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Hard story quests? Which ones? My Warlock has plenty of TTK quests to do so that might actually tick some of my boxes too! Pop me a message or so when you're on and wanna roll, I'm just at home this evening. I'll probably mic up for party chat this time too.


EDIT: Any takers for a 3rd man for the nightfall? No idea what strike it actually is. Rolled out a 310 Telesto yesterday though so looking forward to sticking that on my Warlock if I've got a decent substitute primary.


Ah i thought i had hard quests left but it looks like i don't. I just have 2 not hard but the patrol thing on Earth, i dunno what quests they'll lead to.

I've got: Blighted War The Taken War and The Taken War:Petra, both on Earth.

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Mayhem rumble is the only way to get Crucible kills for the sword quest without wanting to tear your hair out. It's hectic and no one cares that you're running around with an empty sword punching people to death. The fast respawn is also extremely helpful.

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I dunno, I found it pretty manageable in regular clash I think it was. If anything it was actually doing that which made me think a bit more about being too aggressive(thus dying and losing the heavy).

Question on the sword quest - do you have to specifically use the exact sword shaxx gives you or does it matter if you've transferred from another character?


Another question - the quest for someone where you have to kill 3 'high value target' patrols on each planet - there's no pre-rrquisitr to getting them right? Just RNG luck of the beacons? Me and Ninth were on the moon for aaaages last night and didn't get a single one, only managed to get one on Venus as well but I don't recall it being that hard to get/find them on my titan.


I'm available from right now haha. @Rummy and @Nintendo Fan Do you want a third man for the nightfall?


Thanks again for joining! I think I was going a bit too leeroy on occasion leading to my deaths, so apologies for that! The grandest irony is that after I did those 5 heroic strikes for the quest the NEXT step turned out to be do a nightfall. So now I need to do another one! -.-

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The moon and it's freakin beacons! @Rummy we spent what..about an hour+ on that. I mean we both had the quest for it so i don't know what's up with it. I had a look on the interwebs apparently we can keep abandoning missions from the beacons until we get the one we need.


Thanks @DriftKaiser for helping us out. I forget how hard things hurt in Nightfall 2-3 hits and dead! we did good tho, i spent most of my time in survival mode playing it safe haha. Dragon's Breath aoe effect is insane love it.

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Yeah I been thinking that since @Shorty. We were just very unfortunate I think - I went to Mars today to do something and managed to chance by two VIP patrol missions! Just madness we didn't see any on the moon or, other than the one, on Venus - I was checking all the beacon spots for the latter!


I'm off out in a few hours @Nintendo_Fan, but I still need those taken champions on earth if you are on and wanna run them at some point. Got my phone with me so a PS message will get me back to the console if I'm not on. Got another mission I'm struggling a bit on too though that's not a pressing thing(if you're cool to help).

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i'm just leveling up my hunter and the radar instead of the usual pie wedges the radar is in noticeable smaller sections making it more accurate on direction


Have they changed the radar or is it a hunter thing?


EDIT NVM its a nightstalker perk

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I think we probably skipped the challenge mode this week because we're all sick of 320 heavies and artifacts :p Plus warpriest can be a dick.


I played Trials on Monday and am still looking forward to it again this weekend. Next week I'll be up for another raid chasing some gear.


Bungie certainly seems to have given themselves a big break over Christmas.

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Alright ladies, you had a week off to rest your Touch of Malice trigger finger but now it's Golgy's challenge mode again, lets grab ourselves some more 320 armour


HM King's Fall, 3x Golgoroth, Wednesday, 7:30pm


1. Shorty

2. @Eddage

3. @Sheikah

4. @DriftKaiser

5. @MilaGi

6. @Zell


Reserve available in case Milagi's out!

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Raid reminder


HM King's Fall, 3x Golgoroth, Tonight, 7:30pm


1. Shorty

2. @Eddage

3. @Sheikah

4. @DriftKaiser

5. @MilaGi

6. @Zell


If you're around earlier try and have your gear and stuff ready to go :p


Also it would be pretty handy if we had this setup for the first run:


Hunters: Shorty, Meltigiblets

Warlocks: Eddage, Drift

Titans: Zell, Milagi


Then we can max out on tethers and bubbles each boss fight.

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