita which has no doubt been a sales failure. Once the 3DS was tracking below 50k Nintendo were panicking.


Next week could also see an increase. If you're going to postulate, then you should propose both ends of the spectrum


I just do not understand why the software schedule is so barren. Maybe they didn’t manage to get the third parties onboard and that explains why there are no games on the horizon.


Almost as if it happens with every new console

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I was just talking about this week, not the LTD figure...


But there is no possible way to determine whether people picking up the games this week are the same as the ones buying the console this week. Those Mario purchases could be made by people who only picked up NintendoLand prior and exhausted it over New Year.

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Next week could also see an increase. If you're going to postulate, then you should propose both ends of the spectrum




Almost as if it happens with every new console


Honestly can you see a bump next week? Just say the sales were 25k or even 40k it would still be a bad number.


Software drives hardware sales. That will always be the case and there is no software so unfortunately the only direction the hw sales are going is down. In all regions the HW sales will continue to decrease.


It’s irrelevant what happens with other consoles. Nintendo said they had learnt from the 3DS launch period but clearly not as the same software drought is happening again. The drought in the West is bad but in Japan its whole different level. Why isn’t the E-shop filled with content and seeing weekly updates?


The PS3 had the same problems when they launched and had no games. People do not buy systems when there is nothing to play. It’s not rocket science!!

Edited by liger05
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Next week could also see an increase. If you're going to postulate, then you should propose both ends of the spectrum


I think what he means is that given the lack of new software there is no incentive to pick a Wii U up at this time. A large rise in sales usually indicates a new game released or a price cut, neither are on the horizon.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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It's certainly not rosy, I can't believe how much Serbebii defends everything, even when facts are hitting him in the face. Yeah they might go up next week, but they won't, and when they decrease further you'll comeback again and say it's fine, it's normal, next week they'll be better.


I do find it staggering that Nintendo really messed up the 3DS launch, realised it messed up the 3DS launch and said we will learn from this and not make the same mistakes. But they haven't learnt from this, they're making some similar mistakes. And their silence ISN'T WORKING!!!!


And the big worry is how little support it seems to be getting, and how little Nintendo seem to be trying to remedy things. Where is Nintendo TV? In fact, I haven't read ANY hands on with the service, I read a few tweets saying it doesnt work properly yet and is a glorified tv guide. And nintendo are so dense it's infuriating, releasing the VC is such a simple way to plug any gaps in the release schedule, but not, utter silence. What the fuck have they been doing for the past 2 years?!?!!

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It's certainly not rosy, I can't believe how much Serbebii defends everything, even when facts are hitting him in the face. Yeah they might go up next week, but they won't, and when they decrease further you'll comeback again and say it's fine, it's normal, next week they'll be better.


Probably because I seem to be the only one here who can see patterns, trends etc.

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Probably because I seem to be the only one here who can see patterns, trends etc.


Patterns and trends have nothing to do with a console having no games being released. There is no excuse for such a barren schedule.


You remind me of people this time last year who said the vita would be fine and there was no problem etc etc. 1 year later sales still in the gutter. It's not a good look.

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