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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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I've got another shitty chest infection, im hurting all over. I've not been in the mood to eat, so my muscles are giving me gip. Fuck me, found one of the only bad things about developing muscles.... the pain when you can't eat. Lost 2kg overnight and im sure none of it is fat >_<


I'm taking comfort in a big fat curry chip tonight in the hope that it makes me feel better lol

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I know a couple people who have done it. These were fit guys and they said it was tough mentally more than anything because of the lack of sleep.


One of my mates has done it himself and he says it was more a mental thing than physical though it clearly helps to have both aspects up to par and a bit of experience.


He was saying that after the second mountain, you just dont want to carry on because all you want to do is rest. That you won't even feel like eating to get the energy to go up that last one. It sounds like general fatigue rather than anything specially muscle related whilst you're doing it and I'm guessing that's what makes it the mental challenge as your legs will still work if you make them - though I'm sure they will hurt the next day.

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I've been making an effort to go to the gym more often after they increased the monthly fee by £3 a month :|


I can see the improvement, it isn't much and maybe it is more of me looking at myself thinking I look better but I don't mind that!


I booked myself in for a body 'MOT' at the gym though because when doing CV on the machines I put in my age and my weight and after about 10minutes it says HIGH HEART RATE HIGH HEART RATE, which is kind of worrying! I know the machines aren't going to be entirely accurate but my heart must be still pretty high and I'm hardly exerting myself when I do this...


I play football every week and I've just spent a week skiing with absolutely no problems and yet the HEART RATE thing pops up so I thought I'd get myself checked. It's free so why not :D

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I've been making an effort to go to the gym more often after they increased the monthly fee by £3 a month :|


I can see the improvement, it isn't much and maybe it is more of me looking at myself thinking I look better but I don't mind that!


I booked myself in for a body 'MOT' at the gym though because when doing CV on the machines I put in my age and my weight and after about 10minutes it says HIGH HEART RATE HIGH HEART RATE, which is kind of worrying! I know the machines aren't going to be entirely accurate but my heart must be still pretty high and I'm hardly exerting myself when I do this...


I play football every week and I've just spent a week skiing with absolutely no problems and yet the HEART RATE thing pops up so I thought I'd get myself checked. It's free so why not :D


The heart rate thing on those machines are bullshit. Unless you're wearing a proper monitor round your chest, don't listen to any device that claims to be measuring your heart rate.

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So I took a trip up snowdon today and that was probably more gruelling than any workout I've ever done. Then again, walking up 45 degree slopes (we took the worst route possible) covered in 2 foot of snow whilst wearing a relatively heavy bag is going to be tough without crampons and sticks. Still, despite the warden's advice, we headed for the summit and made it but boy am I going to be sore tomorrow.


After that, I'm really not sure I'm ready for three peaks but there is a plan to go Scafell Pike at the start of May so I maybe I can work on legs a bit more than I have been to get myself in better shape.


This trip has also enlightened me to the all powerful Jelly Baby - the giver of immediate energy in miniscule form.

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My back is finally starting to feel better, most of the pain is gone, just been doing loads of stretching and floor excises to decompress the spine. Left leg still feels a little numb and weak, may have to see the doc if that keeps up, there could still be a trapped nerve.


Still not confident to start lifting heavy just yet though, I managed to do a few light deadlifts and presses but I don't want to get cocky too soon and knacker my back.


Don't like not being able to train though so today I embraced good old fashioned simple bodyweight excerises. I did some push ups for the first time in a while which was actually a bit humbling, did fifty in total. No pull up bar so I did had to break the no weight rule and do some light DB rows to balance the pushing a bit.


Then did bodyweight squats, was originally aiming for maybe around 100 total, but surprised myself and managed 150 in one go! Must have been the Easter chocolate fuel! I seemed to break through the lactic acid barrier or something around 60-70 and took it one rep at a time after that which wasn't tha hard. I could have done more but I fgiured as I haven't worked up to this I'm probably in for a world of DOMS tomorrow already.

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My body is knackered. Pull day, took a right battering! I deadlifted 123.5 no problem, but then tried going for 125kg and only managed to get one rep out of it. Tried going for a second and I was worn out. Next time, I'll up the weight much quicker/forget about doing 123 and just go straight for 125.


Found a way to do T-bar rows at home, so going to incorporate those into the routine.

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Started new upper body exercises today (involving the bench thing, the proper name escapes me) today. Felt good and useful, although tomorrow I am going to wake up and be dead.


But hopefully at least tomorrow I'll remember to take a towel to the gym! Drying yourself with a facecloth is difficult.

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Started new upper body exercises today (involving the bench thing, the proper name escapes me) today. Felt good and useful, although tomorrow I am going to wake up and be dead.


But hopefully at least tomorrow I'll remember to take a towel to the gym! Drying yourself with a facecloth is difficult.


Haaahah. The bench thing? Awww. Bless you for trying. :p


I take it you mean a bench press? If not, then ENGLISH, PLEASE!

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Had my final testing yesterday. It was awesome, I saw a 10 % increase in every lift:

Squat: 110 kg to 127.5 kg (best progress)

Deadlift: 130 kg to 140 kg (I tried 142.5 but it just wouldn't budge even though the 140 went up right away with no real problem. I'm a bit disappointed here, I thought I'd be able to take 145 at least)

Clean: 80 kg to 87.5 kg (I tried 90 kg but I couldn't move under the bar fast enough for me to catch it. THe 87.5 was more of a power clean)

And I increased my broad jump from 249 cm to 258 cm! That's a nice increase.


I've really enjoyed this period with regular heavy lifting. I'm going to struggle to keep up with myself from now on as the bars at the gym are bad and they have no chalk.

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Liquid chalk is handy if your gym allows the use of it.



I was at the gym today, beating PRs again :heh: Got a 115kg deadlift (a massive 15kg more than my last PR) and I managed to hit my 50kg power clean and press... I had been trying and trying and trying for about 3 weeks to get it so that's pleased me more than the deadlift :D


My personal trainer was telling me that there was a local comp in Lisburn not that long ago and the winner in my category (female over 85kg) won deadlift with 107.5kg!! I'm gonna be a freakin machine if I can win minor comps with only 3 months serious training! :D

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Update from me!


I went to see PT again on Tuesday and was weighed in again. Well chuffed.


Lost 9 pounds total weight but gained 6 pound in muscle compared to the figures it given off in Feb! (the scales give muscle weight/body fat % etc etc :D So I am now 15.2 Stone.


So he has given me a new program to work on now. :)

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Good work, Team N-E.


Ine beat me in squash today. We played the day before yesterday, after pull day, and I was shiiit. Still just about managed to win. Played again today, I played about a hundred times better than I did before, and lost...this makes no sense.


Legs today. If I have the energy.

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Awesome work people, seems like everyone is kicking is kicking ass. :)


I'm probably gonna try some light deads again tomorrow, 60kg or so. I was a bit of a "touch and go" merchant in the past, my intention from now on is to respect every rep like a single no matter the weight.

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