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Reggie - CNN interview


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So they have to show tech demos from one and a half years ago instead of footage from one of the 24 launch games to show off the Wii U features? That's really bad, no sorry, that's shameful. There's not 1 next gen looking game out of all of them. The Wii U is the first next gen console to launch without a single next gen looking game.

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Good lord...Reggie talks about much better graphical performance, yet they still show demos of Wii Sports miis? Also, is the WiiU even more powerful than the 360 or PS3? The comparisons of for example BO2 seems to indicate all but that...

Don't use ports that weren't designed for the system as evidence of the system's power. We need to focus on games built from ground-up for the Wii U in order to make that assessment

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I think Reggie was just correcting the lady interviewing him as she stated it was similar power-wise to the PS3/360. He made a snap decision to state how it's a more powerful system. Being interviewed like that, on the spot, creates moments like we just saw. If he was talking at E3 or to a game dev, he would never have given such as example.


Good interview to be honest. The Wii(U)Sport's footage from E3 2011 would drive viewers so was probably put in by the CNN editors to appeal to that audience.

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Don't use ports that weren't designed for the system as evidence of the system's power. We need to focus on games built from ground-up for the Wii U in order to make that assessment


One problem: there aren't any that are graphically impressive. Nor have any been announced.



I feel bad for Reggie, as he probably knows that Nintendo are messing up, but he has to obey the japanese bosses.

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So they have to show tech demos from one and a half years ago instead of footage from one of the 24 launch games to show off the Wii U features? That's really bad, no sorry, that's shameful. There's not 1 next gen looking game out of all of them. The Wii U is the first next gen console to launch without a single next gen looking game.


It's pretty good they didn't ask him about the file sizes of some of the games, he'd have been in really hot water then!


'Next gen' is a term that applies to timescales, not to graphical ability. The next generation of my family won't all be taller or stronger, they'll just be born after I was. The Wii was less powerful than the 360, but both were in the same generation!


They showed a few clips to get over the basics of what it can do. They were hardly going to do a 30 minute run down of the way every game uses the pad. When someone's invited to do a five minute slot on the news they don't expect to do an in-depth talk on something, it's about sound bites.


But it seems you're now an expert on media relations as well as file sizes!


For the record Reggie did well there. He's confident, clear, concise and authoritative. He took charge of the interview and ended up turning it into a commercial for the Wii U stating it was more powerful, was selling out and crucially getting over the fact that it's the new Nintendo console out in the shops.

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I'll happily admit I'm a Nintendo fanboy.


I'm not blinded by loyalty.


Your opinion is full of fail!


To quote someone annoying, "All you do is come here and post nonsense".


"The way you go on would lead people to believe someone in plumber's overalls and a red cap touched you up as a kid"!


Do you suffer much from lock-jaw?

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The Wii U is the first next gen console to launch without a single next gen looking game.


:hmm: Not sure how many people need to offer explanations, or how many articles, you, yourself no less, have to post on the very subject before you understand it?


Show me 1 next gen looking LAUNCH game please then?

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Well, let's twist it round and let you do the running for a change. Show us proof that the Wii U ISN'T, certified, undeniably, capable of N'th degree better graphics than launch titles!


You can't.


See now that why you should read what I say carefully. I said launch games and no more. We'll see what the future brings. As it stands though there aren't even any announced future games that look next gen.

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See now that why you should read what I say carefully. I said launch games and no more. We'll see what the future brings. As it stands though there aren't even any announced future games that look next gen.


In that case, you're being unreasonable and a little churlish about it. People have explained this to you. You were hoping for a difference answer it seems. Sorry no one can help you there.

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as launch titles go, there is nothing on release that looks better then anything already done on 360/PS3 and some dont look too hot @ all.


Nobody knows what we will see in the future but I for one wont be making bold predictions regarding the Wii U. That just sets you up to be disappointed.

Edited by khilafah
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Did Reggie just say that the 3rd party titles like COD look dramatically better on the Wii U?


For fuck sake, Nintendo's western front is going the way of their fanboys, picking a fight we all know they have no business in, graphics. You're fucking Nintendo, was it the graphical capabilities that saw you dominate both markets you compete in last generation? No it fucking wasn't, it was offering something that was a lot more attractive than the other consoles.


But no, fanboy retards being retards decided the Wii U needed to be big in all areas, sort of like "small penis" syndrome people display when they've lacked in an area for too long. WII U STRONG. Wii U turns out not to be so strong. BUT WII U BEAUTIFUL. Wii U graphics on par with previous generation consoles. BUT WII U DO WHAT OTHER CONSOLES DO AND BETTER. None of the versions released or planned seem to be the definitive version, except for BLOPS 2 for local multiplayer fans.


Unfortunately, Reggie seems to have caught himself up in it too. The whole idea and success story comes from being different.

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Did Reggie just say that the 3rd party titles like COD look dramatically better on the Wii U?


For fuck sake, Nintendo's western front is going the way of their fanboys, picking a fight we all know they have no business in, graphics. You're fucking Nintendo, was it the graphical capabilities that saw you dominate both markets you compete in last generation? No it fucking wasn't, it was offering something that was a lot more attractive than the other consoles.


But no, fanboy retards being retards decided the Wii U needed to be big in all areas, sort of like "small penis" syndrome people display when they've lacked in an area for too long. WII U STRONG. Wii U turns out not to be so strong. WII U BEAUTIFUL. Wii U graphics on par with previous generation consoles. WII U DO WHAT OTHER CONSOLES DO AND BETTER. None of the versions released or planned seem to be the definitive version, except for BLOPS 2 for local multiplayer fans.


Unfortunately, Reggie seems to have caught himself up in it too. The whole idea and success story comes from being different.


To be fair, Reggie did play this kinda crap when the Wii came out as well. And he was just as annoying.

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Did Reggie just say that the 3rd party titles like COD look dramatically better on the Wii U?


For fuck sake, Nintendo's western front is going the way of their fanboys, picking a fight we all know they have no business in, graphics. You're fucking Nintendo, was it the graphical capabilities that saw you dominate both markets you compete in last generation? No it fucking wasn't, it was offering something that was a lot more attractive than the other consoles.


But no, fanboy retards being retards decided the Wii U needed to be big in all areas, sort of like "small penis" syndrome people display when they've lacked in an area for too long. WII U STRONG. Wii U turns out not to be so strong. WII U BEAUTIFUL. Wii U graphics on par with previous generation consoles. WII U DO WHAT OTHER CONSOLES DO AND BETTER. None of the versions released or planned seem to be the definitive version, except for BLOPS 2 for local multiplayer fans.


Unfortunately, Reggie seems to have caught himself up in it too. The whole idea and success story comes from being different.

Calm down :p


It's not like he's going to say "Yeah it has framerate issues on ports", is it?

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Calm down :p


It's not like he's going to say "Yeah it has framerate issues on ports", is it?


Look who's talking haha, but seriously, it needed to be said. Nintendo's marketing and their fans have lost the plot this generation.


Well of course he's not going to say a negative, but he didn't need to exaggerate either. He should have done what the mission statement for the Wii was, state they're not in the race for who can have the best looking graphics, they're in the race for having the greatest games possible.

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Has this forum turned into N-EoGAF?


I think those that are enjoying the Wii U are enjoying it and everyone who is not, or who is yet to, has all of this spare energy that comes out as either hyper positive or very negative. We're all just feeling very impatient!


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Look who's talking haha, but seriously, it needed to be said. Nintendo's marketing and their fans have lost the plot this generation.


Well of course he's not going to say a negative, but he didn't need to exaggerate either. He should have done what the mission statement for the Wii was, state they're not in the race for who can have the best looking graphics, they're in the race for having the greatest games possible.

I completely disagree that they've lost the plot. They're trying to get stuff across but they're just constantly getting shit from people. Everyone is constantly going on about Nintendo dying so they have to make grandiose claims such as this.


Besides, it DOES look better on the Wii U over the 360 and PS3. It's not massively better, but it is better. It just has a lower, albeit still VERY passable frame rate at certain points.

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