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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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I went to the gym this morning and just had a PROPER workout. An hour on the elliptical trainer on the highest level (basically, it's seriously heavy) and then I did "The Superman Challenge" which is what I've decided to call my friend's workout since it's just easier (it's the one where you do 100 x 16kg Kettlebell Swings and then 10 x Spints, 90 x 16kg Kettlebell Swings and then 9 Sprints and so on...) and then went on the weights and did a 20 minute jog. After that, I had a shower and went to work. Hard day but to be honest, I felt pretty amazing after today!


Also, I've lost a stone so WOOOOOO! BRING ON THE PIZZAS! (Joke). So now I'm 17st 3lb. 2st and 3lbs to go!


I went to the gym this morning and just had a PROPER workout. An hour on the elliptical trainer on the highest level (basically, it's seriously heavy) and then I did "The Superman Challenge" which is what I've decided to call my friend's workout since it's just easier (it's the one where you do 100 x 16kg Kettlebell Swings and then 10 x Spints, 90 x 16kg Kettlebell Swings and then 9 Sprints and so on...) and then went on the weights and did a 20 minute jog. After that, I had a shower and went to work. Hard day but to be honest, I felt pretty amazing after today!


Also, I've lost a stone so WOOOOOO! BRING ON THE PIZZAS! (Joke). So now I'm 17st 3lb. 2st and 3lbs to go!

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Cardio sounds more like what I'm looking for after a quick look, I just feel a bit out of shape these days and wouldn't mind slowly working my way back to better fitness.


Get yourself a rowing machine if you think you'll use it. You can go running outside if you want to supplement it.


If you really, really want to push the boat out, you could buy a barbell/some dumbbells. They won't take up a great deal of room and it'll just further your options. Supplement that with body weight exercises such as push-ups/press-ups, bodyweight squats, and pull-ups/chin-ups if you can. You could even get a cheap pull-up bar.


Had my Pull Day today and did some home cardio. Ine has taken the skipping rope and we won't be playing squash this week, as she is not here.


*gets out the hula hoop*


@Ville, dat imperial system. I've converted to kilos now. Everything has to be in grams and kilos. I couldn't tell you what my weight is in stone or pounds.

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Yeah I'm all about metric too. Far easier. No one has a clue what 75kg or 179cm means though!


Weight is fine, I get that. Height doesn't mean an awful lot to me, though.


*insert short joke, huhuhuhu*


I hate how the UK is split in half. Half of the country uses metric and the other half uses imperial. To make matters worse, all the speed signs are in bluddy imperial. We're neither. When I tell somebody I've lost 4 kilos or I've gained 5 kilos, they don't have a clue what I'm on about.


"What's that in stone?"



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Well, I'm pretty pleased because I've been able to do 16 military-wide pull-ups on three separate occasions now, so I know it wasn't a fluke. No, I don't cheat and swing my legs up, or not lower myself much. ;) Chin above the bar every time. I weigh 14 stone, so I'm pretty chuffed with that.

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Get yourself a rowing machine if you think you'll use it. You can go running outside if you want to supplement it.


If you really, really want to push the boat out, you could buy a barbell/some dumbbells. They won't take up a great deal of room and it'll just further your options. Supplement that with body weight exercises such as push-ups/press-ups, bodyweight squats, and pull-ups/chin-ups if you can. You could even get a cheap pull-up bar.


A problem for me is motivation. Like I know there are basic exercises I could do, and sometimes I do them, but I think if I had a proper piece of equipment to use it would be more appealing and help me get in the right frame of mind. New toys are always fun to play with ofc. Something to look into in the near future I think.

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A problem for me is motivation. Like I know there are basic exercises I could do, and sometimes I do them, but I think if I had a proper piece of equipment to use it would be more appealing and help me get in the right frame of mind. New toys are always fun to play with ofc. Something to look into in the near future I think.


Go for the one you're more likely to do. No point buying things if you're not going to use them. Get the rowing machine and see how that goes. It might get you more motivated and you might decide to start buying things after that. I don't think they take up a tremendous amount of space either, so you should be able to get by with it.

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possibly a lactic acid type buildup? When I ran the 200m in school I got STUPIDLY competitive, had to outrun everyone, but about 2/3rds of the way I got what you talk of, by the end my lungs were on fire :( I actually remember collapsing at the end of the run on more than one ocassion.


I don't run.... the last time I did I vomited everywhere. And dislocated my hip. My hip is properly unstable in that position and with that kind of impact so I just don't risk it. Hip problems run in my family, one of my aunts has had her hips replaced 3x :/


The only sports day thing I was good at was the shotput. Makes sense I guess. #hulkwoman

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Hmm, it's just the throat though, not the chest. Maybe it's just a dry throat that gets irritated by the air flow or something? Anyway, it's really annoying as I have to stop running because of the pain, not my lack of stamina.


Not fond of running anyway. Dashes are fine, but endurance running...blah, so boring.

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Not fond of running anyway. Dashes are fine, but endurance running...blah, so boring.


Same. It's fine if I'm running in a sport or something, but I just can't do it otherwise.


No idea what to suggest about your problem, sorry. Could it be you're not drinking enough water? Or maybe it's to do with your breathing?

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I guess it's sort of like burning, as if I were getting a severe cold in my throat at that moment. I remember one spring I experimented with running with a scarf and a warming collar on my throat area, and it did help a bit. Although I still had to stop every now and then to not overdo it...

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Runners, anyone know of any cheap websites to get some new trainers? Sports-Direct isn't cutting the mustard.


That's my go to shop for shoes, so the only other option would be trawling google.


Weight is fine, I get that. Height doesn't mean an awful lot to me, though.


*insert short joke, huhuhuhu*


I hate how the UK is split in half. Half of the country uses metric and the other half uses imperial. To make matters worse, all the speed signs are in bluddy imperial. We're neither. When I tell somebody I've lost 4 kilos or I've gained 5 kilos, they don't have a clue what I'm on about.


"What's that in stone?"




Same problem with runners - everyone talks about minutes per mile, but when I first got into running I put my units as km and now I can't change, and everyone else thinks I sound funny.

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That's my go to shop for shoes, so the only other option would be trawling google.




Same problem with runners - everyone talks about minutes per mile, but when I first got into running I put my units as km and now I can't change, and everyone else thinks I sound funny.


I'm with you Odwin, I don't recognise miles, I'm all about kilometres.

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That's my go to shop for shoes, so the only other option would be trawling google.




Same problem with runners - everyone talks about minutes per mile, but when I first got into running I put my units as km and now I can't change, and everyone else thinks I sound funny.


Cheers Odwin, guess I'll just have to take another look at their selection and stop being so fussy.


I started with miles, then I wanted to run a 10km and stuck with kilometres ever since. Although when ever I talk to someone about how far I've run I have to convert it to miles.

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I'm properly kicking it with my diet now. I never realised the importance of fat in your diet when you do super low carb. Now I don't feel like death anymore! Yay!


One bad thing - keto and training just don't go for me... I haven't got the same pump as I do when fuelled with carbs. Can't see me implementing this forever. Love my sugary cereal before my 1rm attempts :heh: Good job its only a temporary thing!


I'm also trying to get my mobility up so I can do literal ass to grass squats (getting my butt on the floor). I can independently get down to about 6 or so inches off the floor. My quads, ankle mobility and body shape need looked at. My legs are too big to fold in any tighter, and my quads are tighter than they need to be to stretch that much. Gonna hit the yoga for a while to get the mobility going.


HERO POSE GO. I need to sit on two flat yoga blocks at the moment which is pretty lousy as the hero pose goes. :(

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